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Re: The impact of JCLIST?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

This site is unique in that it really is a go-to place for all things JC. Good luck getting a comprehensive site like that in NYC. Maybe for a small neighborhood, but not for an entire borough, let alone the whole city.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:15

Re: chocolate covered strawberries in JC?
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Just can't stay away

just make them yourself it's really easy.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:12

Re: Corzine signs law limiting handgun purchases - Represents a victory for Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah
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susiederkins wrote:
But there is evidence. Vast, heaping, seemingly incontrovertible evidence to support the notion that stricter gun laws lead to lower violent crime. It exists all over the world. Why does the U.S. rank at or near the top in almost any measure of violent crime among the OECD nations?

Let's assume for the moment that this is true---that more guns lead to more crime.

How is it a good solution to disarm all law-abiding citizens, leaving guns only in the hands of those who have them for nefarious purposes?
This is the only argument I ever hear from pro-gun people. "Why take guns away from law-abiding people? Only criminals will have guns!"

It's not a very strong argument. Especially since you're ignoring evidence that countries with stronger gun laws (or no guns) have less crime. Sure, the only people with guns might be criminals (or law enforcement/military). But there will be a lot less guns for criminals, reducing crime, reducing the need for you to have a gun.

Criminals with guns aren't making them in their basements. They're coming from gun factories that are producing them legally.

Posted on: 2009/12/17 21:17

Re: It's a holiday tradition for PATH riders moving in and out of the Pavonia-Newport station
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tommyc_37 wrote:
I love the tree. I have a question, though....why would they get a new artificial tree each year? Does it get that dirty? So dirty a good rinsing wouldn't clean it off?
You ever touched a horizontal surface in a PATH or MTA tunnel? If not, brush a finger on one of the pipes hanging from the ceiling. Or just take a look at the walls on the other side of the tracks. The tunnels are gross and caked with so much soot I can understand needing a new one each year.

Posted on: 2009/12/17 17:06

Re: City Council will vote on $130,000 contract to move "wayfinding'' signs out of the way of sidewalks.
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Just can't stay away

That is an outrageous sum of money to move some signs. But considering how little the council seems to care about overpaying (re: refusing to get the JCPA building re-assessed), they'll probably go through with it.

Posted on: 2009/12/16 18:10

Re: Corzine signs law limiting handgun purchases - Represents a victory for Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah
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gibbons70 wrote:
Do you even read your own?

Are you suggesting that criminals be submitted to background checks before purchasing firearms?
what. the #OOPS#. are you talking about. I don't understand what either part of this is supposed to mean. I seriously don't understand what the point you're trying to make is. Are you trying to mock me? Are you agreeing with me? Are you against background checks for people buying firearms? Do you think my point on the lax gun laws and lack of proper background checks is invalid? You're not replying to my points at all you're just saying "guess you didn't read this. guess you didn't read that." without actually saying anything of substance.

Posted on: 2009/12/15 6:31

Re: Corzine signs law limiting handgun purchases - Represents a victory for Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah
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Just can't stay away

did...did you read my post at all? Performing thorough background checks instead of instant checks (or not performing them at all) would be a step in the right direction.

Do you really think that only obtaining one handgun per month is really a good enough deterrent? What does it matter how many guns a criminal or unstable person can get each month. He's still getting them. Thorough background checks are a more reliable tool for keeping guns out of the wrong hands.

Posted on: 2009/12/14 21:58

Re: It's a good thing NJ has such strict gun laws
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gibbons70 wrote:

CommanderKeen wrote:

susiederkins wrote:
Reading the headlines posted by GrovePath this morning made me realize that it's a good thing that NJ has such strict gun laws! Keeping guns out of the hands of the law-abiding while gangbangers are running around shooting people and robbing gas stations sure makes me feel safe!
I always hear this argument from pro-gun people and there's really no basis behind it. There's no logic to it.

Anyway, as much as I approve of tighter gun control laws, it doesn't really mean shit because as long as Virginia, Georgia, Texas, and other states have guns freely available to anybody that wants them, criminal elements will just head to those states. Most of the gun crime in northern and pacific states is linked back to southern states with extremely lax gun laws.

guess you didn't read the article.

Virginia has a One Gun a Month law. So how are guns in Virginia freely available?
Because you can buy a gun at a gun show before you get any sort of background check. The shooter in Times Square? his gun came from Virginia. Instant background checks if you're actually in a store mean you can get guns pretty easy too. The Virginia Tech shooter gut all his guns in-state.
A one-gun a month law isn't really enough.

