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Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2010/5/5 4:18
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2011/7/21 15:28
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Like I said LMFAO.....I worked New Years Eve. Was in the hood and saw all of them young guys that are getting the ax doing a superb job.....It could have been worse. Great job JCPD Patrol. You guys were awesome. 288 calls for service in the first five hours.Im really looking forward to the warm weather. Gonna be exciting again. Not to mention profitable OT OT OT OT OT OT Oscar Tango for me a File Number for you. Good luck to you

Posted on: 2011/1/2 22:53

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2007/10/11 3:28
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carpetbaggertil718 wrote:
LMFAO there are alot of nights like that coming up. It was a blast being out there. Thank you for the OT and adrenaline rush JC. That reminded me of the good old days with a 750 man dept. 54000 file numbers instead of a dead ass 35000 to close out the year. Pitiful. We'll catch up this year.

Schwarzenegger Please!

Posted on: 2011/1/2 21:34

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2010/5/5 4:18
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2011/7/21 15:28
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LMFAO there are alot of nights like that coming up. It was a blast being out there. Thank you for the OT and adrenaline rush JC. That reminded me of the good old days with a 750 man dept. 54000 file numbers instead of a dead ass 35000 to close out the year. Pitiful. We'll catch up this year.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 21:06

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Why not have no lay offs but instead have all the cops forfeit a days pay or work a 4 day week with less pay

Posted on: 2011/1/2 20:33
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Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2006/11/13 18:42
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letssavejc wrote:
Lets get everyone who is against the cops to do ride alongs on New Years eve. You will never want to see a cop laid off after that

Lets then have a casual force that comes in on New Years eve and other 'spike's in crime' dates - I'm sure there would be heaps of retired 'good' cops willing to provide the service and would likely do it for free !

Posted on: 2011/1/2 20:30
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

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That was a good article - I was just surprised that anyone can write about NJ's financial mess and not at least point out that there is a dire need to consolidate municipalities and services. Everything else seems like window dressing to me.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 20:03

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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
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Interesting article in todays Times

Fred Siegel, a historian at the conservative-leaning Manhattan Institute, has written of the ?New Tammany Hall,? which he describes as the incestuous alliance between public officials and labor.

?Public unions have had no natural adversary; they give politicians political support and get good contracts back,? Mr. Siegel said. ?It?s uniquely dysfunctional.?

Posted on: 2011/1/2 19:33

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Mathias wrote:
The current fiscal crisis has its origins in a complex transfer of wealth and rewriting of the social contract that has been going on for the last 30 years.

No doubt. But the problem is that the tax system depends on the contributions of everyone. And in Jersey City, the middle class is hit harder than the upper class because of tax abatements and the composition of the population.

If the police union really existed for the benefit of its brothers and sisters and not just its own self-interest, how could they not agree to a small (relative to what a lot of other people have been through recently) pay cut to save the jobs of its members? I read in the paper that the union is worried that if they give in now it will only lead to further requests down the road. What difference does it make if they get pressure in the future? They would still have the ability to say no.

You can't argue that the city isn't broke. The causes of its insolvency are disgusting, but they doesn't change the facts. How does the city pay its bills without employees being affected? Serious question.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 17:27

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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letssavejc wrote:
The traditional plan was merely one of the plans offered by blue cross. If you ask anyone, the plan that we agreed to go to is actually a better plan while it saves the city millions.

I don't see how the union can call that a concession - it's something that is above and beyond what the typical person gets and should have been changed long ago. That's one of the big problems with a union - everything becomes a bargaining chip. If the rest of the world has changed to HMOs and the like, why should a union get to wring concessions out of the city or state for taking an action that is consistent with how the rest of the world is operating?

The union has provided a 27 point plan in which the city can obtain the revenue to balance the police budget.

I've heard people talking about this plan but haven't seen it anywhere. Why doesn't the union publish it in the paper? Why give all the power to the city by letting them just sit on it? If it is a winner - let the public see it and they'll pressure the administration to do what's right.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 17:17

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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letssavejc wrote:

If you are only paying 22k a year for a 4 family, you must be turning quite a profit. Don't cry about paying taxes when you bought the building.

