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Re: Van Vorst Park Dog Run
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

why are you calling me a troll when you specifically called me out in your post an asked me to give you s sarcastic comment? i'm just complying, you old swish. and what the hell was going on in the park yesterday?

Posted on: 2009/8/16 13:26

Re: Van Vorst Park Dog Run
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


parkman wrote:
I?m on vacation for the first time in a while and have been reluctant to respond to this thread for a number of reasons, not the least of which, will be the obligatory sarcastic retort from rabbit. However, a number of posts distort the behavior of run users and/or the origins and purpose of the Van Vorst Park dog run.

Before this run was built, there were no legal spaces within a public park downtown to let your pets play unleashed. This run was a compromise between those of us who were trying to provide a passive Victorian style park (which is how VVP was deeded to the city of Jersey City by the family of Van Vorst in the 1860?S) and the growing number of dog owners in our community. Off-leash use within the park was destroying the newly planted lawns (1999) and making it difficult to maintain our 19 gardens.

After a number of false starts to resolve these issues, I asked a number of pro-active dog owners to meet at my home to try and work out something that would benefit all concerned. It took a year?s worth of research, community input, city cooperation, private fundraising, and justifiably skeptical public reaction, but the VVP dog run was formally completed in May of 2007.

This run was not built to provide a space for all the dogs in downtown, but a starting point and template to be used for other public spaces within Jersey City parks. VVP is only two acres and to designate 4,000 sq. ft. for dog use only, certainly seemed equitable, when initially, no such facility was ever planned for the park.

Is the run perfect? No. The city took shortcuts from the original design for the drainage (which still pisses me off) but I think you still have one of the most attractive places to exercise your pets, surrounded by roses, lavender, and other foliage, donated and maintained by a non dog owner just trying to make this park useful for as many people in the community as possible.

As far as the complaints about dog walkers in the run, I can tell you that the three, who frequent the run most, are very responsible when it comes to keeping on eye on their charges. Two of them frequently help maintain the surface of the run by responding to the request posted, by raking and shoveling and knowing that this run is community maintained. All three have donated money (and should), to help provide waste bags to others who do not do so. One walker sometimes does bring more than 3 dogs in at a time and should not do so. One smokes (I think it should be banned in the run and children?s areas) and if there was an ordinance against it, I would certainly find a space for another sign. But I can unequivocally say that all three clean up after their client?s pets, are not on cell phones and thereby miss what deposits are being left, they respond to barking from these pets, and are very protective of your dogs and theirs.

It seems this thread started from a misunderstanding or someone just having a bad day; perhaps all should be happy to have at least one place (with hopefully more to come) to let your pets have a space to run off leash and you to socialize with your neighbors.

See you next week,


hey you old fool, where are you vacationing?

hope you're having a good time. while you are away we are removing all your signs, cutting the lock between the small and large sections of the run and smoking a lot.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 20:18

Re: Van Vorst Park Dog Run
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Vigilante wrote:
The real question is, is that really a dog-run? It's like 50 square feet. It's a dog-standaround really.

Thank you - i've been saying that for years - even before the "dog run to end all dog runs" was created.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 21:36

Re: Van Vorst Park Dog Run
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


SamS wrote:
I really wish there were a NO SMOKING RULE in the dog run.

Tell parkman, I am sure there is at least room for one more sign in the run for no smoking.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 21:34

Re: Van Vorst Park Dog Run
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


chiefdahill wrote:
Not to throw gas on the fire but I heard that she asked you to wait a minute while she washed the grime of one of the dogs and that they were in the entrance gate for less than 1 minute. You didn't feel like waiting and proceeded to open the gate anyway which could have allowed those dogs inside to run out into the park or even worse the street. That is when she corrected you.

This particular dog walker is a great person who helps maintain the dog run and I take her word over a 1st time poster that signs into jclist just to bash someone's reputation.

I think we need two sides of the story here.

you're all missing the point - dog walker or not - you are not supposed to WASH a dog in the dog's DRINKING fountain. and if this dogwalker was my dog walker and I found out i was paying her 15 dollars to walk my dog for 20 minutes and she was walking my dog with 7 other dogs and spent some of that time was spent being tied up i'd fire her ass like it was nobody's bee-eye-bithnethtthh.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 21:29

Re: Van Vorst Park dog run courtesy
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JCbiscuit wrote:
somebody who walks dogs for a living had the nerve to be condescending? that takes balls.

that's kinda condescending, yourself, arsewipe

Posted on: 2009/8/10 21:25

Re: Downtown Nuradeen Gallery owner converted half her living quarters into exhibit space: "2 Women"
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

i always wondered about this place. i dodnt know what bulding was zoned for a commercial space and having signs outside the building advertising it on a residential block just looks wierd.

Posted on: 2009/8/7 14:03

Re: Favorite current downtown weirdos?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

1. i vote for the chubby guy who begs at a-1 deli sometime. he has a round face and big lips and looks like he ate too much cherry pie. he sometimes sings.

