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Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City

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2006/11/16 22:12
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2012/3/3 22:48
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Just a suggestion, but why doesn't a pro -gay group from this area stage a freedom of expression protest near or in front of Westboro Baptist Church (Red State somewhere)?

Wake up, people!

Posted on: 2009/10/22 20:58

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/8/15 21:22
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pooper wrote:
Wrong. The Supreme court said that the definition was too narrow. It ruled against sodomy laws for hetero AND homosexuals.

Exactly. People seem to get riled up on the mistaken notion that people are championing so-called special rights for minority groups when it's just equal civil rights.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 20:34

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/11/8 20:49
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jclxz wrote:

icechute wrote:
The last stop in the county is outside Dickinson High School on Palisade Ave in Jersey City from 2:55 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 28.

Protest outside Dickinson around 3pm?

Have these a-holes ever been to Jersey City?

Dickinson kids will kick their a55es back to Kansas! Almost worth finding a safe point of observation for this!

And there's no way that a kid who sticks up for gays will be labeled gay himself and have a miserable experience for the remainder of his school years.

I went to Dickinson also and that high school has a high population of lesbian and bisexual girls. A decent amount of openly gay boys and kids that have gay/lesbian parents. So fights and/or a mini riot braking out over this is not unlikely. Many of the Dickinson kids have a group mentality when it comes to fighting so if one from their group starts fighting others can easily get involved whether they support gay rights or not. Then you got kids there that will use anything as an excuse to fight.

Dickinson would more then likely have a rapid dismissal on that day. So the chance of something happening will be less so it depends on how much the word has spread in the school about the protest. If the protesters would have been there at dismissal time I would say it would be a 80% chance a fight would brake out. Since school might let out 30 minutes or more before it begins I think its only a 30%-40% chance of fights.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 20:27

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
From Hamilton Park
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You're attempting to apply logic to those who are not logical. And, if you read the faq it basically says that anyone who engages in sex outside of the marriage bed is a fag. That's not good enough for them either though. If you argue with them they just shut down BECAUSE THEY MAKE NO EFFIN SENSE.

"Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."

Posted on: 2009/10/22 20:08

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
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Wrong. The Supreme court said that the definition was too narrow. It ruled against sodomy laws for hetero and homosexuals.

As for gay groups not standing up for your rights... I second the facepalm. You're hopeless.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 20:01

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/6/18 19:49
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pooper wrote:

As if this had anything even remotely to do with politics. You know, when they say FAGS, they don't just mean gays, they mean you too. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is such. Even members of their own family.

If you so painfully ambivalent about them, then just sit back and enjoy.

When they say "fags" they mean gays. This is all explained in their FAQ.

Misrepresenting their position is not helpful to anyone.

They may have problems with other groups, such as "fag enablers". But they aren't calling people who disagree with them fags, nor are they seriously redefining any other words in their most well-known slogans (as far as I could find).

Regardless of how insane they are (or are pretending to be in order to get followers), this church is able to clearly state their positions and does so on their website.

And personally I'm not painfully ambivalent about them. I agree that God hates many, many people. I can't think of any other fictional character that is portrayed as having such a strong and wide-ranging level of hatred. It would not generally make for good reading, and it's not the quality of the writing that makes the Bible popular. The Westboro Baptist Church agrees that their God is quite hateful.

I realize that some people have trouble telling fiction from reality. But for the people that understand the difference, why does "God Hates Fags" require any response whatsoever? Would "Tony Soprano Hates Jews" require a counter-protest? Where is the overlap between people who think that it's important who God hates, but don't agree with what he is described as hating? The confusion would make sense if it were from the use of the same character's name in different works, but that doesn't really seem to be the case.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 19:55

Diversity council cancels Jersey City counter-rally
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2005/5/11 19:17
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From Ward E - Hamilton Park
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Smart move. Just ignore these idiots:

Diversity council cancels Jersey City counter-rally
By Melissa Hayes/The Jersey Journal

October 21, 2009, 12:21PM

Hudson Diversity Action Council planned to protest Westboro Baptist Church's visit to Dickinson High School next week, but will instead ignore the anti-gay group.

"We felt the initial need to make sure the students in Jersey City knew that we were supporting them, however I think there are much better ways to do that outside of engaging with this particular group," said Walt Boraczek, president and founder of the Hudson Diversity Action Council.

The Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church is known for its anti-gay rallies and has made headlines by protesting at military funerals, saying the combat deaths are God's vengeance for the military allowing gays to serve.

The group has 12 protests planned across the state Oct. 27 and 28 including the stop at Dickinson High School, rallies outside Hoboken City Hall and the United Synagogue of Hoboken as well as the Meadowlands Expo Center in Secaucus.

Westboro plans to protest outside Dickinson at 2:55 p.m. Oct. 28

Posted on: 2009/10/22 16:51

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2008/8/24 23:50
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I agree with Slacky. Hopefully this group will get their azzes kicked at Dickinson. Just 'cos.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 23:32

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
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jclxz wrote:

I think it would be a good idea for anyone who thinks hotels should start discriminating based on political beliefs to sit this one out.

The God Hates Fags guys are starting to look more and more sane by comparison. (although as the ultimate troll organization, they bring out the trolls on every side).

As if this had anything even remotely to do with politics. You know, when they say FAGS, they don't just mean gays, they mean you too. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is such. Even members of their own family.

If you so painfully ambivalent about them, then just sit back and enjoy.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 22:14

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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jclxz wrote:

Yeah high school gangs in Jersey City are really well-known for their violent support of gay rights. And there's no way that a kid who sticks up for gays will be labeled gay himself and have a miserable experience for the remainder of his school years.

As a former delinquent I can assure you that a chance to cause trouble is a chance to cause trouble.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 20:48

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City

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2009/5/9 2:35
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jclxz wrote:

icechute wrote:
The last stop in the county is outside Dickinson High School on Palisade Ave in Jersey City from 2:55 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 28.

Protest outside Dickinson around 3pm?

Have these a-holes ever been to Jersey City?

Dickinson kids will kick their a55es back to Kansas! Almost worth finding a safe point of observation for this!

And there's no way that a kid who sticks up for gays will be labeled gay himself and have a miserable experience for the remainder of his school years.

I went to DHS a few years ago, and I had friends who would stick up for gay kids, and they wouldn't get called gay or anything.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 20:25

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/6/18 19:49
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pooper wrote:
I wonder what hotel they're staying at. I'm sure management would love to be made aware they are housing these tards and posting such on every travel site would not be out of the question.

I think it would be a good idea for anyone who thinks hotels should start discriminating based on political beliefs to sit this one out.

The God Hates Fags guys are starting to look more and more sane by comparison. (although as the ultimate troll organization, they bring out the trolls on every side).

Posted on: 2009/10/21 20:18

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/6/18 19:49
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icechute wrote:
The last stop in the county is outside Dickinson High School on Palisade Ave in Jersey City from 2:55 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 28.

Protest outside Dickinson around 3pm?

Have these a-holes ever been to Jersey City?

Dickinson kids will kick their a55es back to Kansas! Almost worth finding a safe point of observation for this!

Yeah high school gangs in Jersey City are really well-known for their violent support of gay rights. And there's no way that a kid who sticks up for gays will be labeled gay himself and have a miserable experience for the remainder of his school years.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 20:05

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
From Hamilton Park
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I don't think that any company, hotels, car rentals, or otherwise, should cater to these people bringing their hate parade to our community. They have their 1st amendment rights and so do we. If Englewood can stop a dictator from sleeping on his own land in their town, we can certainly let these people know that they are not welcome.

Long after they're gone, my wallet will remember who supports or enables these misguided hatemongers.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 18:30

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/4/17 14:14
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Good idea. If the manager ignores your phone calls, you could stand outside the hotel with signs saying that XYZ Hotel supports domestic terrorism or something like that... or just ignore them and they'll go away. These people thrive on attention. I agree with the others to just forget about these loons. They are not worth the time of day.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 18:20

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
From Hamilton Park
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I wonder what hotel they're staying at. I'm sure management would love to be made aware they are housing these tards and posting such on every travel site would not be out of the question.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 18:13

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2009/4/27 22:18
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I spoke to someone with the Police Director's office about permitting for the protest.

They said that because the rally is scheduled as Dickinson High lets out for the day, the Westboro Baptists' permit may be denied.

I've got some ideas (including the aforementioned 'turn our backs' protest) if they are indeed able to obtain a permit. Let's find out what's going on with the permits and I'll take one out for a counter-protest if theirs is granted.

