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Re: Best Places To Trick Or Treat In Jersey City
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Why would they not reschedule ? Do they expect the whole city population to go to the mall?

Posted on: 2019/10/31 13:05

Re: New Rent Control Ordinance
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Somehow there is an undying belief among politicians that war against real estate owners would lead to an abundance of affordable real estate.

Posted on: 2019/10/31 13:04

Re: Halloween Events in Jersey City 2019
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So, I take it, the city is not going to reschedule?

Posted on: 2019/10/31 12:59

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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oreoz wrote:

borisp wrote:

dmark526 wrote:
I will hold my nose and vote for Menendez for one reason. ...
Because the GOP is the only party that is capable and expected to stand on principle.

Not at all - the reason the GOP is expected to act on morals is because they sell themselves that way. Since they lay claim to being the moral, good Christian party, that's how they are judged. ...

Whereas Democrats position themselves as a Women Defenders Party, but since those are Democrats nobody expects them to actually behave as they pretend to be.

Posted on: 2018/10/16 18:46

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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JSleeze wrote:

borisp wrote:
Well, if the other space is just as prominent, let's leave monument where it is - and whatever we planned to replace it with goes into that "other space" instead.


You don't understand the issue, do you?

I understand it perfectly. I read the beginning of the thread - it is all about how this monument "ruins the skyline", and so on.

So, it's all about moving it to a less prominent location, where it doesn't "ruin" your self-enjoyment.

Posted on: 2018/10/5 13:45

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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dmark526 wrote:
I will hold my nose and vote for Menendez for one reason. ...

Wait, don't tell, let me guess! Politics.

With Democrats it's always politics in the end. Who gets power.

Remember Roy Moore , how all the press immediately proclaimed that story would tell us everything we need to know about Republicans! If only he'd been elected, that would have shown GOP was a party of rapists!

Do you know why no newspaper says anything like that about Menendez?

Because the GOP is the only party that is capable and expected to stand on principle.

Posted on: 2018/10/5 13:40

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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Volga2112 wrote:
Eh, it does look grotesque, but I feel that it's somehow appropriate. I mean, it catches one's attention and looks as violent as what it's commemorating.

If I were to choose, I'd let the monument be. Some people don't like it ; tough shit, some people didn't like the Eiffel Tower and wanted it gone as well.

It is grotesque - but that is appropriate in what is a reminder of a horrific act of murder and betrayal.

Posted on: 2018/9/30 5:04

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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Well, if the other space is just as prominent, let's leave monument where it is - and whatever we planned to replace it with goes into that "other space" instead.


Posted on: 2018/9/30 5:02

Recess at schools
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Does anyone know what's the current recess policies in JC schools? How long are they, how frequent, how much physical activity is allowed?

Posted on: 2017/3/12 22:12

Re: No Water in Hamilton Park
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BTW, does anyone know if the schools will be open? Can they function without water?

Posted on: 2016/12/13 12:32

How teachers unions drive Jersey’s pension crisis
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How teachers unions drive Jersey?s pension crisis

"New Jersey has a severe pension crisis: Its unfunded pension liabilities are $95 billion. The state?s retiree health-care obligations add another $65 billion, for a total of $160 billion in unfunded liabilities (and this does not include another $40 billion for local government pensions). The entire state budget is $35 billion. New Jersey simply doesn?t have the money to pay for these pensions.

How did New Jersey get into this situation? The pension crisis is a direct consequence of NJEA?s enormous political power."

Posted on: 2016/12/5 2:55

Re: Vote YES for 2 city questions
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parkman wrote:
Question #2 is a non-binding referendum, which means the City is gauging residents? willingness to pay a small amount of money directed specifically to improve our parks & public spaces & preserve our historic sites....

Yes. Because experience teaches us that when a government says "small" and assures us that it would be solely for parks, that's an iron-clad promise!

