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Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2006/9/7 20:59
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2017/3/15 17:02
From Jersey City
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Vigalante: you are VERY vocal on your Poop Conspiracy theory that we are all against the group in Hamilton Park that socialize...

But please address what I have brought up and what SamS stated above.

Why do you think you have the right to have your dog off leash running around the park violating people's personal space and safety. And btw... I don't care if you have a 2 lb "harmless" maltise.

Please address this question.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 20:07

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/7/11 14:19
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Interestingly enough people do get fined for not shoveling their sidewalk after it snows. I happen to know one neighbor who was fined when we had a mere dusting. NID is more inclined and able to issue citations for some of the other violations you mentioned than animal control or the police are willing to cite people for leash law violations.

What's causing the concern and the petition around the dogs off leash issue, isn't only the poop, but that it places many people in fear that they, their children or their dogs may be attacked by someone's off leash dog. My dog was attacked by an off leash dog his first week in HP last spring. Still you have to keep in mind that many people are simply afraid of dogs, and it doesn't help the rapport between the dog owners and non dog owners to keep your dog off leash, even if your dog is friendly.

The downtown area is becoming increasingly dense with new folks moving in. The only way to facilitate a neighborhly co-existence is for folks to be more mindful of their neighbors and the decreasing amount of space and bandwidth. I don't mean only in terms of the dog issue either, but as you mentioned such other matters as garbage disposal, keeping the front of your house clean, being thoughtful when doing construction, when entertaining, parking ( i.e. some folks have parking spots and still park on the street), etc. etc.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 19:57

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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lunawolf3 wrote:
3X daily is a bit extreme--I'd look into a better quality diet :)

There is a petition circulating to address the off leash dog problem we have all over JC and in particular Hamilton Park. Many other animal control issues are focused on as well.
If you are interested in this petition please go to:

Will there be a petition concerning reckless drivers and litterers? How about those people who don't shovel after a snow-storm? Feeding pigeons? ($1000.00 fine for that offense) Putting garbage cans out before 7pm? Leaving the gates open in the playground? Basketball games at 1am? Didn't think so.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 19:32

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/6/12 15:07
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3X daily is a bit extreme--I'd look into a better quality diet :)

There is a petition circulating to address the off leash dog problem we have all over JC and in particular Hamilton Park. Many other animal control issues are focused on as well.
If you are interested in this petition please go to:

Posted on: 2008/2/8 19:00

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2006/5/10 16:36
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50 dogs(a conservative estimate) x 3 poos a da

Dogs do three poohs a day!
Is that normal for a dog? What the hell.


Posted on: 2008/2/8 18:41

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/6/12 15:07
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There is a petition circulating to address the off leash dog problem we have all over JC and in particular Hamilton Park. Many other animal control issues are focused on as well.
If you are interested in this petition please go to:

Posted on: 2008/2/8 18:40

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2006/9/14 18:57
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JadedJC wrote:
The way people have carried on about dog poop on this thread, you'd think Jersey City was Paris...

You've been to Paris? Except for the touristy areas, there's more dog doo in Parisian sidewalks than any other city in Europe.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 18:36

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2006/10/10 11:42
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i'd like to add that some of the poop may be from stray cats.

there is a cat on my block that leaves some #2s that look bigger than any dog poop i've ever seen. She goes on the sidewalk and in the parking lot.

certainly that isn't always the case, because there are a lot of dog owner's not doing that part, but just something to keep in mind.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 18:35

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Of Course there is some poo!! I can point out a couple of the scum-bags who don't clean up but people have framed it as if no one is cleaning up! Do the math. 50 dogs(a conservative estimate) x 3 poos a day x 7 days= 1050 poos a week in the park. I think you all now see my point. Nuff' said.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 14:44

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/6/27 22:27
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Vigilante wrote:

Once again. A person on this thread specifically targeted a group of people in Hamilton Park(NOT VAN VORST) and lied. If you have problems in VVP that's your problem and I guess the 20x20 ft. dog run ain't working. Once again, if you are so sure of what you say come find all that poo in HP. YOU CAN'T!!

I walked my dog through Hamilton Park this morning and saw poop on the ground. I see poop on the ground practically every time I go into the park. I've stepped on poop in the park on several occasions. Maybe you're not looking closely enough. Maybe you're not seeing what's going on.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 14:34

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Every few weeks I clean up dog crap in front of my house and it is not all from the same type of dog - so some dog owners in the HP area don't do the right thing. I think most owners do, most of the time -- but clearly there are some bad late night & early morning dog walkers out there.

