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Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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JCOR- It's funny you mention that because I JUST started thinking about this today. Sandy was rough for sure- there was water damage to my building on the lower level (not sure how bad) and the management company tore out the carpet and replaced. I began thinking about the subflooring though, if it was wood maybe it is molding and there is some long term spore exposure occurring.

Good suggestion


JCorNYC wrote:
Often times landlord just do cosmetics and not gut the place when it's water damaged. When Sandy hit that area was hit badly.

Definitely, get someone to check for molds in your building. ASAP.

Posted on: 2015/12/18 18:04

Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for this list. Negative for HIV and HEP. I will cross reference this list with mine, it's difficult as a lot of these symptoms are shared by eachother and the doctors I've seen haven't been extremely helpful. I've seen 5 at this point.

I'm trying not to harp on my neighbors having similar symptoms but, I do find it very odd.

-We do not all own cats. 2 of us own dogs.

- Not the same food source

- Same water source not sure where from. Have stopped drinking the tap and switched to bottled 2 days ago.

- We live in the same building, across the the hall and downstairs, close proximity.


trambone wrote:
These are the things you could have:

Tularemia F
Infectious Mononucleosis Common
Sinusitis Common
Lyme Disease
Crohn's Disease Common
Influenza Common
Whipple Disease
Dengue Fever
Endocarditis F
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever F
Erythema Multiforme
West Nile Encephalitis F
Rheumatic Fever
Viral Hepatitis Common
Microscopic Polyangiitis
Lemierre's Syndrome F
Reiter's Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Common
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Hepatitis A
Steven-Johnson Syndrome F
Hepatitis B F
Hepatitis C
Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis
Q Fever
Kikuchi Disease
Cat-Scratch Disease
Marshalls Syndrome
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Rat-Bite Fever
Relapsing Polychondritis

Now as you've said you're neighbors are having similar symptoms, you can narrow it done to environmental, parasitic, or non blood born.

Do you all own cats?

Do you all eat from the same source?

Where is your water from?

Are you all in the same building?

Posted on: 2015/12/18 15:59

Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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I am certainly eating. I do not have the best appetite but, I eat 3 full meals a day still. It's as if I can't absorb nutrients. That's been a big focus of mine because it's pretty scary.


bunny22 wrote:
You've lost 8 pounds a week for the last 3 weeks. This to me, is VERY dramatic and trumps all the other symptoms. If you aren't exaggerating, any decent doctor should be alarmed by that alone. Are not eating? Are you not keeping it down? I'd focus on the weight loss aspect. To lose that much, you'd pretty much have to be not eating at all.

Posted on: 2015/12/18 15:49

Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for the additional list DTJC!

RA, Throid, Diabetes, Hep have all come back fine and normal but, I will start researching and asking questions about the others you have mentioned!


dtjcview wrote:
Don't limit your search to Lyme. It could be any number of things that a good internist can help you track down. For example:

Thyroid conditions
Gluten/lactose intolerance
West Nile/Dengue

Posted on: 2015/12/16 19:23

Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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I have not traveled out of the country at all. But, at this point I'm starting to look in every direction for a cause I can


MDM wrote:
The ones below sound like a H Pylori infection (often misdiagnosed). Been traveling overseas recently (in particular to SE Asia)?


BeenthereDonethat wrote:
Symptoms range and vary.

Joint pain that moves, mostly ankles, elbows.
Rapid Weight Loss (I'm talking 20-25 lbs in 3 weeks)
Constant up and down fevers
Digestive Issuses
Shooting Pain in Back, Hips, Neck

Was just curious if others have experiences this recently since I've come across 3 other people with these same symptoms.

Thanks for the feedback everyone

Posted on: 2015/12/16 18:47

Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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Not too shy to talk


jerseymom wrote:

mfadam wrote:
may be worth comparing symptoms against the list for Lyme Disease. Doctors are still very uneducated about this one and it can really knock you down several pegs...

Exactly what I was thinking. Here's a good site:

Thanks guys! That's actual the current path I'm headed down... I have been Lyme tested but, did not qualify for CDC textbook Lyme Disease. I just finished a 2 week course of Doxycycline. I'm continuing to explore this as a major possibility and am seeking LLMD's in the region as my symptoms are still present. I know lyme can be hard to diagnosis in addition to other illness's mimickng is- things just seemed very odd that I've met others in the immediate area with my exact symptoms.

