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Re: Muhammed Akil, All white people have a little Hilter in them
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Just can't stay away

This is so offensive. Sorry my taxes are paying his salary.

Posted on: 2014/10/7 16:43

Re: Funding Cut by $83,560 To Our Local Animal Shelter LHS
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Just can't stay away

I find it odd that the HHS department states that the shelter reduced its hours. As it is the only facility to take in strays for the City of Jersey City, I thought the place is available 24/7 to the Animal Control officers. If Animal Control picks up a stray dog at 1:00am they are supposed to take it to the shelter. They used to have a key to let themselves in. Has this changed? And why? And if so, where is Animal Control taking that stray dog at 1:00am in the morning now.

Please do not confuse any type of reduction of hours to the public for adoptions or volunteers to impact the funding. The City, IMO, could care less about that. All the City must fund and take care of is capturing strays and impounding them. So why are they really cutting funding?

Posted on: 2014/3/11 14:23

Re: Jersey City with six-figure salary claims residence in low-cost housing
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Just can't stay away

Good work Jersey Journal.

So now he's going to go live with his brother. I wouldn't call that committed to living in JC. Is your wife going to live there too?

I think the mileage on his car should be checked every day to see who is fooling who here.


terrencemcd wrote:
Jersey City with six-figure salary claims residence in low-cost housing

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

A Jersey City department director who earns a six-figure salary claims to live in College Towers, an apartment complex on the West Side that caters to low- and middle-income families.

Michael Razzoli, who runs the city Department of Public Works, says he resides in one of the co-op?s College Drive buildings. But an application to College Towers says a resident?s household income must not exceed $60,000.

Razzoli, whose name is misspelled on the apartment?s doorbell, makes $117,048 as the DPW director, in addition to a $65,085 annual pension as a retired firefighter.


Posted on: 2013/11/17 23:59

Diane Coleman, City Council, Ward F
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Just can't stay away

Wow three months in and look what Diane Coleman has plans or achieved for Ward F.


Posted on: 2013/9/30 23:44

Re: Who wants to protest Friday RE: booker in JC
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Just can't stay away

Is anyone who criticizes Fulop going to be tagged a Healy groupie? People better get used to hearing opinions good and bad about Fulop because he is not going to please everyone all the time. So let up on the Healy thing already for G*d sake.


caj11 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Stop by tomorrow and find out partner.

Are these remnants of the Healy regime that are going to protest? What is the problem with Corey Booker?

Posted on: 2013/9/19 23:40

Re: Who wants to protest Friday RE: booker in JC
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Just can't stay away

Such hubris for Fulop to bring Booker and Rahm to JC.

Posted on: 2013/9/19 12:14

Re: Council person Osborne presents Pedestrian plan
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Just can't stay away

I am curious how these changes get paid for. If Ward E gets these and not Ward C etc, does Ward E have its own special budget to pay for it? Shouldn't the City look at this as whole and not just one Ward?

Posted on: 2013/9/9 12:23

Televised City Council Meetings on FIOS
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Just can't stay away

Does anyone know when Jersey City TV runs the Council meetings on FIOS?

Posted on: 2013/9/3 13:47

Re: Jersey City council members question wisdom of city putting re-entry program at Hub
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Just can't stay away

How about in the strip mall where the A&P is in the Newport area. Just a short walk from the Lightrail.

Posted on: 2013/8/28 23:50

Re: First killing under the new administration.
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Just can't stay away

Welcome to Jersey City, the murder capital of New Jersey.

Posted on: 2013/8/8 12:14

Re: Man crossing Jersey City street struck and killed by off-duty Jersey City cop
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Just can't stay away

The article says:

"Following the April 19 accident, Spolizino, who is assigned to the city?s emergency services unit and makes a $93,590 salary, was issued summonses for speeding, careless driving, no vehicle inspection sticker and failure to wear a seat belt."

So he was issued summons as was the bus driver. Are you asking if these infractions are criminal offenses?