For those who do get caught, I think that rather than a fine the city should make them be on be on call for a month to clean up stray dog poop.

Sorry for venting but I just had to clean up a mountain of sh!t.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 14:26

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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parkman wrote:
Vigilante wrote:

I challenge anyone to walk around Hamilton Park and find all these dozens of dog-piles. You won't. Why? Because we clean after our dogs and then some. Certain people with a certain agenda are blatantly lying to advance their agenda. LIARS ALL!
I guess it?s time to address your provocative and distorted sense of reality.

On any given day you can walk through either Van Vorst or Hamilton Park and find many examples of irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets. Even within the VVP dog run you will find enough evidence that this is true. When we went to do maintenance on the run three weeks ago, the first 20 minutes was used to remove waste left by owners that were not aware of what their pets were doing.

No mater how responsible you feel as a dog owner, if you are not in control or aware of your pet at all times, you have no idea what they are doing. This applies not only to waste but also to the safety of others.

Your kind of attitude impacts those that obey the current laws and will eventually result in more stringent rules with greater penalties.

?LIARS? we are not.

Once again. A person on this thread specifically targeted a group of people in Hamilton Park(NOT VAN VORST) and lied. If you have problems in VVP that's your problem and I guess the 20x20 ft. dog run ain't working. Once again, if you are so sure of what you say come find all that poo in HP. YOU CAN'T!!

Posted on: 2008/2/8 14:09

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/6/12 15:07
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Very Well Said Parkman :)


Chapter 90 Animals


Use of Leash in Public Places

1) Except in an area designated as a dog run by
the city of jersey city division of public works & forestry with
official signage erected clearly indicating such dog run

No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog
shall suffer or permit it to be upon the public streets or in any of the public places of the city unless such dog is accompanied by a responsible person and is securely confined and controlled by one adequate leash not more
than six feet long.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 4:39

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/7/14 18:51
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From on van vorst park
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Vigilante wrote:

I challenge anyone to walk around Hamilton Park and find all these dozens of dog-piles. You won't. Why? Because we clean after our dogs and then some. Certain people with a certain agenda are blatantly lying to advance their agenda. LIARS ALL!
I guess it?s time to address your provocative and distorted sense of reality.

On any given day you can walk through either Van Vorst or Hamilton Park and find many examples of irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets. Even within the VVP dog run you will find enough evidence that this is true. When we went to do maintenance on the run three weeks ago, the first 20 minutes was used to remove waste left by owners that were not aware of what their pets were doing.

No mater how responsible you feel as a dog owner, if you are not in control or aware of your pet at all times, you have no idea what they are doing. This applies not only to waste but also to the safety of others.

Your kind of attitude impacts those that obey the current laws and will eventually result in more stringent rules with greater penalties.

?LIARS? we are not.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 4:16

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Ludo wrote:
Personally I have been harassed twice in the last year by non-dog owners for supposedly not cleaning up my dog's messes.

Encounter #1: crazy lady screaming from her window that I had better clean up after my dogs or she was going to deficate in front of my door.

Encounter #2: walk down a side street to avoid 2 approaching dogs (mine isn't very friendly) and get yelled at by an old woman who wants to know why I feel it is OK to use the tree in front of her home as a toilet (my dogs have never even pissed on the tree, let alone deficate on it).

Both times I have tried to calmly explain that I always clean up after my dog and even tried to show them the bag dispenser attached to the leash. But the people just wouldn't listen to reason. The first woman even told me that it was my responsibility to clean up after other people's dogs.


wakelawyer wrote:
Last night around 6:00 p.m. a slightly overweight older man verbally assaulted a girl in her 20s who was walking her dog in the Dixon Mills' parking lot. Apparently the man was frustrated with a dog that had defacated in or near his parking spot. I know the girl that was walking by and have never known her to not pick up after her dog. In fact, it is sometimes quite humorous as her two bulldogs pull in different directions while she is trying to clean up.

Without asking her if her dog had created the mess (which it had not) and without observing any such social faux pas, he unleashed a stream of strong, abusive, derogatory and otherwise socially unacceptable comments at her. It seemed to go on forever although it was probably only a few minutes. The gist was that he paid $90 for his parking spot and that she should go somewhere else with her dogs (presumably a few blocks away where there has been a recent rash of muggings, some at gunpoint, and assaults). After questioning whether she lived there and had a parking spot (only to have her answer affirmatively to both) he continued to berate her even commenting that her dog should defacate in her parking spot. From the comments it appeared that he did not live there but, rather, only rented a parking spot (in violation of DM's rules and regulations).

