Re: Some parent's what are you thinking!!!!!
Home away from home
Yes thank god because now you won't have 3-year olds peeing in the park, but 20-something year old drunken frat boys peeing on the sidewalk, the stoop, and the front door. Oh yeah, it's so about time. Vindication, it's 2225 hours, I think it is time for your regularly scheduled peeing.
Posted on: 2012/7/18 2:25
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Lets Rally To Keep Police Presence Down Here Since Police Office Is Moving From Erie Street
Home away from home
I really don't know what you are looking to do. We are not losing the district building and we are not losing any police officers. Despite what you heard the HQ building never served as a deterrent to crime. Any real criminal knows that. If you want to do something proactive, join the neighborhood watch. If you want an increase in police presence or force, be ready to pay for it through even higher taxes, because as it stands you're not going to get it. I grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in NYC crimewise, and believe you me, the level of crime in JC just doesn't seem to compare. I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything about it, but we do live in a city and crime isn't at all that bad. I'll couch that with I haven't looked at the stats lately so I don't know if it is a real or apparent increase in crime, but it still beats growing up in East New York.
Posted on: 2012/7/11 0:54
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Lets Rally To Keep Police Presence Down Here Since Police Office Is Moving From Erie Street
Home away from home
You have to be kidding me. Two stations in one district within 10 blocks of each other? Even NYC doesn't have their stations that close to each other. Check that. I don't think any city in the world has stations that close to each other.
Posted on: 2012/7/11 0:02
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Lets Rally To Keep Police Presence Down Here Since Police Office Is Moving From Erie Street
Home away from home
If you're going to rally the troops for a cause, you need to get all your facts and details correct. That includes that major details and facts as well as the little ones. If you can't do that, you can't expect people to take you seriously.
Posted on: 2012/7/9 22:14
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Red light traffic camera
Home away from home
Generally speaking, the yellow light is supposed to remain yellow 1 second for every 10 mph in the speed limit.
Posted on: 2012/7/8 22:04
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Lets Rally To Keep Police Presence Down Here Since Police Office Is Moving From Erie Street
Home away from home
It is not a precinct. It is police headquarters. And JCPD does not have precincts, it has districts. Along the lines of "already having break ins", crime is nothing new to the neighborhood. There have always been break-ins and will continue to be break-ins. You make it sound as if crime has never existed in DTJC.
Posted on: 2012/7/8 21:53
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Good-bye Jersey City and JCList
Home away from home
I just wanted to send out a public good bye to Jersey City and all my fellow JCListers.
Today we picked up the last of our belongings and drove away from our home of eight years (to the day by sheer coincidence). Jersey City has been good to us and it was very difficult to leave our friends and neighborhood. Unfortunately, the cons outweighed the pros for us. I've had many a good discussion here on JCList and will probably be checking in to see what is going on and get my dose of good old JCList old timer and newcomer snarkiness. I wish all my fellow JCListers the best. Keep this city moving in the positive and forward direction it is moving. To Parkman - I've said it before and I'll say it again. You and your staff of volunteers do a great job in VVP. Keep it up. To Steve Fulop - Good luck. You are the change that this city needs. To all those fighting the pipeline and development on the embankment - Keep it up. I can only hope for the best. And to everyone else, again, good luck and the best to you all. (now how do I change my name to ex-JC_DowntownRegular ?)
Posted on: 2012/7/1 21:17
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Moving - How do I reserve parking outside my apt?
Home away from home
You need to buy a minimum of two (2) signs. I picked up four signs yesterday for our move out.
They only take money order or credit card ($5 service fee for credit card). The signs need to be put up 48 hours before the time you need those spots. Do not park your own vehicles in those spaces as the JCPA only allows moving vehicles to be parked in those spots (unless of course you are using your own vehicles for the move). The signs need to be removed when you are done or the JCPA will fine you. You can put your signs above my signs.
