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1 Anonymous Users
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I have no idea what you are talking about. Who is "blocking" anyone? Quote:
Because governors are playing politics and placating to cowards like yourself. Let's point out one simple fact: ISIS exists because we had a Republican with daddy issues in the White House. It was our invasion of Iraq that gave them life. In short, Republicans created this problem and now they claiming to be the ones to clean it up. It is beyond comical. Quote:
Just because you believe that the refugees aren't doesn't mean that they aren't. The vast majority of Paris terrorists were born in Paris. That's a fact. The more likely scenario is that the refugee was an added pawn not remotely close to instigator. Quote:
You want to crawl under your desk and cry about how the big bad mooooslims are coming for you. Everything you write boils down to that.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:49
Dos A Cero
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Thanks for reminding certain people here.
Europe is burning and I shudder to think how the world will be now if people don't rise up. As Pope Francis said, it is now a World War 3 in piece meal. 3 major attacks in 2 weeks done by ISIS: Bomb Russian Plane Beirut Bombing Paris Attack ISIS killed over 300+ in a short span. They did fail in massacring the Paris Train last summer. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:45
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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Just ignore JCMan8. He/she is only here to make personal attacks on strangers.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:44
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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True. Just like the old testament and much of the new testament.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:42
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
It's obvious that a literal interpretation of the koran is incompatible with western society.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:36
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
I don't need to block them Anonymous already got them and is waging war on ISIS/Terror sympathizers.
28 States NOW have banned refugees. Terrorists have snucked in with 'refugees' in recent months. Most have already made a way all over Europe and America, just ready to attack us. Paris was the beginning. Maybe you want to be their bullesye. Go right ahead. I want to protect and serve the public. Your form of coward is to not back down to these ingrates. Then you're misguided. Bye. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:34
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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If you feel like you need to claim you're not a coward then your actions (other statements) are speaking far louder than this one. Simply put: You want to block a bunch of brown people from coming in because you are afraid that they might be a terrorist. That's that absolute definition of a coward.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:29
Dos A Cero
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Living like a coward is not living. Should we turn boats around from Cuba because a large portion is male and from an island that was at war with us? During WW2, we locked away the Japanese and allowed the Germans to roam free. We acted like racist cowards. This is no different.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:26
Dos A Cero
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
I'm no coward. I survived 9/11. I still live here. I still work here. I lost colleagues and friends. I'm still living my life here. While many survivors ran and went to another state away from here.
But I'm more vigilant and aware of my surroundings. I see something, I say something. That has been my life since 9/11.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:24
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Thanks for making my point-we have no way to verify almost anything about those trying to enter the US from Syria, let alone explain why the vast majority of those seeking asylum are single men under 30 years old.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:21
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Anonymous identified 900 ISIS-related Twitter accounts and now they?ve been suspended
Anonymous is at war with ISIS and its sympathesizers. Around 900 ISIS-related Twitter accounts have been suspended after Anonymous posted a list of them online. The internet-based vigilantes have already waged cyber war on Isis. Now the group have delivered their first blow with their warning message ?expect us!? placed just above the list of names. ... ed-5506452/#ixzz3rlp9DelO
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:20
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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After 9/11, I was asked in Indiana "why do we build those buildings so tall? It's like we were asking for it." Sorry, but ignorance is ignorance. Being a coward is just that. One of these days, you might want to learn how to grow up and cease being afraid of the monsters under your bed.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:19
Dos A Cero
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I?m guessing the Native Americans are wondering why they couldn?t have just said, ?No refugees? to the white people that came over here to hand out blankets with disease... Notable refugees James Eagan Holmes and Adam Lanza agree that taking in the poor huddle masses yearning to breathe free is a crock. Quote:
Are you serious with this? It really is a simple Google search? ... ants-explainer/index.html Put simply, it?s easier for someone to buy a gun for shooting up a school or a movie theater than it is to get in this country. The simple fact that a few ?bad guys? might get in, does not negate the fact that the large majority of them are simply people trying to avoid becoming a victim of this type of violence.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:16
Dos A Cero
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Americans thought we will never be touched then 9/11 happened.
Other States poke fun at NYers that we jump with every High Alerts after 9/11. Then the Boston Bombing happened and the rest of the States shuts their mouth. Europe thought it is only USA that will get targeted by terrorists then London Bombing , Spain and now Paris. With even a slight noise of a firecracker the stampede and chaos was both chilling and disturbing last Sunday as they paid their respects to the victims. All done by muslims. It is not racism nor prejudism. People only see who has been committing terrorism around the world. Sick of this people in denial. How do you like it when a Paris Style Attack happens in the middle of Grove Street where a jam pack bar and people out and about sipping tea or coffee or dining and suddenly hails of bullets come flying around you? What just listening to music at a concert and the whole place takened hostages, rounding up concert goers and lining them up being shot one at a time? Is it still racism? ISIS hates us. I won't be surprised if they are here living amongst us. You want to be their bullseye? Go right ahead. I sure wouldn't.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:12
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Nonsense. How can we 'screen' these people? Call the Syrian Embassy? Ask Isis? Why are over 70% of the 'refugees' men under 30? Where are the women? Children? Grandparents?
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:05
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
People forget - the Boston bombers came here as a refugees. And the Boston bombers' sister still lives in NJ.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 17:05
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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The bigots really are coming out of the woodwork for this one...
Considering that we actually screen the Syrian refugees, the scared white people should be less fearful. It really is sad, though, that we have so many people afraid of their own shadow. First, it was black people. Then there was the whole Ebola fear. Now, we're back to Moooooslims!!!!