I'm all for holding irresponsible dog owners accountable for their dog's actions but getting yelled at for something that isn't your fault really sucks.

Next time call the Police and press charges for Harassment. These are the same types who think all African-Americans are gonna mug them etc. They are prejudice a**holes and they will usually target women with their verbal abuse. I challenge anyone to walk around Hamilton Park and find all these dozens of dog-piles. You won't. Why? Because we clean after our dogs and then some. Certain people with a certain agenda are blatantly lying to advance their agenda. LIARS ALL!

Posted on: 2008/2/8 3:25

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2005/7/14 18:51
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From on van vorst park
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CatsnDogs wrote:

Chapter 90 ANIMALS

ARTICLE III Dogs [Adopted 5-4-1971 as Ch. 6, Art. III, of the 1971 Jersey City Code, as readopted 9-19-1978 by Ord. No. S-128]

? 90-20. Removal and disposal of animal feces; animals not permitted access nor permitted to urinate or defecate within designated pet-free zone(s) within public parks. [Amended 1-2-1980 by Ord. No. 5-123; 10-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-150]

A. It shall be unlawful for any person having control or custody of any animal within a city park to permit the animal to be present within any designated pet-free zone(s) or to permit the animal to urinate or defecate within any such zone(s); however, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the presence of animals on pedestrian pathways adjacent to or within any pet-free zone(s) or to prohibit urination or defecation on such pedestrian pathways, provided that the person having custody or control of any animal complies with Subsection C of this section.

G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.
Please note we have two ?pet free? areas in Van Vorst Park? one outside the children?s playground on Barrow St. and one (fence enclosed) by the flag pole; please observe the above ordinance.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 3:11

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/9/18 12:03
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From Hamilton Park
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I especially love when the BAGS of poop are also on the side walk and not in the trash let me get this can pick up the poop, place it in a baggie, but cant find a trash can to throw it out in so you leave it on the is very fascinating phenomena to me.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 2:47

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/2/18 20:20
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Chapter 90 ANIMALS

ARTICLE III Dogs [Adopted 5-4-1971 as Ch. 6, Art. III, of the 1971 Jersey City Code, as readopted 9-19-1978 by Ord. No. S-128]

? 90-20. Removal and disposal of animal feces; animals not permitted access nor permitted to urinate or defecate within designated pet-free zone(s) within public parks. [Amended 1-2-1980 by Ord. No. 5-123; 10-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-150]

A. It shall be unlawful for any person having control or custody of any animal within a city park to permit the animal to be present within any designated pet-free zone(s) or to permit the animal to urinate or defecate within any such zone(s); however, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the presence of animals on pedestrian pathways adjacent to or within any pet-free zone(s) or to prohibit urination or defecation on such pedestrian pathways, provided that the person having custody or control of any animal complies with Subsection C of this section.

B. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control or custody of any animal to permit the animal to defecate or urinate upon the public property of the city or upon the private property of another unless the person immediately removes the feces and properly disposes of it; provided, however, nothing herein contained authorizes such person to enter upon the property of another without permission.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to walk any animal on public property of the city or upon the private property of another without carrying at all times a suitable container or other suitable instrument for the removal and disposal of animal feces.

D. Handicapped persons who use Seeing Eye dogs are exempt from this section. Persons whose dogs are participating in dog shows or direct command obedience classes are also exempt from this section while their animals are actually participating in such shows or classes, but all feces must be removed and disposed of immediately upon the conclusion of the show or class.

E. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority, to designate any pet-fee zone(s) within city parks; provided, however, that not more than 50% of the area of any city park shall be designated as pet-free without prior approval of the Municipal Council via resolution.

F. Prior to designating any pet-free zone(s) within any city park, the Director of Public Works shall hold a public meeting to solicit the comments of residents on the proposed location of such zone(s). The Director of Public Works shall provide written notice of the meeting to the City Clerk and two newspapers of general circulation within Jersey City of the time and place of said meeting at least 14 days prior to its occurrence.

G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 2:09

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/8/28 17:36
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Personally I have been harassed twice in the last year by non-dog owners for supposedly not cleaning up my dog's messes.