Posted on: 2012/6/28 15:46
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: PHOTOS: The Polish community center is a blight on 6th Street
Home away from home
I was looking at the OP's first sentence where he wrote "to blight". Regardless, the OP can't write.
Posted on: 2012/6/20 23:26
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: PHOTOS: The Polish community center is a blight on 6th Street
Home away from home
Not that I agree with the OP, but blight (blt) n. 1. a. Any of numerous plant diseases resulting in sudden conspicuous wilting and dying of affected parts, especially young, growing tissues. b. The condition or causative agent, such as a bacterium, fungus, or virus, that results in blight. 2. An extremely adverse environmental condition, such as air pollution. 3. Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impedes progress and prosperity. v. blight?ed, blight?ing, blights 1. To cause (a plant, for example) to undergo blight. 2. To have a deleterious effect on; ruin. See Synonyms at blast. v.intr. To suffer blight.
Posted on: 2012/6/20 23:09
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Outrageously Noisy Neighbors on Third Street
Home away from home
Hehehe. Please tell me they had a midget band too.
Posted on: 2012/6/20 23:06
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Helicopters over the Hudson
Home away from home
Yes because all those rich people are taking all those tours up and down the river. Rich people have their own helicopters!
Posted on: 2012/6/18 4:09
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Autonomous Incinerator Authority hasn't been paying its trash bills, Jersey City Council told
Home away from home
Parkman, you summed it up right there. It is that lack of intelligence that has led to poor decisions being made by the city council, and in turn is one of the many reasons we are leaving JC in less than 2 weeks. I commend people like you that do your part to help where they can. You've done a great job in VVP and we will miss it dearly. And I commend Fulop for being the lone voice of reason many times. Good luck Steve. You've done a good job and I know it is always a tough uphill struggle with the current administration. We've been here for 8 years and thought when we moved here, like many people moving in now, that JC had potential. I fear if things don't change JC will never live up to it's potential and will forever remain a bedroom community to those not wanting to live in NYC. JC has improved somewhat over the last 8 years, and from what I've heard and read it is far better than what it was prior to our arrival, but the city keeps making one poor decision after another at the expense of taxpayers, and honestly, it's disheartening, disgusting, and embarrassing. Many times I don't even think it is lack of intelligence but more of a complete disregard and contempt for the constituents probably to solidify some backdoor handshake deal that lines the pockets of all the players while taking out of the pockets of taxpayers. I think most of the time the council is laughing on its way to the bank. I guess the only good thing I can say about JC is that at least we're not as corrupt as New Orleans or Chicago (but maybe not by that much).
Posted on: 2012/6/18 4:01
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: PHOTOS: The Polish community center is a blight on 6th Street
Home away from home
+10000 Quote:
I'm pretty sure it was a pine and either a Japanese black pine or pitch pine by its habit. Really jim, do you have nothing better to do than complain about what landscaping measures someone takes on their OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY?!?!? {still in a snarky mood}
Posted on: 2012/6/18 3:37
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Helicopters over the Hudson
Home away from home
I almost fell off of my seat laughing. A warzone? Really, nuyorkster? I'm amazed you haven't complained about the B-17 flying up and down the river. I really don't know how to answer your "how do they expect us to live question? Have they taken away some sort of inalienable human or civil right? Has your home been taken away? Have they taken away all your food and clothes or your ability to obtain the same? Is it really that much more noise than the bustling city you live in with a quarter million people, car horns, loud music playing and sirens? And your "read point number three". Really. It's called maintaining airspace. OMG it's alittle closer to us than the center line. Last I check, the helicopters were flying over the river and not your house. Maybe you forget that we live next to one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. Don't expect the serenity of the countryside if you can't hack living in a city. (And really, NU-yorker? Is that like NU metal less the umlaut?) And yes I'm being snarky, but I really don't care for once.
Posted on: 2012/6/17 15:55
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Space Shuttle Enterprise in Jersey City today Monday, June 4th
Home away from home
Most people don't realize the Hudson is actually an estuary up to about Troy, NY.
