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Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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MelissaSurach wrote:
I like the way the statue looks against the skyline and I don't think it's offensive. Why do you?

Because it's way too obvious, and easily in the kitsch, not art, territory. Most of those murdered by a bullet in the back of the head in Katyn were intellectuals, and a primitive and literal statue to them is an intellectual abomination. In my opinion of course. If you like it, by all means, knock yourself out.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 20:11

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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MelissaSurach wrote:
My family connections notwithstanding, I like the way the statue looks against the skyline and I don't think it's offensive. Why do you? Because you don't like it?

What I do think is offensive is the way you just called everyone associated with the statue an idiot and a hack. You're making yourself sound like an a-hole.

An a-hole is an incompetent government which forces their vision of a kitschy monument on others, no matter how pathetic it is. I don't blame the creators, because they are clueless, anyway.

Examples: The Katyn Monument, The Proposed 9/11 Monument at LSP, The Tsereteli Vagina.

All within a few miles from each other.


I think not.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 19:59

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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Melissa - your family connections notwithstanding, this monument is a horrible, artistically-offensive kitsch.

It is an artistic affront to the victims of Katyn, as much as the Bayonne Crying Vagina by Tsereteli is an artistic affront to the 9/11 victims.

Unfortunately, Jersey City has always been by run by backwater idiots, and they allowed this atrocity to be erected.

Here's a problem, in a nutshell: the Polish community in Jersey City rallied, many years ago, for a worthy cause of erecting a monument to Katyn, in a middle of a flat wasteland fronting the Hudson River. There were hardly any buildings there at the time. They presented a design by an artistic hack because there were no talented Polish sculptors in the US at the time.

End of story.

Having said that, I say - suck it up, bitches. This monument fits very very well with the dysfunction that has been, and very much is, Jersey City.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 18:00

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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ninasdogwalk wrote:
How do you know this? In any event I am happy that if what you say is indeed true, I am glad that what Animal Control may have been doing for a long time has finally come to light...

I was just kidding...

But I do think that the owner owes this forum a little essay on how Daisy was lost and found.

Unless she is holding out the scoop for an upcoming book...

Posted on: 2009/3/5 2:06

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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jennymayla wrote:
YAY Daisy! So who found her?

Daisy was actually hiding in the owner's attic the whole time.

The brouhaha is about a different cat.

Posted on: 2009/3/5 1:42

Re: living well in a bad economy
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Cook at home.

It can be a fun activity and brings the family together.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 17:58

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
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This is a tough problem to crack.

Unfortunately a lot of the municipal jobs in cities of the Hudson County are controlled by the political machine, and some of them are given to losers, scumbags, and plain criminals, probably for bribes.

One should start with electing somebody from outside of the machine - for example Dan Levin. But even Mr. Levin's win would not assure that all scumbags like those from the Animal Control are fired. But that would be a first step of a long process.

More immediate steps should be a a civil lawsuit against Animal Control - perhaps there is a lawyer who could do it on a contingency or pro-bono basis. A criminal suit could also be a possibility.

Second, as somebody has already suggested, call Arnold Diaz and let him read this thread.

Because today it is Daisy the Cat who is the victim of city services, tomorrow it could be a grandmother who has Alzheimer's.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 16:27

Re: Top 10 Beer lists: In anticipation of Zeppelin Hall (beer garden)
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clunkified wrote:
Put a good K?lsch on tap and I'd be a happy camper.

Where can you get good K?lsch on tap around here?

The last one I had was in K?ln long time ago.

Good beer.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 3:46

Re: Top 10 Beer lists: In anticipation of Zeppelin Hall (beer garden)
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No love for India Pale Ale in this thread so far?

I like it - very hoppy, some might call it bitter, but I like it that way.

Triumph Brewery in Princeton brews a mean IPA that they serve on tap. Other than that, several boutique microbreweries make good bottled IPA. The only one I don't care for is the Sierra Nevada one.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 2:49

Re: Fulop to face new challenge in Ward E
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There is no downside to good schools.

