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Re: Another demo explosion 7/24/2020 around 5:45 AM
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I was wondering what that explosion was. I was awake and heard it loud a clear. I was like WTF? I knew something blew up. Something big. But didn't know what.

Posted on: 2020/7/24 14:59

Re: One of N.J.'s trendiest Asian restaurants has closed its doors
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This city is saturated with so many restaurants now that you really have to either be uniquely superior in your offering or have a business model with really low overhead costs in order to stick around.

Posted on: 2019/8/20 3:17

Re: Flooding
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I was listening to the police scanner last night during the storm. Lots of calls for motorists standing on top of stranded cars at Westside Ave & Sip Ave.

Posted on: 2019/7/18 12:41

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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The only people that seem to care if anybody is gay, transgender, bi-sexual, etc. are the people who are gay, transgender, bi-sexual, etc.

Posted on: 2019/6/8 22:18

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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Good grief. Thank God for private schooling.

Posted on: 2019/6/6 21:31

Re: Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Permitting Operation of Low Speed E-Bikes and Motorized Scooters
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I thought the biggest purpose of the bike crowd was to be better for the environment. Now you can ride your bike AND use fossil fuels to do it. Smashing.

Posted on: 2019/5/18 16:35

Re: Jersey City council repeals chain store restrictions
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caj11 wrote:

neverleft wrote:
Jersey City council repeals chain store restrictions

Today 4:22 PM (05/09/2019)
By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal

JERSEY CITY ? The City Council repealed the city?s four-year-old chain store restrictions on Wednesday after city officials told them the rules would not withstand legal scrutiny.

The council voted 7-2 in favor of repeal, with council members Rolando Lavarro and Jermaine Robinson voting against. The two men said the restrictions have helped small businesses. ... n-store-restrictions.html

This was a dumb idea from the get-go and would have been very difficult for landlords to comply. Not that I particularly sympathize for large retail landlords but I think it is up to the customers in a free market to decide what stores go in the large commercial buildings. That 30% rule that didn't make a lot of sense to begin with would have stifled competition and furthermore, while I'm not exactly a fan of big box stores either, would our city leaders rather have empty space in a lot of buildings and fewer jobs? Many people identified this proposed restriction as a "solution in search of a problem" and as it happens, they were right.

You are right. It was a dumb idea from the beginning.

Posted on: 2019/5/11 0:02

Re: For third time since July, a Jersey City school board member resigns
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That's too bad. He's been the only person making sense lately. I don't blame him for getting out of dodge though. The JC school system is already in the toilet. Now it's being flushed into the sewer.

Posted on: 2019/5/3 23:25

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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But, but, but, what about mom and pop grocery store?!?!?!?!

Posted on: 2019/5/3 23:19

Re: Jersey City Councilperson Reports Rent-Control Crisis Downtown
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NYC. Some of the strongest regulated rent control laws on the planet.
And by the way home to some of the highest rents on the planet and, just recently, hit an all-time high in terms of homelessness.

Go figure.....

Posted on: 2019/5/2 0:45

Re: Possible relief on the way?
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bodhipooh wrote:

JPhurst wrote:
Based on prior constitutional mandates and court decisions, the BOE is correct.

And it was state law that a) imposed a property tax cap and b) required all PILOT payments to be made to municipalities. So don't blame the district for underfunding.

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. The city (and, BOE) have decided to undertax JC citizens, and then turn around and claim poverty. We have one of the lowest tax rates in the State. The state average tax rate is 50% higher than ours. Perhaps we wouldn't be so desperate if there was an honest attempt to fund OUR local schools. But, as with everything in life, why make the hard choices when someone is willing to bail us out? The truth is that the local BOE never felt the need to be fiscally judicious, because someone else was covering the bills, so they failed to levy the proper taxes, and after years of graft, corruption, fiscal mismanagement, and out of control spending, the chickens have come home to roost. It is chutzpah, plain and simple, for the BOE to claim poverty now. No different than the joke about the guy who kills his parents but then pleads for leniency at sentencing by exclaiming "take pity on me, I am an orphan." This mess is of their own doing.


Posted on: 2019/5/2 0:40

Re: End of AirBnB in Jersey City?
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Wait. I remember when Fulop was rolling out the unregulated red carpet for AirBnB in Jersey City. What happened?

Posted on: 2019/4/25 0:02

Re: Baby found dead in suitcase on PATH tracks
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WTF.....People like this are allowed to roam this earth??!!

Posted on: 2019/4/10 4:42

Re: JC historic commission to vote Monday on demolition of St. Peter’s school buildings
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Yet another defeat for the entire neighborhood. Now the buildings will continue to sit fallow while slowly falling apart brick by brick. Congratulations.

Posted on: 2019/4/3 2:51

Re: ‘Massive’ $120M budget shortfall is subject of special Jersey City BOE meeting
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Spending $23,337 per student is outrageous, especially when you consider what they are getting.

Posted on: 2019/4/2 23:12

Re: ‘Massive’ $120M budget shortfall is subject of special Jersey City BOE meeting
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They don't have a revenue problem. They have a spending problem. They should be more creative to solve this problem than just firing people although that's certainly key. Especially when it comes to firing those that cost the most.

Posted on: 2019/4/1 1:10

Re: ‘Massive’ $120M budget shortfall is subject of special Jersey City BOE meeting
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Is there any way we can see the actual budget details?

Posted on: 2019/3/30 13:42

Re: JCBOE Employee Tells Muslim Woman to "Go Back to Her Country"
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So was Tanya Parker fired yet or what? Has the internet social media mafia set up shop outside her residence to protest?

