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Re: Virile Barber Shop
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"Something for the weekend?"

Posted on: 2014/2/3 0:27

Re: Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee
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The only adjective to describe someone from the U.K. is "British" because no others exist (like there is no adjective derived from U.S.). "British citizen" is an accepted status. "English citizen", "Scottish citizen", "Welsh citizen", "Northern Irish citizen" are not meaningful terms.

In more recent times it is becoming more in vogue for British (yes I said it) people to describe themselves as primarily Scottish, Welsh, Irish or English (Ed Miliband did so only yesterday although I wonder if he would have said the same maybe 10 years ago). However, I think a very sizable number of UK residents (6-7million) were born outside the UK. This is several times either the populations of Northern Ireland or Wales so these people should not be forgotten and in my opinion are most likely to describe themselves as British first rather than English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish.

Since the ascendency of the nationalist movement in Scotland, people in Scotland are more likely to describe themselves first as Scottish rather than British although it remains to be seen whether they will vote for full independence. If they do, this will mean the break up of the United Kingdom as we know it. "Great Britain" would still exist as a geographical term but I am guessing that the term "British" might eventually disappear if this happens.

In response to the rise of Scottish nationalism people in England who hitherto were the least likely of the home countries to describe themselves as anything other than British are now more likely to call themselves English while still thinking of themselves as British. One reason for this is that some people in England see themselves under-represented as England is the only UK country not to have its own separate parliament or assembly ( this anomaly is sometimes referred to as the "West Lothian Question").

The bottom line is this: in the absence of any other information, it is OK to refer to someone from the UK as British. I don't think the vast majority of people from the UK have any problem with this at all, it's how most of them think of themselves. (Sorry Northern Ireland, but there are less than 2 million people living there and it seems quite possible that Northern Ireland and the Republic will unify in the foreseeable future).

On the other hand if you refer to someone from the UK as English you have about a 10% chance of offending them (so don't do it unless you know they are ).

Posted on: 2012/6/7 21:56

Re: God belongs on the streets in Jersey City
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Not sure you grasped my point. Atheists and theists are both capable of the worst atrocities. But the idea that crimes are done in the name of atheism is nonsense. There is no atheistic creed or doctrine so no crimes are committed in the name of atheism.

The crimes were committed by sociopaths. if you think that being an atheist means you have no conscience that is ignorant and insulting to atheists. Maybe just maybe, these crimes were committed for other reasons than just that the perps were atheists. Hmmm?

If you think you have God on your side it might be just as easy to commit an atrocity as it would be for an atheist who doesn't believe in the day of judgement to commit one. The theist mass-murderer can at least ask for (and be confident to be granted) forgiveness on their deathbed.

Posted on: 2012/4/5 2:00

Re: God belongs on the streets in Jersey City
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PubliusIV wrote:

At the end, whether one is an atheist or believer, there is a jump of faith.

Atheism is merely a lack of belief in God(s). It doesn't require faith to have a lack of belief.

FYI: Some ("strong" or "positive" ) atheists will assert that God does not exist but this is not the default position.


one has to consider that since 1789, all the violence has been done in the name of Atheism.

I don't believe any violence has been done "in the name of Atheism".
Some atheistic despots have done violence but I don't think any of them claimed to do it in the name of Atheism, did they?
Perhaps a different choice of words was warranted.

Posted on: 2012/4/5 0:47

Re: God belongs on the streets in Jersey City
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Well if you think you have to be an atheist to commit atrocities, it was refreshing to hear William Lane Craig's defense of the Israelite genocide of the Canaanites. He claimed that the only people that might have really been harmed by this were the Israelite soldiers that had to carry out God's orders to kill all the Canaanite men, women and children.

Nice one, Bill! No wonder they call it apologetics.

It's perfectly OK to commit genocide as long as you do it in God's name.

