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Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
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Mathias wrote:
just as an is not unusual for police officers to kill dogs for fun. Search different news databases and you will see this for yourself. Police officers know they can get away with a lot.

Ah yes, the City is being roamed by Doggy Death Squads.

Posted on: 2012/2/18 2:32

Re: With the budget wrapped up, Christie said he is leaving this weekend for a two-week family vacation.
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Sweeney unleashes his fury as N.J. budget battle turns personal

By Tom Moran/ The Star-Ledger

TRENTON ? Senate President Stephen Sweeney went to bed furious Thursday night after reviewing the governor?s line-item veto of the state budget.

He woke up Friday morning even angrier.

"This is all about him being a bully and a punk," he said in an interview Friday.

"I wanted to punch him in his head." ... cry_foul_at_gov_chri.html

Better late than never Sweeney. Too bad you caved on the pension/med. insurance issue already.

Posted on: 2011/7/3 23:09

Re: With the budget wrapped up, Christie said he is leaving this weekend for a two-week family vacation.
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teacher wrote:
If anyone in the history of NJ politics has earned a vacation its this man. Unions and all lazy government workers are killing this state and country. He is one reason to be thankful on
this 4th of July. God Bless.

You are consistent teacher. A consistent right wing jerk. It's people like George Bush taking this country into two wars that weren't paid for and then cutting taxes for the wealthy that has brought us to where we are. Unions aren't the issue, it's the Goldman Sachs', hedge funds, oil companies and defense contractors. They have profited off the pain of the poor and middle class.

Posted on: 2011/7/2 2:50

Re: Another 40 municipal employees are laid off in Jersey City
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MDM wrote:
Until the costs of salaries, overtime, and benefits (insurance, pensions) is addressed in regards to the fire and police departments, Jersey City will remain fiscally unsound.


Sad that other municipal employees need to be furloughed and laid off so Police and Fire can get increases and other benefits. There is no shared sacrifice here. The cops whine and Healy caves.

Posted on: 2011/7/2 0:17

Re: Jersey City Democratic Committee election a proxy Healy-Fulop battle
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gibbons70 wrote:

BrightGirl wrote:
Anyone have any opinions on Sandra Cunningham vs Bruce Alston for State Senator? I looked up Sandra Cunningham's list of sponsored bills and am inclined to vote for her based on her record and experience.

Sandra Cunningham is a Healy Democrat, but at the State level.

Sandy Cunningham is a very low quality person. Her primary advisor was Joe Cardwell, a man who just plead guilty to accepting bribes. She is a typical HCDO hack with a very nasty attitude. She invokes the race card each time she is criticized. And on top of everything else, she has supported Christie and his cuts for education.

Posted on: 2011/6/7 14:39

Re: Promotion of 41 police will slash overtime & save hundreds of thousands of dollars, Healy says
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This is total BS. The cops find all kinds of ways to game the system and to get their overtime.

Posted on: 2011/6/7 14:33

Re: Jersey City lays off 52 employees, with 56 more layoffs coming at end of month
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These layoffs would not have been necessary if not for the greed of the Police and Fire unions. Public safety comprises 70-80 percent of the City budget. In a time of severe budget shortfalls why are Police and Fire getting increases and promotions when most non-uniform City employees are getting furloughed or laid off ?

Posted on: 2011/6/7 14:30

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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One more for Adonis.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2011/6/2 0:43

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:
Cmon, you can't photoshop her and leave out the assault rifle! That's un-American!

Here ya go.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2011/6/1 2:01

Re: Councilman Steve Fulop Proposes city and county consolidation of certain functions
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"I've seen some lousy resolutions," Ward D Councilman William A. Gaughan groused before casting his vote. "These two have to be the worst."

At-large Councilman Radames Velazquez Jr. suggested that Fulop's real intention was to oust former Councilman Steve Lipski, an ally of Mayor Jerramiah Healy, from his post as EDC executive director.

What a shame the City Council is filled with Healy parrots. It is painful to watch the spectacle.

Posted on: 2011/5/27 20:27

Re: 250+ JC public school teachers protested BOE's 'thoughtless' layoffs of 42 special-ed instructors
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Another outrage on the part of Epps. The JCBOE is bloated with administrators making six figure salaries. Many are cronies of Epps. So special education teachers have to get the boot.

I hope the Fulop block of Board members finds a way to get rid of Epps immediately.

Posted on: 2011/5/27 20:23

Re: Christie's school budget ruled unconstitutional - NJ Supreme Court rules for poorest schools
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ExUWSguy wrote:I may be dating myself, but when I was in school and did badly it was assumed I wasn't applying myself.