OneSkirt wrote:
The indictment has come down.

But here's the weird thing about this per a neighbor of mine, with which I agree.


Why is he NOT indicted for Speeding, Reckless Driving AND Manslaughter?

Contrast this with the speed with which the authorities acted after the accident that killed the infant. It was announced by the same sheriff's department that is responsible for the same county street, the very same day, that the jitney driver

"Idowu Daramola, 48, of New York, is being issued summonses for reckless driving and for using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle, but he is being booked on the criminal offense of death by auto, a crime carrying a possible prison term of five to 10 years upon conviction, Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari told The Jersey Journal."

Posted on: 2013/8/7 19:23

Re: Former Gov. McGreevey to head Jersey City jobs commission
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Just can't stay away

To SOS. Who cares about you or what you think. I care and know that this transition has been handled unprofessionally and with prejudice.

You are being insulting and defensive. I am a non political taxpayer who has the freedom to voice fact and opinion here and in any other legal forum.


SOS wrote:

JCNewJersey wrote:
What the hell is going on? In addition to McGreevey, the internal City shakeup resembles nothing but Marshall Law. People are being abused left and right and ripped from their jobs and replaced by unqualified Fulop campaign workers. The assumption by Fulop cronies is that anyone under Healy is tarnished and has no merit or value. What is happening now is so reprehensible I am thoroughly disgusted.

Please provide details and name names, or I'll assume that you're an incompetent patronage hack on the losing end of the stick.

Posted on: 2013/8/2 15:26

Re: Former Gov. McGreevey to head Jersey City jobs commission
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Just can't stay away

What the hell is going on? In addition to McGreevey, the internal City shakeup resembles nothing but Marshall Law. People are being abused left and right and ripped from their jobs and replaced by unqualified Fulop campaign workers. The assumption by Fulop cronies is that anyone under Healy is tarnished and has no merit or value. What is happening now is so reprehensible I am thoroughly disgusted.

Op-Ed: Didn't Fulop run against corruption?

The Jersey Journal By The Jersey Journal
on August 01, 2013 at 10:18 AM, updated August 01, 2013 at 3:56 PM


As an openly gay man and active member of the Jersey City community, I am deeply disturbed by Mayor Steven Fulop's announcement that former governor Jim McGreevey will lead the Jersey City Employment & Training Commission. Though I support the administration's ambitions for the commission, I respectfully disagree with its choice of appointee and feel strongly that McGreevey's historic lack of integrity should disqualify him from working in our city, especially now when we seemed poised to shake the aura of corruption that has dominated for so long.

In 2004, McGreevey used his confession "I am a gay American" as a grand distraction from his disgraceful conduct, which included bribery, cover-ups, and abuse of power. Entrusted with the highest office in the state, McGreevey squandered that trust and damaged the state Democratic party (as well as the cause of marriage equality in New Jersey).

McGreevey's sin was no mere sex scandal. Nor was it giving and taking bribes in the classic sense.

Rather, what stung the most was the sheer dishonesty and disingenuousness of his confession. At that famous press conference with his wife standing at his side and the world watching, McGreevey threw the entire gay community under the bus and blamed his misconduct on the injustices of life in the closet. He cast himself as the victim, and later wrote a vain "tell all" book ("The Confession") to profit from his story. Of course, it was McGreevey's personal ambition and lust for power that led him astray and not his sexual preference.

In light of the Supreme Court's recent decision on the Defense of Marriage Act and the dozens of entertainers and public figures who have come out in the last decade, it would be difficult to argue McGreevey's actions caused any lasting harm to the LGBT movement or public perceptions of gay people.

Yet, McGreevey's confession in 2004 came at the height of an anti-gay backlash that culminated in bans on same-sex marriage being passed in 11 states that November. McGreevey's scandal compounded this setback for our community. His resignation and the lost Corzine years caused New Jersey to forfeit any leadership role on marriage equality nationally. To date, our state remains saddled with second-class civil unions.

