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Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2005/2/14 23:14
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elvis wrote:
The odds of being attacked and killed by a Pit Bull are in your favor -approximately 1 in 145,000,000. That?s million folks.

Keyword here being "killed". Instead of twisting the numbers, why not look at the stats without word "killed" and the type of the dogs that are responsible for most of the attacks - which is what we are discussing here: pit bulls.


A survey by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta ("CDC") concluded that dogs bite nearly 2% of the U.S. population -- more than 4.7 million people annually. (Sacks JJ, Kresnow M, Houston B. Dog bites: how big a problem? Injury Prev 1996;2:52-4.)

Almost 800,000 bites per year -- one out of every 6 -- are serious enough to require medical attention. (Weiss HB, Friedman D, Coben JH. Incidence of dog bite injuries treated in emergency departments. JAMA 1998;279:51-53.)

Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings.

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed
(Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; )

That's 1 in 50 of the population bitten by dogs, 1 in 300 that were seriously injuired requiring medical attention. And you can read about the percent stats regarding the specific type of dogs - pit bull and rottweilers that are responsible for the attacks.

This paints quite a different picture than your 1 in 145,000,000 doesnt it? I dont do it myself(unless it's unleashed), but dont think it's ignorant at all with those odds for someone to avoid a pitbull by crossing the street, it's far from what you described getting struck by lightning.

Such arrogance and stupidity mixed in one, you should apply for a job with fox news. I am sure they would love to hire you.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 22:54

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/4/22 13:56
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Greenvillechick wrote:
Your right, if there were more serious charges towards animal bites then people would think twice about letting there dogs run free. It shouldn't be about the breed but the irresponsible people who own them. Unfortunately a lot of pit-bulls get into the wrong hands and are trained to fight and be guard dogs. Case in point: An idiot co-worker bred his pit-bull and ended up having 11 puppies.... He brought in a 4 week old puppy to show all the other co workers and was going to leave it in the warehouse all day, he specifically told everyone dont show it to me cause I will pick it up and he wants it to be a guard dog.... the dog was shaking freezing and only 4 weeks old but I wasn't supposed to show it any kind of love or affection because he was going to be his guard dog... I later learned that he sold almost half of the puppies at 4 weeks old. Just terrible evil people out there, and then there are the ones who truely care about their dogs and if their is an aggression issue they rehabiliate them, train them out of their bad habits... it is possible.

This story is very upsetting.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 22:23

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/3/24 20:27
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fyi my mom has been a vet for over 10 years and has only been bit twice and both times by..... German Shepards, I was bit by a shepard too. For someone in the animal industry so long and with all these big bad pits out here you would think she would have seen or felt more.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 21:44

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/3/24 20:27
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Your right, if there were more serious charges towards animal bites then people would think twice about letting there dogs run free. It shouldn't be about the breed but the irresponsible people who own them. Unfortunately a lot of pit-bulls get into the wrong hands and are trained to fight and be guard dogs. Case in point: An idiot co-worker bred his pit-bull and ended up having 11 puppies.... He brought in a 4 week old puppy to show all the other co workers and was going to leave it in the warehouse all day, he specifically told everyone dont show it to me cause I will pick it up and he wants it to be a guard dog.... the dog was shaking freezing and only 4 weeks old but I wasn't supposed to show it any kind of love or affection because he was going to be his guard dog... I later learned that he sold almost half of the puppies at 4 weeks old. Just terrible evil people out there, and then there are the ones who truely care about their dogs and if their is an aggression issue they rehabiliate them, train them out of their bad habits... it is possible.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 21:42

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/4/9 19:26
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Seriously, if you have the stats, prove it. Find all the stats about all the pitbull attacks in the world and show them to me.

See this is how you do it:

Fact: Out of the estimated 53 million dogs in the United States 92 fatal attacks are contributed to Pit Bulls or Pit Bull Mixes from 1965-2001. (Thats 37 years so almost 3 a year! WOW!)

Source: Fatal Dog Attacks by Karen Delise

Imagine that. 53 million dogs. 92 fatal attacks out of 431 that span a 37 year period (1965-2001). Now I ask you, after looking at the numbers do we have a dangerous dog problem?

Fatal dog attacks by dangerous dogs are almost non-existent. 20 a year out of millions of dogs. The percentages are estimated to be somewhere around .0000004% of dog attacks are fatal.

Approximately 20 people die every year as a result of a dog attack in the United States compare that with the 62 people a year that die from lightning related deaths. But no, you KNOW more people, so that stat is false somehow.

oh no wait, you are just scared of being bit. Lets find those stats shall we?

An American has a one in 50 chance of being bitten by a dog each year.