Posted on: 2012/4/4 14:46

Re: One of the most corrupt states is the least corruptible state now?
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April 1st is still more than a week away

Posted on: 2012/3/20 13:41

Re: Smile your on camera :) West Side gets cameras
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ianmac47 wrote:

CSXrailfan wrote:
Wonderful. They don't work in Newark, they don't work in the UK. There's no reason whatsoever to think they'll work here. It's fun watching the mayor throw endless piles of money into his own intellectual black hole.

Speaking of intellectual failure, it's "you're", not "your".

This is a beautiful post. Like / +1

I am sure that the perpetrators of the 7/21 London attacks in 2005 would not have been apprehended as quickly (within 8 days of the attacks) or possibly at all without the use of CCTV cameras which no doubt also aided in securing the convictions.

Of course, the 7/7 bombers were all killed in the previous attacks, however, they were also identified within hours of the actual attacks by CCTV cameras which must have aided in the investigation of those attacks.

I don't think grammatical errors are particularly indicative of intellectual failure in my understanding of the word; they are just grammatical errors. I am unable to determine whether the poster just made a mistake or whether s/he genuinely doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Knowing the difference doesn't prevent you from making the mistake although you would probably be much less likely to make it. I don't have enough information in a single isolated occurrence to decide which it is and I am surprised by anybody that claims to be able to tell the difference.

The more immediate the form of communication, the more likely we are to make mistakes. Would someone apply the same rigor to another's speech or text messages as some people seem to want to apply to a bulletin board entry? Try it and see how it works for you?

Attempts to use the presence of grammatical error to winning an argument look fairly desperate and not beautiful.

Posted on: 2012/1/13 17:50

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyline!
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brewster wrote: Quote:
I_heart_JC wrote: nice revision/addition! but I gotta nitpick my biggest grammatical pet peeve: you used "it's" when you should've used "its."
Is not (isn't) it proper to use an apostrophe for a contraction? It's= It is. "It is my first". My sentence was not a usage of the possessive form, "its". As in: its design sucks. Thanks though. I don't know about the Springsteen link, but Empty Sky is also the 1969 debut album of Elton John according to Wiki.
I think the sentence that I_heart_JC was referring to was this one. "From the first revealing of the design, the people and government of Jersey City, home of Liberty State Park, have opposed it's construction based on it's massive nature causing disruption of a beloved and much used public space." "its" is a bit of a ****-up in the English language since most possessive forms use the apostrophe. We probably should not be struggling to preserve ****-ups in the language. The apostrophe might disappear altogether with a bit of luck but as things stand the usage quoted above was not correct.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 20:43

Re: Prime Food Market - 10th & Manila
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They have a great variety of stuff. I hope people will support them.

24 hours, people!

Posted on: 2011/6/22 15:28

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:

Why? do you think Bush was really any brighter or informed? The only real challenge is to stay on script, and she's now arguably better than he was at the same stage.

Well his academic record was a bit more impressive than Palin's.

If Obama says there are 57 states or signs and dates the visitors book in Westminster Abbey last month with a date in 2008 it's just brain fart but if Palin or Bush had done either of those things it would be because they are stupid, innit?

Posted on: 2011/6/3 21:09

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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NJNJ wrote:
I can't even believe someone had the nerve to post this at all-- if this post was entitled "who thinks the holocaust/african american/other "accepted" group needs to go", I guarantee the webmaster would not even allow this post to be published. This is not about the supposed "artistry" or "taste" of the memorial (all just a pretense), it's just flat out bigotry against a group that has suffered longstanding injustices without much acknowlegement, sympathy or attention.

Webmaster, I request you delete this garbage post in its entirety and refuse to allow such bigotry on this forum. This is why I don't read JC List anymore.

How do you know that people can't genuinely have a problem with the appearance/location of the memorial while at the same time still sympathize with the victims of the Katyn massacre? Are all the people that objected to the Bayonne 9/11 memorial being located in Liberty State Park 'bigots'?

Bigotry is the intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. That description seems to fit the tone of your post.

