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Re: Why does mass transit in the Heights suck so badly!?
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The Heights (and much of Hudson county) only got developed the way they did because of streetcars, and those all got ripped out a very long time ago.

There really needs to be a new light rail branch that splits at Shoprite, goes along the 6th street embankment, then up Newark Ave and Summit Ave the whole way up the Heights to union city.

Posted on: 2014/8/13 18:19

Re: MXYPLYZYK - retail store on Grove Street - CLOSED
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I wouldn't expect someone who thought it was a good idea to name their store something unpronounceable to be the type who could keep a store going in the long term.

Posted on: 2014/5/24 15:38

Re: Online gambling in JC
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If you're willing to gamble on online poker, you can probably afford to subscribe to a VPN.

Posted on: 2013/12/4 19:32

Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
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I've made several complaints about Manila and 8th over the past few years, and it seems crazy that there's all of these new stop signs but not one there. Maybe the JCPD doesn't want it for one reason or another...


DouglasReynholm wrote:
Still waiting for sign southbound on Manila at 8th Street, cars fly through to catch the green light at Manila and 6th Street.

Candice, check the accident report records over the previous 5 years. There is at least 1 accident per month, maybe more and it is a heavily traveled pedestrian area as folks are walking from PATH through the mall to Hamilton Park vice versa.

Come on now!

Posted on: 2013/12/4 19:28

Re: Safety on Manila Ave
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You're 4 blocks from the downtown precinct station there. Even if the section 8 folks there can at first seem a bit sketchy to whitebread suburban-raised people like me, they're harmless. Between proximity to the PATH, ShopRite, and the burgeoning downtown restaurant row, that is an excellent spot.

Posted on: 2013/11/21 14:43

Re: Smoking would be banned from Jersey City parks under councilman's plan
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This is simply a publicity grab. Jersey City has many public safety and quality of life issues, and this isn't one of the more important ones. Let the police focus on getting the drivers under control.

Posted on: 2013/9/24 16:04

Re: Investing in JSQ
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There's still lots of room for development downtown, both in new building and renovation of the existing housing stock. While this remains the case I wouldn't expect anything major to happen in JSQ. Doesn't mean it's not a good investment, but I wouldn't expect it to pay off in a big way anytime soon. Rough guess would be about 10 years for JSQ to start to see anything like actual gentrification. By the time it's obvious that gentrification is actually happening in JSQ, it'll be too late to make the kind of money you'd make if you got in now -- it's a bit of a dilemma.


gowa_goes wrote:
Hi, I'm a five year JC resident, part in JSQ, part in the Grove Street area. I'm interested in purchasing a 1-3 BR unit in JSQ, probably nearby St. Peter's as an investment. I'm curious of anyone's input - I'm new at this and need help: do you expect JSQ apartment rental and real-estate apartment value appreciate over the next several years riding on the coat-tails of Grove Street? How is real estate value now considering the economy? And how is the market for landlords looking to rent now?

Any and all help is much, much appreciated.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 21:17

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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I'm interested in a more detailed account of this call aside from "helpful and supportive". Did the Lieutenant admit that the officer was flat wrong?


arcy wrote:
There was no sign there. Just a crosswalk. We need signs like those in Jersey City though.

The Lieutenant just called me. He was very helpful and supportive.

Thanks for all your responses.

Posted on: 2013/8/21 0:28

Re: Goodbye National Cleaners
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Judging from the clothing styles that people are wearing in the signs in the store, that place has been there since at least the early 80's. Sad to see them go.

Some variant of murphy's law dictates that a artisanal cupcake shop or some other useless, poorly thought through crap will open in the location.


Noocharoni wrote:
Disappointed to learn that National Cleaners on Pavonia and Erie will be closing after next week. I guess it's not surprising to learn that their lease was not renewed. For what it's worth, the folks there are friendly, hardworking, and offered a convenient service for a reasonable price. The gentleman told me that at this point they have nowhere to re-open. I'm sorry to see them go.