Thats just a regular dog. Of those, dogs not known to the victim account for approximately 10-20% of all reported dog bites.

Now you see, your odds are dwindling.

Also, here is a study on temperament:

Look up American Pitbull Terrier.

My point is, before you open your mouth and prove you don't know what you are talking about, do some research. Not the kind where you ask your friends if they have been bit, even a google. Find some stats and prove me wrong. seriously, prove me wrong. Until then, man up and grow a pair.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 21:40

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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Posted on: 2008/12/15 21:34
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2004/11/6 21:13
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This is seriously descending into nonsense, but the cow/dog thing is silly. I'll bet anything at least 98% of cattle fatalities occur among cattle workers.

While 400 reported serious attacks and 100 fatalities in 25 years doesn't describe a large risk like, say, crossing the street in NYC (>150 dead/yr), it stands out to people as an unnecessary risk, one out of their control. We've expended a lot of societal money and energy on comparably fatal fronts, school shootings come to mind.

I think the answer is simple. Make the owner of a dog that attacks and seriously injures a human chargeable with felony assault the way that gun use or DWI has automatic charges and penalties. Would the owners of 4 legged weapons be so flippant about the risks if their own freedom were on the line based on the dependability of their dog's behavior?

Posted on: 2008/12/15 21:32

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2006/4/1 22:40
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the "holier than thou" post. way to go.

once you manage to come down from your mental masterbation cloud, reconsider what you just posted, concentrating especially on the nonsense comparing cows and lightning strikes to pitbulls, and give people a little respect for wanting to keep themselves, along with their children, safe from harm.

I can think of several people I know, including myself, that have been bit by a dog and have the scars to prove it. Yeah, you're right sir. An "irrational fear"

get real buddy.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 21:14

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/4/9 19:26
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Your last post says more about you than I can possibly say. Congrats, you have pwned yourself. Learn some reading comprehension skills and then we can talk intelligently. Until then, feel free to run a hide from the big bad doggies.

And btw, if I am choosing between a 40lb. dog and big fat ass cow, I'm choosing dog.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 18:49

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2006/4/1 22:40
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The odds of being attacked and killed by a Pit Bull are in your favor -approximately 1 in 145,000,000. That?s million folks. In contrast, you are 4 times more likely to be killed by a cow in the USA than any breed of dog, much less a Pit Bull. Thats why I mock you.

Forget deaths, run the Cow/Pitbull number again comparing serious bodily injury, permanent scars, hospital occurences, etc., and you'll get a totally different number.

Also, and you know this to be true, those cow deaths are the drunk idiots going cow tipping somewhere in East Bumblestink rural America and while the cow is going down, they slip in the mud and get crushed by the sleeping slab of beef.

let's run some numbers next year and have the same number of people pushing on sleeping cows every year to match a bunch of drunk people interrupting random Pitbulls in their sleep, and see where the statistics go from there. my vote is for a drunk guy shred fest.

hell, i'll go back to my original question, but now with a cow:

you have a choice of leaving your infant child in a room with a cow or a pitbull......

which do you choose?

that's why I mock YOU.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 17:56

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/4/9 19:26
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The odds of being attacked and killed by a Pit Bull are in your favor -approximately 1 in 145,000,000. That?s million folks. In contrast, you are 4 times more likely to be killed by a cow in the USA than any breed of dog, much less a Pit Bull.

Thats why I mock you. It would be like me staying indoors every time it rained in fear of being hit by lightning. Its an irrational fear.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 16:05

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/3/3 23:56
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Instead of arguing about whether or not pit bulls are good dogs I think we should focus on the owner of the dog that fled the scene. What did this person look like and has anyone seen these dogs before?

I for one think that I have and would encourage the police, if they wanted to find the person, to look in the area around Harrison ave because these two dogs sound familiar. Had the paper given a description of the owner maybe someone would recognize them and would then be in a position to hold them accountable.

Great Job Jersey Journal!! Your coverage of the news is thorough and always possessed of pertinent information.

Next time a description of the suspect would be helpful.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 12:40
Of those who say nothing, few are silent.
-Thomas Neill

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2005/9/2 22:49
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That is some unbelievable crazy ****, I for one do not like dogs I have a fear of them and I would definitely cross the street if I seen a pitbull.

You can take your ignorant post and shove it up your ass, I'd rather keep myself safe than have my hand be your dog's chew toy.

Posted on: 2008/12/15 6:30

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/6/5 5:11
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I can understand playing it safe but I can not see me crossing the street to avoid a 40lb dog. It would be like me running down the street from a bumble bee. That's just me. Everyone should live in their own comfort zone.