Encounter #1: crazy lady screaming from her window that I had better clean up after my dogs or she was going to deficate in front of my door.

Encounter #2: walk down a side street to avoid 2 approaching dogs (mine isn't very friendly) and get yelled at by an old woman who wants to know why I feel it is OK to use the tree in front of her home as a toilet (my dogs have never even pissed on the tree, let alone deficate on it).

Both times I have tried to calmly explain that I always clean up after my dog and even tried to show them the bag dispenser attached to the leash. But the people just wouldn't listen to reason. The first woman even told me that it was my responsibility to clean up after other people's dogs.


wakelawyer wrote:
Last night around 6:00 p.m. a slightly overweight older man verbally assaulted a girl in her 20s who was walking her dog in the Dixon Mills' parking lot. Apparently the man was frustrated with a dog that had defacated in or near his parking spot. I know the girl that was walking by and have never known her to not pick up after her dog. In fact, it is sometimes quite humorous as her two bulldogs pull in different directions while she is trying to clean up.

Without asking her if her dog had created the mess (which it had not) and without observing any such social faux pas, he unleashed a stream of strong, abusive, derogatory and otherwise socially unacceptable comments at her. It seemed to go on forever although it was probably only a few minutes. The gist was that he paid $90 for his parking spot and that she should go somewhere else with her dogs (presumably a few blocks away where there has been a recent rash of muggings, some at gunpoint, and assaults). After questioning whether she lived there and had a parking spot (only to have her answer affirmatively to both) he continued to berate her even commenting that her dog should defacate in her parking spot. From the comments it appeared that he did not live there but, rather, only rented a parking spot (in violation of DM's rules and regulations).

I'm all for holding irresponsible dog owners accountable for their dog's actions but getting yelled at for something that isn't your fault really sucks.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 0:16

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/6/20 16:54
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GrovePath wrote:
If someone has security camera video showing someone letting their dog poop and not cleaning it up what can they do with it? Will printing out still pictures and giving them to the police produce any results? What really is the fine here in JC?

Try contacting the NID. As I recall, the signs say $500.00 fine for dog waste.

Posted on: 2008/2/7 18:09

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2004/11/21 14:28
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trp3 wrote:
and if I had a dime for every time I witnessed some guy droppin' a deuce on the sidewalk/parking lot/embankment wall........I'd have an empty change cup.

Well, that would earn me another dime.

Yes, people are that disgusting.

Posted on: 2008/2/7 17:25

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2005/6/11 22:14
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Print out the photo.......tape it to a stick like a flag........then stick said flag in the poop. I think public humiliation is a great deterrant.

Posted on: 2008/2/7 15:30

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2004/9/15 19:03
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If someone has security camera video showing someone letting their dog poop and not cleaning it up what can they do with it? Will printing out still pictures and giving them to the police produce any results? What really is the fine here in JC?

Posted on: 2008/2/7 15:24

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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DowntownJC wrote:

"If I had a dime for every time I had to witness some guy urinating on a Jersey City sidewalk/parking lot/embankment wall... I?d have about $2.50."

and if I had a dime for every time I witnessed some guy droppin' a deuce on the sidewalk/parking lot/embankment wall........I'd have an empty change cup.

Posted on: 2008/2/7 15:09

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/10 17:33
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I think it's high time we have an ordinance in this city that you must carry 1 gallon of water and a scrub-brush with you when walking your dog to wash away the urine and diarrhea that your dog leaves behind on the sidewalk.

Anybody caught walking their dog without the gallon of water should be fined. Repeat offenders should have their dogs taken away.

Enough dogshit and piss!

Posted on: 2008/2/7 13:40

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2008/2/6 22:18
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While I do understand the frustration of those that do not own pets with having to deal with pet droppings, etc., I think that most pet owners are cognizant of the fact that others should not be burdened by their decision to own a pet. I live in Dixon Mills and most of the pet owners that live here are friendly and take care of their dogs to minimize the inconvenience to others.

I have not posted here before but something that happened last night along with the similarities with the original poster (my apologies in advance if the similarities are just that) induced me to register and air the grievances from the other side.

Last night around 6:00 p.m. a slightly overweight older man verbally assaulted a girl in her 20s who was walking her dog in the Dixon Mills' parking lot. Apparently the man was frustrated with a dog that had defacated in or near his parking spot. I know the girl that was walking by and have never known her to not pick up after her dog. In fact, it is sometimes quite humorous as her two bulldogs pull in different directions while she is trying to clean up.