Posted on: 2013/8/21 0:24

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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Well, that right there is very representative of everything that's wrong with the driving culture in Jersey City. That cop deserves a reprimand at the very least. I wouldn't be surprised if there's quite a bit of tension between the JCPD and the mayor's office / city council since the transition; perhaps this bad apple was using you as a punching bag to blow off steam.


arcy wrote:

I was just crossing the street on Manila and 2nd (8:50 something) and a police car was coming down the street (about a block away). So I assumed I have the right of way (I was two feet off the curb). Well, I walked across the street (going east), politely waved to the officer and after I crossed street the young officer stopped the car just gave me a lecture and said that automobiles have the right of way. He was angry. I politely said, "that was not my understanding but you're a police officer so I take your word for it." He continued to argue with me. I kept saying, "yes Officer." He told me that I was "obstructing traffic." He would not let the matter go. He threatened to give me a ticket. I apologized and said I must have misunderstood the law. I apologized and said I intentionally walked across the street since I saw it was a police car. When I told him this, he said I was "testing him." I said that was not my motive. He said something like I could get my legs cut off by cars and I need to give the cars the right of way.
When I told him that when I'm driving a vehicle, I always stop for pedestrians, he told me that I should have never got a license and that I'm blocking traffic. I said I thought the pedestrian had to be off the curb and then we would give them the right of way.
He stopped traffic for 5 minutes while giving me this lecture.
I googled NJ and pedestrian law. The pedestrians do have the right of way. And there is even a $200 penalty for violating the law.
The officer was wrong.
This is why we need "stop to pedestrians" signs at crosswalks, raised crosswalks, and enforcement for pedestrian safety.
I immediately contacted my councilperson, Candice Osborne. She got back to me right away. She also said that on Sunday, they drove around the neighborhood re: street safety. They will be presenting their proposals soon.

Posted on: 2013/8/20 15:11

Re: Boy hit by car at Hamilton Park
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Best thing would be to write an email to Candice Osborne. Fulop was very responsive when he was councilman, even if his hands were tied -- I pushed him to make 8th & Manila a two-way stop, and the city didn't want to do it, but things might be different now.

In calming traffic downtown, more interests are at stake than just the city. Direct or indirect, you're also probably dealing with pushback from NJtransit and whoever runs the turnpike extension (Port Authority?)


brewster wrote:
Unfortunately it involves much more, like traffic studies and state permissions. You can't just slam one up, even if you're the mayor, though I believe there's some "emergency" clauses.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
It's not hard at all, but involves doing more than bitching on a message board. Go to the respective NA, attend the meeting, voice your concern and follow up. That's how it gets done.


bodhipooh wrote:
How hard is it to put in STOP signs? Apparently, as hard as replacing damaged trash cans. In other words, almost impossible.

Posted on: 2013/8/19 20:00

Re: Shooting on Newark Ave - Miss Saigon parking lot?
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Jordan's has a fine line to walk between not admitting anyone who might cause a problem, and not admitting anyone.


RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
They kick people out of Zeppelin and Surf City early lest someone who buys a condo next to a bar hear noise, so I don't understand why they can't do the same for gunshots and violence.

It's my experience that cops like easier targets. Drunk 20 somethings are easier than people being violent.

Posted on: 2013/8/13 22:40

Re: Color printing in downtown
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Printing is expensive, especially in color.

Maybe try the FedEx store by exchange place? If your whole job isn't in color they will only charge the color rate for color pages.

Avoid the FedEx store in Hoboken; they hire incompetents. A worker there accidentally deleted the file with my print job off of my USB stick once.


kdodh wrote:
Can anyone suggest a place to make multiple color prints (like 50- to 100-copies) from a PDF file.

Staples charges about 60 cents, and Postnet near Grove St Path charges about 50 cents per full page color print.

Posted on: 2013/8/13 14:56

Re: Petition to close Jordan's Lounge
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Jordan's lounge has the most restrictive entry requirements of any bar downtown; IIRC the minimum age is 25 or 27 or something like that. It's not enough. Maybe the minimum age should be 50.


sepecat wrote:
IF they are doing something illegal, they deserve to be shut down. You can't shut down someone because they are a nuisance to you.


JCMan2013 wrote:
More police activity last night near Jordan's Lounge.

At 3am, we witnessed 2 ambulances, 1 police car.
The ambulance took someone away on a stretcher (not in a hurry), so either they were ok or completely not. The crowd was again very large and disturbing the peace.

This is the 3rd incident on this block since July 27. So while Fulop has locked up 111 people in JC, Downtown is witnessing more dangerous activity.

I will be looking into the process for petitioning to shutdown Jordan's Lounge. Please stay tuned for details soon.

Anyone with experience with JC City Hall, appreciate your support.

Concerned Downtown JC Family

Posted on: 2013/8/12 15:25

Re: Save the Food Trucks of Jersey City
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Maybe I'm cherrypicking a counterexample, but the taco truck isn't really cheaper than Ginfi or Taqueria. Price isn't necessarily the main advantage of the food trucks -- I'd argue that mobility and being able to offer a limited, focused menu (instead of trying to please everyone) are equally important.