There are ways to generate revenue to balance the police budget without hurting the taxpayers.

With all do respect.. you are full of it.

I cut my rents 20%+ to hold on to tenants. A number of my tenants, saw their income drop or have been in and out of unemployment. I cut my rents down to the point where I would pretty much break even... or not lose too much money... just trying to ride out the storm.

Then came more tax increases (33% recently with a total of 84% over the past five years). The the JCMUA raised sewer rates by 45%. So now I have $900+ bills every quarter.

I can't raise rents because my tenants can't afford it. I can't defer maintenance.

Now you want to "generate" even more revenue? That's code for "raising taxes and fees". I don't care who you tax, at some point, its going to come out of the pocket of the residents of Jersey City.

Keep up with what you are doing. You and your ilk are going to turn Jersey City into Detroit on the Hudson. A wasteland of abandoned buildings who's tax bills exceed the sale price.

Jersey City has over $800 million in debt. Its already monetized its major assets by forming MUA's. The city has no where else to go but to cut expenses. Raise taxes even more? Did you bother to looks through the last tax lien sale list? Its bigger than the rest of the Jersey Journal. What happens when you raise taxes to the point that nobody will buy the liens? Its happened before. What happens when millions of dollars in taxes don't come in because the lien sales fail?

The result is your paycheck disappears. Guess what? So will your pension and insurance. As of March 2010, your pension is less than 40% funded. Its over $35 billion in debt. The city will likely have to enter Chapter 9 bankruptcy, which will end any chance of borrowing to cover operating expenses.

Right now your union had better get damn serious about making sure elderly retires at least have their pension saved. The rest of you are going to have to transfer into a model similar to the Federal Thrift Savings Plan. Those 6 figured supervisor salaries? They are going bye-bye as well.

I don't expect that to happen. I expect a financial blood bath over the next 24 months.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 17:14

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2011/1/2 13:31
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If you are only paying 22k a year for a 4 family, you must be turning quite a profit. Don't cry about paying taxes when you bought the building.

There are ways to generate revenue to balance the police budget without hurting the taxpayers.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 16:55

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2011/1/2 13:31
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2011/1/2 16:02
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Lets get everyone who is against the cops to do ride alongs on New Years eve. You will never want to see a cop laid off after that

Posted on: 2011/1/2 16:49

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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letssavejc wrote:

The union has provided a 27 point plan in which the city can obtain the revenue to balance the police budget. The city will not look at it. If you take a look at the points, obviously not all of them are practical, but many of them are. Many of them are so practical that the city's unwillingness to look at them shows that they are probably looking to lay off no matter what and this concession thing is all a charade.

We don't have a revenue problem! (I pay over $22k a year on my 4 family). Plus the city gets income via the parking authority and the monetization of the city's water assets (the lease to United Water).

I don't want to hear a damn thing about raising more revenue, which in the end will mean I will have more money taken out of my pocket (at some point or another); at least not until the issue with pensions, lifetime insurance, pay scales, the number of people in supervisory position, unneeded departments, etc. etc. are addressed.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 16:42

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2007/10/6 2:44
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First let me get this out of the way...I am no fan of the way the JCPD is run. How the Department is run is really more of a management and administration question and gutting the police officers' collective bargaining agreement and/or laying off rank and file officers (or conversely hiring more) is not going to change the problems within JCPD and may make it worse.

On the question of Budget Crises and Union Employees I find it disturbing that public employees, whether cops, teachers or sanitation workers are being demonized as the cause of current fiscal woes both locally and nationally. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the private sector has been squeezing workers for the last 25 years and the response of private sector workers is incomprehensibly to fight to bring others down. I've never seen a time where working people are so rabid about engaging in a race to the bottom.

The police officers and other city employees did not create the current crisis. The current fiscal crisis has its origins in a complex transfer of wealth and rewriting of the social contract that has been going on for the last 30 years...and the way to fix it is not by taking away people's hard earned pensions and benefits.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 16:39

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2011/1/2 13:31
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The traditional plan was merely one of the plans offered by blue cross. If you ask anyone, the plan that we agreed to go to is actually a better plan while it saves the city millions.