2. i also vote for the recent sloth-like people seen in VV park late at night hunched over on park benches. they look very sad, like they just had a fight with roomates or partners. they sit there in the rain or whatever the weather. maybe sleeping. then poof. they are gone. they are like slow-moving fairies of night. or maybe outpatients.

3. parkman

Posted on: 2009/8/4 13:50

Re: Favorite current downtown weirdos?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


tommyc_37 wrote:
This is a great thread.

How about Tony, aka "The Gordon's Fisherman". He's pretty creepy, but seems harmless I guess.

this guy urinates and poops in people's stoops and anywhere dark so if you see excrement on your property or near the library - it's not a fish stick.

Posted on: 2009/8/4 13:45

Re: What Happened to the Trash Cans?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


ianmac47 wrote:
The steadily disappearing trash cans is largely why the city streets are covered in litter. When there are trash cans, people use them. When there are no trash cans, people use the street.

Also, who cares if people are putting household trash in these cans. Either the city is going to collect the waste from the public trash cans or the city is going to collect it curbside from people's houses.

cause if they put household trash in the public cans it means they are not waiting until the regular pick up day (they want it out of thier house now!) so it fills up the public trash cans, and the cans get filled quickly and then people start tossing basic litter on the streets or in the curbs cause the cans are filled. vicious cycle.

Posted on: 2009/8/3 18:24

Re: 10th & Erie: Full traffic light needed
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


PBW wrote:
This intersection is awful. Some people don't realize a blinking red light means a stop sign. People coming the other way don't realize a blinking yellow means proceed with caution. They either speed thru, or the opposite which is almost come to a complete stop - then speed up, faking out the cars coming the other way who think they are being let thru. They should just get rid of the lights and put in 4 stop signs.


Posted on: 2009/8/3 18:17

Re: What Happened to the Trash Cans?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

the garbage can on the corner of mercer and jersey (diagonally across from the library) is constantly overloaded with household trash. and we know the neighbors who come out at night and put it there.

and you wear ugly slippers lady.

Posted on: 2009/8/3 18:13

Re: Five Wounded in Jersey City Shooting - Bergen and Claremont
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Chilltownmom wrote:
Please keep your eyes open and don't provoke any violence (i.e. keep your own "road rage", etc. in check).

DEfinately keep the road rage down. This morning in front of the Jersey Avenue Library i witnessed one driver get out of his car and berate another carservice driver who had obviously said something to him at the corner. I thought that there was going to be gunfire....

Posted on: 2009/7/26 5:18

Re: gas grill illegal on raised back deck?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Binky wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
Egads!!! Saw this today and my jaw just dropped.

See post #30 above, Thats it.

He's the same guy who doesn't pick up after his dog in Van Vorst Park. I've been an eye witness to his "forgetfulness"

Posted on: 2009/6/30 3:50

Re: curbed & others -- blogging about Jersey City real estate
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

i would like my taxes reduced (14k for a 600k condo) reduced so i can sell too.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 2:10

Re: Sidewalk Tree Bed Fencing ideas
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


DCofJC wrote:
I have one of those city trees that they planted and I really want to put a nice sturdy fence around it to discourage people throwing trash and dog poop in it. I know it won't prevent it, but i think it will discourage it, and it will look nicer. I can put some plants in there as well. Does anyone know where I can get these fences? I don't want to pay a high price to have something fancy from an artist or get ripped of at 14th street, no thanks. Just something simple. I have seen some good looped iron looking ones near the corner on 5th near erie.

The hardware stores will sell something worthwhile - you'll still end up cleaning it up from time to time but it'll look better when it's looked tended to. People (some people) tend to be more respectful. When you do plant in it or weed from it though, where gloves, cause you'll never stop dogowners from letting the dogs pee on it.

Get Hardy plants!

Posted on: 2009/5/19 3:31

Re: Burnt Down Church on Mercer
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It burnt down last year. they dont have the $$ for repair. They now practice services in the highschool down the road. The building next door is where the pastors offices are.

Posted on: 2009/4/12 15:03

Re: NYTimes: Bloomberg Backs Jersey City Mayor for Re-election
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Healy said. ?I view New York City as a big brother. If New York City does well, Jersey City does well.?

If that's the case, why is NYC generally clean and JC is filed with garbage?

Posted on: 2009/4/11 13:41

New Bulletin Boards at VVP
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Did you have something to do with the new and improved community Bulletin Boards outside VVP?

Did community $$ go towards that?

I see that a good deal of space is now behind glass, and can only be accessed by lock and key. Who's bright idea was it to put glass there (you know that won't last a season) and who determines what merits getting posted in that coveted space? Who gets the key? Who's throat gets choked when something behind the glass is out of date? And who determined that the community at large would be best served by having a smaller amount of space than they previously had?

I bet the answer to much of the above is "parkie."

Posted on: 2009/4/11 4:28

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

maybe they shouldn't have doled out so many tax abatements. no there will be no cops to protect the freeloaders.

