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Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2005/6/4 1:54
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This is beyond awful. In addition to serious employment consequences for misconduct, AC officer John should also be fined for letting an animal off-leash in a public park. He should also reimburse JC taxpayers for the cost of animal control working overtime to try and undo these criminal actions.

Hopefully Daisy found shelter from the snow.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 14:19

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2008/3/2 19:39
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I think the mass trapping plan is a good one. Good luck.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 14:05

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2008/10/21 23:17
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Has anyone contacted Arnold Diaz or the Jersey Journal yet?

Posted on: 2009/3/2 13:56

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2009/2/27 0:34
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are you kidding?

Arnold Diaz would salivate over this. he just needs people running from his camera crew and owners crying about lost pets and outraged neighbors saying they saw it happened - and the money shot: a wideangle view of reporter in foreground of a field with sweet young kids calling out "daisy, daisy" with Lady Liberty in the background? National pickup!

I was in the media for years, honey. This just needs the right spin. It's got local story with national heartstrings all over it. With enough moxie there's Today show, O'Rielly, Oprah and a book deal.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 12:30

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2004/2/18 20:20
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TV unforutnately needs good images so unless you can set up an undercover video of AC dumping the cats, this is not newsworthy to them.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 11:29

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2008/1/27 17:56
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OottaBahr wrote:
i'm telling you - Arnold Diaz would be ALL over this one.....

Arnold Diaz ignored my pleas to help during the HCSPCA debacle last year. Channel 9 gave the story good coverage, but none of the local networks have followed up on the missing 12,000 dollars or the fact that Hector Carbajales is still picking up animals in Union City. The Reporter and Jersey Journal also gave the story noteworthy coverage, but I'm afraid it's yesterday's news.

I gave the media additional information from the "inside" but no one cares about misappropriation of funds, creative bookkeeping, and dead pit bulls.

I hope that you're right about Arnold Diaz on this story.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 2:58

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2006/6/4 16:27
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this story still depresses me.

i'm concerned for Daisy.

this may sound silly, but have you tried bringing her food out to the park and calling her? cats often respond to the sound of their cat food being shaken in its bag, or being poured into it's bowl. if Daisy likes wet food, even the sound of you opening a can may bring her out of hiding.

i really hope she is back in your arms soon.

and i am joining the choir ....CALL ARMANDO DIAZ.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 2:57

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2009/2/27 0:34
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i'm telling you - Arnold Diaz would be ALL over this one.....

Posted on: 2009/3/2 1:20

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2009/1/6 19:19
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Most effective in bringing change to Animal Control is to demonstrate at their office in Journal Square. If enough people give up a couple of hours on a Saturday morning it will bring the press, maybe some media, and will shine a light on this inept agency. It's been going on too log.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 23:23

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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Legal counsel is being provided already.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 18:13

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2005/5/11 19:17
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I'd like to know when and under what circumstances John the animal control officer was hired.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 16:38

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2005/7/9 16:38
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This is a tough problem to crack.

Unfortunately a lot of the municipal jobs in cities of the Hudson County are controlled by the political machine, and some of them are given to losers, scumbags, and plain criminals, probably for bribes.

One should start with electing somebody from outside of the machine - for example Dan Levin. But even Mr. Levin's win would not assure that all scumbags like those from the Animal Control are fired. But that would be a first step of a long process.

More immediate steps should be a a civil lawsuit against Animal Control - perhaps there is a lawyer who could do it on a contingency or pro-bono basis. A criminal suit could also be a possibility.

Second, as somebody has already suggested, call Arnold Diaz and let him read this thread.

Because today it is Daisy the Cat who is the victim of city services, tomorrow it could be a grandmother who has Alzheimer's.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 16:27

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2004/2/18 20:20
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Companion Animal Trust is going to organize a mass trapping in Lincoln Park to recover cats that have been dumped there.

If you would like to help us or get involved, please contact us at



Posted on: 2009/3/1 16:25

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2008/1/27 17:56
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skepticalhook wrote:
Can you please post the name of the officer-i have been posting about Hector Carbajales-who stole $12K from the HCSPCA, left animals to rot at the building after he was arrested for abusing animals. To the best of my knowledge he is still an animal control officer and a scumbag.