McGreevey was also among the first public figures (and surely the first chief executive of a state) to come out. Unfortunately, the ugly circumstances made it a shameful moment for the gay community. As gay writer Eric Marcus told the New York Times, "Here is a man who chose to hide who he was, came out under pressure because he had engaged in an adulterous affair, had given his romantic partner a government job. It's not exactly a moment I think anybody who has been involved in the gay rights movement can take pride in." As a young gay man from New Jersey who had only recently come out myself, I was mortified and ashamed.

Given the depths to which McGreevey sank, the public should expect more than a rose-colored HBO documentary and a few years in Episcopal ministry (a religious calling that apparently has been trumped by the calling of the public spotlight) before returning any of the keys of government to him.

I would have hoped Mayor Fulop's administration would be more circumspect. After all, Team Fulop campaigned in large part on the public corruption of the Healy administration. In the final weeks of the campaign, my neighbors and I came home to piles of mailers featuring pictures of a googly-eyed Mayor Healy under surveillance by the FBI. The previous administration was rotten, we were told.

And yet, the new administration mysteriously asks us to place confidence in McGreevey, someone who took the notion of public corruption to new heights and had the gall to name being gay as the cause.

Though Mayor Fulop asks us to judge McGreevey on his performance, it will be very difficult for me to separate the performance from the man.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Peter Basso is a Jersey City Heights resident who serves on various boards of nonprofit community civic organizations. He also ran unsuccessfully for an Assembly 33rd District seat in the 2013 Democratic Party primary.

? 2013 All rights reserved.

Posted on: 2013/8/2 12:17

Re: First killing under the new administration.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

This person was shot dead across from my home. Now it is getting personal and I feel sick to my stomach. You would too.

Posted on: 2013/7/21 0:33

Re: Jersey City council set to approve 8 percent tax hike
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Just can't stay away

What is with all these raises? People are taking huge job cuts in the private sector just to be employed and the City is giving out raises like this! Shameful.

Posted on: 2013/7/10 0:21

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2012/10/23 23:15

Re: Liberty Humane Animal Control dumps ducks in park
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Just can't stay away

The cat was left suffering in the street for 12 hours after being hit by a car. The Liberty Animal Control officer NEVER showed up. It was a good samaritan that finally took the cat to a vet where it was humanely euthanized.

The animal control officer's name is Calvin. Why is he still employed by Liberty Humane? Why is he not terminated for breach of duty?

Can anyone from LHS answer this question?

Posted on: 2011/8/7 20:50

Re: Liberty Humane Animal Control dumps ducks in park
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Just can't stay away

The law requires that Animal Control Services are provided 24/7.

During off hours they are to provide the following no exceptions.

They respond to on Holidays, Weekends, Furloughs and Overnight (11pm to 8am) are:

< Calls and complaints from the public concerning lost, stray, injured, animals in distress, suspect rabid wild, domestic animals and vicious dogs.

< Capture: of any stray domestic animals, as well as wild animal rabies vectors (i.e., raccoons, skunks, groundhog, foxes, and bats) threatening the safety and health of residents.

Note: Response to and capture of nuisance wildlife that are not threatening humans (i.e., healthy appearing raccoons in garbage cans, squirrels in attics, etc.) are NOT considered necessary services for municipal animal control to provide."

In basic terms:

< Any animal (domestic or wildlife) that is injured or sick or in distress.

< Any stray dog

< Any animal (domestic or wildlife) that poses a threat to the public

< Any wildlife (not mice or rats) that is in a living quarters.

< Any dead dog, cat or wildlife (no mice or rats)

Not required but Animal Control responds

< If a call comes from a constituent and it's regarding their pet in distress we will let the Animal Control Officer determine if he/she will respond.


stupidseven wrote:
I am more worried that the city is wasting tax money on saving ducks!

Unless of course the city plans on crating them, force feeding them, and then selling their liver to off set the city budget.

That is the only reason the city should be involved with ducks!!

