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Re: C-Town Being Sold
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I was at C-Town this morning and I asked the guy on the check-out what was happening. I couldn't really follow what he was saying with his accent but now I've read this he did say something about Western Beef, which i did not know was a supermarket.
Looking at the website it certainly looks like an improvement, even if it is not the Whole Foods we all wished for.
Whatever goes in, I wonder what sort of impact it will have on the new co-op.

Posted on: 2010/8/30 18:41

Re: Car Donations
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Just can't stay away

WFMU accepts car donations.


Donate your broke-down jalopy to WFMU! We are now accepting donations of used vehicles from any state in the U.S. and in any state of disrepair. It.s a great way to help your favorite freeform radio station, get a tax write-off, and most importantly, get that junker off your front lawn. Call The Center for Car Donations at 1-877-411-3662 to arrange for vehicle pick-up (it's free). The Center will sell your vehicle and pass on 80% of the proceeds as a donation to WFMU. It helps WFMU out immensely, and you get a nice tax deduction.

Posted on: 2010/8/26 20:21

Re: What to do about over sized garbage in downtown JC?
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Just can't stay away

Join freecycle - somebody will come and take it and it won't end up in land fill.

Posted on: 2010/8/22 16:10

Re: Downtown Jersey City bank robbed
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Just can't stay away


heights wrote:
Let's go digital instead of using cash.

6 days ago in the "Downtown: Debit Card Fraud at Chase Bank" thread-


heights wrote:
This is why I don't bank online or with ATM machines. I have a passbook account and paper checking. Watch what happens when we go to a cashless society.

Posted on: 2010/8/9 17:58

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Just can't stay away


jaah37 wrote:
You say that we, or business owners, should be looking at what Jersey City can offer that a big city can't, please elaborate because I have no idea what your talking about.

Sure, rest of the class read chapter 2 while I go over this with jaah37.

Manhattan is the big draw, very few people are going to travel from Manhattan or Brooklyn to visit Jersey City. Many people that live in Jersey City do so only because it is close to Manhattan, they live here but work and for the most part, shop, drink and eat there.
They live here because Jersey City offers them something that Manhattan can't, a lower rent and/or more space.
If you want to bring people to Jersey City to spend money you have to offer something the big city doesn't or can't, not the same thing.

Posted on: 2010/7/30 20:29

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Just can't stay away


A piece of me dies every time I cross the turnpike extension and see a town trying to be Hoboken and Williamsburgs love child. If there was an icon for a face with a tear coming down I'd use it.

You've absolutely hit the nail on the head, 100% correct.
I couldn't have been more excited for the beer garden to open, a year later wild horses could not drag me there. It's a soulless, sanitized, shithole. An aircraft hanger that serves beer.

Instead of edging ever closer to becoming Manhattan/Brooklyn Light maybe we, or business owners, should be looking at what Jersey City can offer that the big city can't.

Posted on: 2010/7/30 18:33

Re: Condo Noise
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Just can't stay away

I lived in an apartment for 7 years. For the first 5 I never heard a peep from upstairs, then the landlord renovated and installed laminate flooring. A young couple moved in with a toddler and all I could hear was the gentle pitter-patter constant thumping of his little feet as he exercised his newfound ability to ambulate. It was horrendous, I could hear his every move resonating throughout my place from 5 or 6am. I worked mostly evenings so this was doubly annoying.
I brought it up with the management company, there were indeed rules about floor coverings in relation to noise and I was told it would be dealt with. The landlord bought a couple of rugs. I was not happy, I couldn't see that it would solve the problem and I was right. You can't confine a child to one area.
The couple left pretty soon after and I saw that realtors were beginning to show the apartment to potential tenants. I printed out some fliers and pasted one to the door of the offending apartment.
"Warning. The owner of this apartment has installed cheap laminate flooring without adequate sound insulation. If you move in here you will be the subject of constant noise complaints."
The flier was removed. I bought some super strong spray glue and replaced it. The landlord removed it again, the door's paint job took some collateral damage. He came to see me, mid-conniption, threatened me legally and physically.
I continued to replace the fliers as quickly as he pulled them down. The door was our battle-zone with the scars to prove it.
Eventually he relented and installed carpet. He told me that the guys he had paid to install the flooring had not laid any foam insulation beneath, a saving of about $40.
And so, gentle reader, the good guys won that day. Order was restored, my apartment was sold for a not inconsiderable profit and I moved to beautiful downtown Jersey City.

Posted on: 2010/7/28 16:04

Re: Just watched FOX 5 news... Newark cutting toilet paper... what is JC doing?
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Just can't stay away

Where does Fulop stand on toilet paper and cops?
I say get rid of them and we can all use McDonald's napkins and kindly uncles until the recession ends.

Posted on: 2010/7/23 5:37

Re: Lincoln Park: Baby-sitter who drugged, drank & had sex with girlfriend while baby drowned gets jail
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Just can't stay away


robotjustin wrote:
I'll simplify it for you, Slacky.

