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Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2012/11/10 20:38
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GrovePath wrote:
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Did you get all that?

I did. Your silly "protest" did nothing, and the world continues as it should.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 4:33

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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The same could be said of the human population, with far more accuracy.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:38

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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New Jersey has a large Canada Goose population because the state insists on wasting its citizen's money on useless killing programs instead of effective non-lethal plans that have a better track record for the long haul.

Wildlife biology experts have learned over many years what works to reduce and limit geese, but the USDA seeks out communities in which the leadership and public knows little or nothing about geese and so they are easily talked into a lucrative killing contract which is basically long-term job security for the USDA, since killing doesn't work. And USDA's Wildlife Services killing division has been written up in many newspapers for its corruption and abuse of taxpayer money and excessive killing. In fact, the entire state of California recently cancelled all of its USDA contacts for those reasons.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:37

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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Did you get all that?

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:26

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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Yes, it does make you an animal racist. And a phoney.

You don't have to love or even like every creature but if you want to call yourself an animal lover, you DO have to be fair and ethical in how you deal with the realities of the problem concerning that animal.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:23

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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There is ALWAYS a choice. The simple fact is, you get better results with non-lethal programs because they address the underlying reasons why the geese are hanging out there and they work for the long term.

Killing addresses none of the attractions, solves nothing long term and costs you a lot of money.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:20

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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Canada Geese DO NOT carry Lyme Disease, ticks, or anything else.
E.coli was proven to form without a human or animal host, and virtually every illness or disease thing that was attempted to be blamed on Canada Geese never panned out. This is direct from the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control. Wildlife personnel work extensively and closely in rehabbing these birds all the time and no one in the field has ever gotten anything from a goose. Check your own local medical/hospital records and see how many people were ever admitted for diseases transmitted by geese. ZERO.

In fact, you may be sorry not to have them around soon - geese east insects, including mosquitoes, and would be helpful in limiting the spread of Zika virus.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:16

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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No, he's NOT living in Looney Land. He just knows what works. This is what most progressive communities are doing after they get tired of throwing thousands of dollars down the toilet year after year for killing plans that don't work.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:10

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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Below is a link to an excellent comprehensive guide to successful lowering of Canada Goose populations and effective maintenance that intelligent communities are using to get their goose population under control. Killing will not do it - within a month of killing, you will have new geese coming in to take the place of the killed ones. At almost $6,000 per year, this is a colossal waste of your tax money.

A combination of 3 simple methods work best, and top of the list needs to be landscape modification. Edgewater has never done landscape mod.

Your town should also do egg-addling and I would also recommend Ovo Control - this is safe, pelleted bird birth control. Interestingly, it was developed in part by the USDA (and a company named Innolytics). Ovo Control-G is for geese (regular Ovo Control was developed for pigeons). Many golf courses use this, as well as resorts and communities. I often wonder why the USDA doesn't push this more, but they make a lot more money from their killing contracts (because they don't work, which means communities keep paying year after year for a method that guarantees repeat business.) ... rs/canada_goose_guide.pdf

Posted on: 2016/6/25 2:07

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2016/6/25 1:53
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With regard to the charitable-sounding concept of donating the geese to feed the poor, please be aware that there is NOTHING charitable about this - it is merely a ploy government agencies use to get people behind the killing programs by attempting to justify it charitably. It is frankly anything BUT. The fact that it gets foisted off on the "poor" should be telling you something.

It's really not cost-effective to feed the geese to the poor. In most towns that still do out-dated goose roundups, it generally costs around $10 per goose. It can cost another $10 to process each carcass at a slaughterhouse. So far we're talking $20 for less than a pound of goose meat. When chicken is $1 per pound, you don't need to be an economist to see that this is an exceedingly poor use of your tax dollars to feed the poor. And that cost does not include federal inspection and testing for possible contaminants. If such testing is NOT performed, then the town is risking giving poor people unregulated and insufficiently inspected flesh. The poor community already has compromised immune systems and health issues and may not even be able to secure the medical care they need, should they become affected by eating the goose meat. Resident geese, especially if they are fed by the community, are not eating a natural diet (usually white bread, the WORST thing you can feed waterfowl, as it has no nutrition at all) and are not as healthy as a food as their wild counterparts; also, unless you really know how to prepare goose, it simply doesn't taste very good. There is no shortage of healthy food available to the poor and homeless - organizations, restaurants, companies and private individuals donate much better food all the time to food pantries and soup kitchens. What they need is more produce, not gooseflesh. Most reputable food pantries will not take goose meat for all of the above reasons.