They give the kids good education, reduce crime and improve property values.

I think any civic movement to improve schools is worthy of our vigorous support.

The hell with paved streets, I'd drive on potholes if I knew that the schools in JC are good.


Posted on: 2009/2/15 16:42

Re: Enforcement of anti-smoking laws in JC
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Thanks, Charon.

As I expected, the State of New Jersey leaves the enforcement of this law to business owners.

Putting them at risk of dealing with potentially violent customers, and losing income.

All bark and no bite, New Jersey.

Posted on: 2009/2/14 16:09

Enforcement of anti-smoking laws in JC
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So how does the illustrious State of New Jersey enforce its own anti-smoking laws?

There is an a-hole in my neighborhood who shops in a local deli while smoking a cigar.

Every friggin time. Blatantly. Stinks the joint up. Does not care.

The shopkeeper chokes on the fumes, but what is she supposed to do, kick the customer out in this economy?

So my question to the group is - who enforces the state anti-smoking law in Jersey City?

State troopers? Local cops? Who?

Because the next time I see this guy in the deli, I am going to tell him that if he does not take his stogie outside immediately, I am calling... well... whom?

Posted on: 2009/2/14 15:08

Re: NYTimes predicts Top Bank Executives soon to be crowding PATH train every morning at Journal Squ
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JoeAuxiliary wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
Typical idiotic NYT article.

What they should be writing about is what Mr Immelt of GE already said - it will be impossible to attract good CEO talent at $500K salary.

This is not an easy job, as Chuck Prince of Citigroup has demonstrated.

I think that it was a knee-jerk, ultimately dumb, and populist move by Obama and its downside will be much bigger than the short-lived spike in approval ratings, which *clearly* motivated Obama.

The top talent will go run hedge funds or will find well-paid jobs abroad, and the US banks, which need talented leadership now more than ever, will have an even tougher time attracting it.

Yeah, it's gonna be a real shame when all that top tier talent that ran these companies into the ground gets out of the banking industry where they can't gamble with "normal" people's money anymore.

Good riddance.

Forgive me, JoeAuxiliary, but I would rather agree with CEO of GE and Carly Fiorina on that issue, not you.

Whether you like it or not, top talent will not take the $500K salary.

The folks who ran banking into the ground were not top talent. Not Chuck Prince at Citigroup, not the crooks at Merrill. Good riddance to them, of course.

The system needs a reform and regulation (and it's coming, believe me), but limiting the salary to $500K is counterproductive.

Scores Bama some points with the dumb folks, though.

Posted on: 2009/2/8 23:56

Re: NYTimes predicts Top Bank Executives soon to be crowding PATH train every morning at Journal Squ
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Typical idiotic NYT article.

What they should be writing about is what Mr Immelt of GE already said - it will be impossible to attract good CEO talent at $500K salary.

This is not an easy job, as Chuck Prince of Citigroup has demonstrated.

I think that it was a knee-jerk, ultimately dumb, and populist move by Obama and its downside will be much bigger than the short-lived spike in approval ratings, which *clearly* motivated Obama.

The top talent will go run hedge funds or will find well-paid jobs abroad, and the US banks, which need talented leadership now more than ever, will have an even tougher time attracting it.

Posted on: 2009/2/8 22:28

Re: Jersey City Graffiti artist KAWS on CBS Sunday Morning today
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stc4blues wrote: sea kaws
That's the one, stc4blues.

Posted on: 2009/2/8 18:08

Re: Jersey City Graffiti artist KAWS on CBS Sunday Morning today
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His huge tag SEA KAWS has been visible for about 15 years now on the old warehouse next to the old Coliseum club as you approach the Holland Tunnel form the Turnpike.

Who would have thunk that we have another Banksy?