Posted on: 2016/11/8 20:06

Re: Jersey City school board election November 8, 2016
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:
Here's an easy way to settle this - who is Yvonne voting for? Vote the opposite. Easy.

Don't make this about politics. This is education.

You want to put in charge some people just because your political opponent doesn't like them, or because they decorated their leaflets with "we're with her" Hillary slogan, -- not even caring how devoid of any useful ideas they are, and how all they offer are just empty slogans?

Either you don't have kids of school age, or you're well off enough to send them to a private school.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 15:02

Re: Democratic Convention
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hero69 wrote:
I'm not having it. nope. hillary may have been "negligent," but donald was and is downright criminal imo. why don't gop zealots defend his sexual assaults, misuse of his charities, racists talk, his unwillingness to pay his employees and contractors properly if at all, or his business failures.

never in million years would hillary hire a caterer for a wedding, praise the caterer's work and then refuse to pay. donald trump belongs in jail.

Yeah, that's sounds like a rational approach. Who cares that she was extremely careless with secret documents and possibly revealed the information that may have damaged national security and endangered our operatives!

What's important is she would have paid caterer!

Maybe. Of course, that's also in doubt, since we don't know when was the last time she had to deal with issues like hiring or paying. Of her interactions with the people who served her we know only some facts, like that in the Department of State she treated the security people so nicely that no senior agent wanted to serve on her detail and they had to use junior agents. That in the position that traditionally is the most prestigious one.

Posted on: 2016/10/30 14:55

Re: Jersey City school board election November 8, 2016
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Stringer wrote:

Jersey City United BOE slate pushes for ‘community connected schools’

Well, based on this article, -- and I have nothing else to go on -- those "Matt Schapiro, Luis Felipe Fernandez and Asmaa Abdalla" guys are all about buzz words. Let's see - "We believe that by bringing people together, by bringing the community into the schools, the schools into the community, the families and school board connect, that we be able to see more success for everyone in the Jersey City public schools" - what does this word salad mean? They forgot to mention "we will fight for you" and "locally grown and humanly harvested".

Posted on: 2016/10/29 20:33

Disrespecting "other" religions
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Hi, some time ago Jersey City school board decided to close the schools for al-Adha, a Muslim holiday. According to the article I read, the motivation was to not exclude children of Muslim faith and to acknowledge diverse population of Jersey City.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the schools will be open on Rosh Hashana and on Yom Kippur too.

Now, normally I wouldn't care about that omission. Why? Well, first, I don't think that we should stop working for all possible religious holidays. Consider that Jews observe not just Rosh Hashana (that 2 days), and Yom Kippur, but there are other major holidays. Passover (2 to 7 days, depending on how religious one is), Hanukkah, Sukkot, and so on. Now, Muslims have at least 2 major Holy days. Add to that Coptic Christians and Russian Orthodox people, they celebrate Christian holidays, but on the Julian calendar, so their Christmas and Easter are 13 days behind, so that at least 2 more days of holidays. Then, there are Hindus (I am not sure, but I think at least 5 major days), buddhist - at least 2 for Tibetan buddhists, and I don't know about other schools. There may be shamanists, satanists and so on and so forth. Note, that I don't mean to disrespect someone by omitting their religion or miscalculating their holidays, it's just that I don't know much about them all. So, I figured, if we were to start closing schools and/or offices on each major religious holiday we risk adding from two weeks to a month or two of holidays. That doesn't look like a good idea.

Second, yes, I know that Christians got lucky and their religious holidays managed to become traditional ones in this country, so they got it good. However, the fact that it's not feasible to celebrate all religious holidays doesn't make me think "ok, since I can't get it, let's ruin it for Christians too!" They got lucky and it's fine by me.

I figured, as long as my employer doesn't mind that I stay home on my religious holidays, and as long as the school doesn't hold my kids' absences on the same holidays against them, we're good.

Let the school be open on those days, i wouldn't interpret it a sign of disrespect.