Posted on: 2008/12/13 18:37

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2006/4/1 22:40
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The thought of a grown man crossing the street to avoid a dog is too funny.

another comment that truly tickles my taco.

was there any point to you specifically stating, "a grown man" in that comment?

Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his prime, would crumble to the ground in pain from a crushing bite of a pitbull anywhere on his body.

Hell, Bruce Lee would be defenseless. A bite in the arm from a pitbull would have turned his arm bone to splinters.

To be honest, the loaded gun example is quite appropriate. Better yet, russian roulette. Imagine a gun with a cylinder that holds thousands of bullets, but only one bullet is within the cylinder. It's no different than someone avoiding walking past a big scary dog without a muzzle. More often than not, the dog will leave you alone, but the day it gets pissed off and smells snausages on your over.

You simply cannot mock, or call someone ignorant for playing it safe, because that my dears, would be ignorant.

You handle pitbulls all day at the shelter without a single incident you say? Funny, that's what the gun salesman said about all his assault weapons at the corner Guns n' Ammo store last weekend.

Posted on: 2008/12/13 18:20

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/6/20 3:19
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sinik wrote:

super_furry wrote:

GrovePath wrote:

super_furry wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
Evolution gave pitbulls their massive jaws, their massive heads, and their massive chests for a reason...

Selective breeding, not evolution. Jeesh!

Exactly! ...Selectively bred to kill other dogs in "pit" fights, and to be used as guard dogs.

From :

Pit Bulls - or dogs that appear to be Pit Bulls - make up a large portion of the population living in shelters across the United States, and may be put down due to the stigma associated with the various Pit Bull breeds (or because of overcrowding).

However, because Pit Bulls have been selectively bred over time to be non-aggressive towards humans, they make excellent family pets who are friendly, loyal, and intelligent. In fact, in England the breed is often referred to as the "nanny" dog because of their predisposition to love people, especially children. Some Pit Bulls may show aggression towards other dogs. Often, aggression in dogs towards other canines stems from insecurity or fear. With diligent training and a committed handler, the dog may overcome this aggressive behaviour.

It is the HUMANS that misuse their pets, not the dogs that are to blame. Place the responsibility where it belongs.

Well I lived in England for a bunch of years and I don't ever remember Pit Bulls being called anything other than Pit Bulls.
And as a matter of FACT, according to the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act Pit Bulls are identified as one of four breeds of dogs including their crossbreeds that must be kept muzzled and leashed at all times in public. Obviously that legislation did not come about because of Pit Bulls reputation for loving people and children so please make sure you check all the facts before you post misleading information like that again.

In the UK I think Staffordshire Bull Terriers are also called pit bulls even though here in the US they are not. Not sure why or if there are any behavioral differences. Oh, yeah, and loved the wikipedia quote--no citation at all in support of the "nanny dog" bit, but hey, it's wikipedia, so it must be true, right?

Posted on: 2008/12/13 4:04

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/6/20 3:19
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CatsnDogs wrote:
I have read this before and take issue with it because it is based on press accounts and it covers 24 years of probable inaccurate reporting by the media.

Actually Merritt Clifton is an intelligent though extreme animal rights activist who I believe is not advocating for domesticated animals, particularly Pitbulls, similiarly to the HSUS. The HSUS would like to see the domesticated pet dog die out.


Loopy wrote:
From "Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada
September 1982 to November 13, 2006" by Merritt Clifton.

(Breed: total attacks doing bodily harm, attacks resulting in death)

Pit bull terrier: 1110, 104
Rottweiler: 409, 58
Wolf hybrid: 71, 18
German shepherd: 63, 17

Stereotypes frequently have a kernel of truth. Whatever the reason, and I agree it is undoubtedly bad dog owners, Pit bulls are responsible for twice as many attacks causing bodily harm, and attacks resulting in death, than the next highest breed. Apropos of nothing, a Jack Russell also killed someone in an attack (one of two reported). Link to the full study. Oh, and Mr. Clifton is not an anti-dog nut, he's the editor of Animal People newspaper and an advocate of animal welfare worldwide.