Without asking her if her dog had created the mess (which it had not) and without observing any such social faux pas, he unleashed a stream of strong, abusive, derogatory and otherwise socially unacceptable comments at her. It seemed to go on forever although it was probably only a few minutes. The gist was that he paid $90 for his parking spot and that she should go somewhere else with her dogs (presumably a few blocks away where there has been a recent rash of muggings, some at gunpoint, and assaults). After questioning whether she lived there and had a parking spot (only to have her answer affirmatively to both) he continued to berate her even commenting that her dog should defacate in her parking spot. From the comments it appeared that he did not live there but, rather, only rented a parking spot (in violation of DM's rules and regulations).

To avoid his attacks, she went inside. That is probably the smart move as there was no way to know if the verbal assaults would have become physical. Apparently unhappy with only humiliating her (she was almost in tears), he went to "security" to report her for walking her dog in the parking lot (for the record, DM only prohibits dogs being walked for the purposes of going to the bathroom inside the buildings and in the courtyards and requires owners to clean up after their dogs in other areas - and they provide trash receptacles to dispose of the mess). I can only imagine that security (or what some may call administration) did nothing about it because there was no violation by this young girl.

I think that the more constructive approach might have been to talk to her to find out if she was the cause of the problem (which she was not) but that wouldn't have given the older man the chance to exhibit his masculinity and control over the young woman. I do agree that ranting on a message board rather than retaliating is a more mature manner to handle this.

Which brings me to the question I have: is the original poster the older man in the jeans and USA sweatshirt that acted inappropriately last night? If not, sorry for any inference that it was you. If so, don't you owe her an apology, just as the actual culprit owes you an apology?

Just my $.02. Take it for what its worth.

Posted on: 2008/2/7 2:34

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...

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2007/7/3 17:58
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Hi peeps...I am always impressed at the amount of responses that I get from simple posts.
Again to jump in and clarify..
I am not a dog hater,
I am not a dog owner hater..
I like dogs and as a matter of fact, the dogs don't know any better.

I also realize that there are plenty of people out there that own pets and that are responsible for taking care of them.

It's just that there are some people who think that it's ok to leave steamers all over the place (esp. in my parking spot)

Thanks for participating all..

Posted on: 2008/2/6 21:52

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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If 10% of the people didn't clean up after their dogs the park would be a poo swamp. It isn't. It takes one a--hole not cleaning up after their dog(s) to make everyone else look bad. In the Park the people police each other and on average I tell someone they missed their dogs pooping about once every 3-4 months. It does not happen as much as some people claim. In the past there was an off-duty Police officer in the park with a large Rotty who never cleaned up after his dog. He would stay well away from other owners and when we confronted him he cited his stature as a cop and how he was above the law. The big, playful dogs annoy me too when people don't control them but I can't train everyone. Asking the Police to enforce the leash laws on a regular basis is absolutely ridiculous. You face much more danger crossing the streets around Downtown! I say go after "unleashed" drivers!!! On another thread people are arguing about carrying guns. I carry a dog and I am a responsible owner. Get over it.

Posted on: 2008/2/6 21:12

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2005/7/11 14:19
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I'm not so sure the dog run is going to solve the dog poop problem. Two weeks ago, I brought my dog to the dog run in Lincoln Park, for the first time. The first thing we saw when we got there was a horse size pile of dog crap.

Posted on: 2008/2/6 20:47

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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2006/9/7 20:59
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2017/3/15 17:02
From Jersey City
Registered Users
Posts: 134
Stop calling people "pathologically jealous" and creating stories about "90%" of people who complain?

Instead you should follow the LAW and keep your dog on a leash~ period.

Nobody is trying to break-up your doggy social group. We are just asking you to show your neighbors respect. By having your dog off leash you are violating the space of every adult, child and leashed dog. I have a large breed dog who is NOT HAPPY when unleashed dogs large and small alike run up to her face and start poking at her while their owner is halfway across the park yelling their name trying to regain control from 50 feet away.

Your argument is really a joke.

** EDIT** I originally addressed this to Stani- but really it was meant for Vigilante. It gets me so MAD when people argue for their "right" to have their dog off-leash just because we do not have a Dog Run yet.

Sorry... rant over.

Posted on: 2008/2/6 20:38

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