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Re: chocolate covered strawberries in JC?
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missmags wrote:
I am looking for a bakery or other store that sells chocolate covered strawberries. Does anyone know of any stores in Journal Square or Newport areas?

goto the godiva store in newport mall, they have exactly that - fresh made chocolate covered strawberries. You can even get a membership if you buy often.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 0:39

Re: The New York Times/The Hunt: For Jersey City Hunter, Nothing Else Compared
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u can get one of them 600sqf 1br coops on montgomery for 170k, but the building leaves a lot of be desired to put it mildly..

Posted on: 2009/12/21 14:54

Re: The New York Times/The Hunt: For Jersey City Hunter, Nothing Else Compared
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nah this article looks genuine, actually that lady is pretty savvy and did her research. Although if she waited, she could gotten a 800sqf fully rennovated 1br in park hamtilon high floors for 260k....still all the step she went through is logical not like those bs marketing for the building i am forbidden to name!

One place had a washer-dryer ?in the kitchen, smack where the dishwasher should be. I thought, ?This is a design disaster.? ?

lol that's like half of trump's units.....

Posted on: 2009/12/20 23:40

Re: Holiday Tipping
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you gotta hand it to webbie, how he managed to dig up a 3 year old thread and merge this one to it lol

Posted on: 2009/12/19 16:03

Re: Holiday Tipping
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my building has an option where you can just write a 250 bucks check and the management will divide it up among all the staff.

but i find it more effective tipping individuals that i deal with daly: $50 each for 2x doormen, management manager, and super. It does make a big difference in term of getting your apt serviced and packages etc..

Posted on: 2009/12/18 18:14

Re: flood insurance for high rise condo in downtown jc?
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happy ending here, the flood insurance was fully refunded back to my escrow. The process is surprisingly painless, after i faxed them to claim from my condo assoc, called to followup. then 5 days later it was credited back to me.

So lesson here is to check your escrow deduction carefully, and dont assume all the charges are valid.

Posted on: 2009/12/17 15:46

Re: Audit urges major changes in Jersey City development deals
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G_Elkind wrote:
You can pass all the ordinance and code changes you want. Without a commitment and a structure to enforce those changes, they aren't worth the paper they are written on.

I look forward to reading the full report, but ethics code changes without a truly independent ethics commission, and without an independent supporting counsel, ensures there will be no effective enforcement.

With the city facing a $40-70 million dollar budgetary short fall, it's unlikely that any real change will occur.


yes agreed, it will just be more bullshit and novel sized paperwork to quiet down the public's outrage for "doing something", it will then fade away in a few months without making any impact to the current practices.

Only way to enforce anything is to have an independent audit in place that goes through every development deal once it has been submitted for final approval.

What it ever happen? no.

Posted on: 2009/12/14 4:26

Re: 340 Fairmount Ave
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moxiebaby wrote:
Thanks everyone for your input. As I posted in a thread about JC Heights, we're at an impasse in terms of what to do b/c I want to buy in JSQ and my fiance wants the Heights. In fact we saw a promising place on Ogden, which he's sold on, but I'm in love with 340 Fairmount. Both neighborhoods are very different and various bribes on each side (him to me: "I'll drive you to the PATH every morning if we live in the Heights" me to him: "we can get a cat if we live on Fairmount") are only complicating matters.

In short what I've concluded is that while Fairmount is walking distance to everything, it can be sketchy to get home at certain times. While Heights is quiet and safe, it's not the most convenient for commuting to NYC and not great selection of shops/restaurants just outside your door.

Points of reference: I lived in Hoboken for nearly 20 years. now we rent in Hamilton Park but cannot afford to buy in that area. Prior to us meeting my fiance lived in Newark for 8 years.

i think you will experience quite a shock moving from hamilton park to that area, especially if you never even lived in jsq. What's your budget exactly? there are quite a few well priced units in HP, i still get emails about new units coming onto the market.

also did you look at the area north of jsq path, there are a quite few high rise condos there, and that area is also better than the montegmory/jfk intersection, not to mention closer to path.

Posted on: 2009/12/13 18:35

Re: 340 Fairmount Ave
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1djcview wrote:
Gross, chicken bones, you mean like on Newark Avenue downtown?

yeah sort of but worse, the main difference is safety though, newark ave overall is considerably safer.

Posted on: 2009/12/13 18:32

Re: 340 Fairmount Ave
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i drive by there all the time, the area is ghetto. You got chicken bones and garbage everywhere, and shady looking individuals hanging around.

Posted on: 2009/12/13 5:02

Re: Real estate prices in Jersey City
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if you think about it, there are no other product in the world that gives the average john doe retail player the kind of leverage real estate provides. Where else can you get a 5 to 1 leverage except some shady high risk fx shops.

that's why this bubble was so bad, when the average american has a 5:1 or higher leverage on their investment and this particular investment comes crashing down...

Posted on: 2009/12/8 21:31

Re: Woman, 70, in 'life-threatening but stable' condition after being mauled by pit bulls
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today on the elevator down from my apt to work, an elderly asian woman holding a baby got on after me, then the elevator door opens and this big dog jumps in and onto the old woman standing on its hindlegs, scaring her half to death almost dropping the baby, who started to cry. The old lady tried to squeeze as far into the corner as she could, i guess most old asians women fear dogs to begin with.