Posted on: 2010/12/5 19:27

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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trp3 wrote:
sinik wrote:

I wonder how many statues to Columbus there are in Poland


Well maybe there will be now. ... umbus-polish.html?typ=ise

Posted on: 2010/12/1 18:33

Re: bus stops - hamilton park
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Does the bus really stop on both 8th and 9th street in HP? That would seem like overkill having the stops so close together.

No bus stops in HP between 9am and 5:30pm. It's a very sparse service.

Posted on: 2010/11/18 16:28

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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G_Elkind wrote:

George Santayana said it best, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


Nice non sequitur, George

Those that can not forget the past are condemned to being trapped in it.

Is having a statue that shows our feelings of anger and bitterness the only way to prevent us from forgetting the past?

In fact let's look at all the other memorials to war dead. They all pretty much focus on the victims and allow us to remember the fallen without making political statements. Have you seen any 9/11 memorials that point a finger at Islam? Have you seen any Holocaust memorials that blame Hitler or even Germany in general? (not saying there aren't any but I have never seen one). Have we forgotten 9/11? Have the Jews forgotten the holocaust? Are we likely to forget just because we don't have "in-your-face" memorials?

Posted on: 2010/11/12 23:14

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:
Let's agree to disagree at this point

Agreed (...or disagreed )

Posted on: 2010/9/17 3:02

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

Sinik I posted BOTH the link AND the excerpt in my post. Your reply made NO distinction nor qualification between the two.

You included the excerpt in quotes and preceded it with "To quote:", so that's what I would expect you to understand I was referring to by my use of the word "quote".
Do you really need to be told everything explicitly or are you playing dumb?

So let's talk about the whole Wiki article and not just the "quote". The main perp in this crime is almost certainly from South East Asia so the stats in the article which are related mostly to black and white crime are largely not relevant.

Even if the perps were black(and I am pretty sure they were not), the Wiki stats are based on the national average of about 12% black population whereas in JC the black and hispanic populations are both about 28% and not much less than whites(~34%) so the stats are not necessarily translatable to this community which has a very different demographic to the national average.


On post #36 I didnt care to repost your paragraph that included your rant on Asians, and idiotic assertion about my beliefs. I was answering your first paragraph. I didnt care to answer your idiotic and absurb claims in your second.

Well if you think I was ranting against Asians in the second paragraph, then you are the one with the comprehension problem. If you didn't understand what I was saying in that paragraph (and by saying I was ranting against Asians it is clear that you did not), I really don't think it's possible to have a dialogue with you.

If you were responding to my first paragraph then it makes no sense to delete the second paragraph and include the last sentence which referred only to the second paragraph. Either you didn't understand or you included it dishonestly to change the sense of what I was saying.

I really don't know why you are making this issue your personal crusade and I think you have chosen the wrong crime to take a stand on.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 4:37

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:


by sinik on 2010/9/13 23:47:19

BTW the quote from the Wiki was almost entirely qualitative with the only figures given dating back nearly 20 years. 20 years ago the notion of an African-American president was a lot more remote than it is now.

Ok - let me summarise the wiki for Sinik, CC and icechute who don't seem to be able to read nor comprehend. The percentages of crime show little relative differences between races on commiting crimes. But guess who gets arrested the most? And Sinik, 2008 is 2 years ago, not 20. If you guys have something useful to say other than your stereotypical opinions, please back it up with some facts.

You are quite a tricky guy, aren't you? First, in post #36, you selectively lift a quote of mine but deleting some sentences so that it changes the meaning, then you claim that my use of the word "quote" above is referring to the link you posted rather than the quote you excerpted from the link. Nice one.

Posted on: 2010/9/14 19:25

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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The dumb thing about this argument is that as soon as these guys are apprehended and charged, the JJ will plaster their photographs over the paper as they always do in these cases. Many issues have the photographs of people charged with crimes on the front cover so many people will see this without even buying the paper.