Posted on: 2009/2/8 14:58

Re: Prominent Journal Square Developer on client list of accused swindler Bernard Madoff
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What is unbelievable and criminal is that the SEC had a whistleblower telling them for 10 years about the Madoff scam.

They did nothing.

They knew about the Wall Street risky bets on RE - they did nothing.

I just overheard a manager at my work saying on the phone that US needs a good revolution, and it should not be bloodless, either.

Posted on: 2009/2/7 14:40

Re: Healy unveils mayoral slate ("In Ward E...Guy Catrillo, a Republican ")
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So which Healy opponent will run under Change and Hope slogan?

I am taking bets right now.

Posted on: 2009/2/7 14:35

Re: INS taking Illegal Immigrants on Journal Square
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JerseyGirl1 wrote:
Maybe jersey city officials should concentrate more on the real legal residents/citizens who are selling drugs downtown, robbing people on the street, robbing businesses, or beating up innocent people. There are a lot of those worthless people who although maybe citizens, should be the ones kicked out.

Wow, I am not sure what to make of that statement.

1. CIS agents are not "jersey city officials"; they are US Government agents enforcing federal immigration laws.

2. Are you advocating deporting US citizens who are also criminals? And if so, to which country? Please tell.

Posted on: 2009/2/7 0:37

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
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Vigilante wrote:

You are forgetting the most important one. Chemical dependency.

Chemical dependency is a stupid term.

Substance abuse is much better.

Posted on: 2009/2/7 0:30

Re: INS taking Illegal Immigrants on Journal Square
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I'd think the CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Service, not INS) need a probable cause to raid a business.

But it is certainly within their rights.

BTW - if the economy continues its downward spiral, legal residents and citizens will be grateful to have the jobs these illegals now hold.

The public pressure to deport illegals will be unbelievable.

Posted on: 2009/2/5 20:02

Re: finds New York area homes lost $130B in value from 2007 to 2008 - is now the time to
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renter-gloaters, meet owner Schadenfreude!

All is possible in the NEW, post-capitalist world.

Posted on: 2009/2/4 3:51

Re: finds New York area homes lost $130B in value from 2007 to 2008 - is now the time to
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brewster wrote:

NewHeights wrote:

I dont believe we will se 10x downtown or hoboken areas (I could be wrong) but definitely will in the heights and JSQ and it already exists in Greenville.

I still kick myself when I drive by downtown properties we passed on or lowballed in 99. A 4 family on 4th & Monmouth for $335k. OUCH!! Our 2nd purchase was in 04 in the Heights and was a 10x. I'm going to be looking in the Heights and Lincoln Park when the time is right, assuming the banks aren't off their rockers still. Our loans are with Pamrapo, who like Hudson Savings, holds their own paper and didn't take the kool-aid.

Listen to brewster, kids.

Posted on: 2009/2/4 3:13

Re: finds New York area homes lost $130B in value from 2007 to 2008 - is now the time to buy?
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VanVorster wrote:
and as to your last post, here's something we finally agree on. Cheers.

VV - I recall that we already agreed on a couple of things before.


Posted on: 2009/2/3 22:53

Re: finds New York area homes lost $130B in value from 2007 to 2008 - is now the time to buy?
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VV, if you're referring to brewster's post, you need to know that he (she) is a landlord renting out multiple apartments.

Brewster knows what he (she) is talking about regarding real estate.

Having said that, if the prices go to below 10x multiple monthly rent, it will be a bloodbath (not that it won't happen - I think it actually will). The above correction will mean that the RE prices in JC will have declined by about 70% from the peak of the bubble.

At that point I would rather worry about maintaining social order, food supply, heat, and public safety - you know, the essentials.

Posted on: 2009/2/3 20:47

Re: Hoboken will be just a walk away
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If boken will be broke, then JC is going to be what it was when I came here, in 1981.

Full circle, baby.

Get yer bulletproof vests out...