Posted on: 2015/12/16 18:46

Re: Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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Not too shy to talk


CatDog wrote:

Symptoms range and vary.

Joint pain that moves, mostly ankles, elbows.
Rapid Weight Loss (I'm talking 20-25 lbs in 3 weeks)
Sore Throat
Constant up and down fevers
Eye Pain
Digestive Issuses
Shooting Pain in Back, Hips, Neck
Weird Headaches in temples

Was just curious if others have experiences this recently since I've come across 3 other people with these same symptoms.

Thanks for the feedback everyone

Posted on: 2015/12/16 17:45

Health Issues/Concerns in Downtown JC?
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Not too shy to talk

Hi All,

This may be an odd thread, but I figured it was worth reaching out to the community for. (Hope this is the correct forum to post in)

I recently feel very ill (going on 4 months now) and have seen various doctors with no diagnosis being made...

After talking to a neighbor in my building I learned she is having the exact symptoms as me. In addition, there are a couple others we learned near the VVP area experiencing extremely similar symptoms!

Perhaps it's a very odd coincidence, but I wanted to open the floor and see if anyone else has been dealing with sudden on-set major health issues the past few months.

Feel free to PM if you don't want to publicly share what is going on.

Thanks so much for reading!

Posted on: 2015/12/16 16:19

Edgewater Fire Pet Donations
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Anyone looking to donate items for the pets displaced as a result of the Edgewater fire can bring their donations to Fussy Friends at 148 Newark Ave. Prior to 2pm this Saturday Jan 24th.

They are in severe need of food, leashes, toys to occupt the stressed pets (rubber chews etc) and towels/blankets (can be used but must be clean)

Thank you for the help

Posted on: 2015/1/22 23:02

Re: Join us in Fixing the PATH (Directly reply to join)
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I'm in. How can I join

Posted on: 2014/10/3 2:49

Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
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Not too shy to talk

New signs are great but, the drivers don't even abide by the current ones.

What we need are speed bumps, traffic lights, and more police enforcement.

Speaking from someone who was hit on Grove and Wayne two weeks ago by a wreckless driver.I must be the 4th person (to my knowledge) in the past few months who has been hit by a wreckless driver in the downtown jersey city area.

Posted on: 2013/11/23 17:37

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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Not too shy to talk


oJcanuC wrote:
Yes 10th & Erie. I called United Water emergency line. They are trying to find if there's a water main break. Their treatment facility reported an increased demand in water which is usually indicative of a break. They've been getting a lot of calls of low pressure, but nobody is reporting the rush of water. So they are aware of the problem in our area, but are looking for the source.

I also called United Water to report and they did confirm there's a water main break at their facility.

Posted on: 2013/7/14 12:07

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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Not too shy to talk

Same problem at Varick and Bright

Posted on: 2013/7/14 12:01

Re: Taxi fares
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Not too shy to talk


anonymess wrote:
Did metered fares go up? Or are cabbies fixing their meters? I regularly take a cab from Grove St. to my apt, well once a week or so. With light traffic, the fare has always been within 50 cents. The last 2 times though it was $1 and $1.25 more with no difference in the route or anything else.

Edited to add... I asked the drivers on both occasions if there was an increase and all I got was a mutter for an answer.

In the 5 years I've lived downtown I've never had ONE consistent fare. My fare always varies as does the base of the meter.

This years in particular I've been lucky to even GET a working meter. If I speak up to the driver they usually give me a ton of attitude about t being broken etc.

I've called the number on the cab and informed them multiple times. Seems the only result from that was a man standing at the "cab stand" at Grove and CC with a notepad taking down times and rates. That was aprox 7 months ago. Maybe one day in 6 years ill get a working meter and a clean can all in one shot.
Until then ill continue walking or biking and not surpporting those jerks.

Sorry for the rant-

So to answer your question it's possible and likely fares went up

Posted on: 2013/6/19 14:52

Re: Maxwells in Hoboken Closing end of July
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SteveWilson29 wrote:

owlie wrote:
I heard they were going to relocate to Jersey City between Finast and Trader Joe's.