Posted on: 2012/6/5 0:59
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Toxic air in Jersey City
Home away from home
The winds have been generally out of the west at Harrison since 7 AM. Sometimes they have been more NW and sometimes more SW, but generally west.
We drove by the Wheldon plant about an hour ago and detected a hint of the odor.
Posted on: 2012/6/2 20:13
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Toxic air in Jersey City
Home away from home
And look at that a NW wind from Harrison and at LSC.
Posted on: 2012/6/1 1:09
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Toxic air in Jersey City
Home away from home
Winds were out of the north and northwest this morning at 3-10 mph per hour. If the Wheldon plant is the source, that would put any plume that is released at the site drifting towards the Pulaski Skyway around Raymond Boulevard at that time.
Posted on: 2012/5/31 18:12
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Toxic air in Jersey City
Home away from home
Over the last couple of days, on and off, I have noticed what seems to be an odor similar to an electrical fire. I haven't taken much note of it. As I was driving along I-280 today, I detected the same smell near the the Weldon Materials Plant in Harrison/Kearny. This would require a WNW wind. It could be coincidence, or it could be the same thing.
Over the last 5 days this is when the wind has been blowing out of the W or NW recorded at the LSC and Harrison (C1099/HSNN4) weather stations May 26 LSC 11 AM W 8 mph Harrison 8 AM W 3 mph 10-11 AM W 3-6 mph 4PM-5PM W 3-7 mph 8 PM W 1mph 10 PM W 3 mph May 27 LSC No occurrence Harrison 6AM-7AM W, NW 1-2 mph 3 PM W 3mph May 28 LSC 6AM-8AM NW 1-4 mph Harrison 7AM-9AM W, NW 1-3 mph 12PM NW 1 mph May 29 LSC 7AM-9AM W, NW 1-8 mph 11 PM NW 4 mph Harrison 7AM W 3 mph 3 PM W 3 mph 5 PM W 6 mph 7PM-8PM W, NW 8 mph 10PM-11PM NW, W 1-3 mph May 30 LSC 12AM NW 2 mph 5 AM W 1 mph 8AM-10AM W, NW 1-2 mph Harrison 3AM-6AM W 1-4 mph 7PM W 2 mph I suggest that if you do smell whatever odor it is, note the time and direction of the wind.
Posted on: 2012/5/31 2:30
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Promoting tourism in NJ: NYC Bus Tours, Statue of Liberty, Verrazano Bridge and Metrocards
Home away from home
I don't work for NJ Parks. Quote:
You have gone from tour buses to general tourism. I agree, some of the greatest views of NYC are from NJ. However, it is not enough to merit the creation of a tour bus route which is what you are suggesting. You have yet to tell me what route the tour bus will take to these historic sites. All you have offered so far is a hotel shuttle bus concept. Don't send me to a website which has been in my favorites for years. I am asking you to put some thought behind your so called tour bus route. I am sorry, but if you only consider the pros of some concept and refuse to look at the cons, you aren't fully recognizing the potential success or failure of a concept. Traffic is a problem. What routes would you have them take? Your solution was to have a couple of tour buses in the early morning or late evening. Again the cost of such an operation versus the revenue generated does not make it a profitable venture. And even a couple of buses at the wrong time of day along the wrong streets will draw ire from the residents. To be profitable, there would need to be a greater inflow of tourists requiring additional buses. Additional buses equals more traffic. A better question, would tourists even want to sit on a bus through JC looking at sites. Quote:
I'm not jaded. I'm a pragmatist. If you would rather have public employees just spending your tax dollars to test their theories and ideas without recognizing, or better yet, ignoring hurdles and issues that may arise, then you don't understand the responsibilities of public employees. I won't address your last comment as it does nothing to add to the discussion.
Posted on: 2012/5/23 2:10
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Anyone successfully rid themselves of these pesky little ants?
Home away from home
Put cinnamon across their points of entry and it keeps them out. I put down cinnamon 8 years ago and have never had any ant problems since.