For all those worried that a counter-protest would embolden the WBC: There will be a vocal (and possibly, violent) reaction to them if they hold this rally as school gets out regardless of what any of us do. With a proper permit of our own, we can attempt to make sure the reaction is smart and effective.

When I've got more information, I'm going to paste it in a new topic. Calling these people "anti-gay" is like calling Hitler 'anti-Gypsy', accurate but hardly inclusive of all of the prejudice and racism they express.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 18:02

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City

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2007/6/21 14:38
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If you just keep in mind that this group is an extreme example of dysfunctional family as a result of mental illness, then it's much easier to ignore them. Meaning: it's easy to ignore an obviously crazy person wearing a tin foil hat who tells us that the aliens are landing at McDonalds'. It's harder to ignore this group (WBC) because the content of what they say is so vile. But the two messages are the same: based in fiction and not true. And I don't think the WBC is gathering more followers or is gaining momentum in building a message of hate. It's simply a crazy disgusting family (think of those poor kids they drag around to protests).

Posted on: 2009/10/21 13:58

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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... New Jersey was the first State to pass a law against WBC's picketing BEFORE we ever even visited that filthy state much less thought about picketing there.

That should tell you that God Hates New Jersey! Back to the NJ Elite. How about if you over-indulged kids get a life already? You only have one duty in this life and it has nothing to do with your socializing and your fierce clothing and dieting habits!

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments...

Didn't they read the new article? Jersey City this is one of the best places to raise kids!

I really hope someone shot video of these nuts at Dickinson - I'd love to see it!

Anti-gay, antisemitic protesters coming to Hoboken

By Amy Sara Clark/The Jersey Journal
October 20, 2009, 1:48PM
Carly Baldwin/Hoboken Now

An anti-gay, antisemitic religious group from Kansas has chosen our dear Hoboken as one of its 12 stops in New Jersey next week.

Westboro Baptist Church, of Topeka, will be protesting corruption at Hoboken City Hall from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. and at United Synagogue from 7 to 7:30 p.m. of Hoboken on Oct. 27.
The Hoboken and Secaucus events are part of the "Just Say No to Goyum/Hebrew Criminal Enterprises Tour," according to the organization's Web site.

The site references the 44 people arrested as part of a federal corruption and money laundering sting. Among those charged were Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano and Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell, both of whom resigned.

Those charged were linked by a cooperating witness, Solomon Dwek, a bankrupt real estate mogul from a prominent Jewish family in Deal.

One of the group's Web sites, "," explains the protest of the synagogue with a blub that begins:
Rabbi Mobster, redundant much? 115 Park Ave As the next stop on our 'Just Say No to Goyum/Hebrew Criminal Enterprises Tour', we're going to picket this Synagogue of Satan that enables sin/filth/crimes at every level. This is just further proof of God's hatred for you.

It goes on, but you get the gist.

The synagogue's rabbi, Robert Scheinberg, said there are not activities scheduled at the synagogue that evening and no one will be there. He discourages a counter-protest, saying that would give the group exactly what they want.

"They are a marginal hate group that delights in media attention, so we're not going to go out of our way to give them the additional media attention that they crave," he said.
He added that his congregation takes "comfort in knowing that our neighbors and our community deplore their message of bigotry just as we do."

The same site explains the protest at Hoboken City Hall with a blub that begins:
Three mayors and two assemblymen were among at least 44 arrested Thursday morning (July 23) in a major federal corruption sweep in New Jersey. ... We can just call this part of our Just Say No to Goyum/Hebrew Criminal Enterprises Tour. When God determines to deal with a people, He shines a big spot light on their mischief for all the world to see.

Hoboken City Hall is getting back to Hoboken Now on whether the City of Hoboken plans to respond in any way to the protest.
The religious group is known for protesting military funerals, contending that combat deaths are God's vengeance for allowing gay soliders in the armed forces.

On Oct. 28, the group plans to protest outside the Meadowlands Expo Center, at 355 Plaza Drive in Secaucus, from 10:15 to 11 a.m. The New Jersey protests conclude later that day in Jersey City outside of Dickinson High School, at 2 Palisade Ave., from 2:55 to 3:30 p.m.

According to WBC spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper, the group is protesting the Jersey City school because, "the children of New Jersey sit in the high schools of New Jersey and are taught that God is a liar and that his standards and commandments are on the table to be disposed of at their will."

