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Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:
What's it like to get butthurt over chalk messages while supporting a president who acts like a giant pouty toddler as a result of his obvious dementia?

Actually never mind- who cares? He'll be in jail soon anyways :)

Right, because we've demonstrated that officials who act unethically get locked up for it. She's still on the loose, lurking in the woods somewhere.

Posted on: 2017/5/10 23:48

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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Truth Quote:

JCMan8 wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

These messages aren't racist or sexist so why you are even bringing that up as a counterpoint is beyond me.

You still don't get it. Much of life is political. People make up their reasoning. If you didn't like the messages (because they were pro-Trump, or anti-liberal), you'd make up reasons why they should be erased. That's what liberals tried for many years, trying to shut down conservative ideas by pretending they were "racist," bigoted, sexist, etc. All bullshit. But thankfully, many people have caught on to these tactics.

Applying that broad principle to here, I correctly observed that the commenters here who defend the chalk do so because they agree with its messaging, and simply make up reasons why the OP should shut up. They'd be singing a very different tune if they didn't agree with the message.

Posted on: 2017/5/9 2:56

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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This may confuse the spirit cooking Luciferians in pink head dress. Quote:
EvilivE wrote: Quote:
GnomeGeneral wrote: If JC sidewalks are to become a public forum of sorts, spread the good word <3 Quran (3:56) ? ?As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.?
ooh! ooh! i have one too! 1 Peter 2:18: "Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel." these books... they really teach love and compassion!

Posted on: 2017/5/9 1:38

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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If JC sidewalks are to become a public forum of sorts, spread the good word <3 Quran (3:56) ? ?As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.?

Posted on: 2017/5/9 1:07

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:

JCman24 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Meanwhile, maybe you shouldn't put a radical anti-Semite, Muslim Brotherhood promoting fella as the head of the DNC!

It's possible to be not anti-Semitic (even Jewish) and be critical of Israel. Since when do you care about Jews?

I grew up in a mostly Jewish neighborhood, and many of my closest friends are Jews.

But when I read that Breitbart is alt-right and pro-Nazi, it cracks me up-Breitbart conceived Breitbart News while on a trip to Israel, he and his co-founder were Jewish, and one of Breitbart's platform is to support Israel. Sure sounds like a bunch of neo-Nazis to me!

And yes, you can be somewhat critical of Israel with being anti-Semitic-as you can be critical of Obama without being racist, but tell that to any Democrat and they'll dispute it.

So much sudden concern for anti-semitism from folks whose cars are plastered with "Free Palestine" stickers all over town. Being anti zionist contradicts your concerns for the Jewish people. Republicans have traditionally been kinder to Israel then the left. As a jew, I find Breitbart to be less threatening then MotherJones and The Salon (dare I say it, even NPR as of late)...because at least the readers of the former know to take this info with a grain of salt.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 14:36

Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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Nowhere near as tiresome as Atsushis. Who is it talking to even?


SimonBarSinister wrote:

JCorNYC wrote:

US Officials: Paris attacker likely traveled to US...

Dear JCorNYC,

With all due respect, just STFU and go away. Your crap is tiresome.



Posted on: 2015/11/21 14:24

Re: Wild turkey in Jersey City?
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Is he on a very tiny skateboard? A JC turkey WOULD.

Posted on: 2015/10/28 23:45

Re: This map shows the racial makeup of every block in N.J.
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Sparse, homogenous good and so rare in NJ.

Posted on: 2015/10/17 16:19

Re: Gentrifiers' guide - distribute in JC or no?
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JCMan8 wrote:
A Puerto Rican man sitting out front has a different cultural reading for a lot of people than the very wonderful white women who hang out on my street.

Many people would correctly identify such a quote as racist. It does not lose its racist character when you imply you don't want white women around because you'd much rather see the "very wonderful Puerto Rican men." Posting off-base ad hominem attacks doesn't change that either.

Truth, but its lost on this town. Carry on the worship of the feeble minded and the underdog...progress.

Posted on: 2015/8/28 14:20

Re: Favorite current downtown weirdos?
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That guy that thinks that things ought to be kept tasteful here. Fabulously weird.

Posted on: 2015/4/22 22:27

Re: California Teacher Tenure Laws Ruled Unconstitutional
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This sums up "merit pay".

Posted on: 2014/6/18 16:01

Re: California Teacher Tenure Laws Ruled Unconstitutional
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brewster wrote:

Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Thank God. New Jersey, you're next! ... her-job-security-24070436

Why are you thankful for this? Do you think that nobody should have any job security or that the education of our future should be left up to those making the least money.

Some things are just beyond stupid.

Where's your argument as to why teachers, out of all the many jobs in our economy, should be unfireable? Everybody else I know is accountable for the job they do. And at least around here, they make plenty of money for the hours and vacations they get. Sure, there are places in the crappy parts of the USA where they get $40k, but that doesn't account the whining around here. I know plenty of professionals with masters and 25 years experience that don't come closer to a NJ PS teacher with that seniority, and nowhere near the bennies.

I'd say the whining around here is pretty legit, at least in some parts of Hudson County. With eight years of experience, a typical teacher in East Newark, in Hudson County, makes $44,087. But my salary guide from working there states that BA step 1 is a humble $38,000. Oh and employees' families aren't privy to those "bennies" you mentioned until the FIFTH year of employment.

Posted on: 2014/6/11 21:36

Re: Goodbye Jersey City!
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dtjerseyave wrote:
Goodbye Jersey City! We've lived here for three years and are finally moving into Manhattan. While strides have been made, unfortunately JC is still "up and coming".

I will miss:

Taquaria (although we have LES)
Thirty Acres (amazing, but snobby)
Razza (simply amazing)

That is all.


