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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Pebble wrote:
It is never a waste of taxpayer money to investigate abuse of power. Let's remember that several people no longer have the public jobs they had due to this and that is a good thing.

Essentially, they're saying that there is a lot of smoke but they can't locate the fire.

And when the same is said of the IRS abuses, of which there is a TON of evidence, well, ex-destroying of evidence (some of which has now been recovered), you're silent. So convenient.

I think I get it now. I sincerely believe you're a paid government agent of misinformation. I've always wanted to meet one, so it's cool to know the government cares enough to send you here. It makes the rest of us feel kind of important.

It's the only way I believe someone as obtuse as you would be here.

Posted on: 2014/12/5 14:43

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
The Star Ledger can't even bring themselves to report the exoneration without a 'when did you stop beating your wife' type headline, lol.

Neither can Pebbles. SMH

Posted on: 2014/12/5 14:12

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Room 1172.

I just ordered him a pizza.


You're just too cool for Skool (A. Harry Moore took ya though!)

Posted on: 2014/12/5 13:51

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Darren Wilson is apparently staying on the 11th floor of the Chase Plaza in St Louis.
Wonder what will happen now.

I see what ya did there.

So, does this mean you're going to follow through on your "kill whitey" rhetoric and go teach him a lesson?

God I hope people like you play in traffic regularly. I also hope the lead paint eventually got removed from the house in which you grew up.

Posted on: 2014/12/4 21:53

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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This Garner non indictment is horse shit. Pure and simple. I for one am vehemently against the rise of a more aggressive and militarized police presence. This case may not relate directly to that concept, but overall it was a completely unnecessary tragedy.

Hell I'll even go so far as to say most cops I've met are a cocky bunch of assholes on a power trip because they were mostly losers in school. They got this one dead wrong. I'm allowed to disagree with the GJ decision. They're not infallible. And yes I will take solace if that scumbag cop loses his job.

Posted on: 2014/12/4 0:40

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Still, the cop in the Eric Garner case should have been indicted. That one's a little f*cked up. Gotta scratch the head at this one.

Posted on: 2014/12/3 20:50

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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caj11 wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Are you seriously denying that it is not in the realm of possibility?

No, I am seriously denying that it IS in the realm of possibility. Check your grammar.

Why on earth would a police officer's family member be at the scene? To bring him donuts during his shift? What kind of nonsense is that?

Would you like to talk about the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny next?

I am starting to think, and I mean this with all sincerity, that Old Skool has been playing hooky from the A. Harry Moore school and we need to call someone soon. No one with sufficient mental faculties can be this asinine, can they?

Posted on: 2014/12/3 13:57

Re: The Kitchen at Grove Station (corner of Columbus and Marin)
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Love this place! Went for brunch, and had some great steak and eggs. Service is still working out the kinks, but the food is very good.

The only complaint is that they need a curtain or outside door system when it's cold out. Every time people come in, a massive freezing wind comes in with them.

Other than that, what a great use of the space!

Posted on: 2014/12/2 16:40

Re: Need specialized dog sitting for 5 days
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I'm sure what your budget is, but I've heard good things about K9dergarten on Newark Ave:


They have 24 hour care. Call them at 201.435.8700.

Hope that helps. Get better!

Posted on: 2014/12/2 14:19

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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AlexC wrote:
ignorant motherfucking white scums in the south live a good life. Okay?

Thank god we always have examples to cite that black folks can be racist, bigoted assholes too!

Posted on: 2014/12/2 1:41

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Rorschach wrote: Quote:
Monroe wrote: The Grand Jurors, who had every bit of evidence (including the testimony of Wilson, who could have refused to testify) decided the evidence wasn't enough to indict. Period.
As someone who doesn't agree with Monroe on much I agree that this PC outrage over Michael Brown is out of control. The guy had a criminal record and robbed a store ! We will never know the real story on the interaction between Brown and Wilson. But all this wringing of hands for a thief who refused to follow the orders of a police officer is ridiculous. Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. This incident doesn't reach that level.
Agreed. All this hub bub over the wrong person. Not a role model. Not a stand up citizen. A low life. Yet little to no outrage over the 12 year old that got blasted by the police. So many useful idiots it's hard to count.

Posted on: 2014/12/2 1:06

Re: What to Know About New Executive Action on Immigration Reform
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Pebble wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:

Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
JC will get more illegal students, but won't get more state funding for schools from the earners in the western suburbs. Watch your taxes go up, but don't complain if you agree with Obama on his amnesty program.

Can you please point, specifically, to the portion of the executive order that allows for Amnesty?

We all know Reagan did it. But there is no evidence about Obama doing it.

Reagan and Bush Sr. didn't "do it" as you point out. See below, dummy. Congress did it, as they should.