Posted on: 2011/7/29 11:19

Re: Liberty Humane Animal Control dumps ducks in park
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Just can't stay away

The samaritan was in contact with the City animal control office the next day. The City has all the trip sheets, time accounts and voice recordings.

There is no doubt at all it was 12 hours before the Liberty officer responded.

Posted on: 2011/7/27 19:36

Re: Liberty Humane Animal Control dumps ducks in park
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Just can't stay away

In both cases, injured cat and ducks, it was a LHS animal control officer involved and not a City animal control officer. Samaritans can verify that.

To address a comment about agenda. The only agenda is the humane and legal management of animals. Right now it is clear that Liberty has done neither.

Posted on: 2011/7/27 14:28

Liberty Humane Animal Control dumps ducks in park
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Just can't stay away

A Liberty Humane animal control officer dumped two young domestic ducklings in a park near Bayonne this week. A good samaritan witnessed what happened and contacted Jersey City animal control about it. We learned that the animal control officer was told to go back to the park and retrieve the ducks which he did.

These were domestic young ducklings that would not have survived outdoors not to mention being abused by anyone who tried.

Another report of LIberty Animal Control not responding to a cat hit by a car near the Powerhouse. The cat was suffering terribly so another good samaritan stepped up and took the cat to a vet. Liberty Animal control responded 12 hours after the initial call.

This is not acceptable for our animals. Two years ago those that were screaming about Daisy the cat being dumped in Lincoln Park are now runing Liberty Humane. How much other suffering is occuring both in the shelter and on our streets that we don't know about? We would like an investsigation into both these incidences.

Please contact your council person and let them know we want better.

Posted on: 2011/7/27 11:55

Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
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Just can't stay away

I would file a complaint in Municipal Court. I would also set up a meeting with the Police Captain of your ward and get his/her attention on this matter.

Posted on: 2011/6/20 15:09

Re: Stray Cat attacks toddler in Hamilton Park playground.
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Just can't stay away

Joke right?

Posted on: 2011/4/1 16:45

Animal Advocates File Lawsuit Against Liberty Humane Society
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2010/11/29 1:41

Re: The Entire Board of Liberty Humane Society Just Resigned...
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Just can't stay away

I think what Nathan is saying is that adoptions should be number one priority to increase save rates. If Nevada can get 1000 animals adopted in a month why can't Liberty who is located in the shadow of the largest city in the US.

The problem is that,as other shelters do, Liberty does not try hard enough and relies on killing the overflow of animals. And he is right.

Word is that Niki Dawson does not know anything about getting animals adopted. All she does is call upon other shelters and rescues to take animals. That and adoptions and foster homes will increase save rates.

Liberty needs to set a GOAL for adoptions each month! Business 101. It has to triple its efforts.

Posted on: 2010/9/12 12:28

Re: The Entire Board of Liberty Humane Society Just Resigned...
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Just can't stay away


The Butcher Who Cried ?Hoarder?
September 6, 2010

Ingrid Newkirk is the Butcher of Norfolk. The whereabouts of this little dog are unknown. If his fate is anything like 97% of the animals PETA seeks out every year, his lifeless body is in PETA?s freezer.

Attention: Dog and cat killers. Ingrid Newkirk of PETA would like to protect you, shield you, promote you, and defend you. There is only one criterion: call yourself an animal shelter. It doesn?t matter if you kill in the face of readily available lifesaving alternatives. Why should it? They do the same, every single day.

It doesn?t matter if you neglect and abuse them before you kill them. It doesn?t matter if you don?t feed them, it doesn?t matter if you allow puppies to drown in drains, and it doesn?t even matter if you beat them to death. PETA will champion your cause.

They will write letters to the editor for you. They will write Op Ed pieces for you. They will attack anyone who criticizes you. They will threaten lawsuits. Whatever it takes. Because as long as you are needlessly killing animals and as long as you are claiming you have no choice but to do so because of ?pet overpopulation,? you are providing Newkirk a valuable service. You are giving her political cover for her own dark impulses, which results in PETA seeking out and killing thousands of defenseless animals every year.