Or, rather I didn't interpret it as a sign of disrespect until the School Board announced that they do consider it a sign of disrespect for my religion. Which is exactly what they did as a motivation of why they should close the school on al-Adha. While I don't mind being "unlucky", I do mind very much to be consciously selected as a person of a second-class religion that doesn't deserve equal recognition from the government body. So, now I want an explanation.

Posted on: 2016/10/2 2:53

Re: Question about chromium?
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Posted on: 2016/6/17 1:51

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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neverleft wrote:

hero69 wrote:
wow, i just saw trmpy's comments on warren. he is just a foul-mouthed POS bully. does he ever address the issues?

Yet this is appropriate language that Sen. Warren used in her speech last night..right?

"Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud?.?
"?? exactly what you?d expect from a thin-skinned, racist bully,"
"We will not allow a small, insecure, thin-skinned, wannabe tyrant?..?

Is this the same Warren who pretended to be a minority to get in Harvard? And is this the same Warren who practically robbed elderly people buying their houses on the cheap during the crisis?

P.S. Is this the same Warren who was the main player in creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that as we've just learned has been spying on all Americans worse than NSA?

Posted on: 2016/6/10 20:14

Re: Port Authority To Jersey City - Drop Dead
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Dolomiti wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:
JC Mayors and Planning have been way over-building without any planning for infrastructure growth and improvements.

As in, Jersey City is supposed to build a multi-billion dollar tunnel to NYC? All by its lonesome? C'mon, man.

Water, sewage, streets etc yes. Mass transit? No.

I'm confused. Could someone enlighten me - why some of you here believe that somebody else should pay for your convenience? Do you really think that people in the NJ area who want to commute to the NYC are the most downtrodden in the USA so much so that the whole country must subsidize their transportation needs?

If not, - then let some private firm build it, and let them charge those who uses it.

Posted on: 2016/6/7 3:27

Re: Councilman Yun: You No Likey My Engrish ?
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heights wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
Councilman Yun represents many in the Asian community and citizens for which English is a second language - Councilman-at-large Daniel Rivera is obviously an ignorant buffoon of the highest order.

You're right on both counts, although neither should be accepted.

This is utter bs.

The fact that he has accent doesn't mean he "represents" me. The very idea that he "represents" people with accents is just as racist as the idea that being Korean he "represents" Asian community.

Councilman represents people who voted for him.
No more. No less.

Posted on: 2016/6/6 2:33

Re: Security guard at Newport mall in Jersey City charged with cuffing girl, groping her buttocks
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
And who is Ejaz Khan??


fat-ass-bike wrote:
Top 10 countries with highest rape crime :

The winner is USA

some dude that has quoted The U.S Bureau of Justice Statistics on Rape ... that's all

May I ask you, in your own estimates, as time passes what happens with people attitude toward rape? I.e. do people tend to blame victims less or more? Does it become less of a stigma to be rape victim, or more? Do people learn that they should complain or do they get more and more scared to report this crime?

Is there any progress in this area? Is it significant?

Posted on: 2016/5/28 16:11

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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JSleeze wrote:
UPDATE: My daughter and I were in Target last night. She used the bathroom and wasn't raped. Just thought I'd provide a measure, albeit small, of actual real life experience into the conversation.

I'm a little bit confused about how this logic works. So, let's see. Say, if someone's daughter went somewhere... say, college. So, she went to college and she wasn't raped there, than it demonstrates... what exactly does it demonstrate?

Posted on: 2016/5/28 16:02

Re: Cordero
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So, the bottom line is Cordero is improving.

I thought it should be. I mean, if previously all parents who cared about the kids education were sending their kids elsewhere if only they had the means to do so, and now some of them are sending their kids to Cordero - even with all other factors being the same, that should improve the school right there.

Posted on: 2016/5/28 15:53

Re: Jersey City teams up with Waze to share data aimed at easing traffic
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bodhipooh wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:
I really fear that the unintended consequence of this will be facilitating more suburban drivers as they get off the turnpike early and tear through downtown on their way to the tunnel.