Yes, he is a scumbag and negotiated a more lucrative contract with Union City. His case has been postponed several times as he "plays the system" again.

The ACO certification and training program needs to be scrapped as any yahoo can pay for classes and attain certification. The criteria should be as strict as it is for law enforcement and like other states and NYC, the officers do not manage or run a shelter like Hector and Zoe Carbajales do presently.

We cannot let what happened to poor Daisy go unanswered or unresolved, but if our municipal government's last performance is a measure for future action, nothing will be done without legal action.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 16:00

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2009/2/27 0:34
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Lessons today from JCList:

a: If you need a tree trimmed you should NOT call the Jersey City Department for Forestry (who you are supposed to call) because they do not know how to trim a tree and will merely cut it down.

b: If you find a stray cat that needs to be brought to an animal shelter you should NOT call the Jersey City Department for Animal Control (who you are supposed to call) because they do not know how to take a stray cat to an animal shelter and will merely dump it in a park in freezing weather and then lie about it.

c: If you need a Mayor to help reduce crime, improve quality of life and create jobs you should not call Mayor Healy because he should have never been voted mayor in the first place.

d: all of these people are in the wrong jobs and are paid for with our hard earned taxes. We are fools for allowing it.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 6:35

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2006/6/4 16:27
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this is such a sad story. i hope daisy is returned to you.

i can't believe that there are such misanthropic miscreants employed by our city...

Posted on: 2009/3/1 6:12

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2007/10/10 17:33
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shadrack wrote:

-Animal Control is taking this incident seriously and the officer who admitted to dumping the cat will receive disciplinary action.

-Morgan?s boyfriend took pictures of an ACO dumping yet another animal off in Lincoln Park while searching for her cat. This situation is also being investigated.

The ONLY acceptable outcome of this if for ALL of those involved, especially mr scumbag joe frank to be FIRED and permanently banned from public employment in jersey city. They should face criminal charges too, but I would be happy enough NEVER hearing about those scumbags again. There is no way that Mr Frank did not know about and encourage this.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 5:49

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2006/4/18 0:04
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sweets wrote:
So I am the neighbor who called animal control and feel AWFUL. We had no idea that it was anyone's cat - no collar and it wouldn't let us near it. We tried to give it food but it hid inside our house where we keep firewood (we have two front doors and it was in the area between them) and we couldn't get to it. Everytime my husband tried to get to it, it would hiss and claw at him. It then ran inside our house, ran up the stairs and jumped into our bathtub - we tried to feed it wet dog food, and it would eat it from the spoon and then go back to hissing at us. My husband tried to pick it up a few times, but wasn't able to get close to it. At this point, we didn't know what to do. It had been in our house for over 40 minutes and we weren't able to get to it, so I called animal control. When they came I gave them the leftover dog food to give to the cat on their way to the shelter - if I knew what they were going to do with this poor cat I would have NEVER called them.

I just spoke with our neighbor about this and have just called Joe Frank and spoke to him. I happened to take pictures of the animal contol van when it showed up (otherwise my boss would have never believed why I was 2 hours late to work) and will email it to him - even though I don't think that they will be much help. I also told him as a dog owner (thankfully my dogs were not home when the cat got in) I was appalled of what happened and that my husband and I would be more than happy to testify in court about this (he wanted to ensure that I wrote that in my email as well). I also spoke with the two animal control guys when they were at my house and remember exactly what they look like.

I also will be more than happy to talk to any media and help raise a stink about this - this is unacceptable behavior from people whose jobs are to protect and help animals. I just feel so awful for playing a part in what happened to Daisy and hope that she is found soon.

Sweets~ You did what all of us would have done, called Animal Control so they can transport the cat to the shelter. It is beyond any normal comprehension why this person took her across town to Lincoln Park. This is where the problems began...not with anything you did.