From an AP article:
"In New York, four out of five guns came from out of state. The single largest source for those out-of-state guns? Virginia (with Florida, North Carolina and Georgia right behind).

The statistics run up the East Coast. In the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia together supplied more than half the guns found. In Camden, N.J., a poor city over the Delaware River from Philadelphia, Virginia was the source for one out of six guns. Virginia was the biggest out-of-state source in Philadelphia and Baltimore."

Posted on: 2009/12/14 20:34

Re: New Jersey drug dealers get a civil rights victory
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saabconv wrote:
How is dealing drugs "non-violent"? Explain that! Its terribly violent - not just hitting, stabbing, killing is considered an act of violence....some of the liberal dribble on this site is quite sad.
I will explain it to you: There has to be violence involved for it to be a violent act. Does this not make sense to you? If there is no violence, it's generally not considered violent. Is your puny brain making the connection?

There are plenty of non-violent drug dealers. Guys that just sit around in their apartments and sell weed to their friends. If you go to any college campus or high school you will find students that sell drugs to their friends for extra money but are not affiliated with any gangs and do not possess weapons or have any intention of ever being a violent offender. Why should these kids get charged the same as a thug in a gang carrying a gun?

Posted on: 2009/12/14 17:30

Re: It's a good thing NJ has such strict gun laws
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Just can't stay away


susiederkins wrote:
Reading the headlines posted by GrovePath this morning made me realize that it's a good thing that NJ has such strict gun laws! Keeping guns out of the hands of the law-abiding while gangbangers are running around shooting people and robbing gas stations sure makes me feel safe!
I always hear this argument from pro-gun people and there's really no basis behind it. There's no logic to it.

Anyway, as much as I approve of tighter gun control laws, it doesn't really mean shit because as long as Virginia, Georgia, Texas, and other states have guns freely available to anybody that wants them, criminal elements will just head to those states. Most of the gun crime in northern and pacific states is linked back to southern states with extremely lax gun laws.

Posted on: 2009/12/14 17:25

Re: New Jersey drug dealers get a civil rights victory
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Just can't stay away

Anyway, this doesn't mean it's ok for drug dealers to sell in front of schools now. What it does is change the law so that a non-violent drug offender doesn't go to jail for 20 years because the apartment he lives in happens to be right near a school thanks to living in a crowded city where there are schools every few hundred feet.

This will allow judges more leniency in their sentencing. This doesn't mean they get to walk off with no punishment. But it will help alleviate our overcrowded prison system, and make it so non-violent offenders aren't locked in to a system where there's no hope of rehabilitation and they just become repeat offenders.

Please read the article and know what you're talking about instead of jumping to knee-jerk fearmongering.

Posted on: 2009/12/13 20:06

Re: New Jersey drug dealers get a civil rights victory
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Just can't stay away

your post didn't make sense. I'm having trouble following the sentence structure.

Posted on: 2009/12/13 20:03

Re: New Group Aims to Make Jersey City More Bicycle-Friendly
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Just can't stay away

How about you learn about the merits of having more bikes on the road and less cars instead of just being an uneducated ass. There are all sorts of benefits, including personal health, pollution reduction, and traffic decongestion to name a few.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 3:48

Re: Downtown -- Best Bar for Singles?
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Just can't stay away

GoldenCicada is a great place to go if you're an older gent that wants to sit around somewhere really quiet with a couple of other older guys drinking some whisky and watching a tv.

It is not a great place to go in any other sense. But I do know a couple people that love it there for that reason. Crazy Chester might be one of those people. Certainly not a singles bar. Certainly not a bar for anyone other than those select few. And as far as I can tell, there's no wii or dumplings. There is, however, a ceiling tile that's been replaced with one of those aluminum buffet trays.

Posted on: 2009/12/3 13:22

Re: illegal gambling den & brothel in downtown?
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Just can't stay away

the place at Coles/Varick and Christopher Columbus? As far as I can tell it's just a bunch of guys sitting around drinking and listening to loud music. They usually have the door wide open, or the garage door open. They play some poker there I think. I'm pretty sure the girls were just #OOPS#ing with your mom though.

Posted on: 2009/11/30 15:54

Re: Bike signs all over town
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RiverRat wrote:
I made a google map of the bike lanes in JC and Hoboken.

It would be great if JC could get someone like Janette Sadik Khan, the DOT commish over in NYC who has been working to make biking a viable way to get around. Without spending a lot of $$ she has made a huge impact already.
I like the effort, but there aren't any bike lanes on Montgomery or Columbus or Grand. Probably not on a lot of those. Unless you mean the bike signs?