And BTW, this has nothing to do with faith or no-faith. Just amazed at how people mis-quote history constantly. Whether or not you support the Catholic Church presently or historically is irrelevant. What is relevant is that Church-controlled land was occupied by Muslims, and, around 300 years later, the Church approved the secular reclamation of those lands. Or are you claiming that the Muslim seizure of the Holy Land was not an offensive act?

Question - are current efforts by Palestinians to reclaim Palestine defensive or offensive?

Muslim armies under the Rashidun Caliphs had captured Jerusalem from Christian Byzantium in 638 AD, but had allowed Christians passage to Christian shrines. The less tolerant Seljuk Turks conquered the area from their Muslim neighbors in In 1065 AD and were continuing to expand into Anatolia. Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont in 1095 in response to a call for aid from the Byzantine Emperor Alexus I to halt both the harassment and murder of Christians and the destruction of Christian holy places and churches by the Turks.

Simple history. The fact that long centuries past has no bearing on whether this was an offensive or defensive action. Finally, I was referring specifically to actions in the Holy Land, and not subsequent events that may be labeled Crusades as well.

Simply put - if you steal my apple, and I try to take it back, am I acting offensively or defensively?

Firstly you did not refer to any particular crusade, you referred to the Crusades. Furthermore you did not quote from the Wikipedia article on the first Crusade, you quoted from the article on the Crusades. For the sake of argument and because I am such a swell guy I'm prepared to focus on the first Crusade.

Your argument is that because what would become the Holy Roman Empire had once offensively taken control of the Holy Land then any military action to regain control of that land, hundreds of years down the line and after being conquered and retaken many times over, is defensive.
This has to be the weakest argument in history, literally.

Put simply, if you're a pagan and you steal an apple from a Jew, the Jew steals it back, you steal it back from him, he steals it back from you, you steal it back from him, a couple of hundred years pass, you see a burning cross in the sky and you're now a Christian, a Muslim steals the apple, you steal it back, the Muslim steals it from you again, a few hundred years pass while a bunch of Muslims steal the apple from each other and you then decide that you now want back that apple that you initially stole from a Jew over 1000 years ago because it is culturally relevant to your adopted religion, then yes, that is an offensive act.

If your views on this and your pro-life hysteria aren't driven by your Catholicism then what is it? Because it certainly isn't historical or medical facts.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 23:12

Re: Lincoln Park: Baby-sitter who drugged, drank & had sex with girlfriend while baby drowned gets
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Just can't stay away

Yes, well done.
I see nothing there that indicates the Crusades were defensive. In fact if you'd have quoted the subsequent paragraphs we could have read -

"The term Crusade is also used to describe contemporaneous and subsequent campaigns conducted through to the 16th century in territories outside the Levant[1] usually against pagans, heretics, and peoples under the ban of excommunication[2] for a mixture of religious, economic, and political reasons."

"Campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, pagan Balts, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the various popes."

How was the Albigensian crusade, which saw the elimination of the pacifist Cathars in southern France, defensive?

It seems to me that you base a lot of your opinions on your faith and then tie yourself in knots trying to prove them with real world facts.
Faith is no substitute for knowledge.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 21:21

Re: Lincoln Park: Baby-sitter who drugged, drank & had sex with girlfriend while baby drowned gets
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Just can't stay away


robotjustin wrote:

You do realize that the Crusades were defensive and not offensive, right?

Yes, of course it was. And the Inquisition was nothing more than a fact finding mission.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 20:06

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Just can't stay away


Vigilante wrote:
Saw yet another kid peeing in the Pet Free Zone tonight. You are laying and sitting in kid pee. Kinda ironic.

The ultimate irony would be if a kid took a shit in the dog run and your dog rolled in it.

Posted on: 2010/7/13 1:34

Re: Lincoln Park: Baby-sitter who drugged, drank & had sex with girlfriend while baby drowned gets
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Bill Hicks predicted this -

"If you're so pro-life, do me a favour: don't lock arms and block medical clinics. If you're so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries."

Posted on: 2010/7/13 1:31

Re: ATTN: Parents and pet owners near Mallory and Lexington
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Just can't stay away


heights wrote:
I heard of stories where the placement of auto anti-freeze acts as a lure with its sweet tasting contents. But once the dog takes in the poison it can damage the dog's nervous system. This bait has been used for other animals as well.

Thanks for the tip. Is there a particular brand I should look for?

Posted on: 2010/7/13 1:18

Re: ATTN: Parents and pet owners near Mallory and Lexington
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I can't really blame this woman. The smell of dog piss from the trees in front of my house makes me gag and prevents me from sitting on my stoop.

Posted on: 2010/7/11 21:21

Re: $500 reward to identify thief in Van Vorst Park
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Just can't stay away


Vigilante wrote:
If I lived near VVP you would have him/her already.

If you think you can handle Hamilton Park on your own for a while, I'll transfer my services to VVP until this case is solved.