That's funny. I didn't know Congress passed Executive Orders...

I do love the ironic use of "dummy" though.

By do it, you know I meant take action on immigration right? I know what you're going for but even I doubt you're really this slow. I could be, and probably am, wrong though. Nice try. Thanks for playing.

Posted on: 2014/12/2 1:03

Re: What to Know About New Executive Action on Immigration Reform
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Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
JC will get more illegal students, but won't get more state funding for schools from the earners in the western suburbs. Watch your taxes go up, but don't complain if you agree with Obama on his amnesty program.

Can you please point, specifically, to the portion of the executive order that allows for Amnesty?

We all know Reagan did it. But there is no evidence about Obama doing it.

Reagan and Bush Sr. didn't "do it" as you point out. See below, dummy. Congress did it, as they should.

Posted on: 2014/12/1 21:06

Re: What to Know About New Executive Action on Immigration Reform
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devilsadvocate wrote:

Monroe wrote:
It'll continue to get worse as long as we have a POTUS who encourages illegal immigration and porous borders.

Realistically, it is politically expedient for democrats to encourage large Latino populations to enter the US, legally or illegally, and then amnesty the illegals thereby permitting them to vote (or to simply fight voter ID laws). Romney won the white vote by what, close to 20 pts? A few generations ago that would have been determinative.

Precisely! That's why I laugh when Bill Maher (whom I actually like) tried to "Flip a District" (but failed miserably). He's ardently against gerrymandering, when in fact this type of policy is the biggest gerrymandering of all!

What makes me laugh harder is that black voters would overwhelmingly vote for Barry for a third term despite the fact he just made blacks more of a minority voice by about 5 million people. Such stupidity.

Posted on: 2014/12/1 20:54

Re: What to Know About New Executive Action on Immigration Reform
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user1111 wrote:
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)?Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled his party?s long-awaited plan on immigration on Wednesday, telling reporters, ?We must make America somewhere no one wants to live.?

Appearing with House Speaker John Boehner, McConnell said that, in contrast to President Obama?s ?Band-Aid fixes,? the Republican plan would address ?the root cause of immigration, which is that the United States is, for the most part, habitable.?


What's sad is that some of the simpler folks on here read this and didn't realize it was on an Onion-esque satire.

Posted on: 2014/12/1 13:38

Re: Jersey City residents fight plan to turn community garden into oil-change station
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Beats having to go to North Arlington to get it done well.

Posted on: 2014/11/29 14:27

Re: Porta Pizza
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asny10011 wrote:
Another pizza place. Although i'm sure it will be a great restaurant, i just find the offerings on the menu pretty much similar to pizza and pasta elsewhere..... I'm definitely looking forward to the tapas restaurant Raval which may offer stuff that is not too carb heavy.. i hope.


third_street_hats wrote:
They posted on instagram as well about the FREE pizza party starting at 4pm tomorrow. They'll have a DJ at 9pm.

My only beef with tapas joints is they're usually a huge ripoff. Some have portions smaller than appetizers yet cost 7, 8 or 9 bucks! I hope this new spot gets it right.

Posted on: 2014/11/27 15:39

Re: Are Top Chefs Really Fleeing New York for Jersey City?
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tommyc_37 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
....and your point?

Not sure if you're addressing me, but my point was to play the game of naming restaurants here longer than 10 years.

Yes, and the point being?

Posted on: 2014/11/26 5:54

Re: Are Top Chefs Really Fleeing New York for Jersey City?
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....and your point?

Posted on: 2014/11/26 4:27

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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JCMan8 wrote:

neverleft wrote:
?Michael Brown's stepfather consoled the dead teen's distraught mother after Monday's controversial grand jury announcement and then turned to the crowd of demonstrators, saying, "Burn this motherf---er down" and "Burn this bitch down," according to a New York Times video.?

Does anyone know if Brown?s stepfather was arrested for inciting a riot?

I'd guess not.

Privilege is being able to loot while talking heads apologize and make excuses for you.

I think the proper term is "white guilt". It something Jon Stewart etc all suffer from.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 22:54

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

greenville wrote:

caj11 wrote:

jerseymom wrote:
Small group rallies in Jersey City for justice in Ferguson, Mo. - Jersey Journal

A rally for justice, spurred on by the events in Ferguson, Mo., was overshadowed by the promise of free turkeys this afternoon on Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City.

The North Jersey chapter of the National Action Network held a rally to protest the grand jury?s decision not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Less than 10 people participated in the rally, but they made sure that the hundreds of people lined up for free Thanksgiving meals across the street heard their message.

?We?re standing for people who can?t stand for themselves,? said Kenyaetta Williams, 45, of Jersey City.