The owner then came in smiling, pretentiously pulled on the leash a few times saying "good boy good boy, he's a sweetheart". Without even an apology.

I was so pissed, those a**hole dogowners think it's their god given right to have their dogs jump on people and that everyone adores them, almost in a showoff manner.

I told the bitch (and dont mean the dog) "maybe you should hold onto your leash tighter next time when the door opens". She looked at me like i just told her to kill herself and said TO THE DOG "we are ok, we are good and started kneeling down and hugging the dog". By then the old asian lady got out half running. I told the owner again "you know not everyone likes to have a stranger's dog jump on them, it's pretty rude". And she just continued to hug the dog. Could've said much worse but considering she lives in the same building, didnt bother.

And DirtMcGirt, you are the classic example of the fanatic idiot who should not own a pitbull.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 21:22

Re: Woman, 70, in 'life-threatening but stable' condition after being mauled by pit bulls
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The co-owner of the dogs, Jason Reid, showed up at the Associated Humane Society of Newark facility Saturday and told D.J. Infield, the manager and chief animal control officer, that Maria Zaldana, of Jersey City, must have provoked the dogs, Infield said today.

Infield said that Reid came to the shelter Saturday and said he owns the dogs along with Jessica Manno, his girlfriend. "He was adamant that the dogs must have been provoked" by the 70-year-old woman.

yes people like that should get off with an unleashed dog citation and have the dogs returned to them, so they can let them loose in the yards again....

I cant believe so many of you are defending those dog owners, so WHAT if the dog was in the yards, they jumped out and mauled a woman half to death! That is the owner's fault, period. Add insult to injury, the owner then came and said it's the woman's fault for provoking the dogs, yes the 70 year old must really done a number on the dogs...

You dont think those people should be throw in jail, maybe not attempted murder but reckless endangerment ( or involuntary manslaughter if the poor woman dies)

Maybe all of you pitbull owners are nutcases...

Posted on: 2009/12/8 0:41

Re: Real estate prices in Jersey City
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JCSHEP wrote:
I didnt read through all of the comments so if it was already addressed, my bad.

This is a smaller consideration but does anyone know if you can write off a tax abatement like you can property taxes? I am not sure with a PILOT (Payment In Lieu Of Taxes). I know you are not eligable for the homestead rebate in NJ with a pilot.

federal yes, state probably not. This was discussed many times in the past i believe, search under real estate.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 0:29

Re: Woman, 70, in 'life-threatening but stable' condition after being mauled by pit bulls
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GrovePath wrote:

Jessica Manno was given two summonses for having unleashed dogs, police said.

The issue of whether pitbull can be domestic pets with proper training/care is up for debate, and i do think euthanize all pitbull are unfair to responsible owners who take care of their dogs.

The real injustice here is the punishment of the dog owner, 2 summons for unleashed dog?!?! that's like giving a parking ticket for running over someone to close to death.

The woman should be brought up on attempted murder charges, throw in jail for a good part of her life, and never be allowed to own/care for another dog.

This isnt a case of accident, the woman purposely choose not to leash the pitbull and as a result almost killed the poor woman. Why should such disgusting irresponsible dog owners not be charged with a serious crime.

2 summons for unleashed dogs?! what a joke...

Posted on: 2009/12/7 21:25

Re: Real estate prices in Jersey City
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you still didnt add the tax deduction to your numbers ;)

but yes the down payment is another factor, it takes away your liquidity for other investments (assuming you think you can get a better return).

Posted on: 2009/12/7 19:11

Re: Real estate prices in Jersey City
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dieselpowerd wrote:

I would definitely buy a condo if it were the same price as renting. But buying is nearly twice as expensive for the same space. I pay 1650 to rent a 750 sq foot loft with 12' x 8' windows in both rooms a block from Grove street PATH station. Buying the same place would probably run me 2800 a month. If you find a similar place as mine with "the same responsibilites" for 1650 please let me know!

it's per individual basis. how much of that 2800 can you

1) get back from tax deductions?
2) as principal towards the mortgage
3) will you qualify for the 8500 free cash

add all up and make a determination, there are no blanket statements. But one thing is for sure though, if you believe the price will continue to drop another 10-20%, there is NO REASON to buy whatsoever. I bought because i feel downtown jc real estate prices has reached a flatline and the potential for another 10-20% drop is a low probability. Also my numbers made more sense - 3000 buying vs 2300 renting, plus a nicer dig not to mention the current low rates. So it wasnt a hard decision after finding a good bargain....

Posted on: 2009/12/7 7:07

Re: flood insurance for high rise condo in downtown jc?
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1) the mortgage was sold to chase a month or 2 AFTER the closing. I dont believe there was any mention of flood insurance from the original mortgage lender or that i signed anything, but to be honest there were so much paper work i might not remember correctly. I just focused on the stuff that was important at the time, didnt pay attention to flood insurance disclosures which was a mistake.