A well founded fear, indeed. Lots of small communities around the country are now complaining of increased traffic on local streets as people are routed through local neighborhood streets by Waze and other similar apps.

First of all, the street's layout is already known so Waze already does route cars through the local streets here as everywhere else. From this point of view it can't get worse than it already is.

The way we can make it better for local residents is by adding a no-through-traffic zones for some of the local streets during some time of day - if Waze does support that of course.

Posted on: 2016/5/12 4:49

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What's the deal with Cordero? All ratings are really low, yet our friends whose child goes there in pre-K say nice things. Is it getting better?

Posted on: 2016/5/12 4:44

Re: Jersey City fired me for Facebook posts on Hillary Clinton, Muslims, man says
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JPhurst wrote:

borisp wrote:

JPhurst wrote:
These are tricky issues and the balancing tests are both fact intensive and somewhat subjective.

Yes, censorship and other totalitarian ideas can be this way. I mean - it's really hard to compile a list of permissible things to say. Especially since one thing may be judged ok today - but what if we need to get it verboten tomorrow? Not an easy task. And then there are people who always want to say prohibited things, and sometimes they write them down...

BTW, could you tell me, when you hear a phrase "freedom of speech", what do you think it means?

With respect to the issue at hand, I think it means what is set out in the Supreme Court's jurisprudence on public employee speech, which is what I outlined above. A public employee has a right to speak on issues of public concern without fear for his or her job. This is balanced against the disruption and effect on government operations such speech may have.

This is a liberalization of the First Amendment compared to the initial jurisprudence. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, not a totalitarian by any stretch of the imagination, took the position that the government as employer could act as any employer would, and fire an employee for what they said. The first amendment, he opined, did not require the government to give someone a job, or retain them in that job, on the public payroll.

Nevertheless the Supreme Court has, correctly, in my view, recognized that the government, even when acting in its role of employer, can be restricted by the First Amendment. Under the more recent conservative trend on the court, such 1st amendment protection has been reduced (such as in Garcetti v. Ceballos, which has severely curtailed public employee speakers in their role as whistleblowers).

As I said, based on the facts presented, I think the employee in this case may have a viable claim if he can prove it.

This word salad means nothing.

There is just one case where a government can restrict someone's speech - and it is to prohibit disclosure of some secret information, and not just any information they want to make secret, but the one that must be secret out of national security considerations

There is no constitutional exception for "effect on government operation". We don't exist to support government operations. Government exists to protect our rights.

The very idea of "effect" is ridiculous. Next thing you know you will be telling us we can't offend any government official with our criticism for it ruins the smooth operation of the government!

Posted on: 2016/3/18 4:08

Re: Mayor Fulop Tells Christie to Resign - Establishes Petition
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So, Fulop can't wait to start his gubernatorial campaign?
I thought he wanted to be our mayor.

Posted on: 2016/3/16 2:57

Re: Jersey City fired me for Facebook posts on Hillary Clinton, Muslims, man says
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JPhurst wrote:
These are tricky issues and the balancing tests are both fact intensive and somewhat subjective.

Yes, censorship and other totalitarian ideas can be this way. I mean - it's really hard to compile a list of permissible things to say. Especially since one thing may be judged ok today - but what if we need to get it verboten tomorrow? Not an easy task. And then there are people who always want to say prohibited things, and sometimes they write them down...

BTW, could you tell me, when you hear a phrase "freedom of speech", what do you think it means?

Posted on: 2016/3/15 4:30

Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’
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Posted on: 2016/3/7 13:16

Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’
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By the way, if you support this idea, could you explain why 15? Why not 20? Or 150 for that matter? Would it not be better if everyone was paid 150? Wouldn't people live better?

How did you arrive at the number, and why do you not want to go for a higher one?

Posted on: 2016/3/2 2:15

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