How exciting! That's an upgrade. Your standards of living have fully evolved. I too miss takaria, cause I hate sour cream.

Posted on: 2013/7/10 4:09

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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jeny21 wrote:
Id rather see more small organic grocers then a WF. Maybe bring back some of the small bodegas that were forced out of the neighborhood!

Waaa, bring the bodegas back. The poor man is getting forced out, I want velveeta from 1985 and scratch-offs instead of produce.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 20:08

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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MattSchapiro wrote:
This is a hoax, unfortunately. We spoke to regional management. Developers put these signs up to garner short-term interest. How short-sighted!


Posted on: 2013/4/12 20:03

Re: New
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I miss the choo choo, bit since I didn't make any resolutions I'd suggest sticking some herring under their door when it looks like they may be leaving for the weekend.
Fvck the burbs suck, I miss complaining about you JC.

Posted on: 2012/1/14 2:50

Re: throwing rocks at people?
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1 rule to living in jc
Leave before you acquire anything nice or get hit in the face by objects thrown by the natives.

Posted on: 2011/4/26 3:21

Re: POLL: What to do at a stop when the other driver won't take their right-of-way?
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Honk three times, high beam twice, then do the Chinese fire drill with my pants down. Everyone will stop, and you can proceed safely.

Posted on: 2011/4/26 3:07

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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Stay in Warren in Lebanon, people don't kick in each other's faces here.

Posted on: 2010/9/3 15:00

Re: Goodbye and Good Riddance New Jersey
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BrightMoment wrote:

What I don't get is why those like yourself continue to post on topic boards that no longer relate to where you moved. It seems that many who move have so little connection to where they moved that the cycle of why they left here will just repeat itself, though differently. I don't know if you originally moved to JC from the burbs, small towns in middle America or wherever but I'd suggest you get a life in your new abode and move on, not keep obsessing on slamming JC.

Just my opinion.

Originally? From Ukraine, Newark, Maplewood, Bedminster...then JC. Like you, got to move around a lot. There are a lot of things that are pretty sweet about JC, but the negatives by far outweighed them for me personally. The reason I lurk threads like this one, is because I get a refreshing reminder of the reasons I left. As time passes, I tend to remember the good things and forget the bad ones. Reading this stuff periodically refreshes my memory and serves as a reinforcement that I'm in the right place.

Posted on: 2010/5/3 21:14

Re: Goodbye and Good Riddance New Jersey
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For some, moving is the best alternative for the homicides and the rudeness of JC. I'm so glad I'm out, especially now that spring is here. My little corner of the world in Somerset Cty is so much more pleasant. And in case I need a good jolt of edginess in my life, I'll know where to find you JC. For now I'll be sipping some lemonade on my patio and listening to the birdies chirping. (While my car is parked in my own spot and I don't have to fight with some douche with tinted windows over it). I can sleep through the night without being awakened by drunken lucky 7's patrons or cars blasting raggaeton outside of Yulie's place. My planters are beer-bottle-free and no one pees on them!

Posted on: 2010/5/2 17:38

Re: Shame on you City Council
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Hahah "cars are one of the perks for city officials who make 27K" says Healy. What does Vega do on the side that he can afford a Bed & Breakfast in the Catskills?!

Posted on: 2010/4/30 14:42

Re: School Board Election, Apr 20: Fulop Announces Candidates Support
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I got this postcard at my new Bedminster. I guess I can still vote in JC! Sweet!

Posted on: 2010/4/12 17:41

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Couple slain in botched carjacking
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Aww, there's no more iwitless or jennymama to add another +2000 to that :(

Posted on: 2010/4/8 14:03

Re: Woman slams another woman's head into bar at Downtown J.C. restaurant
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tommyc_37 wrote:

This is one reason why I'm NOT against a place like the Beer Garden not letting certain people in, due to a dress code. I paid a lot of money for my education, worked my tail off my entire life, and work too damn hard in my career to be drinking my beer next to a group of guys or girls who dress and speak like they belong in a rap video.


Posted on: 2010/4/8 13:50

Re: Fire in building next to Basic
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o73o2 wrote:

sadly, heights has a point ... which he kills ... through a (semi-offensive) racial stereotyping that distorts the fact that many people buying property (not only the first time) act as they were the king of the entire continent and not of some miniscule domain ... it is not a fob thing or characteristic ... it is a humane characteristic, but this stereotypical racebaiting kills the core of the argument ...

I would never do business with or rent from a fellow Russian. We are SHADY!

Posted on: 2010/4/1 14:47

Re: Gov. Chris Christie to suburbs: Drop dead
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"The plan largely preserves urban aid at the expense of the suburbs."

Because they know that suburban kids will do well in school regardless of the budget cuts...because their parents actually give a damn about how well they do in school.

Posted on: 2010/3/17 13:13

Re: Flooding in Jersey City
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81905 wrote:

I guess, like New Orleans, JC will need their own Katrina to get JC and the State to come out from the cave they are in.


Healy doesn't care about black people.

Posted on: 2010/3/16 13:47

Re: Backyard Gardening
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It's too early to grow basil outside. Start with the windowsill indoors, you can re-pot it into a bigger container and leave it outside in May. Don't water it too much and make sure it gets full sun during the day.
My best experience with Basil was from one of those bagged with soil from a supermarket, not the ones you grow from seeds or buy at home depot.

Posted on: 2010/3/13 20:31

Re: Jersey City police officer is charged with bank fraud - falsely claimed first-time home-buyer
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This "1st time homebuyer" credit is bullsh*t. YOu are giving money to people who lucked out and waited until the market crashed. They are already getting a fair price! What about those 2nd time home buyers? Those of us who purchased a home in 2007 and lost a sh*t ton of cash on the sale? and now want to purchase another home in another area?

Posted on: 2010/3/12 18:00

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