Posted on: 2012/5/22 0:08
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Promoting tourism in NJ: NYC Bus Tours, Statue of Liberty, Verrazano Bridge and Metrocards
Home away from home
Yes, parks and also yes, from my point of view. Quote:
That is in the end NYC's job, to keep the money there. You have yet to tell me what incentives Jersey City has. What New Jersey sites are you talking about? The only thing left of the waterfront is LSP. Is there another waterfront area? It's not worth any tour bus operators time to operate a tour with one stop. Where else would you suggest the tour bus stops? You say there is commercial potential, I say there isn't and the fact that there aren't any leads me to believe that the tour bus operators don't think so either. Come up with a tour route to lend some credibility to your argument. Quote:
A tour bus route with one stop will not draw tourism. If JC wants to keep a fraction of the tourists here to spend money here, JC needs to move along with improving the shopping and restaurant districts. They need to provide incentive for small business owners and restauranteurs to open up shop and stay in JC rather than creating obstacles. Quote:
So let's see, the MTA is moving to a metrocard free system and moving to a smart card, easy pay card, or some other tap as you go system (including metrocards that work that way), making it easier for NYC tourists. The MTA's job is not to encourage tourists to go to NJ and it is not like so many tourists that visit and stay in NYC find incentive to travel to NJ to begin with because sadly there isn't much to do here from a tourist point of view. If NJ wants to make life easier for people travelling between the states, the state should encourage NJ Transit and the PANYNJ to get on the bandwagon. Otherwise, people will just have to manage with paying for three different systems. People come to NYC to do NYC things, not NJ things. People that stay in JC or Hoboken from afar, usually do so because hotel rates are cheaper than NYC, but spend the majority of their money in NYC. You have yet to list anything that would draw more people to NJ. I'm sorry, but Liberty Science Center is not a major tourist draw. I enjoy going there, but it is not a must do on any tourist list. Liberty State Park is not a tourist draw. Part of the terminal is in decent shape but the rest of it is in poor shape. I don't see it as a major draw. The rest of the park is just like any other state or municipal park in the nation - some environmental interp programs, some historic significance, open space, barbecues. Nope nothing here that would attract people here more than any other place. Anything else in JC, Hoboken, or Bayonne that is a must see, that will draw in people? You tell me, because I just don't see it.
Posted on: 2012/5/22 0:04
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Promoting tourism in NJ: NYC Bus Tours, Statue of Liberty, Verrazano Bridge and Metrocards
Home away from home
Staten Island wouldn't provide an authentic view as you are looking down on the NYC area. I have to admit personally, I think Fort Wadsworth provides one of the best views of the region from the south, but this is not the eagle eye view immigrants had. Same goes for the VZ bridge. NY Waterway doesn't have any service to Sandy Hook or the NJ Highlands, that's the Seastreak Ferry. People get off the cruise ships in Bayonne and make a bee line for home or NYC. There is no reason for them to stop in JC. People that stay in hotels in JC spend most of their time and money in NYC. Adding a bus line to something that is already accessible for a cheaper cost will not improve tourism or revenue in JC or NJ. When I visit a city, I research where I want to go, get a map, and go. I don't waste my money on the tour bus. I agree NJ has some of the best views. I'm sorry, but as much as I enjoy going to LSC, it is not a tourist destination. People come to the NYC metropolitan area to enjoy NYC. LSC may be a stop on someone's list after they've exhausted some of the more touristy NYC sites. My kids love riding the rails and going for hikes. On the bridge - If you have the money to improve the bridge to standards acceptable to increased foot/bike traffic, I'm sure the superintendent of the Statue will gladly take your money to fix it. What's the traffic problem? It's a one way bridge that is used by box trucks, employees, and contractors. You can't see one end of the bridge from the other end as