I couldn't agree more. Teachers are convenient whipping boys for the right wing, parents who take no role in their kids education/upbringing and the urban gentry who look down their noses at the public schools.

Posted on: 2011/5/27 20:19

Re: Jersey City EDC CEO and former councilman Steve Lipski's salary set to hike from $1 to $97K
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Flipski's indignation is pretty pathetic. He has fed at the public trough for years and his own personal behavior is reprehensible. And given the debacle at his CREATE charter school he should never be entrusted with the responsibility to run any City agency.

Posted on: 2011/5/27 20:15

Re: Councilman Steve Fulop Proposes city and county consolidation of certain functions
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There are numerous ways the City may continue capitalizing on having the JCEDC work with the City in spurring economic development and leveraging the municipal budget.


Steve Lipski

Yeah right ! With Steve Flipski at the helm. Another Healy hack in the tradition of Mariano Vega, Guy Catrillo, etal. Lets hope JCEDC is merged. But I'm not holding my breath.

Posted on: 2011/5/21 16:30

Re: Carmine's pizza moving to 8th & Brunswick?
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CSXrailfan wrote:
I call bullshit. There's a FOR LEASE sign in Carmine's window.

I have heard that the City won't give approval to building out the space on 1st & Brunswick. That's why the lease sign is out.

Posted on: 2011/5/21 0:58

Re: What Jersey City Restaurant Do You Miss the Most?
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ASA-Alum wrote:
Just to establish my era: my favorite restaurant was Robinson's Steakhouse at Journal Square. But my family were also regulars at The Alps on Bergen Avenue; the State diner on the corner of Bergen and Montgomery; The Glenwood on West Side Avenue; Canton Tea Gardens at Journal Square; Silverod's and Liss's (both pharmacies) lunch counters at Journal Square; Meyer's on Bergen Avenue for burgers, fries, and homemade ice cream; Lee Sims on Bergen Avenue (a few doors down from Meyer's) for chocolates. For Italian, definitely the Tripoli on Newark -- but does anyone remember Jerry's, a small dark Italian restaurant just off Monticello (in the neighborhood of The Astor Bar)? Great thin crust pizza and wonderful homemade tomato sauce! And how about The La on Kennedy Boulevard at Jewett -- the ASA crowd always filled that place with uniform skirts rolled up, drinking cokes (at a nickel a glass) and smoking!

All of the above plus Brummers for ice cream !

Posted on: 2011/4/17 1:07

Hudson County operative says he was paid $20K as consultant on informant Solomon Dwek's payroll
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

By Star-Ledger Staff

JERSEY CITY ? One of Hudson County?s most powerful operatives, a close and feared associate of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy, was secretly on the payroll of infamous FBI informant Solomon Dwek, according to a confidential government surveillance video.

Harold "Bud" Demellier ? a key Democratic strategist who ran Healy?s 2009 re-election campaign ? can be seen on the video, talking with Dwek about politics and making calls on his behalf in connection with several development deals. Those projects were later revealed to be part of a massive FBI undercover sting.

In this surveillance video excerpt, FBI informant Solomon Dwek can be seen talking with Harold 'Bud' Demellier about politics, money and making deals. Dwek can be seen in this video talking with Demellier about $20,000 that he gave him. Demellier is a key Democratic strategist who ran Jersey City Mayor Healy's 2009 re-election campaign. Dwek also speaks with Tom Fricchione, a former Jersey City councilman who was tied to Dwek in other videos but never charged. Fricchione died in Dec. 2009.

Demellier, in an interview, did not deny an association with Dwek and admitted Dwek paid him $20,000 in cash for consulting work. Demellier said he did nothing wrong.

Unlike others caught up in the investigation, he was never charged, arrested or even named in any of the criminal complaints that ensnared more than 44 mayors, legislators, Orthodox rabbis and others in the summer of 2009.

The surveillance video was discovered as part of the research for a new book on the federal investigation, "The Jersey Sting: A true story of corrupt pols, money laundering rabbis, black market kidneys, and the informant who brought it all down." It is to be released Tuesday by St. Martin?s Press.

The disclosures mark the first time that Demellier has been linked to the case, and the most vivid sign yet of just how close the FBI was moving toward the mayor of the state?s second-largest city.

Demellier, a political kingmaker whose connections helped
land him a $127,800-a-year job as director of the Hudson County Department of Roads and Public Property, said he met several times with Dwek ? a man he knew at the time as David Esenbach.

"This was someone I thought was involved in a syndicate that had money," he said from behind the desk in his seventh-floor corner office of the county administration building. It is the same office that can be seen in the surveillance video Dwek shot. Demellier said Dwek never gave him money for Healy?s campaign and he denied ever trying to sell influence. Asked if he mentioned his involvement with Dwek to Healy, Demellier replied, "I don?t remember."