Man, I can't stop laughing! Bravo! That's the funniest thing I've read all week. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. I'm still laughing!

Atleast someone still appreciates the trite comments on this board. *yawn*

Posted on: 2013/6/10 15:53

Re: Maxwells in Hoboken Closing end of July
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Not too shy to talk

Are they no longer planning on re-opening downtown near grove? I knew a few months back they were renewing the lease in Hoboken but I also spoke to several people who said they found a space off grove?

Posted on: 2013/6/4 21:31

Re: Bright street smells like S*%#*
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for this info I will report the issue!

Posted on: 2013/5/8 18:35

Re: Bright street smells like S*%#*
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Not too shy to talk

I live on Bright and Varick fortunately not ground level. When I came downstairs this morning the ground level tenants were airing out their apartment and there was gross water all in their apt and halls of our building- so yep sewers backed up (which did Not happen to our building during Sandy).

When wil the city fix this? I don't understand- wasnt there a lawsuit regarding this issue?

Posted on: 2013/5/8 16:45

Re: Downtown Jersey City Bagpipe Guy
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Not too shy to talk


Parker wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

Parker wrote:
Whatever happened to the saxophone player in Downtown JC? I'd hear him play through my open window in the afternoon, and I loved it! So relaxing.

Bagpipe guy -- not so much. It's like there's a funeral every day. Plus, he keeps messing up, so it's irritating.

If you see this, Mr. Bagpipe Guy, please stop. Or take up the saxophone.

Your neighbor,

I see / hear saxophone guy occasionally down in Grove Plaza on weekday mornings. Such a great soundtrack for my commute, but I do miss his evening streetlight serenades. Like coming home to a Raymond Chandler novel.

Exactly! He used to play in the late afternoon/early evenings when I'd hear him. I used to always think, "this is too good to be true for it to last forever. He'll stop eventually." Well, that day has come I guess, and he's been reincarnated as the bagpipe guy. (sad face)

Sax man was out playing on Newark ave just past roman nose last evening!

Posted on: 2013/4/26 23:11

Re: Lots of Police/Detectives in front of Fussy Friends Tonight
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Not too shy to talk


mr_grumpy_face wrote:
You're speaking of Taco from the notorious duo "Paco and Taco". They've been around for more than one season and yes, the local police and paramedics are very much aware of them and their lovable band of misfit friends.

Are "paco and taco" also Rita & Ray?

Posted on: 2013/4/25 16:32

Re: Taqueria
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meltedopsicle wrote:
Yesterday (Tues) when I passed by, I saw a sign that said they would be closed on Wed 4/24. They aren't normally closed on Wednesdays but they must have had a reason for today (I didn't stop to read more).

I wish this was posted about an hour prior to my walk over for my favorite tacos. Which I also ventured out to dismay on Monday :,(

Posted on: 2013/4/25 2:13

Re: Downtown Store Keeper Defends Against Robbery
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Not too shy to talk


kellyh wrote:
These lucky 7's hipsters are getting out of control.

Oh RIGHT! It's the hipsters who are getting out of control and causing all sorts of terror in dwntn JC....

Educate yourself and dig a little deeper on this guy. Do you know him? Define Hipster and then get back to me on how he falls into your definition.

Posted on: 2013/2/19 16:37

Re: Golden Cicada, Taqueria, Edwards
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Not too shy to talk

I've gone and eaten at the Taqueria in the LES at least 4 times since the storm.Hope you come back soon you're severely missed!

Posted on: 2013/1/18 21:06

Re: Tell me where to get Sushi please...
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Also another vote for Honshu. I'm not sure if this was mentioned either but, I've enjoyed the sushi I've gotten from Teppan as well.
JC Sakura if you're desperate for cheap and okay. Wasn't a fan of Sushi Tango. The sushi at Wild Fusion is also hit or miss.

Posted on: 2013/1/18 21:02

Re: Pulaski Skyway to close for 2 years after Super Bowl:
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Not too shy to talk


heights wrote:

BeenthereDonethat wrote:
I might be naive in asking this (since I am not a car owner and use public transit) but, how will something like this effect PATH? Better yet, will something like this effect PATH?