The 9 percent decrease I believe only affects state workers, although I could be wrong on that one.

The union has provided a 27 point plan in which the city can obtain the revenue to balance the police budget. The city will not look at it. If you take a look at the points, obviously not all of them are practical, but many of them are. Many of them are so practical that the city's unwillingness to look at them shows that they are probably looking to lay off no matter what and this concession thing is all a charade.

The ninety guys who are eligible to retire should. Although many of them will not because they are young and have their own situations, the city should offer some type of incentive for them to leave, such as hunterdon county has recently done.

In the city's defense, if the ninety guys went, the city would not realize the amount of financial relief you think they would, due to pre-existing contractual agreements regarding sick time, etc, the stuff that the governor is changing now.

We all know that its the in thing to do now to lay off cops. You can see how well it worked in Newark. If that is ok with you fine, but be prepared for the aftermath. The men and women of the JCPD will always do their job, and do it well. In that type of business you cannot please everyone, and we know that by reading this board.

If the corporate people were asked to forego their bonuses to save their co-workers jobs, what do you think they would do?

I honestly think that both sides of the situation have not been fully elaborated enough for people to make an educated decision.

The city is crying poverty, and saying all the union has to do is a and b, what the city is not telling you is that even if the union gave up a and b, this will happen again next year.

The union is looking for a long term solution, which the 27 points would accomplish. I think both sides need to explained more.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 16:25

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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letssavejc wrote:
JCPD is one of the best police departments in the state of NJ. While it is a young aggressive department, it is at the same time an older police department with 90 men being able to retire any day.

If those 90 men who are eligible to retire did so, you could not only keep the 82 but probably hire another 50 to 100 cops at the low end of the pay scale and still get the savings the city is looking for. This isn't about safety. This is about the union protecting its self interests.

The union is not looking to bleed anyone dry. They have given back much more than anyone knows. The savings from the traditional plan itself is millions. After Jan 1 2012 they will have to pay into their benefits as well. What else does the public want.

Those aren't concessions. They are merely bringing the police in line with modern times and the rest of the world. No one has a "traditional plan" any more and I can assure you that people would line up and beg to be able to pay only 1.5% of their pay for health insurance.

No one cared about what the cops got until the private sector started getting hurt, now the cops and fire and teachers are in the crosshairs. No one cared about raises when hte private sector people were getting bonuses that dwarfed a cops yearly salary. Now they want to take from the guy getting $35 an hour at the construction site because their unemployment is running out. I think it is a bit selfish.

Relatively few people were getting bonuses that dwarfed a cops yearly salary. Average income didn't all of a sudden jump to $250,000 a year or more around here. The truth is the average person doesn't make as much as a mid-career cop. And true - the pension system was grossly mismanaged. Not only has the state borrowed from it when it shouldn't but it also made massive promises (an out of the blue 9% raise in 2000 when DiFrancesco wanted to get elected) that never should have been allowed. You aren't complaining about that though. People are upset about the pension and benefits burden because they are the ones who have to pay for it. What is selfish about that?

Posted on: 2011/1/2 15:51

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2007/10/10 17:33
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Your pensions are gone. You have no job security. We're going to outsource the police services to a private security company in a few years. Get used to it.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 15:36

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2011/1/2 13:31
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You can change the pension however you want. You have a large number of peo;le vested in that pension (10 years) and there is no way you can change take it away from them.
The union is not looking to bleed anyone dry. They have given back much more than anyone knows. The savings from the traditional plan itself is millions. After Jan 1 2012 they will have to pay into their benefits as well. What else does the public want. Bottom line is that this is a business as well for the cops.
They have bills, mortgages, etc and you cannot just take off their plate because you want to. These contracts too decades of negotiations to get this way. No one cared about what the cops got until the private sector started getting hurt, now the cops and fire and teachers are in the crosshairs.
No one cared about raises when hte private sector people were getting bonuses that dwarfed a cops yearly salary. Now they want to take from the guy getting $35 an hour at the construction site because their unemployment is running out. I think it is a bit selfish.
The publc pensions are poor now for no reason other than the politicians borrowed and borrowed and never paid back. Had they paid back we wold not be in this situation. It started with Whitman and it continues now.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 15:10

