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Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I did state that my example was anecdotal. Already, we?ve seen articles linked that point out how the GOP examples are poor at best. The starter of this thread has expressed his story. There are stories out there of people benefiting. I honestly don?t think we have the full scope of what the ACA has on all of us just yet.
Posted on: 2014/2/7 17:15
Dos A Cero
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Link please? I certainly don't feel that way. But remember that under Obama the stock market has been terrific, making loads of dough for the 1%ers, yet real unemployment (counting those who've given up looking) is off the charts, food stamp spending has doubled, and the those in the poverty level are at record highs. Who has Obama been looking after, after all? With his SOTU speech he went after job creation-isn't that the same guy who appointed a jobs czar and council a few years ago, that only met once or twice, lol?
Posted on: 2014/2/7 13:55
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Nobody said anything about being lazy. We are talking about our government creating a poverty trap, and huge financial incentive not to work. And, coincidentally, nobody said anything about any tax breaks for one special industry. (This kind of cronyism is actually a Democrat MO, - to pick and choose which industry or which firm deserves a break, or a subsidy). This is one of the most transparent strawman I have ever seen. On the other hand, I think we can agree that this is the best argument in your dwindling arsenal (me agreeing with you on this by the way, is what you can really call "ironic"). Now, when CBO told us that Obamacare is not going to reduce the number of Americans without insurance, - now that we know that is much more expensive and that many are going to lose an access to their doctors. Now, that we know that it didn't solve any of the problems it was advertised to solve, and that it created many new ones... Moreover, now that we know it was build on massive lies and is (and likely forever will be) the biggest consumer fraud in the history of the USA, - what else could you do, but strawman?
Posted on: 2014/2/7 13:29
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
the same people who argue that obamacare willmake people lazy andd not want to work are the same people in favor of tax breaks for the ig oil cmpanies. ironic!
Posted on: 2014/2/7 5:43
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Oh, you only learned about just a small part of the picture! Let me tell you the rest of the story. But first, you should sit down, because what I am going to tell you presently will indubitably leave you speechless. Here comes: you have never heard about this, but it is true, - not only some people work to buy insurance, but also there are others, who work to buy food. Clothes. Transportation. Rent. And lots of other things. Now, if only we could give everyone free food, clothes, cars, iPhones and apartments, - nobody will have to work no more! That must sound to you like a good thing, yes? We will liberate people from the need to work! P.S. Here is something to think about; you are probably planning to retire with some Social Security pension, Medicare and whatnot, correct? Of course, you "paid into the system". Unfortunately, you also voted for various politicians who took that money that you paid from the system and spent it on various programs that you liked. In order to get something from the system, you now need the next generation to pay into it. Now, for all the marbles, the question of a lifetime. What do you think is in your best interests, - to have an increasing labor force where everyone is encouraged to work more, - or to have a shrinking workforce, where people are trying not to overstep some income limit lest they lose their subsidies?
Posted on: 2014/2/7 4:28
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Empirical!! Show your work!! Strawman!!!!
Or some other unintelligible retort. You're right, this is much easier than counter arguing with valid points. I like it. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/2/6 19:15
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Amen to that! I have read, and re-read, the CBO report and what I get out of it is that it's those people who remain in the workforce mainly to get employer sponsored health insurance, or just to afford health insurance, who will be leaving the workforce. Thus the 2 million plus reduction in "workers". Which sounds to me like a good thing, since if insurance is not tied your job or the need to pay for it out of your own pocket, those jobs are freed up for younger workers, career changers, etc. I have also read - and need to re-read - the Republican Senator's 'white paper' on CARE, their alternative to ACA. It seems to me that moving away from any mandates is a bad idea, as creates more gaps in the nation's coverage "net". IMO, though, capping the exlusion of an employee's employer-provided health coverage makes sense, provided the income stream went back to Medicaid or hospitals, and the caps are specifically for high amenity type plans.
Posted on: 2014/2/6 19:02
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
am i supposed to be upset that 2 million people will choose not to work because of obamacare? it's sad that some elderly will decide that they are better off staying home or that some women will decide to stay home and raise the children.
Posted on: 2014/2/6 18:39
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Let's of criticism in this thread, little of it constructive. Anyone have any ideas on how to tweak or change the ACA/employee supplied/Medicare/Medicaid system we are heading towards?
Posted on: 2014/2/6 14:36
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
Registered Users
The UK has national healthcare. I've a friend with a prosthetic limb over there and she receives faster treatment than those that I know with one here. It's anecdotal but so is every single link saying that Canada's healthcare is slow and poor.
Right wing "public policy" groups want to get rid of national healthcare and have "research" to prove why it's bad? Color me shocked!
Posted on: 2014/2/6 14:19
Dos A Cero
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
CBO report: The reduction in CBO?s projections of hours worked represents a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024. Although CBO projects that total employment (and compensation) will increase over the coming decade, that increase will be smaller than it would have been in the absence of the ACA
Obama: The CBO?s projected reduction in full-time workers, then, ?shouldn?t be a significant cause for surprise and it reflects the fact that workers have a new set of options and are making the best choices that they can choose to make for themselves given those options,? Yay! The CBO makes people to choose not to work! New set of options! Now you can work less and get more! It's an option! Funny, I was born in the country where the ruling regime established an almost perfect income equality. No matter where you worked your income was of the same order. And it almost didn't change depending on how hard you worked. Eventually, as pre-revolutionary habits died off, the people stopped making any efforts and the economy collapsed. And all the promises of the guaranteed pensions collapsed with it. 1991, USSR. Obama decided to take this one step further, - ACA makes sure that for millions of people hard work leads to an actual reduction in compensation as their total income goes down when they lose subsidies. Think about it for a second. Our government's running the biggest financial pyramid scheme there ever was, - and they are perfectly happy to learn that what they did would reduce the labor force? The country's in the very best of hands. P.S. Now that we created a 20,000 dollar high poverty trap, small prediction: in a short few years you will read in the New York Times an accusatory article about how the income of the working poor stopped increasing and social mobility collapsed. About how lots of people are unable to break through and more and more earn just under four times the poverty level. And Professor Krugman will explain that this is because of too little socialism and all those horrible Republicans who obstruct the passage of the Affordable Food Act.
