Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
Home away from home
LOL! I *am* in the private sector. I'm just not a pathetic old bigoted crank that embodies the Boomer generation's motto "I got mine, screw you for trying to get yours." Instead of using the excuse of "I can't afford my taxes", why don't you ask the better question of why you didn't save up enough money to weather an increase in property taxes? Seems to me that the issue isn't in teachers getting paid a living wage. The issue is that you supported tax cuts on wealthy people, something you will never be, and then bemoaned the fact that there isn't enough cash in the coffers. Maybe if you weren't so self absorbed and much better educated, you'd make better life decisions so that an increase in property taxes isn't an issue.
Posted on: 2019/12/16 21:27
Dos A Cero
Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
Home away from home
Yvonne "taught" in a private school. There is a FAR less stringent requirement of education and skill to be a teacher there and those teachers always make less money. Effectively, private school is where teachers that can't work in public schools go to get some green. What I find interesting every time I read about salaries and complaints is that the wrong questions are always asked. The question shouldn't be "Why are they making X?" The question should be "Why am *I* NOT making X?" As taxes on the wealthiest individuals have dropped due to the selfishness of our worst generation, Boomers, the money for services and the spread of wealth has declined. Middle class has been stagnant for decades. The boomer generation attended college on cheap. They could afford classes working a part time job. Now those same schools leave students in debt for generations. Stop asking why someone else makes more than you do. Start asking why you aren't making the same money as them.
Posted on: 2019/12/13 16:15
Dos A Cero
Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
Home away from home
It amazes me how people were up in arms about the statue getting moved over a few yards. It wasn't getting taken down nor was it getting placed somewhere it couldn't be seen.
Oh well...
Posted on: 2018/12/21 16:04
Dos A Cero
Re: Hatfield and McCoy's on Astor Place!
Home away from home
The thing to note on this is that none of those in the article are "long time" residents as Yvonne would describe. Each moved to the neighborhood from somewhere else but all have been around for over decade. This isn't a "battle" between "old guard" and "new blood".
Posted on: 2018/8/8 16:42
Dos A Cero
Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
Home away from home
Much of NJ's financial windfall from this is based on NYers learning that NJ isn't that far away. If NJ is to move, they need to move quick...
Posted on: 2018/5/18 21:10
Dos A Cero
Re: Sports Betting Coming to NJ
Home away from home
The only thing positive that he did... and his name won?t even be on it. (Serves him right for being a stain on our state.)
Posted on: 2018/5/15 19:33
Dos A Cero
Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
Home away from home
I agree completely. I think regular revals should occur. Every 5 years or so. The issue here is, you have three decades where some residents were screwed. They were paying a tax rate double that of those living with much better means. The poor were subsidizing the wealthy. A reval one year later would mean that the poorer areas only receive one year relief to earn back the money they lost over those decades.
Posted on: 2018/3/6 19:30
Dos A Cero
Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
Home away from home
Yes, because Fulop needs to cater to those downtown individuals. he did them the favor of pushing back the reval further. Now, he's going to trigger another with the hope that property values have dropped within the year so that the burden can be shifted back onto the poorer portion of the city. Heaven forbid those living in million dollar homes pay the proper taxes on their property...
Posted on: 2018/3/6 19:17
Dos A Cero
Re: Teacher Protests Disturbing Neighborhood
Home away from home
JP, the point of the label of ?platinum? and ?Cadillac? is to create a notion that these healthcare plans are these incredible items of luxury granted for free. It is the linguistics of class warfare whereby one group gets pitted against another because that group has something another cannot obtain. It serves nothing other than a need to enflame. As for the healthcare, I have friends and family that are teachers. I have been told that they make less this year than last due to the rise in healthcare contributions while seeing a decrease in the amount of a raise. Quote:
Fun facts: 1. Unions created the 5 day work week. 2. Unions negotiate on behalf of the worker and just because you see them as corrupt doesn?t make it true. 3. Right-to-work states have lower wages for workers. This is a proven fact. The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think-tank, has explicitly stated that this is correct along with multiple other research groups. The greatest issue in America today is the wealth divide. The ?haves? control more and more of the wealth while the ?have nots?. Why anyone would continue to push this sort of agenda is beyond me. In fact, continuing to push towards a welfare state will be our nation?s downfall, if the great pumpkin doesn?t destroy our economy first.