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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Ironic - Letssavejc. Unions bleed towns dry, ever scrambling to raise taxes. Take more, and work less is the mantra. Why not take a minor pay cut to keep your brothers employed? Pensions are an relic, and should be banned for all. Defined contribution, is the way, + current SS system.
The term "public servant" got turned 180 degrees.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 14:42

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2011/1/2 13:31
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JCPD is one of the best police departments in the state of NJ. While it is a young aggressive department, it is at the same time an older police department with 90 men being able to retire any day.
Layoffs are detrimental for many reasons. Obviously losing the botttom rung of officers in terms of senority is hard because those are the front line guys answering calls on all tours. I think what many people fail to realize is that not only will the department lose those guys due to the layoffs, but the main crime fighting element of the department will also be descimated. When you lay off these 82, you will essentially be running a skeleton crew police department 24/7.
Radio cars and cops in uniform are fantastic deterrents for things like speeders, drinking, and to handle calls like motor vehicle accidents, disputes, etc. By running a bare bones police dept and removing the guys in plain clothes you now virtually disable the ability to make arrests of people that endanger the safety of residents.
The last thing criminals worry about is the radio car driving down the block. They are not worried about the guy im in uniform. Its the ones they cant see that do the most damage to them.
Patrol is the backbone of the department, it maintains order in the streets. Unfortunately patrol is unable to do the surveillances of drug houses and dealers, or the other many types of criminal enterprises that are ongoing in JC.
Running a skeleton crew department will end up with skeleton crew results simply because certain things just will not and cannot get done, which will result in a lowered quality of life in JC.
From what I understand the union is absolutely willing to give concessions, but at what cost? They already gave up the traditional plan which saved the city MILLIONS of dollars. They are willing to do the pay lag, but the city only wants to give a one year guarantee. With an even bigger deficit projected for 2012, the union will be put in the same situation next year and then what?
Everyone has to share the hurt in this tough economy and I understand that, but with the govenor hitting cops on the pension and benefit end and the city with the budgetary stuff, unions have to fight to stay strong.
You can hate the cops all you want, bottom line is there is not a finer police department in NJ and the only people to suffer with the layoffs here is the citizens of Jersey City because you can guarantee the same results as in newark.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 14:30

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2006/11/13 18:42
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What's the bet that not one officer will be laid off, if they got into the force via nepotism - What about laying off some fire fighters too?

Posted on: 2011/1/1 22:55
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Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2004/11/6 21:13
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JerseyOfficer wrote:
I don't see what that has to do with JC.

The DPW and JCPD did everything possible to remove snow. There was no slow down here.

Let's keep things in perspective please.

C'mon, don't be purposefully dense, although we know that's occasionally a tool of your profession. The example is of your "brothers in public service" intentionally endangering public safety to make contract points.

The comment about throwing the new kids under the bus is well made. You "could" all take a pay cut rather than fire the newest 10%, I'll bet because of the pay scale it would only be like 6%. Most of us in the real world have had our income vary by far more than that. But for many of our uniformed employees, JC isn't your home where you have an intrinsic interest in it's safety, it's just a tit to suck dry, and that's what creates some of the bad attitude on the citizens part.

Posted on: 2011/1/1 16:47

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2010/7/29 3:00
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2012/1/26 15:55
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I don't see what that has to do with JC.

The DPW and JCPD did everything possible to remove snow. There was no slow down here.

Let's keep things in perspective please.

Posted on: 2011/1/1 15:17
bonum commune communitatis

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2010/7/29 3:00
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2012/1/26 15:55
From Ward A
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You're probably correct about the "Sgt Shultz" rule of enforcement.

Believe it or not, for the exception of deputy chiefs, the JCPD actually ISN'T top heavy.

There hasn't been a promotion since 2007.

But your right, supervisors should still be trimmed before front-line (workforce)

Posted on: 2011/1/1 15:16
bonum commune communitatis

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JerseyOfficer wrote:

The JCPD IS willing to accept a pay lag. The problem with the uniform allowance is that 6 months ago the JCPD gave concessions worth over $6 million.