Umm, yeah, right. From the report I cited earlier:

"Truthfully speaking, I do not know how an effective, fair,
enforceable, humane dangerous dog law could be constructed. Any law strong
enough and directed enough to prevent the majority of life-threatening dog
attacks must discriminate heavily against pit bulls, Rottweilers, wolf
hybrids, and perhaps Akitas and chows, who are not common breeds but do
seem to be involved in disproportionate numbers of life-threatening attacks.
Such discrimination will never be popular with the owners of these breeds,
especially those who believe their dogs are neither dangerous nor likely to
turn dangerous without strong provocation. Neither will breed
discrimination ever be acceptable to those who hold out for an
interpretation of animal rights philosophy which holds that all breeds are
created equal. One might hope that educating the public against the
acquisition of dangerous dogs would help; but the very traits that make
certain breeds dangerous also appeal to a certain class of dog owner. Thus
publicizing their potentially hazardous nature has tended to increase these
breeds' popularity.
Meanwhile, because the humane community has demonstrated a profound
unwillingness to recognize, accept, and respond to the need for some sort
of strong breed-specific regulation to deal with pit bulls and Rottweilers,
the insurance industry is doing the regulating instead, by means which
include refusing to insure new shelters which accept and place pit bulls.
That means a mandatory death sentence for most pit bulls, regardless of
why they come to shelters."

Real extreme.

Posted on: 2008/12/13 4:00

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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I know a "cat" that can help you with your dog problems!

Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/12/13 3:48

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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GrovePath wrote:
Exactly! ...Selectively bred to kill other dogs in "pit" fights, and to be used as guard dogs.

super_furry wrote:
...because Pit Bulls have been selectively bred over time to be non-aggressive towards humans, they make excellent family pets who are friendly, loyal, and intelligent. In fact, in England the breed is often referred to as the "nanny" dog because of their predisposition to love people, especially children.

sinik wrote:
Well I lived in England for a bunch of years and I don't ever remember Pit Bulls being called anything other than Pit Bulls. And as a matter of FACT, according to the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act Pit Bulls are identified as one of four breeds of dogs including their crossbreeds that must be kept muzzled and leashed at all times in public. Obviously that legislation did not come about because of Pit Bulls reputation for loving people and children so please make sure you check all the facts before you post misleading information like that again.

Very true sinik!

According to Yahoo Answers:
Q.: Are Pitbulls illegal in England?
Resolved Question
A: No, neither are pitbull "types" which leaves a very wide range. The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 does not only cover pitbulls and pitbull types it also includes Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and the Fila Braziliero. It also covers ANY dog that is dangerously out of control in a public place.

Posted on: 2008/12/13 2:53

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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super_furry wrote:

GrovePath wrote:

super_furry wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
Evolution gave pitbulls their massive jaws, their massive heads, and their massive chests for a reason...

Selective breeding, not evolution. Jeesh!

Exactly! ...Selectively bred to kill other dogs in "pit" fights, and to be used as guard dogs.

From :

Pit Bulls - or dogs that appear to be Pit Bulls - make up a large portion of the population living in shelters across the United States, and may be put down due to the stigma associated with the various Pit Bull breeds (or because of overcrowding).

However, because Pit Bulls have been selectively bred over time to be non-aggressive towards humans, they make excellent family pets who are friendly, loyal, and intelligent. In fact, in England the breed is often referred to as the "nanny" dog because of their predisposition to love people, especially children. Some Pit Bulls may show aggression towards other dogs. Often, aggression in dogs towards other canines stems from insecurity or fear. With diligent training and a committed handler, the dog may overcome this aggressive behaviour.

It is the HUMANS that misuse their pets, not the dogs that are to blame. Place the responsibility where it belongs.

Well I lived in England for a bunch of years and I don't ever remember Pit Bulls being called anything other than Pit Bulls.
And as a matter of FACT, according to the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act Pit Bulls are identified as one of four breeds of dogs including their crossbreeds that must be kept muzzled and leashed at all times in public. Obviously that legislation did not come about because of Pit Bulls reputation for loving people and children so please make sure you check all the facts before you post misleading information like that again.

Posted on: 2008/12/13 2:22

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2004/2/18 20:20
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I have read this before and take issue with it because it is based on press accounts and it covers 24 years of probable inaccurate reporting by the media.

Actually Merritt Clifton is an intelligent though extreme animal rights activist who I believe is not advocating for domesticated animals, particularly Pitbulls, similiarly to the HSUS. The HSUS would like to see the domesticated pet dog die out.


Loopy wrote:
From "Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada
September 1982 to November 13, 2006" by Merritt Clifton.