The latest salvo from the Butcher of Norfolk is an Op Ed piece in The Jersey Journal, in response to protests by animal lovers in that community, where she comes to the defense of the Liberty Humane Society?s (LHS) recent killing of animals. The Butcher cites Niki Dawson, the interim director at LHS, who stated that she arrived to find the shelter ?abysmal, horrendous, shocking, horrifying? It?s difficult to put into words what it?s like to see 99 dogs crammed into a facility built to comfortably house only 50. What it?s like to witness 274 cats in a building meant for only 80. Perhaps the best description is a word we in this field know only so well: HOARDER.?

Dawson should know; she was accused of the same thing when she was forced out of Camden County?s shelter as the director. In fact, her successors used the same tactic in order to justify the killing of hundreds of animals there after she left. Dawson had more than the claimed capacity at Camden County, and the ?excess? were simply executed. But the Dawson who was trying to save animals in Camden knew something that the one who was hired to kill them in Jersey City appears to have conveniently forgotten: it is not the number of animals in the facility per se, but the quality of their care.

The fact that a shelter was built for 50 dogs but has 99 means little if the dogs are kept clean, well-cared for, and socialized. And even if you were to accept her statement at face value, even if it was all true, LHS did not have to resort to the extreme, unethical, and cruel option of killing that the Butcher implies is the only logical recourse. They could have cleaned the cages they claimed were filthy. They could have socialized and fostered the animals they claimed were going crazy. They could have adopted out the ones they claimed were being warehoused. Dawson and I had an e-mail exchange over the numbers of animals at LHS. And in addition to sample flyers and promotions and a guide to increasing adoptions, I sent her the following on August 14:

While I see you have been reaching out to the rescue community, you need to reach out to the public. You are across the river from an adoption market of 8 million people, and Liberty?s surrounding suburbs are a good market for animals, and in that context, [finding homes for] less than 50 dogs and 200 cats is very doable. Keep in mind that in a community of 400,000 people, the [Nevada Humane Society is] adopting out 1,000 animals a month in Reno. The key is to reach out to the public in a positive, engaging way without the hoarder language you?ve been using to get the rescue community?s attention. There is no reason why you could not move the ?excess? animals quickly through a positive marketing and adoption promotion, utilizing adoption venues in the shelter, throughout the community, and even, if need be, across the river. I am enclosing a packet of information which I hope will help. It includes adoption promotion ideas, marketing ideas, and more. It will come in two separate e-mails because of the size and amount of information.

Also, keep in mind that shelters can comfortably exceed capacity of design, as long as they do it smartly. There are over 500 animals on any given day at the NHS though the facility was not ?built? to house that many but even veterinary critics who thought a shelter should not exceed design capacity changed their minds after visiting for themselves. As long as the animals are clean, well cared for, and socialized regularly, it?s not an issue. Most shelters, including all government agencies, have moved away from engineering standards toward performance standards. You can talk to Sue Cosby at the PSPCA how she comfortable housed animals in the garage, which was not built for animal holding, during a flu epidemic in the shelter so she did not have to kill. Again, the key is to use performance standards for animal well being.

You can literally see New York City, the largest City in the U.S. and a prime adoption market, from Liberty Park in Jersey City. That is eight million people on top of the 600,000 in Jersey City and Hudson County to appeal to for the adoption of 250 animals. They could have adopted all of them and more in a single weekend. But that is not what they chose to do. I went on Liberty Humane Society?s website today. They haven?t had an adoption promotion event since June, during the last administration. The next one is not until September 18, over one month after I suggested it. Feeble efforts lead to feeble results. But I guess it is just easier to scream ?hoarder,? blame the past administration, and kill the animals. Just like Dawson?s successors in Camden County did to her.