I've been pretty confused by the signs. I thought they were indicators of bike lanes in the future but I guess not. What a waste of money. Bike path signs do exactly jack shit to help anybody. Bikers don't notice them, cars don't notice them, pedestrians don't notice them.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 0:16

Re: Jersey City 9-year-old is named World's Cutest Vegetarian Boy
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Just can't stay away

god I hate PETA

Posted on: 2009/11/12 5:21

Re: What Does Christie's Election Mean for Urban NJ, especially Newark, East Orange & Irvington?
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Just can't stay away

I fail to see how Guliani or Bloomberg have shown inner cities can be Republican strongholds. Bloomberg didn't win because NYC is super Republican. Neither did Guliani. The city is overwhelmingly liberal, and they won in spite of that, not because it's really conservative.

Posted on: 2009/11/12 5:19

Re: Only in Jersey City
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Just can't stay away


ladybert wrote:
the best part about getting a 1st time offense boot in this city is they act like they act like they did you a favor because they didn't tow it. "the sign says 'tow away zone', so really the boot isn't that bad." screw that. boot is still $150.
Except for when they boot it AND tow it. Which happened to me my first month here. Apparently they boot it, and if you don't get the boot removed in 24 hours they tow it also??? And since there wasn't street cleaning I had no reason to move my car.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 6:20

Re: Skeleton perched atop Neighborhood Watch sign at Wayne St park.
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MikeyTBC wrote:
Anyone see this yet? I just noticed it this morning. Attempt at intimidation or simply a festive/spooky coincidence?
it's a gang sign

Posted on: 2009/10/29 18:06

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

It was amusing to watch the protest. I wanted to throw some eggs (brought a few) but there were too many police. The Hoboken crowd was pretty fun and was a positive crowd. Mostly just heckling and throwing out jokes and singing. I imagine the crowd at Dickinson will be more hostile, but who knows.

Posted on: 2009/10/28 3:57

Re: Development Oversight in J.C.? Who Watches the Watchmen?
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Just can't stay away

Who develops the developermen?

Posted on: 2009/10/26 20:45

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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eggzbenedict wrote:

kickemout wrote:
yeah...I totally agree. Why on earth they have chosen Jersey City to run around ranting bits of hatred, we'll probably never know. But with all this cities problems, a bunch of freaks on the streets screaming because they don't approve of the Star Bar, isn't on my radar either.

Take a look at their website. Aside from gays and jews, they have beef with New Jersey itself.

Why is it that the craziest of all people do the things they do in the name of God?
Because if you're batshit insane you can just say it's god talking to you and people will believe you. Then you go to church and speak in tongues and run around, fall down on the floor in convulsions and PRAISE JESUS who loved everybody except then you go out and hate everyone around you.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 3:36

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Gunfire hits two people, ending house party
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Just can't stay away

Yo it was an awesome party tho

Posted on: 2009/10/21 3:32

Re: DUI on a bicycle?
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DowntownSteve28 wrote:
People who ride the wrong way down the street need to be dealt with harshly. I usually go for a game of chicken to force them into traffic.

Riding while drunk, however, is a completely different story. Anyone who enjoys speeding down the Newark Avenue hill while wasted deserves free beer.
I have done this. It's absolutely amazing.

Posted on: 2009/10/16 20:42

Re: Beer kegs
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Just can't stay away

Rapps Beer & Soda in Irvington, kinda near UMDNJ. It's a bit far but they will special order anything you want and the prices are decent. They deliver, though I'm not sure if to Jersey City.

Posted on: 2009/10/15 0:37

Re: Apt broken into, looking for any witnesses
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Just can't stay away

on a somewhat related note, does anyone want to buy some electronics and jewelry?

Posted on: 2009/10/14 2:15

Re: What moved into Rosie Radigan's old space?
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Just can't stay away

It's called the Bistro Cafe. Don't know much about it other than that but I saw some workers gutting the place a couple weeks ago.

Posted on: 2009/10/8 3:17

Re: "People were always amazed that I live here - What do people really think Jersey City is like?”
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Just can't stay away

seems pretty cool but what's up with the random fire everywhere and the glowing tattoo thing? Looks as if he just got some software and figured he'd throw random shit everywhere.

Posted on: 2009/10/7 3:00

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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Just can't stay away

"Gangsters" are shooting each other all day tomorrow on Wayne between Jersey and Barrow.

Finally, we'll get some TV cameras there....

Posted on: 2009/10/5 15:27

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