Healy, through a spokeswoman, declined comment.

Former acting U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra, who was running the investigation when it became public, had nothing to say about Demellier. The current U.S. attorney, Paul Fishman, said he would not discuss any pieces of the Dwek case that have not been made public through official channels, including what ? if anything ? investigators were pursuing in connection with Healy.

Federal prosecutors never made it a secret that they were interested in Healy. Never accused of any wrongdoing in connection with the case, the colorful Jersey City mayor nevertheless played a starring role in other stark surveillance videos captured by Dwek. At a March 2009 sit-down at the Medical Center Luncheonette, Healy met with political consultant Jack Shaw, Jersey City Housing Authority commissioner Ed Cheatam, Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini and Dwek.

The FBI informant played the role of a corrupt developer in the three-year-long corruption and money-laundering probe.

At the meeting, Healy did not respond to any of Dwek?s attempts to draw him into the sting. At one point, he tells the mayor he wants his permit applications on the "top" of the pile.

Healy simply laughs.

"We like to smooth the path for people to invest in our city," was all the mayor said, referring Dwek to the city?s planning office.

In other surveillance recordings and transcripts released during Beldini?s trial, Shaw was also heard trying to set up meetings aimed at putting Dwek and Healy together.

Beldini was ultimately convicted in February 2010 of accepting $20,000 in illegal campaign contributions for Healy?s campaign. Shaw died just days after his arrest in the case.

Demellier?s introduction to Dwek came at the end of a chain of meetings with others tied to the sting operation, which the FBI called Operation Bid Rig III. According to records and transcripts, Maher Khalil, then-Jersey City?s assistant director of health and a former member of the zoning board who has already pleaded guilty in the case, put Dwek in touch with former Jersey City councilman Tom Fricchione. Then Fricchione introduced Esenbach to Demellier.

Fricchione died in December 2009. His name never surfaced in connection with the Dwek investigation, but he was a recurring character in the FBI?s surveillance recordings.

In those videos, Demellier and Dwek talk politics and poll numbers before turning their attention to how to get zoning approvals to build a luxury condo development in Jersey City. The project, located in an industrial section of the city atop a chromium waste site, was bogus and concocted by the FBI as part of the sting.

Demellier on the video tells Dwek he was moving ahead with getting the approvals in place to build the massive Garfield Avenue project. Demellier can be heard instructing him on which lawyer to hire: "I?ll call him and tell him to expect it. ? Actually I?m on his payroll for various things in other places."

As the discussion shifted to another proposed project in Bayonne, where Demellier had connections as well, the county official immediately took out his BlackBerry and punched in the number of Bayonne City Hall, leaving a message for the mayor?s chief of staff.

"A friend of mine, I understand, submitted some drawings ? when you get a chance give me a call, we can chat a little bit about it," he can be heard saying on the video.


Demellier, when asked about the surveillance video and his meetings with Dwek, said he had an outside consulting company called DUB Inc. He had agreed to help the man he knew as Esenbach with development opportunities. "He never showed any knowledge of zoning laws," Demellier said. "He never had any building plans. I got irritated a little because he had no plans."

He did not believe the consulting business conflicted with his role as a county official. He said Dwek never gave him money for Healy?s campaign. He denied ever trying to sell influence.

At first, he said he not spoken with FBI agents about the matter. A few minutes later, he corrected himself and said he spoke to the FBI only once, when one of the agents connected to the case called after the takedown. But, he said, "they didn?t ask me anything."

Demellier said he is not cooperating with federal investigators.

"People that know me know that?s not something they should believe," he stated.

He still has the $20,000 in cash that he received from Dwek. Demellier said he has never been asked to give it back.

By Ted Sherman and Josh Margolin/For The Star-Ledger ... ty_kingmaker_says_he.html

Posted on: 2011/3/14 1:30

Re: Mike Tyson reality series takes wing -- Tyson has hundreds of birds in a loft in Jersey City
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Why would anyone want to watch a show starring a convicted rapist tending to a bunch of filthy pigeons ?

Posted on: 2011/3/11 1:11

Re: Council approves introduction of budget that administration says won't raise taxes
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One of the properties is 8 Erie St., Police Hdqtrs. Not sure what the other one is.

As to dead wood, there is plenty in Police and Fire as well.

Posted on: 2011/3/11 1:09

Willie Flood's resignation letter: I need to 'focus on my family'
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By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

Jersey City Councilwoman Willie Flood resigned abruptly from the council yesterday because she wants to "focus on my family," she wrote in a letter to Council President Peter Brennan and Mayor Jerramiah Healy.