This is so outrageous, lets hope Daisy is found and sadly, it took this event to bring some major changes. so this can never happen again.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 3:04

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2007/6/29 20:54
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So I am the neighbor who called animal control and feel AWFUL. We had no idea that it was anyone's cat - no collar and it wouldn't let us near it. We tried to give it food but it hid inside our house where we keep firewood (we have two front doors and it was in the area between them) and we couldn't get to it. Everytime my husband tried to get to it, it would hiss and claw at him. It then ran inside our house, ran up the stairs and jumped into our bathtub - we tried to feed it wet dog food, and it would eat it from the spoon and then go back to hissing at us. My husband tried to pick it up a few times, but wasn't able to get close to it. At this point, we didn't know what to do. It had been in our house for over 40 minutes and we weren't able to get to it, so I called animal control. When they came I gave them the leftover dog food to give to the cat on their way to the shelter - if I knew what they were going to do with this poor cat I would have NEVER called them.

I just spoke with our neighbor about this and have just called Joe Frank and spoke to him. I happened to take pictures of the animal contol van when it showed up (otherwise my boss would have never believed why I was 2 hours late to work) and will email it to him - even though I don't think that they will be much help. I also told him as a dog owner (thankfully my dogs were not home when the cat got in) I was appalled of what happened and that my husband and I would be more than happy to testify in court about this (he wanted to ensure that I wrote that in my email as well). I also spoke with the two animal control guys when they were at my house and remember exactly what they look like.

I also will be more than happy to talk to any media and help raise a stink about this - this is unacceptable behavior from people whose jobs are to protect and help animals. I just feel so awful for playing a part in what happened to Daisy and hope that she is found soon.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 2:49

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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What area of Mercer St. would Daisy be near if she is not in the park? If she's in the park what area would that be? No doubt she is freaked and probably hunkered down somewhere. Unfortunately only the owners would have a good shot at luring her out of hiding. My cat loves everybody but when he got out a few years ago it took every effort to lure him out from under a neighbors porch. I would search areas near your home. Under stoops and cars etc. If she's near your home she probably didn't go far. Good Luck!

BTW: If you have seen Daisy, particularly in the Mercer Street area or in Lincoln Park, please call (646) 644-9701. -Ricardo Kaulessar

Posted on: 2009/3/1 2:42

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2008/5/25 7:44
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This is upsetting to say the least. My prayers will be with you and hopefully Daisy will be found and you will once again be reunited. Some very serious and severe action must be taken. What this Officer did is absolutely outrageous...

Posted on: 2009/3/1 2:32

A positive attitude brings strength, energy and initiative.

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

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2009/2/27 23:36
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THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out to express concern or offer support. I can only hope that this will not fade away, but shine a bright light on this system to make changes. ... _story_left_column&open=&

Posted on: 2009/3/1 2:24

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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shadrack wrote:

-Animal Control is taking this incident seriously and the officer who admitted to dumping the cat will receive disciplinary action.

I will make sure disciplinary action is taken. I will also make sure an official follow up happens on Monday morning.

If any other person is caught dumping a domestic cat on the city streets, isn't there a fine? Maybe even a charge of animal cruelty?

I think the ACO involved in this incident should lose his job and get charged with the above!

And if animal control doesn't get feral cats, then what is their purpose anyhow? So if I have a feral cat that is causing a problem, who do I call? Sounds like animal control has no idea why they are there.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 2:04
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2008/1/27 17:56
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cross posted from DogJC: A response from Mr. Fulop:

This situation is alarming to say the least and I want you to know I am taking this incident very seriously. My office found out about this event just this morning through Mary Ann, owner of the DOGJC yahoo group. We have been in contact throughout the day with the affected parties.

There seem to be two main issues here. One is that a cat (Daisy) was allegedly taken from her neighborhood and dropped off in Lincoln Park. The second is that there is suspicion that this is not an isolated event. Both of these statements are very damaging, so I will use alleged until the facts of the case can be officially verified with a proper investigation.