Posted on: 2009/10/21 9:13

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2006/4/1 22:40
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there is a difference in our world between a man saying, "i don't like gay people" and a man saying "I don't like the gays, it's part of my religion".

people don't like to come out and make strong statements unless they have a way of protecting themselves. religion supplies that protection, so people use it as a vehicle. they can be as discriminatory as they want against gays, women, western civilization, democracy, politics.........or approve of rape, genital mutilation, name it, and people use religion to excuse it.

it's the ultimate excuse.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 8:30

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2009/2/13 15:58
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eggzbenedict wrote:

kickemout wrote:
yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

Take a look at their website. Aside from gays and jews, they have beef with New Jersey itself.

Why is it that the craziest of all people do the things they do in the name of God?
Because if you're batshit insane you can just say it's god talking to you and people will believe you. Then you go to church and speak in tongues and run around, fall down on the floor in convulsions and PRAISE JESUS who loved everybody except then you go out and hate everyone around you.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 3:36

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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jennymayla wrote:

kickemout wrote:
yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

-- Pastor Martin Niem?ller (1892?1984)

Excellent find, jennymayla

Posted on: 2009/10/21 2:54

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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kickemout wrote:
yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

-- Pastor Martin Niem?ller (1892?1984)

Posted on: 2009/10/21 2:41

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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Better yet, alert these folks, who will tell them there is no God, thus rendering their punky threats useless!

(This idea does not mean I agree with the atheists. Are You There God? It's me, Jennymayla! I totally believe in you!)

Posted on: 2009/10/20 23:09

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2004/12/14 20:08
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How about I make copies of what they are writing about the kids in Dickinson, state of NJ, gays and the elites on their web site as listed below and just hand it out at Dickinson HS after school on Monday and Tuesday. I would love to see what happens to them Wednesday. I hear its gang initiation week before Halloween.

"10/28/2009 2:55 PM - 3:30 PM Jersey City, NJ Dickinson High School -

Full of NJ Elite? I think NOT! 2 Palisade Ave WBC knows about you filthy New Jersey BRATS! We know how to read on about New Joisee, and we know how to listen to your filthy voice mails and read your filthy emails. All things filthy, apparently from everyone's opinion, come from New Jersey. New Jersey was the first State to pass a law against WBC's picketing BEFORE we ever even visited that filthy state much less thought about picketing there. That should tell you that God Hates New Jersey! Back to the NJ Elite. Howabout if you over-indulged kids get a life already? You only have one duty in this life and it has nothing to do with your socializing and your fierce clothing and dieting habits! Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Now THAT is HARD CORE! Obama hates you little dumb kids, so I sure hope your getting prepared for no jobs, no money and no food! You got a plan? Praise God, Fear Him! AMEN!"

Posted on: 2009/10/20 23:03

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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Cuz they worship the angry God. Old testament.


eggzbenedict wrote:

kickemout wrote:
yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

Take a look at their website. Aside from gays and jews, they have beef with New Jersey itself.

Why is it that the craziest of all people do the things they do in the name of God?

Posted on: 2009/10/20 22:40

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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kickemout wrote:
yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

Take a look at their website. Aside from gays and jews, they have beef with New Jersey itself.

Why is it that the craziest of all people do the things they do in the name of God?

Posted on: 2009/10/20 20:56

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2009/7/28 15:05
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yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

Posted on: 2009/10/20 20:28

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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2008/1/12 16:36
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I think everyone is focused on the wrong thing here. While this group from Kansas is mostly known for their anti-gay rants, THEY ARE COMING HERE NEXT WEEK FOR ANTI-SEMITIC REASONS.

The Hoboken and Secaucus events are part of the "Just Say No to Goyum/Hebrew Criminal Enterprises Tour," according to the organization's Web site. Another one of their stops is the Hillel at Rutgers.

So those of you that don't want to come out and protest the protest, because you think this is a gay event, come out to hear what great pearls of wisdom these folks have to say about Jews too.

Posted on: 2009/10/20 20:20

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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If they were anti-black, I sure as hell would show up, if they were anti-jew I would show up... Neither of which I am. So if doesn't affect your personal life just stand by and do nothing right? Real proactive.

Posted on: 2009/10/20 18:21

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