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Insanity as Drunk Driver Rockets Down Sidewalk/Explosive Crash
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Posted on: 2019/2/23 23:32

Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza Expansion
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On a recent visit two years after moving away from Jersey I walked down Newark Ave. just after midnight on a Saturday. No cars is nice but the place just looked like an extension of Hoboken Frat-Boy Hell. The drunks milling about and screaming and on and on was just another attempt to enhance American "party culture".

Posted on: 2018/9/22 1:15

Re: Plastic bag bans coming to Hoboken, Jersey City
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Yvonne wrote:
I was at the caucus meeting, it is for all items. There will be plastic for produce, but those things do fall out or there are no plastic for produce available. There are recalls of vegetables all the time due to bacteria outbreaks. JC received state funding recently for HIV, Stds, and TB listed in the agenda. We have a large population needing this service. I am pointing out that population need to be careful. So do people undergoing cancer treatment. They have a weak immune system so they must be careful and wash their cloth bags.

The "Eww it's dirty" hang-ups are why we have so much plastic waste.

Posted on: 2018/6/22 21:30

Re: Am I allowed to put up fliers informing neighbors about a felon who has moved into the neighborh
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His Facebook page makes him appear to be an older gay male. He doesn't look physically imposing. Maybe slip a note under his door letting him know that his neighbors know about his recent past etc. Live and let live if he behaves himself.

Posted on: 2018/5/22 23:01

Re: Democratic Party lobbyist Removed From Port Authority
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"From what I read". Is that the same as "people are saying"?


stillinjc wrote:
This incident is noteworthy because it shows, in a nutshell, limousine liberals' attitude towards the "little people", including law enforcement.

From what I read Hillary Clinton behaved towards the Secret Service EXACTLY like Turner when she was in the White House. I bet $$ to donuts that Fauxcahontas is also like that, or even worse. She has that rabid look...

PS - I loved the elitist references to MIT and Yale PhD students...this tape should be part of the Limousine Liberalism 101 course that I encourage these fine institutions to establish, but doubt very much they will.

Posted on: 2018/4/26 14:37

Re: Group wants new highway leading to Jersey City Waterfront
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I just visited Jersey City for the first time in a year. Cars and trucks were still doing 50mph+ on Marin and Washington Blvd. NOTHING has changed except now there are more people for reckless drivers to kill.

Posted on: 2018/4/14 2:13

Re: Doggy Door - Any recommendations on someone who can do this simple job
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Posted on: 2018/4/14 2:05

Re: N.J. city shuts down burlesque show, citing obscenity laws
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You can also watch the old Gong Show. Resized Image

Posted on: 2018/4/7 3:29

Re: Man Found Stabbed in the Chest in Jersey City (Newark ave between Grove and Erie)
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Funny. The city I live in now releases a police report every week listing every incident with a date, time and location AND relevant details. The reports are broken down by zones/precincts. Jersey City is still mired in 1970's technology.

Posted on: 2017/11/22 2:41

Re: Confederate Flag added to Liberty State Park
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Pebble has it right. The rest of you, please take your tired arguments and go home.


Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
The British flag honors the caste system that is the monarchy! Take down the Hawaiian flag! We shouldn't honor a system where you have to bow or curtsy to a monarch!

Incorrect. The British Flag represents a collection of nations that is progressing forward and backward at times. However, it is a representation of a collective and not a lone ideal.

The Confederate Flag represented one thing and one thing only: Secession for the sole purpose of owning other human beings.

The *ONLY* reason the Confederate Flag exists on any state flags was a direct push that came with the Jim Crow Laws. They exist as a backlash to the rights given to blacks.


Yvonne wrote:
Cornelius Van Vorst had slaves. He also gave the rest of the farm the the village of Van Vorst which later merged with the City of Jersey City for a park. Do we rename the park? If we do I am sure his heirs which still exists might want the land back. Some Van Vorst family members were around in the 1950s.

Wow. You have proven yourself a bigot but I didn?t think you?d go with another stupid argument.

General Lee?s statue has nothing to do with whether he was a slave owner or not. It has to do with the fact that he has one single accomplishment in his life: Taking up arms against his country because they said he couldn?t own human beings as slaves!

Seriously, you want a statue for that guy?