If Brick and Mortar places are losing business to the trucks, it's at least as much about quality and convenience as it is about price, if not more.


fat-ass-bike wrote:
I like the idea of social justice, a sense of fair play, stopping bullies, preventing small businesses from collapsing, opportunists that create victims, parity etc.

I don't mind food trucks so long as they don't affect other businesses in the immediate area; The two groups have extremely different running costs, overheads and standards As I said before, I like the idea of a food truck association being developed for JC that buys land and sets-up a location off street - A food truck hub where they compete amongst themselves and if they can get clients to their location via marketing, goodwill and service more power to them. At the moment JC needs to control an unbalanced playing field as they have and done in many other cities across the US and abroad - At the moment brick and mortar establishments can't compete on price with their overheads and are firing staff and closing shop - Unregulated food trucks that operate wherever do cause or play a role directly or indirectly in is why some businesses close; it happens everyday.
How often do JClister whine about restaurants closing dt; The cause and effect is more then just one thing!

Food trucks could find a loop-hole by rents private car park spaces on ground level!

Posted on: 2013/8/9 16:16

Re: All the graffiti around town recently
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Looks like the same writing as the "god shit" person from the Jersey Ave LSP entrance a few years back. This person is a nuisance and needs to be off of the streets.

Posted on: 2013/8/9 15:46

Re: Shooting on Newark Ave - Miss Saigon parking lot?
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As far as I know, there is no bar downtown that creates as much violence and necessitates as much police activity as Jordan's lounge. There must be something different about it.

Posted on: 2013/8/9 15:41

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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A Trader Joe's, especially one that sells alcohol, would do incredibly well downtown -- TJ's doesn't need as much space as a typical supermarket and the discount prices are something that downtown residents would want to take advantage of. Whole Foods, on the other hand, needs more space and might find that its customer base is more limited.


owlie wrote:
I would like to see Fairway or Eataly or Whole Foods, or Trader Joe's. What is so wrong about having something finer than what is already here? Why does that offend so many people? When businesses come into a community they contribute taxes and make life easier for the people in the community who actually pay taxes. Businesses also hire people in their community. I see that as all good.

Posted on: 2013/8/7 17:45

Re: Newark rated most unfriendly city in the WORLD!
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I don't think the problems began with the riots. The riots happened because of preexisting cultural/economic/political problems.


Monroe wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
NJ gets 2 mentions on the world arena - Well done Christie, you're doing a hell of a job - We should look for help from countries and cities in India and Afghanistan for help that didn't get a mention!

Christie is responsible for the problems in Newark-that began in 1967 with the riots? lol

Addonizio, corrupt Democratic mayor 62-70
Gibson, corrupt Democratic mayor 70-86
James, corrupt Democratic mayor 86-06
Booker, mayor since 06

Yup, blame it on Christie, lol! Camden, too!

Posted on: 2013/8/7 15:46

Re: Save the Food Trucks of Jersey City
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One time I was visiting Portland OR, and some friends and I had dinner in a vacant lot that had been converted into a food truck food court -- basically a bunch of trucks parked around the perimeter with picnic benches in the middle. It was awesome. I don't see why Jersey City couldn't have the same thing

Posted on: 2013/8/6 21:43

Re: Storefronts on Newark Ave
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Newark between Grove st. and just past Erie st. could be turned into a pedestrian mall, with large outdoor seating areas for the restaurants on the block. If the city could purchase and demolish the Morlee's building, the intersection of Bay, Newark, and Erie could be turned into some sort of fountain garden plaza type thing to anchor the pedestrian mall. Not gonna happen anytime super soon but I think it would be cool if it happened someday.

Posted on: 2013/8/1 16:17

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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I'd still like a definitive yes or no from the JCPD on the legality of stoop drinking... I get the feeling they'd rather leave it wishy-washy so they can practice selective (i.e., discriminatory) enforcement.

Posted on: 2013/7/25 19:49

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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I think it's ambiguous as to whether "within" implies "within the confines of a dwelling" or "within property boundaries", and I can see how the police might use this ambiguity to justify harassing people on their stoops. Quote:
paulushooker wrote:

Looks like it's legal to drink on YOUR stoop:

Jersey City Municipal Code

§ 84-38. Definitions.

§ 84-38. Definitions.permanent link to this piece of content

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE - Any liquid intended for human consumption containing more than one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume.