The letter states Flood had a "lengthy deliberation and consultation" with her family.

"Over the past six years, it has been an honor and privilege to serve the people of Jersey City," Flood writes in her letter. ... ods_resignation_lett.html

This is such a bad joke. The woman is incapacitated and probably didn't write the letter. And the truth is; although she might be a nice person, she has been an incompetent hack for over 30 years and will continue to pick up a paycheck as Count Registrar even though she is incapable of performing the duties. Hudson County government at its worst. Where's the transparency ??!!

Posted on: 2011/2/4 3:00

Re: Willie Flood resigns
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What about her County Register job ? If she is incapable of fulfilling her duties as City Council person for health reasons she should resign her County job as well.

Posted on: 2011/2/3 21:13

Re: Willie Flood resigns
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I'm amazed how one egocentric council-woman was convinced to forgo her position for another egocentric.
The damage is what is willie up to and what has been promised for her!

My understanding is that Ms. Flood is suffering from dementia. That's why she missed all those meetings. She should have been replaced months ago.

Posted on: 2011/2/3 19:59

Re: education - convoluted scholarship (school voucher) bill coming soon
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K-Lo wrote:
What if that targeted out of district public school is full?

Also, is the sending district going to have to pay for transportation ? And what if a suburban district won't take a minority child because their schools are full ? A discrimination lawsuit ?

This bill is a major pandering effort to the urban minority communities as well as the charter school supporters/industry.

Posted on: 2011/1/28 16:59

Mayor Healy distances himself from business administrator's 'disparaging' comments on police, fire
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Jersey City Mayor Jerremiah Healy distanced himself this afternoon from remarks his business administrator made last night that angered police union leaders.

"Jack Kelly is the business administrator; he is not the spokesperson for the city and he certainly is not the mayor," Healy said in a written statement this afternoon.

"His responsibilities include many things, but amongst them is certainly not disparaging our public safety personnel."

Healy went on to say: "The unfortunate disparaging comments could not have come at a worse time, when the police union and the city are working in good faith. We hope that this does not setback the progress we've made through long, hard negotiations and compromise on both sides." ... y_mayor_healy_distan.html

Posted on: 2011/1/21 13:58

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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You're exactly right. It really isn't even a "fix". It's just another postponement of a real fix to the finances. But the police union will be out there trumpeting how it was some tremendous concession on their part when it reality they are giving up nothing and in fact are getting more $.


Posted on: 2011/1/19 18:34

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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Vigilante wrote:
This is precisely why I threw the lever for a Republican for the first time ever.

Czaplicki IS a Republican. Watch Christie find a job for him after he bails from the PVSC.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 18:32

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Why won't you accept the pay lag ? All other City employees did it years ago.

And why won't you sacrifice your uniform allowance for one year ? All other City workers are being furloughed and are losing more.

It appears the Police union is simply unwilling to make any concessions in a tough economic time.

Posted on: 2010/12/31 1:36

Re: Jersey City mayor and councilman clash over plan for merging JCIA and Dept of Public Works
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jcrecall wrote:
HE LIED TO THE COUNCIL THAT Eric M. Bernstein and Associates' REPORT DOES NOT mention ABOUT $10.54M SAVINGS in the last council meeting. Resign NOW Kelly!!! We can find better talent in JC...!!!

BA Jack Kelly is proving to be a complete incompetent. He knows nothing of Jersey City and it appears he knows nothing about the operation of incinerator authorities or autonomous agencies. Another great choice by Team Healy.

Fulop 2013 !!!!

Posted on: 2010/12/23 4:03

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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These layoffs would not be necessary if the Police agreed to the same one week pay lag the rest of the City employees took years ago. No police officers will lose any money. Sadly, the Police union would rather see the layoffs then to offer any concessions.

And please stop talking about leaving the Traditonal plan for medical insurance as a major sacrifice. It isn't. Every other City employee is now out of the Traditional plan. The Police shouldn't be any different.

The Jersey City Police seem to be fond of asking others to make sacrifices so they can remain the highest paid PD in the State. These latest promotions of Deputy Chiefs are just another cynical slap in the face of City taxpayers.

Posted on: 2010/12/18 20:28

Re: L. Harvey Smith - NOT GUILTY
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I guess a defense of "i tried to give the money back" was successful. Fact remains that Smith is an arrogant HCDO pol who has been feeding at the public trough for years. He dodged a bullet this time. Hopefully the HCDO hacks don't give him another job.

Posted on: 2010/12/17 2:37

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