Van Vorst Park is named after him for his notable positives to the neighborhood. What positive did Lee give? Please, be specific when you describe out these positives.


stillinjc wrote:
Forget the subway symbols, we must destroy the graves of Confederate generals. Dump their evil remains into the ocean.

Please, why don?t you explain the equivalence of a private grave that existed on private property (could become public after historical designation in certain areas) for families to immortalize those they loved versus a statue that was entirely built as a backlash to black people gaining rights.

No. It isn?t. It?s a strawman. NOBODY is trying to erase history. People that hate racism want symbols erected for the sole purpose of intimidation taken down. Nobody ever makes the argument that students shouldn?t learn about Gen. Lee in history class.

Posted on: 2017/8/24 14:03

Re: Did PATH finally increase frequency?
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brewster wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:
I am often amused with the display of the "Union Saunter" as I wait for the crews to switch ends of the train. I think I have see glaciers move faster.

Try watching the staff at the Building Permit office sometime. They make glaciers look like speed demons.

Yes, the PATH is doomed to be slow and packed for years to come. The so-called increases quickly pile up to become what they always were as trains wait for a bay to open at 33rd. But they keep building towers and the solution put forth by most is "wake up earlier". What a disaster.

Posted on: 2017/8/24 13:56

Re: Did PATH finally increase frequency?
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The idea of an increase in service is a pipe-dream. Whatever goes into 33rd then has to have it's crew switch to the other end of train. Unless you can convince the crews to sprint end to end then the trains will always be what they are. Of course, you could add an actual loop at 33rd for billions of dollars and decades of work...

Posted on: 2017/8/22 13:43

Re: Jersey City taps Downtown woman to be city planner
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JCGuys wrote:

DanL wrote:
yes, outstanding choice. she is a brilliant planner and has been engaged with the community for a long time. really good news. she need to have a thick skin and be able to push back with politicians and developers.

Or push back against unelected NAs and opportunistic pols. Development should be welcomed in this city, especially in Journal Square.

Viewing this as a past longtime Jersey City resident it is great news. The fact that someone with talent is being put into an important position is refreshing. So much cronyism over the years gave J.C. unqualified officials who were overwhelmed and only interested in the perks and the generous pensions of course. No more "my cousin Sean hooked me up" or "Uncle Mike got me the city wide contract." Progress doesn't mean growth, it means smart growth.

Posted on: 2017/8/8 14:45

Re: Trump Our New President
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"As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let?s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard"

Posted on: 2017/8/3 19:33

Re: Trump Our New President
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JCMan8 wrote:
President Trump will try to eliminate the liberal-propagated racism in our school system. An excellent move that is LONG overdue!!!

Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions ... -action-universities.html

Another empty, feel good issue for aggrieved snowflakes.

Posted on: 2017/8/2 16:31

Re: Trump Our New President
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dtjcview wrote:
Anyone else think that trump gets wasted? Tweets stupid shit overnight. Then doubles down?

They claim he doesn't drink and the fact that he tweets this stuff sober is even scarier.

Posted on: 2017/8/1 3:11

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:

Lima17 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Nah, the husband of the other candidate who was sodomizing a young girl with an aluminum cigar tube in the Oval Office will never be topped.

Why do Trump supporters continually need to compare our shitbag president to another bag of shit. Great, they're both pieces of shit.

Fwiw - the "young girl" was 22. Go call a 22 year a "young girl" and let's see how they feel about it. And let's not again spin this back to Bill. This about your comment that demeans 22 year old women and young girls.

First, the statement I quoted was comparing our President to every one before him. Bringing Slick Willie into the mix was totally apropos. Second, I could care less how you characterize my 'girl' comment. When the most powerful man on earth preys upon a 22 year old, or an 18 year old like JFK did, it's man vs girl. And every father of 22 year old who was assaulted by someone twice her age would feel that his girl was taken advantage of. You're always daddy's little girl from what my friends with daughters say.

I'm sure Chelsea is "Daddy's Little Girl" which is just a smokescreen for dudes who abuse women but are creepily protective of their daughters. Of course, there's Trump who lusts after his own daughter.

Posted on: 2017/7/28 18:36

Re: Trump Our New President
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If there is ever a mass shooting where the "good guy with a gun" is transgender should they be allowed to defend those around them? Maybe they should just say, "Nah, F**k You too."