BTW the quote from the Wiki was almost entirely qualitative with the only figures given dating back nearly 20 years. 20 years ago the notion of an African-American president was a lot more remote than it is now. The breakdown of JC residents according to the last published census figures is about 34% white, 28% black, 28% latino/hispanic so it should be expected that crimes will be committed by all of these groups as well as others (as in this case).

I notice that dtjcview is still calling this a "general local" crime. According to the JJ article link that Crazy_Chester posted a while back, Hudson County prosecutors have asked the US Marshall's Fugitive Task Force to get involved and say the State Department may also become involved. I assume the State Department does not normally get involved in "general local" crimes.

Posted on: 2010/9/14 3:47

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

Publishing race on every single mugging, bar fight, or whatever really achieves nothing except reinforce stereotypes.

There are too many armchair critics on this forum

1. The guy is on a ventilator in critical condition so this is not just another "mugging" or "barfight" ( a point I made in my last post and yet you continue to present this as an ordinary case. You even seemed to object to the expression "vicious thugs"). It's attempted murder and could become a murder investigation

2. The description of the second attacker is useless and wouldnt catch anybody

3. At this point, given that it has been reported that the primary attacker has fled to Vietnam, it would seem very likely that the suspect is from there. Certainly most people would assume that most people from Vietnam are of Asian ethnicity. There is no point in concealing something that people will assume anyway. People will also rightly or wrongly assume that the second attacker is also of Asian origin. If he is still at large and being sought then there can be no reason not to publish his ethnicity if people are going to assume it anyway and if he is not of that ethnicity letting people continue to think he is Asian will only hinder the investigation.

4. If the guy is Asian,.... he is Asian. Publishing facts does not "reinforce stereotypes". Anybody of any race can be a murderer. What "stereotype" are you talking about?

Posted on: 2010/9/9 12:31

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

Simply put, posting race is unnecessary. It doesn't help the JC police find the perps. If they don't feel the need to post race, why do you think you know better?

The more specific information you post, the more likely you are to find witnesses who saw the actual perp and the less chance you have of wasting police and the public's time with false reports.

If the victim dies (he was reported to be in critical condition on life support so that seems like a possibility), then this will be a murder investigation so this is not just some weekend street brawl we are talking about.

Do you really think the description of the second attacker has any chance of finding witnesses? I'll remind you that all we have been told is that he was wearing a Giants T-shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. No height, no build, no race.

If this becomes a murder or attempted murder investigation I am sure the police will post a fuller description if they have still not located the second attacker.

Posted on: 2010/9/8 4:36

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

sinik wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

So given your tortured logic, both you and CC think all slim, tall Giant fans of an "unspecified ethnic group" are vicious thugs?

Er, no. Not our logic, YOUR logic. I think you need to explain why if the JJ includes race in the description that "creates a stereotype" but including other details do not.


If you don't think that, what makes you presume other people will think it?

Perhaps because the police and JJ are looking for witnesses, and not create stereotypes. How does the JJ statement create stereotypes? Your logic is twisted... Nope, actually absurd.

You clipped part of my quote. The last sentence of my quote refers to the part that you deleted, not the part you left in.

I am trying to decide whether you really don't understand what is being said or whether you are being dishonest.

Posted on: 2010/9/8 2:41

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

Perhaps because the police and JJ are looking for witnesses, and not create stereotypes. How does the JJ statement create stereotypes? Your logic is twisted... Nope, actually absurd.

Can you really be this dense or are you putting me on?

Putting the ethnicity of the perps in the description no more creates a stereotype than any of the other items in the description....

You said you understand what reductio ad absurdum means but you keep demonstrating that clearly you don't.

Have you got it, now? (I doubt it)

Posted on: 2010/9/8 2:25

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

So given your tortured logic, both you and CC think all slim, tall Giant fans of an "unspecified ethnic group" are vicious thugs?

Er, no. Not our logic, YOUR logic. I think you need to explain why if the JJ includes race in the description that "creates a stereotype" but including other details do not.