2) i tried multiple times to ask them to remove escrow especially since the condo has tax abatement. It makes no sense for them to use escrow to pay $50 a year in property tax on my behalf...but it's not possible, i believe escrow is part of the requirement to get a mortgage from almost all lenders. I am paying close to 800 a month in escrow and dont have a clue what that money will be used for (well except the flood insurance ).

But at least chase online is very clear, i can see the money going into my escrow account every month and sitting there..

Posted on: 2009/12/5 4:21

Re: flood insurance for high rise condo in downtown jc?
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i already got the insurance declaration copy from my condo management (they are awesome), and the chase lady on the phone seemed nice enough, or maybe because i sounded so pissed, she said just to fax it to her and they will resolve it.

Will see what happens....

Posted on: 2009/12/4 0:13

Re: McNair Academic Ranked #1 in NJ!
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
Given the way you write, I wouldn't have thought you went to any high school.


Posted on: 2009/12/3 23:21

Re: flood insurance for high rise condo in downtown jc?
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jklm wrote:
Your condo assn. should have flood insurance for the building. This is normally a document that is renewed each year. My bank (Chase) requires that the new policy is faxed to them every year, or they will get me insurance at their price!! Gotta keep on top of it or you have to go through the hassle of proving proof of insurance and then getting you money back.

thanks this is exactly what happened. I have chase as my mortgage lender, those rat bastard didnt even bother to send me a letter informing me about this, i just see it hidden along with all my other escrow charges, they charged $2700 for flood insurance for this year, and i only bought the place a few months ago...

the joy of home ownership...

Posted on: 2009/12/3 21:41

Re: McNair HS - #85 on Newsweek's Top 1500 Schools - Was 30 in 2008
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brewster wrote:

wibbit wrote:

i think this list is crap, my high school is not on it wtf... ... rk/stuyvesant_high_school

Jeez wibbit, read the thread. my post #12 explains all.

ops, well that just retarded way of ranking...

jenny mala, what makes sense?

Posted on: 2009/12/3 20:40

flood insurance for high rise condo in downtown jc?
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i just got charged close to $3000 from my escrow for "flood insurance". Does anyone know if this is normal? i dont remember paying for it in my previous condo. I thought high rise condos have flood insurance already covered by our maintenance. thanks

Posted on: 2009/12/3 20:39

Re: McNair HS - #85 on Newsweek's Top 1500 Schools - Was 30 in 2008
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jerseymom wrote:
McNair rated as the top High School in New Jersey, however it dropped from 30 last year to 85 in overall ranking this year according to Newsweek's list.

Newsweek's Top 1500 Schools

i think this list is crap, my high school is not on it wtf... ... rk/stuyvesant_high_school

Posted on: 2009/12/3 19:02

Re: Unique mix of cuisines offered at Nanking - Downtown at Exchange Place
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nanking is what it is - a dressed up restaurant with the food quality of a chinese takeout....

Posted on: 2009/12/3 18:57

a good aquarium shop
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so tired of driving all the way to long island's aquarium adventure everytime i need to pick up some fish/supplies. Any fishkeeper hobbyist out there? where is a good aquarium shop around here with disease-free tanks and good stock of supplies, in jc/hoboken/bayonne

Village tropical on newark is a joke, they have nothing a serious fishkeeper would touch, and their tanks are terrible with disease ridden and dead fish. I remember they mixed some puffer which are aggressive not to mention brackish with rasboras, that went real well....corpses everywhere. Never went back...

Posted on: 2009/12/1 6:33

Re: gangbangers & reese's?
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itsaurora wrote:
Oh yeah, selling candy is just about the worst thing ever. Let's all complain so they can't do it anymore. Hopefully then they'll go back to Greenville where they belong.

1) they are not kids

2) they are friends with newport security and some target employees, that's why it's allowed to go on

3) it's not about the candy, just dont want a bunch over-dressed hoods coming up to to my face everytime i go in/out a store asking me to buy slang. It's not legal, if they want to setup business, fine, rent a stand in the mall and sell all the candy they want.

Hassling people as they go in/out any stores here is not fine, and yes if that's what they want to do they should go back to greenville...

Posted on: 2009/11/30 7:22

gangbangers & reese's?
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So what's the deal with the gangbangers hassling everyone outside target and the newport mall to buy their overpriced reese's? Is it really for charity/school?

I told one of them i dont like chocolate, and he said they are not chocolate they are peanut butter, was pretty funny. Then they went after some indian family, were pretty nice at the beginning, but when the indians ignored him, he started cursing, the poor lady was almost running to get away lol

Posted on: 2009/11/28 0:06

Re: illegal gambling den & brothel in downtown?
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hookers and gambling in ONE place?! where is this?!! ask your grandma to find the address!

Posted on: 2009/11/27 23:49

Re: Jersey City Council to vote on spending $4.6 million for parking authority building
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does anyone have the exact address or pictures of this building? 225k a year in rent is about a 20 year return, it's not that bad.

But 4.6m does seems a lot even for a commercial building in that area, unless it really is a huge building. Will reserve judgement for now..

Posted on: 2009/11/25 18:18

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