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Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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search GOOGLE images for;

Jersey City burglary suspect

Niagara burglary suspect

and other nearby cities and towns and see if anyone looks familiar !

Posted on: 2014/3/26 6:21
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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The guy on the left looks a bit like the guy in the photo that was posted on this thread but now the original seems to be gone. ... H-Suspects-252301511.html

Resized Image

Posted on: 2014/3/26 3:43

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park

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2010/6/22 23:04
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2013/1/11 2:50
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my car was broken into a week ago on 8th right on the park - window was shattered - nothing was visible in the car. have seen more police patrolling the park at night which is good. really hope crime in the area is not increasing.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 2:54

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2013/1/4 18:19
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ripple wrote:
Sometimes it's not random criminals, but the landlord's family or friends doing the burglaries. This was almost certainly the case a few years ago with my friend's place on Columbus where his laptop was stolen with no signs of forced entry. If the landlord himself or his family does in-apartment maintenance then they know whether there are items worth taking and approximately what hours you keep. I'd move ASAP.

That's very unfortunate. This is one reason (among others) that I have the "iCam" app. I love it. I set up a couple of webcams in my apartment that are visible and leave my computer running with the application. As soon as the webcam detects movement it starts recording. I can view this app anytime in real time on my phone, and the recordings are stored to my phone and hard drive.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 22:29

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2009/5/15 4:26
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ripple wrote:
Sometimes it's not random criminals, but the landlord's family or friends doing the burglaries. This was almost certainly the case a few years ago with my friend's place on Columbus where his laptop was stolen with no signs of forced entry. If the landlord himself or his family does in-apartment maintenance then they know whether there are items worth taking and approximately what hours you keep. I'd move ASAP.


On_The_3rd wrote:
There was a break in at our building on Pavonia Ave yesterday afternoon. This is the second time in 6 months and the same unit in the building was targeted. The first time nothing was stolen but this time was the tenant wasn't as lucky. Without going into too much detail as I don't want to make certain information public knowledge - i feel/know that our building doesn't meet the minimum security standards and our landlord is being all too casual about improving the current condition. I'm already looking into moving now, but I was going to reach out to my other tenants to get them to push the landlord to make REAL improvements. Are there any steps I can take to getting the ball rolling to get the landlord off his ass?

Posted on: 2013/1/10 19:46

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2011/5/21 14:02
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Sorry to hear that. Pavonia and what street? I live by Pavonia and am concerned.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 19:08

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/1/28 22:55
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Sometimes it's not random criminals, but the landlord's family or friends doing the burglaries. This was almost certainly the case a few years ago with my friend's place on Columbus where his laptop was stolen with no signs of forced entry. If the landlord himself or his family does in-apartment maintenance then they know whether there are items worth taking and approximately what hours you keep. I'd move ASAP.


On_The_3rd wrote:
There was a break in at our building on Pavonia Ave yesterday afternoon. This is the second time in 6 months and the same unit in the building was targeted. The first time nothing was stolen but this time was the tenant wasn't as lucky. Without going into too much detail as I don't want to make certain information public knowledge - i feel/know that our building doesn't meet the minimum security standards and our landlord is being all too casual about improving the current condition. I'm already looking into moving now, but I was going to reach out to my other tenants to get them to push the landlord to make REAL improvements. Are there any steps I can take to getting the ball rolling to get the landlord off his ass?

Posted on: 2013/1/10 17:07

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2010/2/2 15:43
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There was a break in at our building on Pavonia Ave yesterday afternoon. This is the second time in 6 months and the same unit in the building was targeted. The first time nothing was stolen but this time was the tenant wasn't as lucky. Without going into too much detail as I don't want to make certain information public knowledge - i feel/know that our building doesn't meet the minimum security standards and our landlord is being all too casual about improving the current condition. I'm already looking into moving now, but I was going to reach out to my other tenants to get them to push the landlord to make REAL improvements. Are there any steps I can take to getting the ball rolling to get the landlord off his ass?

Posted on: 2013/1/10 16:14

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2010/2/5 18:48
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On a similar note....our car, parked on Embankment side of 6th between Jersey and Coles was (almost) broken into overnight last week. The lock was popped out but I guess that they couldn't open the door ~ the alarm never sounded. Filed a police report. The $1000 insurance deductible was our Christmas gift to ourselves this year.

A week before, our neighbors car, parked on 6th between Coles & Monmouth, was broken into and ransacked.

UPS delivered a college text book and left it in our mailbox today. Ten minutes after the delivery was logged, the package was stolen. The delivery guy (our regular person) was as annoyed as we were.