you get one. It's bad enough trying to avoid vehicles, adding pedestrians and bicycles to the mix increases the likelihood for an accident. An additional security screening site would need to be established at the entrance to the bridge. I'm sure those of us who like using the walkway that crosses at the foot of the bridge would be none to happy for the area to be closed off for screening along with lines of people waiting to get in. People complain about the 9-11 monument by the terminal, imagine the criticism when a screening checkpoint would go up. I'd bet that area would closed off on either side to have to accommodate the checkpoint. And no you can't screen them at the terminal and have them walk all the way to the bridge because that defeats the purpose of screening. Early morning or late evening trial loops? The statue opens at 0900 and closes at 1700, a little earlier and a little later, respectively, in the summer (0830-1800). What are you considering early morning and late evening? I don't believe the amount of revenue generated would exceed the expenses of operating in the area. As I said before, repeatedly, adding a bus route doesn't promote tourism or increase the revenue stream for the city. The city and state need to do a better job attracting people to come to the area. A bus route doesn't do that. As a matter of fact I don't see throngs of visitors clamoring for this. Or residents for that matter. In the end, what you suggest isn't promoting JC at all. Let's see the bus will go down Washington to Grand to Pacific and Johnston and back again. I don't see much of a tour route promoting JC there. Where would you suggest the bus go or stop? Especially when all they really want to see is the Statue. I'm not just arguing limitations, I'm telling you why it doesn't make sense, especially from a management point of view - of the parks, the city, and the tour bus operators. You haven't provided any incentive to do so? What benefit will it be to LSP? What benefit will it be to the Statue and Ellis? You claim you want to promote NJ tourism, but all you are really promoting is an increased visitation to the Statue, which technically is in NY.
Posted on: 2012/5/21 1:27
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Promoting tourism in NJ: NYC Bus Tours, Statue of Liberty, Verrazano Bridge and Metrocards
Home away from home
I had a different view of what you meant by tour buses. Look, the bridge was never meant to be a option to allow people to walk over, so you can throw that idea right out the window. Adding that as an entry point to Ellis requires additional staffing and a screening pavilion and traffic control on top of all that so visitors don't get hit by vehicles. And then visitors still need to take a boat to the Statue. If not all tourists want to take a boat to the Statue, they a) don't understand the significance of taking the boat to the Statue, and b) can enjoy seeing the Statue from afar from any of the numerous public transportation accessible viewpoints of the Statue. If I was at the Hilton and probably any of the other hotels, I would just hop on the light rail to LSC, LSP, or Ellis/Statue rather than shelling money for an overpriced bus ride. Or I would go through the city to get to Ellis and the Statue. Sadly, the train terminal as noted in another thread, as historic as it is, really isn't that much of an attraction in its current state. And as much as I enjoy going to LSC, I don't see it as that much a draw for visitors. As I stated in my previous post, we, as residents and members of the public can only make suggestions to these agencies as to what they would like to see at these sites, but if the respective agencies do not feel that it is in the best interest of their park to do whatever is suggested, they don't have to do anything. Their mission statements do not include increasing business and visitation to the surrounding areas. Tourism is already high enough at the Statue (averages #18 out of 368 parks that have listed their visitation for the period 2007-2011), and they would be far pressed to get into the top ten (need to increase visitation by 1.3X to get into the top ten, and by 4.3X to unseed Blue Ridge Parkway as number 1). They wouldn't gain anything. I still don't see how this is a benefit to JC. A lot of tourists already stay in JC rather than NYC to see the NYC sites. And where do they go spend the majority of their money.....NYC. Adding a bus won't help tourism for NJ.