Posted on: 2016/6/25 1:57

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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jerseymom wrote:

If the animals must be culled, I don't know why it couldn't be done with at least a focus on using the meat to feed food banks, etc.

This was tried a number of years ago the meat was too gamy and since these geese ate whatever was around they tasted of bugs, fertilizer, garbage and whatever else they could find.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 17:05

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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Not really 'red', just very dark meat Muscovy and Peking duck (my favorites) all also very dark. I would eat them more often but they are kind of pricey and it takes 3 hours on the smoker to cook them right (a whole lot of fat).

Posted on: 2016/6/23 15:49

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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jerseymom wrote:

If the animals must be culled, I don't know why it couldn't be done with at least a focus on using the meat to feed food banks, etc.

I would guess it has something to do with dressing the birds. Once an animal is processed for something besides commercial consumption, the USDA regulations kick in. I don't how equipped food banks are to dress the birds themselves. I have done it before.. it does get a bit messy, especially when you remove the feathers.

Last year I toyed with the idea of installing tanks in my basement and creating a mini fish farm. A common complaint with aquaponics guys that if they sell anything besides whole (non gutted) fish, the USDA comes into play and the USDA is a major pain in the ass and expense to comply with.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 15:48

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2012/11/10 20:38
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jerseymom wrote:
I spoke with one of the demonstrators by the Edgewater Target this weekend. His point was there are natural and non-lethal ways of controlling the goose population without culling with gas. He said the gas method was cruel and that the creatures lingered for some time suffering greatly prior to death.

He was all for controlling the population, but doing so with other methods that included - using dogs to chase animals (they learn not to go back to areas they are chased from); fining people who feed the geese; changing the environment by plantings that will create an inhospitable surrounding for geese; using noise to scare the geese; etc. (don't shoot the messenger, fellow 'listers. I'm just sharing what he told me).

If the animals must be culled, I don't know why it couldn't be done with at least a focus on using the meat to feed food banks, etc.

I won't shoot the messenger, but it's pretty obvious he's living in looney land. Anyone with common sense would recognize his alternative solutions won't do a thing to curb the population.

I agree it would be nice to do something good with the meat; maybe it just costs too much to process.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 15:38

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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I spoke with one of the demonstrators by the Edgewater Target this weekend. His point was there are natural and non-lethal ways of controlling the goose population without culling with gas. He said the gas method was cruel and that the creatures lingered for some time suffering greatly prior to death.

He was all for controlling the population, but doing so with other methods that included - using dogs to chase animals (they learn not to go back to areas they are chased from); fining people who feed the geese; changing the environment by plantings that will create an inhospitable surrounding for geese; using noise to scare the geese; etc. (don't shoot the messenger, fellow 'listers. I'm just sharing what he told me).

If the animals must be culled, I don't know why it couldn't be done with at least a focus on using the meat to feed food banks, etc.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 15:19

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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i didnt know geese is red meat

Posted on: 2016/6/23 15:14

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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radryan03 wrote:
Are the edible after gassing? I hear the little ones are tender.

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Posted on: 2016/6/23 15:06

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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2007/10/29 12:17
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Are the edible after gassing? I hear the little ones are tender.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 14:58

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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GrovePath wrote:
So does anyone know if they gas the Canadian Geese in Liberty State Park? I met someone who thinks they might!

And your alternative solution is..?