We know the guy that tried to take over the Discovery Channel building a few days ago was Asian and the guy that shot 32 people at Virginia Tech was Asian. So do we think all Asian people are more likely to go crazy like that? Personally, I don't and don't think other people do. However, YOU, dtjcview, do think that other people will draw those kind of inferences from knowing details of ethnicity of people who commit crimes. I don't know why you would think that unless you, yourself believe that people of a certain ethnicity are more likely to commit crimes.

If you don't think that, what makes you presume other people will think it?

Posted on: 2010/9/7 13:03

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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dtjcview wrote:

sinik wrote:
I think Crazy_chester was using reductio ad absurdum to make his point which went over dtjcview's head.

Nope. It didn't go over my head. It was just badly worded by CC. It implied a number of things that neither I nor the JJ stated. I get RAD.

No I don't think you do. Of course he is implying things you didn't explicitly state, that's kind of the point of RAD. The JJ has nothing to do with it. It's about what YOU think stating the race of the perps implies and using the same logic (your logic) to draw a similar inference form what they did actually say.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that the people that did this (kicking a guy on the ground until he is in critical condition) were "vicious thugs". If you don't think they were, then you really don't get it.

Posted on: 2010/9/6 15:40

Re: Downtown: Man beaten outside Jersey City bar on life support
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I think Crazy_chester was using reductio ad absurdum to make his point which went over dtjcview's head.

Maybe they also shouldn't put the gender of suspects in descriptions because that is clearly stereotyping males.

The description of the second attacker is particularly pathetic. Apparently he was between 22 and 23 but whoever reported that was not able to say anything about the second man's height or build or the kids at the JJ forgot to mention it.

Posted on: 2010/9/5 6:24

Re: Teppan Bar and Grill
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I went there for lunch during restaurant week. It was quite a good deal, if I remember. I didn't notice any rounding. I think they also have a happy hour.

I could name 2 or three places in JC that round up to the nearest quarter. I avoid these places.

Posted on: 2010/8/24 6:09

Re: Light rail tickets
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Can you still buy a 10 ride discount?

The expiry period used to be 1 month on discount tickets

Posted on: 2010/8/16 22:22

Re: Be careful on Erie Street and 10th
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GlitterQueen wrote:
people who drive don't all try to run people down. I let people cross when they are in the cross walk.

I guess we are not talking about you, then. So if not all drivers try to run people down what would you say would be an acceptable percentage?


people in jc are way to obsessed with pedestrian's rights. use common sense and you will not get hit by a car.

This is not true as I and others have related. Just because you haven't experienced it, doesn't mean it isn't happening on a regular basis. So far I have not been hit only because I have taken evasive action while on a crossing when a careless, aggressive or ignorant driver has either not seen me or chosen to intimidate because they don't know the laws. Most of these drivers are driving well in excess of 25mph on residential streets.

But yes, not all drivers are doing it. Happy?

Posted on: 2010/7/8 12:22

Re: Can anyone shed some insight on the Newport Mall lockout of Hamilton Park?
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On the weekend, walking to Grove Street will not do you much good.

If you walk through the parking garage you have to contend with jerks that ignore the stop signs at the designated crossings and then fight your way through a cordon of shoppers lining up to pay for their parking tickets. Could they have put that machine in a more inconvenient place?

Posted on: 2010/7/8 11:43

Re: Downtown: Man robbed at Newport Mall - video shows he was set up by female classmate & her boyfriend
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SICULO wrote:

If mall managment really wanted to get serious about the loitering that goes on there, they could, its done in other malls nationwide.

This doesn't have anything to do with loitering it was a planned ambush. The woman lured the victim to the boyfriend.

"For the female of the species is more deadly than the male" - Kipling


PS:I guess parking fees don't keep em out either???

High parking fees means that you have to steal something each time you go. They didnt want to have to leg it over to BJ's parking lot and find their car had been towed.

Posted on: 2010/6/4 13:23

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