Will more commuters choose alternative driving routes (if there are any since I'm hearing the Bayonne bridge is under going work at the same time?)? Or will commuters who drive switch to NJ transit?

Just curious as you could imagine my concern between that and the new high rise towers expected to be built in JSQ. Hopefully this post is relevant to the thread. Thanks.

You mean affect as opposed to effect. As far as the PATH is concerned more people might decide to commute via public transportation including the PATH.

Yes affect. Sorry, it's an early morning for me today. Thanks for your input

Posted on: 2013/1/11 13:11

Re: Pulaski Skyway to close for 2 years after Super Bowl:
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Not too shy to talk

I might be naive in asking this (since I am not a car owner and use public transit) but, how will something like this effect PATH? Better yet, will something like this effect PATH?

Will more commuters choose alternative driving routes (if there are any since I'm hearing the Bayonne bridge is under going work at the same time?)? Or will commuters who drive switch to NJ transit?

Just curious as you could imagine my concern between that and the new high rise towers expected to be built in JSQ. Hopefully this post is relevant to the thread. Thanks.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 12:03

Re: Why is pizza so bad in downtown JC?
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Not too shy to talk

Rustique is amazing!!!

John's is okay but, over priced.

I've gotten burnt pizza from Paulus Hook Brick Oven on 2 separate occasions so I stopped trying them out.

Helens has a friendly staff and owner but the pizza is doughy and the sauce is gross

Haven't tried chill out lounge or Razza.

LOVE everything about Roman nose!

Posted on: 2013/1/10 22:37

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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vindication15 wrote:
Instead of "Thank you for riding the PATH" led lights, they should have "Sorry that you have chosen to ride the PATH"

I think the humor will actually help.

Haha! I agree! Not to mention what a WASTE of money. What are the point of those?!?! There are already TV's installed that scroll important information about PATH. Not like the LED signs would help anyway considering PATH is never on time and always experiencing SOME sort of problem.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 22:32

Re: Attempted Break-In in Hamilton Park
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ripple wrote:
Sometimes it's not random criminals, but the landlord's family or friends doing the burglaries. This was almost certainly the case a few years ago with my friend's place on Columbus where his laptop was stolen with no signs of forced entry. If the landlord himself or his family does in-apartment maintenance then they know whether there are items worth taking and approximately what hours you keep. I'd move ASAP.

That's very unfortunate. This is one reason (among others) that I have the "iCam" app. I love it. I set up a couple of webcams in my apartment that are visible and leave my computer running with the application. As soon as the webcam detects movement it starts recording. I can view this app anytime in real time on my phone, and the recordings are stored to my phone and hard drive.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 22:29

Re: The Brightside Tavern - 141 Bright Street
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Not too shy to talk

It seems my experiences here are similar to most of the other postings.

I was excited when Brightside opened- I live close by and I enjoyed Tommy Two Scoops. I've been here 3 times. The first time the food was great and the experience in the dining room was pleasant. The other two times- not so much. We chose to sit at the bar where we were ignored by the bartender. She was obviously too busy with off the clock co-workers to pay mind to us. Order some food and it was okay but, it's hard to enjoy anything you eat with terrible music blaring in your ears. The second time was the same scenario except Tommy (who is sweet and means well) decided to hang at the bar and bug patrons while they were eating with his over the top energy and in your face attitude. The guy means well but, doesn't understand how to create a vibe in a restaurant to save his life.

The last straw was when we decided to just come in for a drink, skip the mediocre food, and hope that Tommy was off the evening. Well, we sat down for over 7 mins (I timed this,out of frustration instead of saying anything) waiting for the bartender to come over. There were only 2 other patrons at the bar. The other 2 customers finally pointed us out (despite making direct eye contact with her in the mirror several times) to which she then turned around looked at us and continued to ignore. We walked right out and said we'd never be back. And we haven't been back since.

Late nights the drunken idiots leaving this bar will sometimes take their beer bottles to go as I was almost hit with a flying one because they didn't see me behind them as they carelessly chugged and pitched the empty bottles.

I've also now been turned off by hearing the rumors of Tommys "possible" delay with the reopen of Toricos not to mention his "ins" with some city workers. Blah

Posted on: 2013/1/10 22:26

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