Posted on: 2018/3/6 19:09
Dos A Cero
Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
Home away from home
This really shouldn't be a debate. Legalization is a slam dunk. You have the successful models in other states already. Throw in the fact that we have major cities bordering our state, we could easily draw in some major revenue via "tourism." Atlantic City could have something drawing people to it, again. Camden could start to make a come-back in some parts as a destination.
The downside could be a much more crowded PATH. The plus side could be that the PATH might be pressured to run more trains later and over the weekend...
Posted on: 2018/3/5 18:09
Dos A Cero
Re: Hap Investments to Buy 1 MSF Development Site in Jersey City for $400M
Home away from home
Nah, you just throw around bigotry and homophobia. That's not cruel at all.
Posted on: 2018/3/2 20:30
Dos A Cero
Re: Teacher Protests Disturbing Neighborhood
Home away from home
Comparing it to where I work... To get the same plan, I'd pay $250 per month. If I were to spend $1,000 per month, it would cover me, a spouse and two children or more. Where are you getting the number that private sector averages are $1k per month for an individual?
Posted on: 2018/3/2 20:08
Dos A Cero
Re: Netflix series Seven Seconds (takes place in JC!)
Home away from home
I've heard nothing but good things about this series. I haven't watched it yet, but I did like The Killing, so I'm hoping this has the same feel.
Posted on: 2018/3/2 17:51
Dos A Cero
Re: Teacher Protests Disturbing Neighborhood
Home away from home
Because I know that neither of you two parrots have a single clue about what the NJ Teacher?s Union has for healthcare benefits, I?ll do you both a favor and educate you. This is a link to the specifics on the policies. Maybe you?ll click on the link or maybe you?ll just go running to whatever right-wing website keeps promoting the lies you?re spewing, but I?m going to throw out the idea that spending $1,000 per month for healthcare isn?t what I?d call ?Platinum Plan? or ?Cadillac Plan? unless the individuals are actually receiving platinum rings along with a new Cadillac Escalade every single month. The average starting salary for a new teacher paying off student loans is $47,000. The median salary overall is $62,000. My personal opinion is that dropping 25% of your pre-tax salary on paying for healthcare is a pretty crappy policy when there is still a copay involved. You can certainly disagree, but I?d love to hear why. Quote:
Obamacare isn't what the Teachers Union in NJ has. I'll ask again: Provide the specifics of the teacher's current healthcare plan. Provide the specifics of your personal healthcare plan. Provide the specifics on why you are stating the option that NJ Teacher Unions have "platinum" or "Cadillac" healthcare plans. I don't care about Christie's description. He's a corrupt proven liar. He holds no credibility. The burden of proof is placed on those making the contention. You claim that teachers have this awesome health insurance. Prove it or backtrack on the statement with an apology stating the actual truth: "I do not actually know what the NJ Teacher Union provides as a healthcare plan. All of my talking points come from right wing websites. I should have known better about speaking on a topic of which I know nothing about." Quote:
Oh look, another stupid response to something that wasn?t written! Since you want to wade in? Please provide the specific fact about what the NJ Teacher?s Union have as a healthcare plan. Barring than, you are yet another parrot that has zero actual knowledge. (I already know the result.)
Posted on: 2018/3/2 17:49
Edited by Pebble on 2018/3/2 18:09:06
Dos A Cero
Re: Hap Investments to Buy 1 MSF Development Site in Jersey City for $400M
Home away from home
You don't actually understand what occurred. The property was sold by someone that had no right to sell it. Just because a mayor didn't take action then doesn't negate the fact that the property wasn't supposed to be sold by the person that sold it. Arguing otherwise is just dishonest. However, if you'd like to make that the argument, I'll be happy to sell your house and take the profits. You can then have zero ability to complain.
Posted on: 2018/3/2 17:43
Dos A Cero
Re: Teacher Protests Disturbing Neighborhood
Home away from home
Nice dog whistle there! Now, please post links and references to Obama referring to teacher healthcare plans as "Platinum Plans".