Posted on: 2012/12/28 0:46

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/9/6 16:45
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It's NOT plausible that the fire dept did an "Oops. Wrong address." with the pry bar thing. If that happened, there would have been a big old firetruck with sirens blaring and red lights etc... I know. We had a small fire at the house while I was at work and they prybared the doors open and broke glass etc.... but they don't send one solitary guy. The neighbors told us that there were fire engines and several firefighters ehhgg, no to the firefighter at the wrong address theory--very naive to even consider that, really--this isn't Kansas...

Posted on: 2012/12/7 20:35

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/9/6 16:45
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He's not good-looking enough to be a fireman. Just kidding. The huge baggy pants are pretty commonly seen amongst the street types, no? And if he's a fireman, where's his helmet? I don't buy the fireman thing at all.

Posted on: 2012/12/7 15:36

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Invest wrote:
Looking a clothes only - looks like a fireman

That was my though right off the bat when I saw the picture. My reasoning is there was recently firemen at my building.

And fireman pants

I agree that it could be. Maybe they had a wrong address and started to pry the door and then were like "Oh sh**!" Seems plausible. The back of the shirt looked like a skull and crossbones at first but it could be one of those fire dept shields.

Posted on: 2012/12/7 5:36

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2009/8/10 19:53
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From corner of van vorst and vienna
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Yes, we reported it to both cops and management.

Posted on: 2012/12/7 2:53

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park

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2005/8/20 1:57
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Looking a clothes only - looks like a fireman

That was my though right off the bat when I saw the picture. My reasoning is there was recently firemen at my building.

And fireman pants

Posted on: 2012/12/7 1:25

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2006/10/21 14:18
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The attempted break in did not occur at my apartment, it was at my neighbor's...they did file a report.

Posted on: 2012/12/6 20:25

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2005/3/19 3:39
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From HamiltonPARK
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I emailed a link to this thread to the East District Precinct.

Posted on: 2012/12/6 20:03

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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A couple years ago a building on Hamilton Park was broken into and several bikes were stolen from the basement storage room. They were not locked. Two very expensive bikes were well locked and were left behind. The tenants decided that it wasn't worth reporting the crime nor taking any quick remedies to put in better locks. The NEXT DAY the burglars came back and got the two expensive bikes. So did you guys, hitchcock, meowmix et al, report your attempted break-ins to the cops?

Posted on: 2012/12/6 16:00

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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All I can say is I hope people are reporting these break-ins. Like I've said/written a million times, this is not an army of burglars doing this stuff. It is usually the same 1 or 2 people hitting an area till they get caught or get nervous. Believe me, whether they've served time or not these dudes will keep coming back even after jail because they're lazy and stupid and probably live nearby. If you don't report these crimes then you are just making it easier for them.

Posted on: 2012/12/6 0:47

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2009/8/10 19:53
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From corner of van vorst and vienna
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Someone attempted to break in to our apartment about a month ago (near Hamilton Park) but couldn't get past the deadbolt. And a neighbor said her bike was stolen from the basement.

People in our building keep propping the front doors open -- to get groceries from the car? I don't know what. The idiocy is maddening.

Posted on: 2012/12/6 0:17

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Just curious about what the cops have said? Burglars are repeat offenders and are quite well known by cops. Did they recognize this guy? Meowmix did you report that attempted break-in? In the future I would recommend posting incidents on this site right away.

Posted on: 2012/12/5 23:37

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2006/10/21 14:18
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We had an attempted break in last week in our building on 5th and Brunswick. It looked like someone was trying to pry the deadbolt with a screwdriver. Maybe the same guy...

Posted on: 2012/12/5 23:12

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2010/7/9 11:16
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He looks a bit like this junkie / drunk I have seen around JSQ and the Heights. The nose, hair, and wraith like frame looks familiar. Really can't tell for sure though because of the low resolution quality of the image.

Posted on: 2012/12/5 22:31

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/29 12:17
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Unfortunately, that is the best I can do

Posted on: 2012/12/5 21:41

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2010/2/8 16:51
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There were breakins in the Van Vorst area as well.

Posted on: 2012/12/5 19:05

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2010/7/9 11:16
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You have a higher resolution photo? The face looks familiar.

Posted on: 2012/12/5 18:57

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/29 12:17
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This took place on 6th street - not far from the baseball field.

Posted on: 2012/12/5 18:44

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Where approximately did this occur?

Posted on: 2012/12/5 17:40

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Is anyone in the area having work done on their building? Maybe the guy is working in the area, took a break with his gloves and pry bar and decided to help himself to some one selves stuff.

He is an idiot if he is a thief walking around with those big gloves on a warm day. That is why I am thinking maybe he is some kind of hired hand on a construction job in the area.

Hope the lowlife gets caught!

Posted on: 2012/12/5 16:36

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2007/10/29 12:17
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FIOS home monitoring - greatest thing since sliced bread

Posted on: 2012/12/5 15:45

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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2012/10/3 0:07
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What camera system do you use?

Posted on: 2012/12/5 15:41

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