Posted on: 2016/6/23 14:37

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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GrovePath wrote:
So does anyone know if they gas the Canadian Geese in Liberty State Park? I met someone who thinks they might!

I remember soon after Sully put down his plane in the Hudson River, I saw a SUV with something like "Goose-B-Gone" on the side driving on the frontage path of LSP. Since then I haven't seen those large flocks of Geese in LSP or any place else. I think after that incident there was a mass extermination in the area.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 4:29

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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GrovePath wrote:
So does anyone know if they gas the Canadian Geese in Liberty State Park? I met someone who thinks they might!

Hope so, have to do something about the problem.

Posted on: 2016/6/23 4:25

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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They need to cull them in Lincoln Park, way too many everywhere.


Posted on: 2016/6/23 3:46

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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So does anyone know if they gas the Canadian Geese in Liberty State Park? I met someone who thinks they might!

Posted on: 2016/6/23 2:17

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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Canada geese carry ticks and they have a whole host of nasty diseases beyond Lyme...

Posted on: 2016/6/20 17:53

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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jcguy05 wrote:
Anyone know where those geese go during the winter?

i always see a few flocks during spring/summer time like right now with a bunch of small babies walking around in newport. They are pretty cute. Then by fall/winter, they are all gone.

Although i can also see the argument from other side, as they do poop everywhere, especially the waterfront walkway. It was like playing frogger trying to avoid the poops - and let me tell you it's not fun stepping on fresh geese poop, it's very slippery.

I dont think gas and wasting them is the solution though, if we have no other choice but to kill them, why not give them to the local restaurants as food source?

They are cute, as long as you don't get close to them. Every morning, as I run along the waterfront, I am forced to give them wide berth, or risk having an overzealous mother goose chase after me, or my dog. The Canadian geese are truly a nuisance at times: aggressive pooping machines that multiply all too quickly.

Posted on: 2016/6/20 16:59

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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jcneighbor wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
HA -- Concern for safety of the children is brought to you by the very same officials who thought firewalls were really not needed. Remember that! ... ter_fire_with_report.html

Ridiculous post and off-thread.

Those geese are obnoxious and mean suckers, not to mention the mess they leave. From the "experts" on the topic:

"The state is home to one of the densest Canada geese population in the country, numbering at around 80,000 birds. The Atlantic Flyway Council, a waterfowl hunting management organization, recommends about half that number as a manageable level."

yeah. I'm an avowed animal-lover (heavily involved in rescue, even) and I cannot work up any interest about saving geese.

does this make me an animal racist?

Posted on: 2016/6/20 16:49

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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Anyone know where those geese go during the winter?

i always see a few flocks during spring/summer time like right now with a bunch of small babies walking around in newport. They are pretty cute. Then by fall/winter, they are all gone.

Although i can also see the argument from other side, as they do poop everywhere, especially the waterfront walkway. It was like playing frogger trying to avoid the poops - and let me tell you it's not fun stepping on fresh geese poop, it's very slippery.

I dont think gas and wasting them is the solution though, if we have no other choice but to kill them, why not give them to the local restaurants as food source?

Posted on: 2016/6/20 15:12

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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GrovePath wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Are you able to engage in an adult conversation or will you continue to lob illogical thought grenades from your bunker?

"....lob ...grenades from your bunker" How old are you? I think you have me confused with all the HUNTER GUN NUTS on here.

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Keep doubling down on a nonsensical thread.

Posted on: 2016/6/19 21:25

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Are you able to engage in an adult conversation or will you continue to lob illogical thought grenades from your bunker?

"....lob ...grenades from your bunker" How old are you? I think you have me confused with all the HUNTER GUN NUTS on here.

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Posted on: 2016/6/19 16:29

Re: Please help stop Edgewater from Gassing the Canadian Geese! Protest tomorrow!
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GrovePath wrote:
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I would hate to see most of you behind the wheel.

You're trolling and can't even back up your own points.

Are you able to engage in an adult conversation or will you continue to lob illogical thought grenades from your bunker?

Posted on: 2016/6/18 22:04

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