Posted on: 2018/3/1 21:15
Dos A Cero
Re: Hap Investments to Buy 1 MSF Development Site in Jersey City for $400M
Home away from home
Nobody seized anyone's property. The individual that claims ownership purchased it illegally. The seller had no right to sell it. This would be the equivalent of me selling your house to someone else named Joe. Then you coming in to say that I am not allowed to sell the house and that you're taking it back. Your post is arguing that "Joe" in my scenario should legally own the property. The immense ignorance posited from the post isn't surprising, but it does need to be pointed out.
Posted on: 2018/3/1 21:13
Dos A Cero
Re: Hap Investments to Buy 1 MSF Development Site in Jersey City for $400M
Home away from home
I'm pointing out your hypocrisy. You constantly fight against historical designation (after benefiting from it, the ultimate version of "I got mine fuck you for trying to get yours"). Historical development prevents this type of building. Now you are arguing against this type of building based on what the community wants. Well, the West Side Community wanted historical designation. They got it and you are fighting against them so that some dirtbag can put up ugly aluminum siding. Your hypocrisy would be astounding if it wasn't so very predictable.
Posted on: 2018/3/1 18:15
Dos A Cero
Re: HAP Investments
Home away from home
The developer that purchased the property should be allowed to do whatever they want with the property. Why does it matter what the neighbors want? If the owner wants to building 42 stories or 100 stories, it doesn't matter. It is THEIR property. ... That was the argument you made while defending the dirtbag living in West Side that tried to put up aluminum siding on a historically designated property.
Posted on: 2018/3/1 17:23
Dos A Cero
Re: Teacher Protests Disturbing Neighborhood
Home away from home
?Platinum plated Cadillac plan?? right wing buzzwords used to imply something that, when looking at facts, doesn?t remotely come close to the facts. All the teachers I know pay more for their health insurance than I and they don?t get nearly the coverage and I can easily state that my insurance is pretty shitty. Quote:
Salary increases didn?t match this increase in cost. As such, teachers are making less money this year than last. Throw in the fact that teachers who purchase school supplies on their own will no longer get that tax break? unlike a sales guy that will still get a tax break for mileage put on a car. Quote:
There?s that ?platinum plan? comment again! Please, if you are going to assign a qualitative value to the plan, describe in detail exactly what makes it ?platinum?. Then, describe your current health plan, how much you pay and the benefits you receive with it. From there, we can all see how truly full of shit the statement ?platinum plan? really is. As for the spending on schools? the is a biproduct of poverty. Kids can?t afford laptops like in other towns. Teachers are required to deal with mental health issues that other towns don?t have on the same order. Safety at schools, regarding security given the urban nature of the area, is not the same in the suburbs. But, yeah, all schools and students are exactly the same? Quote:
Posted on: 2018/3/1 17:20
Dos A Cero
Re: HAP Investments
Home away from home
The person that fights against historical designation, which would protect areas in scenarios just like this, is fighting against someone coming in and changing the look and feel of a neighborhood... What a fraud.
Posted on: 2018/3/1 16:59
Dos A Cero
Re: the factory in berrgen lafayette
Home away from home
I agree with all of this. I was there early on and the staff was just not the best. The food was passable, but it was late and I only ordered a burger. What I found frustrating was the bread they put on the table. It was stale. Quote:
I disagree on the location being poor. The area is in need of a restaurant. You can see that with how busy Hooked JC is. I heard the prices were updated. That should help. I think one of the issues could be the space. The place is so large that you could have 40 people inside and the place would still look empty...
Posted on: 2017/8/29 17:45
Dos A Cero
Re: Over 30 Soccer Team needs All Star Players
Home away from home
Emeralds. I've a lot of friends on the team and been with them for a few years. Prior, I played with the Kearny Scots.