Posted on: 2015/11/17 16:59
Dos A Cero
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Maine is the latest State to ban refugees.
Slovakian President announced he will shut mosques and raid muslim communities who are deemed radicals. Germany just raided and took 7 muslims, they found assault weapons, bombs, guns, syringes for suicide vests etc. 1 or 2 women and men takened to custody. DId it have to take Paris Attack to finally round up these terrrists in Europe?
Posted on: 2015/11/17 16:45
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Not too shy to talk
This is even worse than what I would expect to see on an online forum. Do you really label everyone who disagrees with you as a terrorist? If you could just take it down a notch, you could contribute to this discussion without popping a hernia.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 16:39
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
I just said he knows more what he is talking about than YOU and it is still true.... but again, this is a very low bar...
Posted on: 2015/11/17 15:10
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
You are right manu, John Oliver knows what he's talking about. Let's listen to him some more!
Posted on: 2015/11/17 13:51
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
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2006/9/14 18:57 Last Login : 2020/1/27 22:17 From Hamilton Park
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| ... yrian-refugees#.ioM3l6EDQ
The U.S. has one of the most robust security screening processes in the world for potential refugees. Many European countries will accept a refugee application based simply on a case file. The U.S. system works much differently. Fewer than 2,000 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the United States since the start of the Syrian civil war. Though the Obama administration said the United States will accept 10,000 refugees in 2016, the complex process takes an average of 18 to 24 months. Many of those refugees who would be approved in 2016 are already going through the security-screening process and upon completion will enter the U.S. next year, according to a senior State Department official. Some have raised concerns this fall that even the level of security that the United States applies to the process is not sufficient enough to actually keep extremists from entering the country. Secretary John Kerry told Congress earlier this year that the plan was to engage in ?super vetting, I mean an extraordinarily level of vetting.? He added that if the FBI wasn?t satisfied, he was ?quite confident that people aren?t going to be allowed in.? To gain admittance into the United States, a Syrian must clear all these steps: Multiple high-level security checks Biometric screening A mandatory interview with the Department of Homeland Security A medical screening A cultural orientation program (which consists of videos on housing, employment, education, and hygiene, among other topics) Several of the checks remain current for only a certain period of time, but to qualify for entry into the United States, a potential refugee must have approved status for each step at the same time. For instance, the medical screening is valid for only six months, and most security checks expire after 15 months. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/11/17 13:37
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
I am certainly not a Muslim but again you should know something about myself that I don't. John Oliver is a humorist and I appreciate his take on what happened. Made me laugh. He is not a moral example, he is clever and very funny. And he is right as a nation, we are very very stylish. Also, I definitively think he knows much better what he is talking about that you do. No question. But it is a pretty low bar. You are an ignorant racist that is spewing his hatred post after post after post, contributing to make the situation even worst than it is. Your reaction is exactly what the terrorists wanted it to be. Dtjcview is right. This is not the place for a rational discussion. My mistake.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 13:24
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Some of the Muslims in this thread are proving just how ignorant they are by quoting regressive, twisted "articles" and discredited people in their support of their nonsense.
Asif, an ISIS sympathizer, spammed a Salon piece which blamed the victims, and where every single top comment ripped the "article" apart and called it digusting. And Manu claims that John Oliver "took on" the Paris attacks. You want to use John Oliver as some kind of moral example for anything? Why not take a look at how he mocked people who did not want the refugees coming to France to begin with? And here's the image he actually used: Yup, he clearly knows what he is talking about.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 11:28
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
We can't screen 75 refugees coming to NJ? ... 2box_nj-homepage-featured The states that have taken in the most Syrian refugees this year are California (218 refugees), Texas (194), Michigan (188), Arizona (153), Illinois (131), Pennsylvania (119), Florida (104), Kentucky (92), New Jersey (75) and Ohio (72).
Posted on: 2015/11/17 6:18
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
If you are looking for a rational discussion of events in Paris - you've come to the wrong place. What you need to understand is that the US is framing the entire conversation in the context of the next presidential election.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 5:52
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
You assume too much. Why are you so hateful? Why are you so blind? Why are you afraid of a different opinion? What's illogical? Did you read the Salon piece? Quote me where it says, he blamed the victims in Paris? Why are you lying an making up stuff? "Fervor is the weapon of choice of the impotent." Frantz Fanon Quote: TheBigGuy wrote: Quoting an off the wall, blame the victim opinion is part of the Salon left wing regressive agenda....... it is good to know the trolls,bigots and right wing reactionaries you despise are not the ones committing the atrocities... try focusing on who is actually COMMITTING these atrocities, you ignorant DB and then give a logical response.... why do you jerks come to this oppressive countryif you are not happy? Stay in your own country and spew your hatred. quote] Asif wrote: While most of the trolls, bigots and right wing reactionaries won't bother.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 5:35
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Quoting an off the wall, blame the victim opinion is part of the Salon left wing regressive agenda....... it is good to know the trolls,bigots and right wing reactionaries you despise are not the ones committing the atrocities... try focusing on who is actually COMMITTING these atrocities, you ignorant DB and then give a logical response.... why do you jerks come to this oppressive countryif you are not happy? Stay in your own country and spew your hatred.
quote] Asif wrote: While most of the trolls, bigots and right wing reactionaries won't bother.
Posted on: 2015/11/17 4:46
Re: In case you missed the news.. major cooridinated Islamic terror attack in Paris
Home away from home
Wow. Okay. You are clearly very qualified to make such a statement... Pathetic...
Posted on: 2015/11/17 4:02