The irony, of course, is that had anyone been protesting the Camden massacre, the Butcher would have condemned Dawson as a hoarder and come to their defense. But these are just facts. And, like I said, the Butcher is not going to let them get in the way of a sensationalist story. So what does the Butcher do? Lies to the readers of The Jersey Journal by suggesting homes are not available; that there are ?far more dogs and cats than there are homes. Millions more.? To prove this, the Butcher of Norfolk does not offer statistics or data. She doesn?t even offer any analysis. How could she? It is, in fact, not true.

There are about 3,000,000 dogs and cats being killed because shelters do a lousy job at adoptions. In fact, some shelters don?t do any adoptions. Every year, however, over 21 million people are looking to bring home a new companion animal in the U.S., a number which is growing every year. Where will that new dog (or cat) come from? Some are already committed to adopting from shelters and they will do so. Others will go to a pet store, breeder, or other commercial-type source. But roughly 17 million people have not decided where their new pet will come from and studies show they have a positive view of shelters, are open to adopting from shelters, and can be convinced to do so. These are the people shelters need to reach to successfully adopt more animals to them. Even if roughly 80% of those people got a dog or cat from somewhere other than a shelter, we could still zero out the killing.

The problem is not a lack of homes, the problem is that the shelters the Butcher champions find killing easier than doing what is necessary to stop it. They simply refuse to innovate, modernize, and emulate the state-of-the-art sheltering protocols that progressive shelters have followed in order to revamp their adoption programs. Why? Because doing so takes dedication and effort, when it is so much easier to exploit the boogeyman of ?hoarding? and use it to attack those who want to end the killing.

Never mind that the average length of stay for animals at the open admission animal control shelter I ran in New York was only eight days and that no animal ever celebrated an anniversary there. Never mind that the average length of stay at the open admission No Kill Nevada Humane Society, which adopts out 10,000 a year, is 14 days, or about a vacation-level stay for a dog in a boarding kennel. Are we really going to accept that these animals would be better off dead?

But, once again, don?t worry about the facts. They just get in the way. After all, the Butcher says, ?PETA ran an ad pleading for homes for 28 cats. Three people responded.? First of all, this never happened. It is made up. If PETA is saying that despite $30,000,000 in revenues, millions of animal-loving members (who falsely believe that PETA is an animal rights organization), and a powerhouse media reach, they could not find homes for 28 cats, we have no choice but to dismiss such a claim as an absurdity and a lie. There are countless examples of shelters emptying their facilities by adoption when they reached out for help. And they do not have PETA?s media savvy, millions of supporters, and unlimited resources.

There is no doubt that the facility in Liberty is run down. There is no doubt that it is need of significant capitalization. The animal holding spaces are inadequate and the shelter is in disrepair. That is the byproduct of the ?catch and kill? paradigm that does not value animals. The No Kill movement has redefined not just sheltering, but the actual physical shelters themselves. The No Kill movement has created facilities that eliminate stainless steel cages and chain link kennels. These new shelters are the physical manifestation of the right to life and quality care ethic embodied in the No Kill philosophy.

Who really cares about the animals?

But despite the infrastructure challenges at LHS, they are not responsible for the recent spate of killings. Nor can the dirty shelter be blamed. All of that could have been addressed without the needle. It is a little something I like to call ?cleaning.? And a little something else I like to call ?adoption.? It means marketing your animals, not just once every three months as LHS is doing, but every weekend, every day, to the millions of people who surround you and love animals. You know, those Americans who spend $50 billion a year on their companion animals, who miss work when they get sick, who keep pictures of them in their wallets. The very people the Butcher accuses of being irresponsible and uncaring, even though they send her organization $30,000,000 a year in donations, falsely believing that she will use that money to save animals, not kill them herself and promote their killing by others.

Once again, it is so much easier to lie. To falsely claim, as the Butcher does, that most pounds in this country are good places, where animals receive loving care, and that the No Kill movement is a threat to these wonderful institutions. As the thousands of dedicated activists nationwide working to reform their community?s abusive, medieval shelters can attest, the reality is that ?shelters? across the countries are not just needlessly killing; they are neglecting and abusing animals before they put them to death.