Posted on: 2012/5/20 18:45
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Promoting tourism in NJ: NYC Bus Tours, Statue of Liberty, Verrazano Bridge and Metrocards
Home away from home
I am a little confused as to your notion of "we". I assume you mean we as in Jersey City residents? JC neither has control over the administration or regulations within LSP or the Statue and Ellis. The LSP is a unit of NJ DEP's Division of Parks and Forestry - a STATE agency. The Statue and Ellis are administered by the the Dept of Interior's National Park Service - a FEDERAL agency. Jersey City government has no say in what goes on in these sites. The residents can only make suggestions to these agencies as to what they would like to see at these sites, but if the respective agencies do not feel that it is in the best interest of their park, they don't have to do anything. Neither of these agencies have as their mission statement increasing tourism and spending in the surrounding communities. The Statue/Ellis already receives 3.7 million visitors a year. And considering that the NPS does not collect any fees from visitors (the ferry is a concession and the gift stores are concessions), increasing their visitation would not increase their budget. Allowing buses to cross the bridge to Ellis poses several problems - 1) Where would you have them park? There is no space on Ellis to put the tour buses. The lot is already full of contractor, NPS employee, and USPP vehicles. You should suggest parking them on LSP property, but there aren't any nearby lots near that bridge to accommodate buses. 2) I have walked across the bridge and am wary about it when I have done so because it's deteriorating condition. I'm amazed it handles the few vehicles that do cross it and it would probably need major upgrades before the Federal Highway Administration would consider approving it for such increased usage. Those upgrades would require money which the NPS does not have. 3) Where would put the security screening for these buses and all the people that come on these buses? Where would you get the money to cover the costs of additional security to provide the screening? 4) What incentive does JC have this? The NYC buses operate in NYC, don't make any stops in JC, and the visitors don't spend any money in JC. Sounds like it just creates more of a traffic nightmare that already exists in downtown JC. I know the simple solution to charge a fee to the Statue/Ellis, but as that requires an act of Congress (literally), and would incite such outrage from the public and politicians, I don't see that happening. Quote:
The reason there is a ferry that leads to the Statue and Ellis is because, and this may shock you, there is no other way to get to and from both. The NPS uses a concession because it realizes that it is too costly to operate the ferry service itself. The NPS can barely keep up with keeping buildings from falling apart. I can't see it maintaining a fleet of boats. So it is not because the ferry operator has a vested interest it's because the NPS prefers it to be that way. And by the way, it's not like the concession has lifetime right to operate the ferry - concession operations have expiration dates. After that, they have to compete and submit new bids.. Aside from the fact that it adds to the experience of seeing what so many immigrants were able to see from their vantage point.
Posted on: 2012/5/20 12:39
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Downtown: 6pm at Dixon Mills Condos -- Teens threaten then push 68 year old woman
Home away from home
Don't fool yourself. I was let in through a gate and then let into the building by two very nice people the other day when visiting a friend. I didn't know any of the people that were so very helpful in letting me into the complex. My friend was shocked when I knocked on the apartment door.
Posted on: 2012/1/11 5:30
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
Home away from home
To all of you criticizing that people can't differentiate a toy gun from a real gun - if someone drew that weapon at a law enforcement officer, that person wouldn't last a second and we'd be reading about them in the obits.
Borisp - zero tolerance means we are tired of dealing with the bs that students think they can get away with. I don't care if it was a sling shot. No weapons means no weapons, because one day the kids are bringing in pellet guns and the next they are bringing in real guns. But what would you know about that.
Posted on: 2012/1/8 0:35
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Cops don't have to abide by laws that they enforce?
Home away from home
As I was moving my car the other night from 2nd and Jersey, I saw some flashing lights on Coles and 2nd. Those lights got closer and closer and I realized it was a JCPD SUV going east on 2nd. Now there were cars already going west and because it was an SUV taking up the entire road, the cars had to back up all the way to Jersey Ave to let the SUV through. The entire time, the SUV had its lights on and no siren.
I really don't care if they were going to a call, this is unacceptable. Having lights and a siren does not give you the right to break the law. The JCPD officer put more lives at risk forcing cars to drive in reverse and then onto Jersey Ave, then turning onto Jersey Ave from a direction not expected by most drivers. It would have been just as quick to go to the light on Newark, make the turn, and then turn onto first. This is the type of thing that would get me fired in my line of work, but apparently JCPD fails to realize that they are not above the law.
Posted on: 2011/12/23 3:50
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.