Posted on: 2017/7/28 2:43

Re: Trump Our New President
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SOS wrote:
Heads up Comrades, when in a meeting with Jared Kushner and his cell rings and he says urgent problem regrettably must leave, he's lying. But everything else he says is 100% truthful.
Such as no project funding from Oligarchs. Also only reads subject of email and maybe first sentence on smartphone - that's deniability! So take that, liberal democrat progressives. ... m=.xfA00z2jzE#.vqgJJBamB4

Indeed. Trump and his fanboys are F**ked. "Can I pardon myself?" HAHA!!! "NO!"

Posted on: 2017/7/24 18:07

Re: Trump Our New President
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Goes on everywhere for both parties. Old news.

Posted on: 2017/7/19 23:25

Re: 808 Pavonia Project Approved
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Can't you just have "culture" delivered by Amazon?

Posted on: 2017/7/19 19:30

Re: Trump Our New President
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Interesting background piece by Matt Taibbi... His narrative puts together some disturbing facts about Washington DC Power and its relationship with "the Russians" and "the russians".

The whole thing really comes back to the Obama Administration... He was forced into signing a law he did not agree with (nor did many key republicans). His MO was always only enforce federal laws he agreed with and ignore the ones he didn't. So he reluctantly signs this law and then goes to work in the background supporting the lobbying efforts for repeal.

Hence the shady Russian Woman Lawyer getting that special treatment from DoS... and the photo op of her front row at a senate hearing behind the US Ambassador to Russia.

They needed Trump (on the remote chance he would win the election) because they already had HRC. If Trump had also added Term Limits on his 3 plank platform, Taxes, Illegal Immigration and draining the swamp, he would have had a landslide victory.

"On the other hand, Trump himself came out strongly in favor of the Magnitsky law earlier this year, a piece of news that was then and remains now a weird fit with the collusion narrative. Overturning the Magnitsky Act is probably at or near the top of the list of Russian foreign policy objectives vis a vis the United States. " ... fair-linked-again-w492290

As if Trump remains consistent on ANYTHING. Please.

Posted on: 2017/7/19 1:07

Re: Trump Our New President
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Oh, and sure, Hillary probably would have lost anyway and that's the irony. Trump F'd up Big Time.

Posted on: 2017/7/16 1:55

Re: Trump Our New President
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BIG differences. A low level operative who, as a side project, exposed Manafort's slime-balling. Trump's top people met with Russians and encouraged hacking and manufacturing of "evidence". You Trump fanboys have to just eat your "nothingurgers". The net is closing...Even the guys who wrote the Politico article know this.

Posted on: 2017/7/16 1:53

Re: Trump Our New President
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135jc wrote:

AlexC wrote:
Can you imagine the outrage conservatives, Fox and the GOP if this was Hillary Clinton?

This is the most embarrassing chapter of the US Govt. Have any of you traveled out of the country lately?

Hillary's campaign did meet with foriegn entities during the campaign. It will come out.

As Kenneth Vogel, one of the journalists who wrote the original Politico article, noted on Twitter on Wednesday, ?overall Russian gov?t effort to sabotage Hillary/boost Trump was obviously MUCH MORE CONCERTED than anything done by anyone in the Ukrainian gov?t.?

?The Ukrainian operation was pretty small beer. It just didn?t rise to the level? of the Russian influence campaign, David Stern, a Ukraine-based journalist and the co-author with Vogel of the Politico article, told me. ?I think we?re dealing in very broad strokes with something similar, but when you get into the details, they?re totally different situations.?

Posted on: 2017/7/15 14:12

Re: Trump Our New President
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That meeting with Trump's Junior keeps getting bigger and bigger...literally and figuratively.

Posted on: 2017/7/15 0:30

Re: Trump Our New President
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Nice.... the Obama DOJ expedited the woman Russian lawyers entrance into the USA so she could lobby against a US Human Rights law?

No wonder the Trump Jr. and company got the hell out of that meeting in 20 minutes; they smelled a rat.

Like I said earlier... this was an Obama DOJ political dirty trick setup... They got nothing originally, but this ended up playing well with their current smear campaign. ... before-she-met-with-trump

?In October the government bypassed the normal visa process and gave a type of extraordinary permission to enter the country called immigration parole,? Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Monteleoni explained to the judge during a hearing on Jan. 6, 2016.