?I expected it,? Williams said of the grand jury?s decision. ?But I also expected more people out here today,? she said. ?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,? she said.

Jersey Journal - Story & Photos

?All the turkeys are giving out turkeys,?

Nice thing to say about people who are volunteering their time to help the needy, just happened to be police officers and who had NOTHING to do with the events in Ferguson. Would she rather that people don't eat on Thanksgiving?

I wonder if she had a protest for the senseless killing of that cop this past summer.

What an idiotic thing to say.

Pot calling the kettle bl....oh just forget it. That's too easy.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 21:44

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
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Somewhere, Bill Cosby is quietly thanking the Grand Jury....

Posted on: 2014/11/25 16:23

Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
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Vigilante, you are familiar with the concept and definition of an accident right? And really, parenting advice from a fool who can't even have the decency to leash his own dog? Get your head or of your ass, man.

Now, I'm with you, if, due to a parent's pure negligence the child got hurt and then they sued the city (even though it probably is a safety hazard). But jeez man, just TRY to put yourself in someone else's shoes for just one minute and break out of this myopic world view of selfish asshole-ness in which you live.

Happy holidays, people.

Posted on: 2014/11/24 13:50

Re: NY TIMES: Jersey City: A Flower Blossoming as a New Colossus
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jcman420 wrote:
Wow. The NY Times giving an actual, non-backhanded compliment to Jersey City. Didn't think it was possible, but it's good to see.

I was starting to think the Times couldn't publish a supposedly positive article about Jersey City's ascension without beginning it with something like: "Long considered the armpit of the universe..."

Steve spends a lot of money and calls in a lot of favors from his I Banking days to get these articles written, Ya know....

Posted on: 2014/11/23 14:45

Re: how much to tip pizza delivery person
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Was this thread supposed to be serious? Will we teach people how to tie shoes next?


Posted on: 2014/11/22 15:01

Re: Large racial disparity in arrests in Hudson County: report
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

If blacks are arrested disproportionately compared to whites on suspicion of certain crimes, that's one - solve-able - problem.

If blacks are arrested disproportionately because they fit the description of the subject, that's an entirely different problem, needing a different solution.

Nailed it. This is a very salient, spot on point. It's a shame some people are too f*cking ignorant (Ya hear me Old Skool?) to actually examine a topic and all of its nuances and discuss them with intelligence.

Posted on: 2014/11/22 15:00

Re: Large racial disparity in arrests in Hudson County: report
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Thanks for the link, this in depth article from the NY Daily News sports section really illuminated the original article and put it in perspective me.
Your powerful rhetoric has convinced me, i am now a full blon racist.
Sieg heil.

To everyone else, if you just stick your heads up your own asses, ignore any and all counter points and just label every counter argument as "RACIST!!" you too can be a complete and utter moron like Old Skool.

Don't you have some white people to demonize somewhere?

Posted on: 2014/11/22 14:57

Re: What to Know About New Executive Action on Immigration Reform
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For all the morons who keep shouting the "but, but Bush and Reagan did the same thing!" No,, they didn't even do close to the same thing. Try to read more than just the headlines of CNN and MSNBC.

CONGRESS granted amnesty in 87 and 89 I believe (as is THEIR JOB, not King Obama, the person who said himself "I don't have the authority to do this"!) for around 3 million people. But it excluded the spouses and children of those given reprieve. Bush and Reagan, seeing the unintended consequence of breaking up thousands of families, issued executive orders to clean up the bill Congress passed.

Get your facts straight.

Posted on: 2014/11/22 14:33

Re: What to Know About New Executive Action on Immigration Reform
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Enough partisan jockeying Fulop. We get it. You're running for governor. Surprise surprise.

Posted on: 2014/11/21 3:25

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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7 years of Booker is indeed a long time and one would expect to have seen some kind of accomplishment during that time.

By saying he's "a significant upgrade over Sharpe James" how do you measure this? Because he wasn't as corrupt (or at least caught being such) or stole millions upon millions? That's all great, but it's a very very low bar and hardly qualifies as doing a "good job". Same goes for Fulop. No dent in crime. No dent in anything meaningful. But they've both got GREAT PR spins, that's for sure.

What exactly did Booker accomplish to transform Newark in a way that made people say "yeah, that guy should be senator" aside from him being black and a democrat. (yes, I get it, this time around he had no real opponent).

He did nothing, except he had flashy PR campaigns saving animals from burning buildings and using the city as his personal leaping for his political aspirations. It's resume padding at its finest.

And, in your response, please stop going back to the broken record response of "Well, Christie....blah blah blah" because I didn't vote for him, and wouldn't if he ran for president. Answer these questions on their own merit Pebs (or anyone else).

Posted on: 2014/11/20 19:04

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