Posted on: 2009/3/18 3:50

Re: Ferry sends S.O.S. -- NY Waterway's owner says next berth is Chapter 11
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

look - it's not waterways fault if dropping us off on the westside highway is inconvenient. fact is, the PATH is convenient and cheap. The ferry is not and not.

if i work on the east side, or in the flat iron area, or in the east village, or pretty much anywhere, getting off at a ferry terminal in NYC means starting a commute all over again. who needs the hassle?

survival of the fittest.

it sucks but it makes sense.

Posted on: 2009/3/15 15:55

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

what's the latest?

Posted on: 2009/3/15 15:50

Re: New PATH Flat Screens
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There are also new benches in the 33rd street PATH station. Does this strike anyone as odd?

isnt there usually always a train at 33rd? You're either getting on or you're getting off. You're not sitting around cruising.

And if they definitely NEED benches there, what was wrong with the ones that were there? They were huge, hulking wooden ones. It's not like they NEEDED replacing. They weren't worn out.

Another WASTE of money. Remember this when your fares rise.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 20:22

Re: Hilltop/Island Area: Beaten unconscious, robbed by five men as he got off a min-bus
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have never heard of anyone, anywhere getting mugged for a ZUNE.

Posted on: 2009/3/7 17:03

Re: Dog Poop on Magnolia Ave.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I for one find this forum enlightening. Today I took , my dog out to Van Vorst park. We avoided the Dog run because there was a crazy woman there who I did not want to deal with and because, frankly, my dog has gotten sick lately and I think that place is a urine filled cess-pool that Parkman thinks is a beholden gift...but that's another topic altogether.

The park was filled with toddlers playing and parents moseying and generally all of the neighborhood finally getting outside to enjoy a sunny and warm day after such a long winter.

as we walked past the children's playground my dog decided to take a crap. I was a little embarrassed because, well, it was a big crap and my dog likes his privacy. but all the kids found it fascinating. they swarmed around the fence to watch, and mothers too came by to see. One said, "see Monica, even the doggie makes a poo." We picked it up and said goodbye to our class and left. Both somewhat proud and relieved.

A little lighter in our step, we jaunted down to beechwood considering whether or not to pony up $8 for a croissant. But then the unexpected happened. Something that never occurs occurred. Poop #2. I had no bag. And it was on the corner in front of Marco & pepe. And since it was warm, they had their doors open. And it was packed.

Luckily a woman and her daughter who had just been in my biology class in the park were approaching in a souped up stroller. Seeing the horror in my face, the mommy said "Bagless?" I replied "He never does two."

The Mommy handed me a spare plastic bag she had and leaned over to her kid who was now feeding my dog cheerios and said "see, honey, like you the doggie never makes two."

Moral of the story - want cleaner sidewalks? Always take extra bags. Even if you DON't have a dog.

Posted on: 2009/3/7 16:58

Re: Jersey City Political Overview
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Great question. and this is the place you'll get a great discourse on the candidates. Coming from San Fran, I know you must be a very political person, interested in your new jersey City community, so here goes:

a: anyone not currently in office but looking to be in office: insane

b: anyone currently in office: corrupt

c: children of people in office: morally corrupt and probably dealing /buying drugs on wayne street

Posted on: 2009/3/6 4:25

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Couple shot at in car
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


pazman wrote:

anyone else find it peculiar that this woman was shot in the ARM when she was on ARMSTRONG avenue? and now her arm will NOT be STRONG?

How do others feel about this post? Not only does this attempt at humour fail miserably, but the callousness of this comment is striking.

why are you classifying this as humour? and callous humour at that?

i simply said i found it peculiar and asked if others found it peculiar too. maybe there might be a connection. asking questions. isn't that how one solves a case? asking questions?
jeez. get over yourself... i don't see you asking anything that might help..... buttinski.

Posted on: 2009/3/5 0:55

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Couple shot at in car
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GrovePath wrote:
Cops: Couple shot at in car

Jersey Journal
March 3, 2009

A Union City woman was shot in her arm while she and her boyfriend were in their car in Jersey City Sunday night, reports said.

The victim's boyfriend, a 24-year-old Englewood man, told police he and his girlfriend were waiting in their Nissan Pathfinder around 9:45 p.m. on Armstrong Avenue for a friend to let them into the building when a man emerged from between parked cars. The boyfriend began to drive away when the man outside opened fire, shattering the driver's side window and the rear windshield, reports said.

anyone else find it peculiar that this woman was shot in the ARM when she was on ARMSTRONG avenue? and now her arm will NOT be STRONG?

Posted on: 2009/3/4 1:12

New PATH Flat Screens
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

wonder where your fare is going?

new flat screens at the 33rd street station, but same shit graphics and worthless messages....

Posted on: 2009/3/3 1:15

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

are you kidding?

Arnold Diaz would salivate over this. he just needs people running from his camera crew and owners crying about lost pets and outraged neighbors saying they saw it happened - and the money shot: a wideangle view of reporter in foreground of a field with sweet young kids calling out "daisy, daisy" with Lady Liberty in the background? National pickup!

I was in the media for years, honey. This just needs the right spin. It's got local story with national heartstrings all over it. With enough moxie there's Today show, O'Rielly, Oprah and a book deal.

Posted on: 2009/3/2 12:30

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