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Re: Affordable Care Act - Does anyone have any info about this?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Almost everything you need to know in one place.How dose the Affordable Care Act effect me?

Posted on: 2013/9/22 16:05

Re: The Jersey City Most Down Towners Never Witnessed First Hand (Please View)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Humans are evil. Sum more than others.

Posted on: 2012/3/31 1:05

Re: 233 8th street
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Vladimir? That's a deal breaker for me. LOL

Posted on: 2010/8/5 22:59

Re: Just 15 minutes ago: Female jogger harassed/assaulted by roving band of teens - Jersey and 4th
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


downright wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:

wideman wrote:
It's amazing how some don't mind when someone in a shirt and tie robs them of millions or billions but screams bloody murder when a car window is broken. A crime is a crime is a crime. LOL

Yeah, no one made a sound about companies like AIG, or the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, or the bailouts. Never even made the news.

I would love to meet the person who wouldn't mind having their millions or billions stolen.

Action or inaction speaks volumes. Billions stolen buy guys with shirts and ties on, one eyebrow is raised and life goes on. A car window is broken there are petitions, meetings and wishes of ill will for days because it is likely a poorer criminal was the perp. One criminal goes to jail and the other criminal goes to the Hamptons. Go figure!

Posted on: 2010/7/14 15:48

Re: Just 15 minutes ago: Female jogger harassed/assaulted by roving band of teens - Jersey and 4th
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It's amazing how some don't mind when someone in a shirt and tie robs them of millions or billions but screams bloody murder when a car window is broken. A crime is a crime is a crime. LOL

Posted on: 2010/7/14 1:23

Re: My car was broken into on Summit Ave between Journal and McGinley Squares
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That sucks! If you catch them have your dog hold them down while you bite them

Posted on: 2009/1/8 6:18

Re: Woman attacked, robbed in Downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hit in the head with a pipe? WTF. Just think about it. What kind of savages are out there?

Posted on: 2008/12/25 0:29

Re: places to go running/jogging?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The armory has an awesome indoor track. It is on Montgomery.

Posted on: 2008/12/21 14:48

Re: Greenville: Escaped prisoner nabbed with 333 bags of drugs, handgun & hollowpoint shells
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That's a stupid idea, a criminal has already betrayed his country by committing a criminal act, they would do it again if they were offered money or freedom. The easier way is to bring back the death penalty when a criminal after five violent felonies or related to drugs, 2 convictions related to sexual assault, pedophilia, etc., or a conviction for murder or attempted murder with a maximum 5 years of appeal time.

I don't believe in the death penalty as it stands today. Greenville, let's be more creative. They would still be prisoners but they will be making restitution to the country by searching for road side bombs in the war zone. Granted the job may only last for a few weeks but why lose a good soldier? If they survive the war they go free.

We could even bet on our favorite cons online. It could be like American Idol or some crazy Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. OK I'm back now . Just a thought.

Maybe I really do believe in the death penalty

Posted on: 2008/12/20 19:49

Re: Greenville: Escaped prisoner nabbed with 333 bags of drugs, handgun & hollowpoint shells
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This Boy Scout should never walk the streets again. If a country is at war you should be able to put a piece of crap like this on trail. Once convicted they should be on the next plane to the front lines to search for road side bombs or something like that.

Posted on: 2008/12/20 14:57

Re: Lincoln Park: 3,750 bags of heroin seized, 6 arrested at A. Harry Moore Public Housing (Duncan Ave)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There was no MONEY found! Money and drugs are usually found together. Christmas came early for someone.

Posted on: 2008/12/20 8:48

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm more afraid of people! In your haste in crossing the street to avoid a dog don't get hit by a bus.

Posted on: 2008/12/16 13:30

Re: What can I do to save my house from going into foreclosure?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

ciao.. you wont be missed.

Damn! That's cold. Poor people have been having these type of problems for many many years and be met with such coldness. They have resorted to some of the negative suggestions. I hope things work out for you and good luck.

Posted on: 2008/12/14 15:10

Re: Unleashed Pit Bull attacks jogger in Lincoln Park -- Owner leaves woman bleeding
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I can understand playing it safe but I can not see me crossing the street to avoid a 40lb dog. It would be like me running down the street from a bumble bee. That's just me. Everyone should live in their own comfort zone.

Posted on: 2008/12/13 18:37

Re: Greenville: Former felon facing more jail time after accidentally shooting 2-year-old with shotgun
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Are they sure Plaxico Burress did not shot the child?

Posted on: 2008/12/11 13:01

Re: Cordero kids throwing rocks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hollywood would be interested in this story! I see a book deal on the horizon.

Posted on: 2008/12/6 5:47

Re: Cordero kids throwing rocks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Crazy person, chasing kids down the street!

Posted on: 2008/12/5 5:15

Re: NJ transit fare system is unfair (& how to get to newark EWR)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


FakeGreenDress wrote:

humanist wrote:
Its not as fast or convenient but you can catch any 62 bus from newark penn to the airport for $1.35

I've done this in the middle of the night when there were no NJT trains to EWR (had like a 5 am flight) and it was just me and the airport employees -- and zero traffic. It was an easy, quick ride. Probably the cheapest way to get there, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it during the holiday rush.

You guys hit the nail on the head for the elevated fee to EWR. There are about 26,000 Airport employees that live in NY and NJ. They don't want them to catch that train from Penn Station NY or NJ, the want to persuade them to catch the #62 bus for $1.32 from Penn Station Newark.

Posted on: 2008/11/27 3:59

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

They just announced that Tony Rezco is going to be secretary of commerce!

That's good! I heard it was going to be Sarah Palin.