We have inherited a paradigm of neglect and killing, of built in excuses that have allowed governments to underfund their shelters, that have allowed wealthy humane societies to kill animals while hoarding the millions of dollars given by animal lovers to care for the animals, that have allowed cities like Houston, the fourth largest in the U.S., to appoint people who score the lowest on city aptitude tests to the animal shelter and then allow them to keep working even when they beat dogs to death (a shelter PETA has openly defended). And in fact, the so-called ?professionals? who work there are not only lazy and inept, they are ignorant of basic protocols: of how to clean and disinfect, of how to keep animals moving efficiently through the system and into loving, new homes, of how to keep them healthy. Even if they did know, many of them wouldn?t care. But the reality is that they do not know, because teaching them and then holding them accountable to those protocols are not a priority for uncaring government bureaucrats and were never a priority for the large national organizations which are supposed to provide oversight, but do not. Instead, they just legitimize the poor care and killing, by blaming the ?irresponsible public? and ?pet overpopulation.?

And PETA never says a word. Never complains. Doesn?t hold them accountable. In fact, when they do comment, it is to defend these facilities. It is only when someone takes over that kind of shelter and tries to end the killing that the Butcher stands up and says, ?Look, the facility is dirty. No Kill is to blame.? Her conclusion: ?Municipalities need to stand firm.? They need to continue killing in the face of alternatives. They need to keep passing punitive laws that are not funded, that cause poor people to relinquish their animals, that cause killing to increase wherever they are passed. Because, in her warped, deluded, twisted way of thinking, the movement to end killing, to provide better care, to build more humane shelters, is the problem. And it is easy to see why she wants people to think so.

If the No Kill movement succeeds, and the killing of animals is no longer legitimized by blaming the public and overpopulation; if, in fact, it is no longer done, then her own killing of thousands of animals every year loses its political cover. It will be universally regarded as the needless slaughter it really is, and the sickening manifestation of a deeply disturbed individual. And how will she ever get away with it then?

Posted on: 2010/9/10 22:12

Re: The Entire Board of Liberty Humane Society Just Resigned...
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Just can't stay away ... olicy_works_all_over.html

'No-kill' policy works all over: letter
Published: Friday, September 10, 2010, 6:01 AM
Letters to the Editor/The Jersey Journal

Journal file photoUtah's Best Friends Animal Society says "no kill" works in animal shelters nationwide.

Ingrid Newkirk's article conflating no-kill with hoarding is a tired recitation of PETA's long-standing opposition to progressive sheltering, as well as community-wide "No More Homeless Pets" movements that have brought municipal shelters and the rescue community together to save lives.

PETA's Orwellian doctrine that killing is kindness merely gives cover to regressive policies and practices that are part of the very forgettable and unfortunate past of animal sheltering. Ending the killing of homeless pets has nothing to do with magic, or hoarding, and everything to do with the systematic reversal of the decades-old acceptance of killing as a "necessary evil" and the complacent practices that it breeds.

In fact, the views of PETA simply are not part of the future of animal sheltering.
Ending the killing of homeless pets is a community undertaking that is not only doable, but is one that already has met with significant success. The entire state of New Hampshire is no-kill. Calgary, Alberta, a city only slightly smaller than Dallas, Texas, is no-kill. Reno, Nev., is no-kill, as are dozens of smaller communities across the country. In the State of Utah, shelter killing has been reduced by more than 40 percent through the implementation of no more homeless pets programs and policies, with about half a dozen individual Utah cities already in the no-kill column.

Even New York City is on a targeted track to become no-kill by 2015.

Rather than stand firm against the tide of the "No More Homeless Pets" movement, municipalities should explore progressive policies that involve the entire community to save lives by ending the needless killing of shelter animals.


? 2010 All rights reserved.