Posted on: 2019/3/25 23:28

Re: Liquor Store on Jersey Ave and 8th Street
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I feel bad. Another one of the last true family hold-outs bites the dust. A real mom-and-pop shop now gone. Oh well nothing lasts forever. I hope the owner and his family owned the entire building and I hope they sell it for uber dinero.

Posted on: 2019/3/16 12:59

Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’
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srs7191 wrote:

135jc wrote:

Adonis wrote:
It's worth noting that the intention of the first minimum wage laws were to keep blacks from taking the jobs of whites.

And it's been doing exactly that ever since.

What point exactly are you trying to make? You seem to be suggesting employers would only hire blacks when the wage was lower than that of whites.

He made his point in his post. Minimum wage laws were originally introduced to keep "undesirables" out the work place. Not just blacks, but other minorities and women.

Same principles at play today, even if not the intention of the policy.


Posted on: 2019/2/12 0:46

Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’
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It's worth noting that the intention of the first minimum wage laws were to keep blacks from taking the jobs of whites.

And it's been doing exactly that ever since.

Posted on: 2019/2/9 0:50

Re: JC Woman Accuses Murphy Staffer of Rape
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why can't they simply ask Al Alvarez "who was it that hired you

Posted on: 2019/1/30 1:13

Re: JC Woman Accuses Murphy Staffer of Rape
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Has anybody thought about the possibility at all that the incident did it go down as she described it and that it was essentially consensual?

Up until the point that she realized she was going to get busted when her husband came home.

It?s gone through 2 separate, independent criminal investigations and both times a crime was not found.

Is that not possible???

Posted on: 2019/1/26 5:39

Re: A new N.J. bar’s dress code was called racist. The owner says it was ‘an oversight.’
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It's only racist to the racist people that think only certain races dress in certain ways.

Posted on: 2019/1/18 1:16

Re: 4-year-old dies after found unresponsive at JC school
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That's awful. so sad.

Posted on: 2019/1/18 1:10

Re: For six years, Jersey City schools chief was at center of conflict
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bodhipooh wrote:

brewster wrote:
What's amazing about the whole Lyles thing, and I can't tell if it's bad reporting or murky conflict, is there's no policy being debated, just personal hurts. If the teachers are resistant to change in a failing system, maybe "us vs them" is necessary.

We have serious misallocations of resources in our system, we pay more to our staffs than almost anybody and provide less extracurriculars than almost anybody. There's no afterschool music in the entire district yet we pay our Janitors more than 98% of other comparable districts. WTF? Why is this taken as normal??????

District budget data

I can only hope the next Superintendent is chosen for their vision and strength, not for hitting the right identity buttons.

I think you zeroed in one of the biggest issues: there is an entrenched resistance to ANY change. Every time this topic comes up for discussion, it seems to derail into a back and forth between people clamoring for change, and fiscal accountability, and those who cross their arms and say "this is the way it is" or "we work hard for our money" or "you don't know what it is like so you don't get an opinion".

I don't think people really take it as normal. I think there is a general sense of apathy because the truth is that we barely shoulder the cost of our local BOE. I know you get annoyed when Monroe brings up the matter of the state paying for the majority of our budget, but it is something that is important to this debate. Imagine what would happen if instead of paying for just 1/6 of our local BOE budget, JC residents had to shoulder 1/3 of it. Overnight, our school taxes would double and our property tax rate would go by 25% to about 1.9%. That's still low by NJ standards, but people woulds definitely find it appalling (as borne out by the reaction to the recent reval) and that's just 1/3 of the budget. If we had to pay for half our BOE budget, our school taxes would triple, and our property tax rate would go up by 50% to about 2.2%.

If people felt the pain of having to fund the wasteful ways of our BOE, they would be clamoring for reform and cost cutting measures.

You hit the nail right on the head.

Posted on: 2019/1/5 14:12

Re: Men's Hair Cut Suggestions Downtown JC
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I'm a fan of the JC Penney hair salon in the mall. It's a nice clean salon with lots of chairs and an easy on-line booking system to make an appointment.

Posted on: 2018/12/31 22:41

Re: Council approves new Special Improvement District on West Side
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Thank God that business owner has the balls to say the truth no matter how harsh it is to hear. I'm going to make it a point to go to that Dairy Queen now with the kids in tow.

Posted on: 2018/12/25 14:01

Re: Jersey City has big plans for 100 acres on West Side along Hackensack River
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You're absolutely right.Quote:

Yvonne wrote:
There is a big difference between paying millions in debt and moving a statue. The city has $25 million in reserves which they could have used for terminal leave. In fact, Councilwoman Watterman voted no on the terminal leave of $14.5 million, which was the second bond that night, the first being the $170 million for Bayfront. She voted no because the city lied about have the money in reserve. I personally think this is stage one and there will be other bonds for Bayfront. The city has a history of lying. It said it would not pay for City Hall Annex but bond money is being transferred to that project. Also on the agenda was the transferred of a tax abatement to another entity. Councilman Fulop always voted no on transfers of tax abatement and Mayor Fulop has no problem doing this.

Posted on: 2018/10/13 7:32

Re: PATH Trains Increase
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third_street_hats wrote:

Adonis wrote:
Why would anybody want a countdown clock at street level? You'll end up with a bunch of morons chaotically trying to cram themselves down the entrance to the station at the same time.

These exist at a ton of MTA stops and I've never seen a mad rush to reach a train.

They're virtually useless during rush hour, but would certainly be welcome during non-peak so that one doesn't enter the turnstiles with 10-20 minutes of waiting in a tunnel without climate control.

I predict it will just lead to constant disappointment. I wouldn't trust PATH management to accurately tell me when a train is going to arrive at all regardless of what the schedule or computerized real-time train movement monitoring says.

Posted on: 2018/10/11 23:08

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