PUBLIC PLACE - A place to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, including but not limited to any highway, street, road, sidewalk, parking area, shopping area, place of amusement, playground, park or beach located within the city, except that the definition of a "public place" shall not include those premises duly licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises or within their own private property.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:19

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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I've heard stories about people getting harassed and threatened with arrest for drinking on their stoops before. I think we need some clarification from mayor Fulop as to what the law is -- people need to know, either way.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:30

Re: Drivers and Crosswalks
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As I've said a dozen time on this board, writing tickets for traffic offenses in Jersey City should be like shooting fish in a barrel. For any cop sitting at a moderately busy intersection with a stop sign, at least one ticketable offense occurs per minute.

I really don't understand why the city doesn't use this as a giant bulging golden cash cow. Plug holes in the budget while making the streets safer at the same time.


jcpedestrian wrote:
and the hits keep coming ... 55.166167960121517&type=1

I can't fathom how this can keep happening without a proper response from those sworn to protect you. The Jersey City drivers are the most aggressive, dangerous and flippant I've come across. I've lived (and survived as a pedestrian!) in some of the biggest cities in the US and have never encountered such insane, unchecked driving. Jersey City is the worst, most hostile driving I've ever encountered. There's no defense for it and certainly no excuse for the lack of enforcement.

How many people have to die or be injured before the police do their jobs? How many hit and runs before JC drivers observe the rules so easily followed by the rest of the world?

This is disgusting.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 2:23

Re: Total Disregard for Peds by Drivers and Crosswalks
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This is actually an excellent idea. On everything aside from the main arterial streets (e.g., Marin, Columbus, Grand, Montgomery), the speed limit should be 20. I don't normally drive but I was driving this morning and you just can't go faster than 20 while paying enough attention to crosswalks and driveways and stop signs and parallel parkers.


o73o2 wrote:

And, those of us who (reside and) drive in Jersey City should perhaps heed a 15 mph or even a 10 mph speed limit ...

Posted on: 2013/6/29 16:25

Re: Questions for Great Dane owners
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No offense, but I think it's tragic that we created a breed of dog that only lives 7 years or so, not to mention how impractical they are. Lots of smart, excellent dogs and pups at shelters & rescues out there are just waiting to be adopted.


Johnny wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of getting a Great Dane - but would like to hear the opinion of the owners in JC. I've seen a lot of these dogs in downtown, so I know you're around.

Are they tough dogs to have in an apartment? Separation issues? Issues with the landlord?


Posted on: 2013/6/28 2:26

Re: Rats Jumping From Sinking Ship?
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Someone probably complained, and they probably removed the can -- problem solved, right? It's like a doctor shooting his patient in the face to cure an infection.


kdodh wrote:
There used to be a trash can at the corner of 8th and Manilla that's gone. What's up with that?

Posted on: 2013/6/26 14:55

Re: Drivers and Crosswalks
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I've had the exact same experience interacting with Fulop, and he's recently said he's going to try to change things specifically regarding traffic calming. There needs to be a stop sign at EVERY intersection along 8th st.

One issue that people here rarely talk about is the Washington Blvd crossing between Newport Mall and the PATH station. The light cycle is so skewed in favor of cars that aren't there that people pay almost no attention to it. Apparently the weird steel structure next to the station was intended to be part of a pedestrian bridge over Washington Blvd but of course it never got fully built.


mfadam wrote:
JC specifically has allowed the maniac driving culture that exists in town. They have not taken traffic calming or pedestrian safety even remotely seriously. I asked Fulop on and off over the years about lack of synchronized crosswalk signals, lack of Yield to Pedestrian signs, etc and he said the powers that be could care less. All they're focused on is getting the traffic in and out of JC as quickly as possible.

Now that he has more power, hopefully some meaningful change can occur. We as residents must demand a serious effort for pedestrian and bicycle safety. Why should we pay hefty taxes and allow commuters from the burbs to fly through our streets putting us all at risk?

Maybe that can be the legacy of this horrible accident that took the life of a very nice JC entrepreneur...

Posted on: 2013/6/25 20:04

Re: Mistaken Identity Causes Jersey City Man To Be Wrongfully Arrested For A Second Time
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Seriously, it's 2013 and they arrested the wrong guy twice? This guy deserves a payout big enough that he can retire now and send 3 kids to private colleges.


caj11 wrote:
Can we say - civil lawsuit?

Posted on: 2013/6/23 18:17

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