How can we know the the city won't come back 6 months from now and ask for more?

When is enough enough?

JCPD giving concessions??? The City asking for more??? What planet do you live on?

I really empathize with City workers that lose their jobs. But so does everyone across JC. People are losing jobs all over the City, the City is losing millions because people are losing their jobs, houses and there is less property tax/City revenue.

While few of us can agree on how the City spends it's cash, we can all agree that the City has to cut spending.

JerseyOfficer - this is not about JCPD's self-entitlement, nor JCPD's granting concessions to Jersey City. JC CAN"T AFFORD TO PAY YOU. YOUR UNION IS ALWAYS GOING TO THROW THE NEW GUYS UNDER THE BUS. DON"T SUGAR COAT IT, NOR WEASEL OUT OF THE BLAME.

Posted on: 2011/1/1 6:32

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Here is a great example of union tactics. ... snow-removal-investigated

0ShareSubmitted by Paula Duffy on 2010-12-31
New York City's snow removal efforts may have been thwarted by a purposeful slow-down by union workers.

That, according to Councilman Dan Halloran who hails from the outer borough of Queens. During an appearance on Fox News, Halloran told host Brian Sullivan he heard that directly from the mouths of city sanitation workers.

The blizzard that dumped up to 20 inches of snow on the New York metropolitan area a day after Christmas, caused major problems for citizens who live outside the borough of Manhattan.

They had already gone on record with Mayor Michael Bloomberg, telling him that they didn't appreciate being unable to get out of their residential streets more than 48 hours after the snow began. An infant died in the Bronx, reportedly because emergency crews arrived some nine hours after a 911 call.

With this latest accusation by Halloran, Bloomberg has ordered an investigation but publicly proclaimed he doesn't believe it happened.

Councilman Halloran said that sanitation workers told him they were ordered take actions that hindered snow removal, specifically to protest the city budget cuts that have laid off and demoted many in the sanitation union.

Posted on: 2010/12/31 21:53

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Lay-offs will not change a thing - The remaining useless cops will continue to apply the Sgt Schultz rule of enforcement and some of the better ones might follow that work ethic for spite

Resized Image

I still think JCPD is top heavy with supervisors and they should be the 'trimmed' first before any frontline officers.

Posted on: 2010/12/31 21:47
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Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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JCwestie wrote:
Quote from Newark PO

Since the 162 have been laid off in Newark, 30 days ago, here are our crime stats over the last 28 day period, compared to the SAME period last year.
Murder up 29%
Rape up 133%
Robbery up 93%
Agg Assault up 29%
Burglary up 30%
Auto Theft up 67%
Shooting victims up 161%

Arrest are down 51%
Movers are down 43%
Parkers are down 16%
QOL tix are down 60%

Exactly. No doubt they are skewing the numbers by embellishing and also making less effort.

Posted on: 2010/12/31 21:40

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
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2005/8/6 23:41
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JCwestie wrote:
Quote from Newark PO

Since the 162 have been laid off in Newark, 30 days ago, here are our crime stats over the last 28 day period, compared to the SAME period last year.
Murder up 29%
Rape up 133%
Robbery up 93%
Agg Assault up 29%
Burglary up 30%
Auto Theft up 67%
Shooting victims up 161%

Arrest are down 51%
Movers are down 43%
Parkers are down 16%
QOL tix are down 60%

Well all the Newark cops had to do was agree to reduced overall compensation and the 162 cops would not have been fired. But evidently it's more important for the rest of the Newark cops to keep their current compensation levels than it is to protect the jobs of their so-called "brethren" or to keep overall crime levels low.

Posted on: 2010/12/31 21:02

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts

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2007/9/3 15:28
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2011/1/30 1:18
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Quote from Newark PO

Since the 162 have been laid off in Newark, 30 days ago, here are our crime stats over the last 28 day period, compared to the SAME period last year.
Murder up 29%
Rape up 133%
Robbery up 93%
Agg Assault up 29%
Burglary up 30%
Auto Theft up 67%
Shooting victims up 161%

Arrest are down 51%
Movers are down 43%
Parkers are down 16%
QOL tix are down 60%

Posted on: 2010/12/31 20:46

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