Posted on: 2008/11/5 22:34

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

maybe this question is too early or out of place, i know everyone is still in celebration mode, but: i'm watching msnbc, and they are harping about how Obama is "the first African American president of the United States,"........... he??? if Obama was half Columbian/half white dude, would they be saying "the first Latino president of the United States"? it just seems a bit odd to state that claim outright that he is African American. by blood, he's just as Rural Kansas as he is African American.

It is when he applies for a job, is pulled over by police or is walking behind someone on a dark street America makes that choice for you. They see him as a Black Man. I'm sure he has the scars to prove it.

I'm sure President Obama's Mother and Grandparents prepared him for the realities of American life. America has gotten better and one day it just will not matter.

Posted on: 2008/11/5 11:16

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Found with shot in chest
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Who was shot in the chest?

Posted on: 2008/11/4 3:47

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Clinton initiated cheap mortgages to the piss-poor, under pressure from minority, community activists (like Obama) and was responsible for de-regulation. The policy claimed that "red lining" people who couldn't afford a house was racist. Subsiquently, it was miss managed by Bush for 8 years.

Mismanaged is and understatement. Try becoming the middle man for his cronies.

It's no reason to hold McCain responsible for the financial crisis. A tight republican government has always been more cost effective than a spend thrift democratic one.

Republican's have increased the size of government and raised the national debt to 12 trillion dollars. This has to be paid and the poor and middle class can not do it alone.

Obamas plans to redistribute wealth have got nothing to do with paying off our debt. It's about sticking it to the man. Promises of free universal health care, education, hand outs....these are outright lies under present circumstances.

Bush cut taxes for the rich (his friends) during war time. No civilization in history has ever done this and this has contributed to the 12 trillion dollar debt. That's 300 billion dollars a year in interest payments alone. We just handed Wall Street 1 trillion dollars of our money without the blink of an eye to insure the end of the year bonuses get out in time.

My great great grand kids can not afford Republican rule. Something has to change, you choose.

Posted on: 2008/11/2 11:10

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

All joking aside for me. Dose anyone believe that a person without the intellectual curiosity to learn to use the greatest invention and tool ever created by human beings can even dream about running a great country like the United States of America?

We can neglect her and she come back for more, but she may not ever recover after 8 years of Bush and 4 years of McCain.

If you let that happen you never be able to explain it to your great grandkids. They may push your wheel chair out in traffic for destroying America. Retire the Crypt Keeper.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/10/30 3:46

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The handicapped kid can use a computer. Even Steven Hawking can use a computer. By the way home computers were not around when McCain was a POW, so how can that be an issue (bad joke)

Posted on: 2008/10/30 2:03

Re: Barack Obama for President
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is scary. The Bush Administration has left this country in horrible condition. The country will be 12 trillion dollars in debt with an interest payment of over 300 billion a year and America just takes it. What a bunch of suckers!

Now we forget that our children?s children?s grand children will be paying off this debt. Worst yet there are suggestions that Obama will make things worst. How can anything get worst? Until Bush Franklin Pierce was known as the worst President in American history. Bush has now won that distinction, and ironically Bush is a direct descendent of Pierce.

Again America wants to continue this destructive course with a vote for McCain. This guy is out of touch, look at him. He can't even use the typewriter with the TV attached to it to read an email. America please don?t do it.

Posted on: 2008/10/30 1:35

Re: Kids Collecting On Erie and 440
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

When someone ask you for money or anything you have a choice to give or not. Then you go on with your day. Those who think and worry because they have said no have different issues. Seek help. People who suddenly care about the welfare of people and children who they would not piss on if they were on fire have even a bigger issue. I give and what they do with it is their issue (even church). Most pay taxes (Local, State and Federal) and only God knows what happens to that. Please don't selectively hate!

Posted on: 2008/10/12 3:55

Re: Greenville: Suspect Killed By Police
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

A great cross section of Christian America

Posted on: 2008/9/15 23:18

Re: Heights Break-In: Off-duty cop spots burglars while handing out crime flyers
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


NewHeights wrote:
I'll stick to facts and data from here on out. Based on these numbers I made the assumption.

You can call people rascists and stick your head in the sand but that won't change these stats. Spending more time on solving the problems might. ... hics_of_the_United_States

Are these stats a self-fulfilling prophecy? If you were an employer, police officer or judge you would tend to be biased against the "Profiled" (happens everyday) Look at laws like Rockefeller Drug laws

"The stark racial impact of drug law enforcement in New York also raises fundamental questions about the state?s commitment to equal protection of the laws and racial equality: ninety-four percent of the people sentenced under the drug laws are black or Hispanic. Black men are admitted to prison on drug charges at eleven times the rate of white men. Most drug arrests occur in lower income, primarily minority urban areas, even though whites use drugs at approximately the same rate as blacks. "

These type of written and unwritten laws have been a burden to the "Profiled" for over 400 years. Self-fulfilling prophecy?

With any group of people 90% are good normal and decent and 10% are something else. Again this is with any group.

Posted on: 2008/8/29 22:55

Re: Heights Break-In: Off-duty cop spots burglars while handing out crime flyers
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


NewHeights wrote:
Not a freudian slip , just an assumption. Chances are i'm right. By the way his first name is Dwayne. Didnt you ever see that show "Whats happenin" ?

Correct! It was not Freudian but very conscious. Dwayne? Lucky his name was not Obama. I agree 5 warning shots in the back would be in order.

Posted on: 2008/8/29 5:36

Re: Heights Break-In: Off-duty cop spots burglars while handing out crime flyers
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


[quote]Im sure the only reason the cop spotted them was because he used racial profiling. Its unfair that the yuppie burglars never get caught because they dont "look suspicious".

A freudian slip? (The article never mentioned race!)

Seriously though, I was hoping for some TV action. Maybe a fist fight, a chase, then the take down. Maybe next time.

Posted on: 2008/8/29 1:59

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