(Breed: total attacks doing bodily harm, attacks resulting in death)

Pit bull terrier: 1110, 104
Rottweiler: 409, 58
Wolf hybrid: 71, 18
German shepherd: 63, 17

Stereotypes frequently have a kernel of truth. Whatever the reason, and I agree it is undoubtedly bad dog owners, Pit bulls are responsible for twice as many attacks causing bodily harm, and attacks resulting in death, than the next highest breed. Apropos of nothing, a Jack Russell also killed someone in an attack (one of two reported). Link to the full study. Oh, and Mr. Clifton is not an anti-dog nut, he's the editor of Animal People newspaper and an advocate of animal welfare worldwide.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 23:39

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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Send all pit bulls to Korea where they will serve a useful purpose.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 21:54

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2007/3/19 18:28
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my pit bull would chew your cup o pup right up

Posted on: 2008/12/12 21:50
utterly deplorable

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/6/20 3:19
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This thread is getting too serious, so here, have one of these: cute-puppy-pictures-with-captions-cup-o

Posted on: 2008/12/12 20:43

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2004/11/6 21:13
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super_furry wrote:
It is the HUMANS that misuse their pets, not the dogs that are to blame. Place the responsibility where it belongs.

Yes, but.

The same goes for gun ownership, yet many of us feel there's too many guns in this country even though many gun owners are responsible people. Imagine what would happen if any 2 owners of TEC-9's could get them together and 9 weeks later have a nice litter of baby assault pistols to sell or give away. Many of those weapons would end up in the hands of the irresponsible, just by the sheer numbers out there.

These dogs were bred to be assault weapons.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 18:31

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GrovePath wrote:

super_furry wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
Evolution gave pitbulls their massive jaws, their massive heads, and their massive chests for a reason...

Selective breeding, not evolution. Jeesh!

Exactly! ...Selectively bred to kill other dogs in "pit" fights, and to be used as guard dogs.

From :

Pit Bulls - or dogs that appear to be Pit Bulls - make up a large portion of the population living in shelters across the United States, and may be put down due to the stigma associated with the various Pit Bull breeds (or because of overcrowding).

However, because Pit Bulls have been selectively bred over time to be non-aggressive towards humans, they make excellent family pets who are friendly, loyal, and intelligent. In fact, in England the breed is often referred to as the "nanny" dog because of their predisposition to love people, especially children. Some Pit Bulls may show aggression towards other dogs. Often, aggression in dogs towards other canines stems from insecurity or fear. With diligent training and a committed handler, the dog may overcome this aggressive behaviour.

It is the HUMANS that misuse their pets, not the dogs that are to blame. Place the responsibility where it belongs.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 17:31

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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2008/6/20 3:19
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From "Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada
September 1982 to November 13, 2006" by Merritt Clifton.

(Breed: total attacks doing bodily harm, attacks resulting in death)

Pit bull terrier: 1110, 104
Rottweiler: 409, 58
Wolf hybrid: 71, 18
German shepherd: 63, 17

Stereotypes frequently have a kernel of truth. Whatever the reason, and I agree it is undoubtedly bad dog owners, Pit bulls are responsible for twice as many attacks causing bodily harm, and attacks resulting in death, than the next highest breed. Apropos of nothing, a Jack Russell also killed someone in an attack (one of two reported). Link to the full study. Oh, and Mr. Clifton is not an anti-dog nut, he's the editor of Animal People newspaper and an advocate of animal welfare worldwide.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 17:02

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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CatsnDogs wrote:
It is fact that when a bite or attack is reported in the media much of the time they incorrectly list the dog as a pit.

The pit breed is a good breed and can live very well with families, children and other pets. You cannot condemn an entire breed based on the misuse by some. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but please look at all sides of the issue before coming to a conclusion.

Find the pitbull:

If you're going to post the same link to the same stupid page as the last "PIT WARS" thread, I'm going to just cut and paste my response:

You know, when I see an uncontrolled dog with a jaw as wide as it is long that looks like it can rip the bumper off a car, I don't give a damn what it's breed is. Given that the "American Pit Bull Terrier" is simply a name for a type of mutt thats, like the old whore, gained respectability by being around long enough, what difference does it make? It probably has half those dogs in it's bloodline even if it is "purebred pit" which many are not.

But I will agree with you the issue's not in the name. It's in the lack of responsible control AND the potential lethality of the animal. I recall #13, the Presa Canario, was unlucky for a woman killed in her building's hallway by a pair in San Francisco.

Please face the fact that a pit bull (or similar dogs) may not congenitally bite more than a dachshund, but it's far more deadly when it does. Which is exactly the reason for it's inner city popularity.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 16:59

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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super_furry wrote:

injcsince81 wrote:
Evolution gave pitbulls their massive jaws, their massive heads, and their massive chests for a reason...

Selective breeding, not evolution. Jeesh!

Exactly! ...Selectively bred to kill other dogs in "pit" fights, and to be used as guard dogs.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 16:07

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
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injcsince81 wrote:
Evolution gave pitbulls their massive jaws, their massive heads, and their massive chests for a reason...

Selective breeding, not evolution. Jeesh!

Posted on: 2008/12/12 15:32

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