This is a very distressing situation for the owner who has lost her beloved pet and isn't even sure that she is being told where to properly look. My understanding is that many of you have offered to help her look for her cat in Lincoln Park. Having such a strong community to support each other is heartening and invaluable. I want to let you know that on my part I am doing everything I can to get to the bottom of this and make sure this situation never happens again.

Here are some of the points I would like to go over with you. This is only what I could verify.

-Althea, my aide, spent the morning going over the situation with ACO (Animal Control Officer) Joe Frank. He has her cell phone number and will be touching base periodically. He says he will be working through the weekend to try and find Daisy.

-ACO, Joe Frank claims the officer, John, admits to having dropped off the cat in Lincoln Park. This is not and has never been the procedure. The procedure is not to take feral cats and in the case of domestic cats, if taken, they would be brought one of two places. They would either be brought to the shelter if they appeared healthy or to the animal hospital if sick. This is not only about treating an animal humanely, but also protecting the health of the residents of Jersey City.

-Animal Control is taking this incident seriously and the officer who admitted to dumping the cat will receive disciplinary action.

-Morgan?s boyfriend took pictures of an ACO dumping yet another animal off in Lincoln Park while searching for her cat. This situation is also being investigated.

-Traps have been set in Lincoln Park to try and recapture the cat. So far another cat and an opossum have been caught. ACO Frank is working through the weekend to find the cat. The black and white cat captured is currently at the Liberty Animal Shelter if anyone is missing a cat fitting its description.

-ACO Frank feels that not only is this not protocol, but also common sense not to release a domestic cat in this way. On that note, our office has requested he go over procedures with his staff on Monday morning to ensure they know this is not acceptable and it never happens again.

In addition to Animal Control, our office is in contact with both Morgan and her aunt, Lorraine, who is a member of DOGJC. I will do my best to keep you updated as news comes in. I will make sure disciplinary action is taken. I will also make sure an official follow up happens on Monday morning.

Again, I am so sorry Morgan has to go through this. This is a nightmare for any pet owner. I will keep my fingers crossed that Daisy is returned safely and swiftly.

As always, please feel free to reach out to my office about this or any other concern you may have. (201) 547-5315.


Councilman Steven M. Fulop

Posted on: 2009/3/1 1:49

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

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2009/2/28 23:34
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I dealt with animal control for years "officer John" is John Ross Jr. whose current work partner is Aaron Jordan. John may claim that he has been doing this for years, but common sense should have told him and his partner that it is the wrong thing to do especially when it directly conflicts with State laws and policies. Their job is rescuing animals and bringing them to safe shelter not animal abandonment in the middle of nowhere.

Posted on: 2009/2/28 23:45

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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I'd also recommend calling Richard Thompson from Zootoo -- the company that is running the shelter makeover contest. He used to own Meow Mix and is a total cat fan. Maybe he can help get attention to this travesty.

It's disgusting and it deserves to be called out, whatever it takes.

Posted on: 2009/2/28 23:12

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fat-ass-bike wrote:
How much does it cost (fine) for an unregistered cat plus the cost to register a cat in JC ?
What do you mean by "registered cat"? A record of the animal from the vet or the microchips some owners put in? I bet most indoor animals aren't registered. What this woman's neighbor did by calling animal control was a scumbag move. I can justify calling them if you see a rabid squirrel or an opossum near your residence, but to do that to someone's pet is real low. She could have brought the cat to LHS and the owner would already have her back. If not the mainstream news channels, News12 NJ would definitely air this story.

Posted on: 2009/2/28 22:58

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2006/11/13 18:42
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How much does it cost (fine) for an unregistered cat plus the cost to register a cat in JC ?

Posted on: 2009/2/28 19:30
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Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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2007/6/20 16:54
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I think you need to do more than just post on this list. If that were my cat I would get in contact with newspapers, tv news etc. I would also be seeing a lawyer.

What happened to you and your cat is really, really outrageous and unacceptable, even for JC standards. Please do something so that something like this never happens again.

Posted on: 2009/2/28 19:24

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2006/11/13 18:42
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How many ex-felons are working in that department and this would appear that animal control are creating their own never ending work cycle !

Posted on: 2009/2/28 19:06
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