?That's a discretionary act that the statute allows the attorney general to do in extraordinary circumstances. In this case, we did that so that Mr. Katsyv could testify. And we made the further accommodation of allowing his Russian lawyer into the country to assist,? he added.

The prosecutor said the Justice Department was willing to allow the Russian lawyer to enter the United States again as the trial in the case approached so she could help prepare and attend the proceedings.

The court record indicates the presiding judge asked the Justice Department to extend Veselnitskaya?s immigration parole another week until he decided motions in the case. There are no other records in the court file indicating what happened with that request or how Veselnitskaya appeared in the country later that spring.

Posted on: 2017/7/14 1:34

Re: Trump Our New President
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TheBigGuy wrote:

SOS wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Good thing about anti republican president talking points is that they can be used in any decade... Good thing Nancy is still in charge, leading the democrat resurgence!!! ... lls-trump-president-bush/

Bro this isn't about bashing Republicans. Is Trump really a Republican? I don't think so. This mess is all about collusion with an unfriendly foreign power and acts of treason. Did the Russians tilt the election in Trump's favor? I doubt it and it is not the issue. Like Azul said, the Russians have their polezniye duraki, and the majority of Trump supporters are shit out of luck...

Sure it is.... when democrats are in power, thier story is f' the republicans (see Obamacare Bill) .... when republicans are in power, democrats always want to talk about crossing the aisle and sharing etc.

Do you really think if Trump were to quit today, that Pence would get a fair shake from progressives and left. Once again the left believes there is this grass roots undercurrent in the US supporting their leftist objectives.

American people are pretty fair to give a sitting president benefit of the doubt... they can see Trump being railroaded and they are blocking out the anti Trump hysteria.... he just needs to start delivering on his promises.

KEEP DREAMING. ... resident-us-a7823291.html

Posted on: 2017/7/13 1:43

Re: Trump Our New President
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JCMan8 wrote:

Hamparkvet wrote:

135jc wrote:

Pebble wrote:
Donald Trump Jr *literally* posted his emails online which admit to collusion. This isn't up for debate anymore. The evidence is right there for everyone to see.

On top of that, the illegitimate president stated yesterday that he did NOT talk about sanctions with Putin during their meeting. Today, Huckabee-Sanders stated that he did.

It's fine and dandy if you want to say that you support a conservative agenda. It is a wholly different matter to support a man that has colluded with foreign governments that wish harm on Americans in order to steal an election.

Congratulations! Trump supporters are now officially supporting a traitor!

Trumps son took a meeting and while Jr and Sr were private citizens. Where is the crime? The Russian's actions are basically the same tatics activest James Okeefe uses. The left usually has a problem with this

DERP. The son and the son-in-law, both employed as advisors along with the campaign manager took the meeting to collect info against the Clinton campaign. They did so with a foreign entity. They admitted it. Junior is in deep shit. He lawyered up.

I bet he's fine. He's clearly not worried, considering he's appearing on Hannity tonight at 10 to talk about it.

I'm sure Hannity will get to the truth!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Posted on: 2017/7/12 0:46

Re: Trump Our New President
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135jc wrote:

Pebble wrote:
Donald Trump Jr *literally* posted his emails online which admit to collusion. This isn't up for debate anymore. The evidence is right there for everyone to see.

On top of that, the illegitimate president stated yesterday that he did NOT talk about sanctions with Putin during their meeting. Today, Huckabee-Sanders stated that he did.

It's fine and dandy if you want to say that you support a conservative agenda. It is a wholly different matter to support a man that has colluded with foreign governments that wish harm on Americans in order to steal an election.

Congratulations! Trump supporters are now officially supporting a traitor!

Trumps son took a meeting and while Jr and Sr were private citizens. Where is the crime? The Russian's actions are basically the same tatics activest James Okeefe uses. The left usually has a problem with this

DERP. The son and the son-in-law, both employed as advisors along with the campaign manager took the meeting to collect info against the Clinton campaign. They did so with a foreign entity. They admitted it. Junior is in deep shit. He lawyered up.

Posted on: 2017/7/12 0:21

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