Posted on: 2014/2/6 12:30
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Krugman & Canadians MP Belinda Stronach, opponent of the private medicine, goes to the US for treatment No room at the inn: overcrowding in Ontario's emergency departments Canada's Expectant Moms Heading to U.S. to Deliver
Posted on: 2014/2/5 23:58
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Not too shy to talk
This is a myth that gets passed around. I lived in Canada for many years. The healthcare was top notch. The only procedures that you had to wait for were elective. I also had and have several friends who lived under that system and had no desire to get rid of it.
What is true, however, is that a very large share of personal debt in this country is medical debt. That, largely, does not exist in Canada.
Posted on: 2014/2/5 14:50
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Stumbling towards? I'd say the US underground economy is already bigger than all world economies outside the G8...
Posted on: 2014/2/5 14:17
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
It's not better. Canada developed medical tourism years ago due to very long waiting times for certain procedures. When I lived in VT, the private clinics near the border in Burlington had a majority of their patients from places like Montreal. There was even cases of years back of people going to vets offices to get MRI work done because the wait times were so long. A dog in Canada got faster treatment.
Posted on: 2014/2/5 14:05
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Why are things so much better in Canada then they are here although they pay higher taxes??? O I know, they don't have a bunch of criminals stealing all our money and spending it on Global warfare.
Posted on: 2014/2/5 13:49
The All Knowing and All Powerful Joe Has Spoken!
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
As more and more mandates and taxes increase the actual cost to hire someone, you will see less growth in employment. You can't force a business to pay more than what a job is worth.
Plus what new jobs are created, many will be cash under the table, which is how countries like Greece operate. We are stumbling towards a third world underground economy.
Posted on: 2014/2/5 13:43
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Obamacare to encourage some low earners to work fewer hours, Congressional report says
By Bloomberg News on February 04, 2014 at 9:32 PM, updated February 04, 2014 at 9:47 PM Obamacare will reduce the total number of hours Americans work by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said, sparking renewed Republican criticism of the law and a fresh defense from the White House. The total number of hours worked will fall about 1.5 percent to 2 percent from 2017 to 2024 as a result of the health-care overhaul, the CBO said today in a report. The reduction, about twice the agency?s estimates in 2010, is due ?almost entirely? to low-wage employees who may choose to give up extra hours of work to avoid losing subsidies or tax advantages under the law, the report said. full piece ... ... html#incart_river_default
Posted on: 2014/2/5 13:22
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Who said "illegal"? You can't make it illegal, there is a Roe v Wade. Fortunately, Obama taught us how to work around it. It turns out, the government has an unrestricted power to levy taxes on anything it wants - like "not having medical insurance". And the Supreme Court agreed. So, instead of making abortions illegal, the Congress can tax them instead. According to the Supreme Court, that would be perfectly constitutional.
Posted on: 2014/2/5 4:55
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
I never said republicans weren't pro life. I said abortion will never be illegal in this country. Everything your posting points to difficulties, etc., but it is still 100% legal to get one in this country.
The second Roe v. Wade is overturned, I'll march on Washington with you. I promise. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/2/4 19:53
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Is this some kind of bot that posts everything from Maddow's website?
Posted on: 2014/2/4 19:45
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
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| ... the-cbo-causes-stir#break ... e-enrollment.html?hp&_r=1
Posted on: 2014/2/4 19:32
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
Registered Users
Posted on: 2014/2/3 18:13
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
Registered Users
Posted on: 2014/2/3 16:12
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Posted on: 2014/2/3 6:10
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
C'mon, man. The majority of Republicans are pro-life, and have been for years. Opposition to abortion has been a routine part of the GOP platform for years. Republicans elected to office are all but required to be pro-life. It seems to me that the moderate, pro-choice Republicans are leaving the party, and becoming Republican-leaning independents. Quote: Abortion will never be outlawed. Never. Ain't gonna happen in our lifetimes. Abortion opponents are doing everything they can to outlaw it. States like Texas are passing laws with the intentional purpose of making abortion unavailable -- e.g. ... abortion-in-texas/283045/
Posted on: 2014/2/2 18:19
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
There are plans under $200. If you are under a certain age, you are allowed to buy catastrophic plans only. Basically accident insurance.
If you go to a site like you can pull on up by entering in a fake birth data that puts your age in the 20's to early 30's.
Posted on: 2014/2/2 16:03
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Unfortunately, the nondisclosure agreement that you signed forbids you to provide a link, or any other explanation of how that said plan can be found, right?
Posted on: 2014/2/2 14:13
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Not too shy to talk
silver plan blue cross/ blue shield plan
5k individual deduction 10k family 2 adults early 50's 2 kids
Posted on: 2014/2/2 13:46