Posted on: 2010/7/9 18:02

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Nice work Vigilante.

Posted on: 2010/7/8 2:17

Re: Can anyone shed some insight on the Newport Mall lockout of Hamilton Park?
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Just can't stay away

You're complaining that a mall built in the 80s is hindering your journey between a recently gentrified neighborhood and a light rail system that opened in 2000.

Posted on: 2010/7/6 14:04

Re: Heights: Looked for love on the internet found knife.
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Just can't stay away

Why are these articles always so horribly written?

Posted on: 2010/7/1 13:14

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I'm sorry, but why choose to live next to a basketball court if you don't like it?
It's like moving in next door to a sewage farm and complaining about the smell.

Posted on: 2010/6/30 16:13

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Just can't stay away


Vigilante wrote:
I would suggest calling the DPW as well as they are ultimately responsible for this screw-up. The Director is Rodney Hadley and the number there is 201-547-4402.


Vigilante wrote:
Calling the DPW or Parks Dept will not speed up the process.

Posted on: 2010/6/26 16:19

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Just can't stay away


jersey_girl72 wrote:
If the signs are not addressed promptly, I give it five days before they are altered again to "PET ZONE". hehehe!

Or maybe they disappear altogether!!!

Not on my watch, sister.

Posted on: 2010/6/26 2:17

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Suspect number one was in the park this morning. The noose tightens.

Posted on: 2010/6/25 13:03

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Apologies justice-fans, I was tied up with World Cup/alcohol related activities today.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 5:34

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Oh I'm deadly serious.
Whilst taking my morning constitutional I noticed at least one of the signs that had previously been left intact has now also been altered. The sign closest to the dog run in the center of the park now reads "Free Zone". This must have happened overnight.
I also saw a contractor checking all the signs while talking on his phone.
The money it will cost to repair these signs could have been better spent on garbage cans for the basketball court.

Posted on: 2010/6/23 13:10

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Just can't stay away

Those signs are just stuck in the ground, not cemented in. All somebody has to do is pull out the ones that were put up in error.
The vandalized signs were done indiscriminately, in areas that are actually supposed to be pet free. In fact one of the designated pet lawns has completely unaltered signs

I just staked out the park for a couple of hours looking for the guy with the two black Scotties. He did not show.
If anybody has any leads please PM me.
The slow inexorable wheels of justice have been set in motion, I shall not rest until this wrong is righted.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 23:52

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Just got back from the park, nearly all the Pet Free Zone signs have been altered. Incredible that the first act of deliberate vandalism in the park should come not from the feral basketball players but from one of our sainted dog walkers.

Resized Image

Can you imagine the uproar on here if a sign restricting basketball playing after ten pm were vandalized?
This guy with the two black Scottish terriers needs to be apprehended. I'm going to patrol the park tonight and hold him in a headlock until the authorities arrive.
Vigilante, you down?

Posted on: 2010/6/22 17:41

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Just can't stay away


Vigilante wrote:
I have and will pick up trash in the park from time to time as I walk my dog. I will not pick up the trash left by able-bodied young people as they continue to play their games just steps away.

How do you differentiate between the trash of the disabled and that of the able bodied young people continuing to play their games just steps away?

Posted on: 2010/6/7 7:25

Re: Letter from fire chief: Mr. Fulop, you haven't a clue
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Just can't stay away


sinik wrote:
Yeah, like it equally implies they could all be on the lower figure.

And does that make it correct? No.
It's the higher figure people are going to get steamed up about, that's the figure that's going to get repeated, as it is in this post -


jcboyz wrote:
FULOP WILL BE THE NEXT MAYOR!!!!! 156K for a Fireman is ridiculous!

Probably because he is talking about more than one average.

That's just supposition, and pretty desperate too. There's nothing to indicate that in what Fulop says, in fact to the contrary he states "for each person".

Let's move on.

I'll move on when I'm proved wrong or you stop trying to prove me wrong.

I'm not against Fulop, as I said before I'd take him over Healy any day. That doesn't mean I'm going to take everything he says as gospel or keep quiet when I think he is wrong.

What is really worrying is that you will argue so long and hard, changing your argument again and again until you decide it's time to "move on". It's like you want him to be right because you think he is a good man, not because you think he is right.

Posted on: 2010/6/3 19:29

Re: Letter from fire chief: Mr. Fulop, you haven't a clue
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Just can't stay away


tamard wrote:

Slacky wrote:
But there are no firemen earning $156K, there's one guy at that rate overseeing 600 men and women and the only reason jcboyz thinks there are firemen earning that much money is because Fulop is, by mistake or by design, misrepresenting the facts.

$120,000-$156,000 is not an average.

Slacky, you are sort of right even by the narrowest of margins. As of 2009 numbers, there was only 1 man making $164,775 and 9 men making $155,172....

You can search the 2009 PUBLIC numbers for yourself.

Thank you.

Posted on: 2010/6/3 17:20

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