Posted on: 2009/2/1 19:04

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
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Vigilante wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
If Mr. Parikh had a right to keep a loaded .45 under his counter, he could have blown this punk's head off.

At least he would have a chance to do so, depending on the situation and his inclination.

But because NJ gun laws favor the criminal, all Mr. Parikh had at his disposal during the robbery was his courage and his pride.

That is no match against a thug with no conscience and a nine milla in his hand.

I blame the pathetic, corrupt, and totalitarian State of New Jersey for Mr. Parikh's loss of life.

These are sobering numbers. ... 7+11-Jun-2008+PRN20080611

Crime guns and gun deaths by the numbers

Rank of states with most and least crime guns traced to in-state gun dealers
and recovered in other states, and total number of crime guns traced to
in-state gun dealers and recovered in other states, in 2007:

Georgia - #1 - 2,631 crime guns
Florida - #2 - 2,328 crime guns
Texas - #3 - 2,281 crime guns

New Jersey - #48 - 35 crime guns
Rhode Island - #49 - 12 crime guns
Hawaii - #50 - 0 crime guns

Percent of 2007 crime guns recovered in-state sold by in-state gun dealers:

Georgia - 75.8%
Florida - 78.2%
Texas - 80.7%

Percent of 2007 crime guns recovered in-state sold by out-of-state gun

New Jersey - 72.1%
Rhode Island - 46.1%
Hawaii - 54.7%

Gun death rate, per 100,000 population:

Georgia - 11.7 gun deaths
Florida - 10.3 gun deaths
Texas - 10.9 gun deaths

New Jersey - 5.0 gun deaths
Rhode Island - 3.6 gun deaths
Hawaii - 2.2 gun deaths

Vig - it depends on to whom you would give the guns. I bet that Georgia, Florida, and Texas are pretty lax with who gets the permit, hence the statistics.

In NJ, I'd give guns to those without a criminal record who can legitimately prove that they need them to protect their lives or property, and bodega owners should certainly qualify.

If the punks knew that the owner may be packing, they'd think twice about robbing him.

That is different than giving permits to every Tom, Dick and Harry.

Posted on: 2009/1/29 18:10

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
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If Mr. Parikh had a right to keep a loaded .45 under his counter, he could have blown this punk's head off.

At least he would have a chance to do so, depending on the situation and his inclination.

But because NJ gun laws favor the criminal, all Mr. Parikh had at his disposal during the robbery was his courage and his pride.

That is no match against a thug with no conscience and a nine milla in his hand.

I blame the pathetic, corrupt, and totalitarian State of New Jersey for Mr. Parikh's loss of life.

Posted on: 2009/1/29 5:48

Re: Barack Obama for President
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BrightMoment wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:

BrightMoment wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:

Eight years?

Are you going to lock that prediction in, BM?

Is your crystal ball so clear that you can predict the next eight years?

I certainly can't predict anything anymore past a few weeks, but be my guest on your 8 year prediction.

No, I have only "HOPE" that Obama will be there for 8 yrs. to affect the CHANGE that is a new beginning!

BM, you old commie - you've been waiting all your life for this - now is your chance.

Let's see how it unfolds.

Yes, let's see! I think today begins a new beginning for our country and for the world.

Dow down 4% today, to help celebrate this "new beginning".

Posted on: 2009/1/20 21:03

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philasurfer wrote:
Similar to that pilot Obama is steering the Country, which is facing seemingly insurmountable challenges as if he were flying with no engines and no where to land. Hopefully Obama can defy the odds and steer the Country in for a soft landing. At the very least it will be refreshing to see the results of competence in Washington.

If these are the odds, I don't like them.

The pilot is a former fighter pilot, with more than 20 years experience flying commercial aircraft and running a flight safety business. In addition to these credentials, he was really lucky that he could make the turns, with no power, to skillfully ditch the plane.

Don't be comparing Obama, with his near-zero experience in running anything, to this pilot.


Posted on: 2009/1/18 18:24

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