Posted on: 2017/8/19 12:57
Dos A Cero
Re: Confederate Flag added to Liberty State Park
Home away from home
Incorrect. The British Flag represents a collection of nations that is progressing forward and backward at times. However, it is a representation of a collective and not a lone ideal. The Confederate Flag represented one thing and one thing only: Secession for the sole purpose of owning other human beings. The *ONLY* reason the Confederate Flag exists on any state flags was a direct push that came with the Jim Crow Laws. They exist as a backlash to the rights given to blacks. Quote:
Wow. You have proven yourself a bigot but I didn?t think you?d go with another stupid argument. General Lee?s statue has nothing to do with whether he was a slave owner or not. It has to do with the fact that he has one single accomplishment in his life: Taking up arms against his country because they said he couldn?t own human beings as slaves! Seriously, you want a statue for that guy? Van Vorst Park is named after him for his notable positives to the neighborhood. What positive did Lee give? Please, be specific when you describe out these positives. Quote:
Please, why don?t you explain the equivalence of a private grave that existed on private property (could become public after historical designation in certain areas) for families to immortalize those they loved versus a statue that was entirely built as a backlash to black people gaining rights. Quote:
No. It isn?t. It?s a strawman. NOBODY is trying to erase history. People that hate racism want symbols erected for the sole purpose of intimidation taken down. Nobody ever makes the argument that students shouldn?t learn about Gen. Lee in history class.
Posted on: 2017/8/19 12:52
Dos A Cero
Re: Over 30 Soccer Team needs All Star Players
Home away from home
I'd be all in on this, but I'm already playing in the NJSL with a group of friends. Such a shame as this would be such an easier drive most Sunday mornings...
Posted on: 2017/8/16 18:08
Dos A Cero
Re: Confederate Flag added to Liberty State Park
Home away from home
It should be noted that the ONLY reason that the confederate flag is emblazoned on the Mississippi state flag is due to racism (History of Mississippi state flag). They didn't start with a flag containing a flag that represents secession. The reality is, white supremacy in all its forms needs to be wiped out. There is no place for racism. Did we leave up the statues of Saddam Hussein in Iraq because of "history"? Did we leave up statues of King George when declared independence because of "history"? Do the Germans have statues of Hitler up because of "history"? Paying homage with a public statue to people that fought for the "right" to own other human beings is unacceptable. The place for such things would be museums notating the dark history and their repugnant cause.
Posted on: 2017/8/16 18:04
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump Our New President
Home away from home
Affirmative Action exists due to centuries of racism that prevented individuals from attending colleges based purely on skin color. More Asians are kept out of schools because of the George W Bushes, The Donald Trumps and the Al Gores of this world than because of a few black kids. Why aren't you bemoaning the fact that Bush got into a school despite not being qualified? Why aren't you mad that Gore got into a school despite his grades? Why aren't you mad that Trump got into a school despite his grades (and clear stupidity)? I know people that I went to high school with that were in the bottom 50% but went to top schools due to their parents' wealth. I have ZERO problem with a minority student getting in with possibly lower grades. Then again, you're the boards foremost racist so I'm certain none of those white privileged kids bother you in the slightest...
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:57
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump Our New President
Home away from home
...or how George W Bush got into Yale. But, no, let's go after black kids! That is the serious problem.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:00
Dos A Cero
Re: Historic district may come to Jersey City's West Side
Home away from home
There are some very important things that a lot of people are overlooking here...
1. The city is NOT driving up and down the streets looking for people doing work on their homes. They aren't checking for permits. 2. This individual was turned in by his neighbors. I don't know which neighbors, but I know that several neighbors called the city to complain about the type of work this person was doing. 3. The individual explicitly stated that the entire purpose for the vinyl siding was so that he could rent the house out and move to Portugal. 4. The individual's permits did not state what the material of the new siding was which is why the permit passed. 5. The city's website EXPLICITLY states that vinyl siding is NOT permitted. It is possible that another material that isn't wood could be but vinyl is definitely a no-no. Lastly, having listened to Fernandes speak about this, my take-away was that he's a guy that had no interest in restoration. He purchased a home and was looking for a cheap fix. He's also very dishonest in his explanation on the series of events and he's simply looking for a pay day from the city. He could have complied with the city's rules and regulations for the area rather quickly and for a lot less money than the lawsuit along with the wear and tear on the building along with the wasted money on the vinyl siding he purchased. Instead of that, he played "victim" and got lawsuit happy. I have zero pity for the man.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 19:18
Dos A Cero