Posted on: 2010/9/10 22:07

Re: The Entire Board of Liberty Humane Society Just Resigned...
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2010/8/18 15:43

Re: The Entire Board of Liberty Humane Society Just Resigned...
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Just can't stay away

Hudson County has many cities that contract with Associated Humane Society in Newark. It along with the HCSPCA was a focus of the NJ State Commission of Investigation several years back. Where has the savior HAA been on that one since December 2007? It was only written up last year in the press showing despicable conditions which caused Hoboken to contract with LHS this year.


HAAMember wrote:
Purplepuppy says:
Waite a minute first you tell Greenville in the above post that you ?respect his right to anonymity, even if I do not respect his decision to hide behind it.? And now you are persuading me to expose myself. Well can you make up your mind? If you respect my right than you shouldn?t be trying to persuade me in doing something that I have a right to do. I didn't want to get in it with HAA but apparently you have been getting in it with me so here it goes. Where was HAA all of these years when LHS were failing state and local inspections? Did HAA take any proactive measures to help LHS in time of needed? Nope! Did HAA do like they did against the SPCA Nope! It took an entire board to resigned before HAA came back to life. I don't blame Joanna for the problems I blame HAA because they didn't step in and do their job as they promise to do in their Mission Statement. HAA could have and should have stepped in years ago and now HAA wants all of the glory. Could you please post HAA mission statement here? I bet that the other readers on this site would like to read it. Thank you and have a nice night.

What is the inconsistency? If I do not respect your decision why would I not argue for you to reveal yourself? Just because I think you have the right to be a coward does not mean I won't call you a coward - and boy did you just step in it.

Where was HAA? Ask the last three Boards, ALL of whom will tell you that yes, HAA did take proactive measures to try to help them. The idea that you, who diligently avoids having to take any responsibility for his own actions or even talk with any member of the animal advocacy community in the area, would actually claim to know what action we did or didn't take is comical.

We have met with the manager and/or executive director of LHS regularly for YEARS to discuss conditions at the shelter. Maintaining a shelter is extremely difficult work. The difference between LHS and SPCA was simple. LHS was actually trying to do it, and was constantly making improvements that those very inspections you point to show. In fact, they actually got a "clean bill", rare for even the best of shelters, just before the Board and ED switch last year. In contrast the SPCA was a criminal enterprise that could not produce a Board nor financial records, stole money, and abused animals. Of course you know all this, but hide behind an alias so as to not have to face the simple reality that for years YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED IT and did nothing. The only reason there needs to be an HAA is because of people like you who care more about preserving their own status quo than what their work is supposed to mean.

In it for the glory? What glory? I have been taunted like we were back in Junior High School. I have been called a joke not once but twice, another of our Board Members has been called an animal killer not once, but twice. There is no glory in this line of work. The fact that you think there can be says more about you than it does HAA.

Our mission is as it has always been, to be a voice for Animals by trying to facilitate the humans who are responsible for them working together constructively rather than destructively. The real question, given your history, is what is YOUR mission, other than covering your own ass?

One final thing, HAA did not "come back to life". We never went away. If you actually cared enough to show up at City Council meetings where Animal Control Issues were being discussed you would have seen us. Or if you paid attention to what was happening with Animal Control in the areas adjacent to Jersey City, which would be a reasonable expectation, you would know that even after the SPCA was shut down the person behind it continued to behave criminally in both North Bergen and Union City. HAA continued both legal and political action to stop him right through until the end - just a few months ago, when the AG finally dissolved the SPCA and the State DHSS finally revoked Hector Carbajales' Animal Control Certification.

Posted on: 2010/8/2 1:42

Re: Statement from Hudson Animal Advocates on situation at Liberty Humane Society
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

It is widely known in animal welfare that HAA is shell corp that is doing nothing but inflame. It has a board member that left LHS a year ago in disgrace with a record of killing 2000 animals while employed there. Now that board member wants to look like a hero and a no kill advocate. Give us a break. Animal welfare people think HAA is a joke and does more damage than good. Even the lawyer representing HAA in the hcspca case feels that way. Just ask her.

Posted on: 2010/7/24 12:14

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