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Re: Hamilton Park Ale House jersey Ave.
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I wonder if they got a certificate of no effect to paint the exterior.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 13:27

Re: Cristie and what he'll do to NJ
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MyBeat . . . Really???

What other sacraments are administered down at City Hall these days???

And aren't gays tax paying citizens too, some portion of which go to support public schools and related education and child care expenses?? While I'm NOT out to make an argument against tax dollars benefiting interests other than each individual tax payer. I do want to illuminate the absurdity of your comment.


MYBEAT wrote:

A.Marriage is something sacred between a Man and Woman!, if your looking for a meal ticket on the backs of the allready tax burdened citizen thats just outright disgusting!


Posted on: 2009/12/13 0:58

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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Posted on: 2009/12/8 13:50

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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No one black listed Teacher, and Teacher just did not express his or her opinion. To the contrary, teacher was caustic and insulting without supporting the basis for his/her opinion. Then when it became apparent the rest of us were expecting a more intelligent response, Teacher huffed, took her marbles and left.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 3:10

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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Incidentally, I too was raised Catholic and spent 4 years in the seminary.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 1:57

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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How does granting gays the right to marry kill this country and or cost employers more money?

Also, what percentage of Roman Catholic priests do you think are gay?


teacher wrote:
Yes I am sad, because liberals/socialists are killiing the country. Its not the same place I grew up in..nor my father..or grandfather. We are trying to move out of the US. It was great more. I am happily hetro married with a little healthy boy.
I am against any liberal agenda, as it will cost employers more and sap their ability to make more hires.
I am also Catholic and take the Pope's cue on many issues.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 1:25

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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LOL, ROFL, "gay indoctrination!!!!!" Oooooooo ahhhhhhh, ooohhhh my side, myside, (gasp, gasp, gasp).


teacher wrote:
SamS... "distorted" that is bs. Its economics. The economy sucks, (get the memo?) and folks are choosing the Free option. Those feeling the pinch will remedy the gay indoctrination at their homes.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 1:17

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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Yvonne, I don't disagree with what may have happened in 1989 in New York. I just disagree with you on what will happen here, now. It's 20 years later than the New York incident you cite. There are way fewer sisters in the good teaching orders from that time past which attracted people to the Catholic schools.

If I had a kid who could go to either Stuyvesant or Regis, I would definitely go with Stuyvesant and I would imagine most parents would as well.

Your claim that any of these schools are actually "teaching" alternative lifestyles is absurd. There may be an occasional mention of same sex parents, but "teaching" is a gross distortion and laughable.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 1:15

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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I can't agree with you. Catholic schools have had a very difficult time attracting good teachers. Anecdotally, it seems younger parents are more open to the gay issue. Consequently, they may be more likely to place more emphasis on better teachers than distorted concerns about recruitment into a particular lifestyle. Additionally, I don't know how many younger parents want their children indoctrinated in the Catholic religion early on. Quote:

Yvonne wrote:
In the late 1980's, I was teaching in a Catholic School in New YorK. New York Board of Ed decided to introduce reading material for K-2 titled "My Two Mommies." Social Studies curriculum deals with family life for K-2. There was a influx of students from the pubic schools. Apparently liberal parents did not want their children told about an alternative lifestyle.
Jersey City Catholic Schools have been closing since charter schools opened. The passage of this bill will bring back Catholic Schools.
By the way, the Board of Ed in NY cut "My Two Mommies" from the curriculum after parents stormed the meetings.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 0:30

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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I'm sure you're not the only person in JC who opposes same sex marriage. But I was wondering whether you would explain why you oppose it? Also, explain why you support civil unions but NOT marriage for same sex couples.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 0:12

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry
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The deficit issue probably can't be resolved for a long time. On the other hand, giving the lesbian and gay constituents of NJ their constitutional right to marry should take less than one day, with the stroke of a pen, while costing the state basically nothing. So there's no reason to maintain that this issue is a distraction to resolving any other important issue with which the state of NJ has to address.

Just Do It.


greenville wrote:
"8,340 people in civil unions out of a population of 8.6 million."
This issued is given so much attention and only affects a few thousand people. There's a lot of things that are severely wrong with our state like the huge deficit which should get a as much attention from these politicians as gay marriage. What's the point of letting gays marry if they won't be able to afford living in this state?

Posted on: 2009/12/6 15:30

Re: Has anyone ever had a new cornice put on their building?
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I had my cornice repaired by Mike Villas a carpenter with the help of Over the River Brownstone. They also do complete building of cornices. I would not under any circumstances use KDK.

Posted on: 2009/12/4 19:43

Re: Real estate prices in Jersey City
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The metric is NEVER EVER, what the previous owner paid, but what the market for the product is NOW. I bought my brownstone for nearly $100k more than the previous owner paid 18 months before I made my offer in 2002. Still I got an awesome deal for the market at the time I purchased my home.

Posted on: 2009/12/4 13:34

Re: Boca's play and stay
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Is there someone at Boca's overnight or are the dog's alone?

Posted on: 2009/12/3 2:13

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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The HPNA invited all neighbors to participate in their organized park clean ups. Your intimation that anyone has been excluded is merely part of your continuous effort to polarize neighbors and position the HPNA as some exclusionary group. In fact over the years we have had many new and different officers, trustees and members. I'm sure the HPNA will have more park clean ups for which you will be welcome to volunteer.

Posted on: 2009/11/27 18:47

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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I am sincerely sorry you are unable to enjoy and appreciate this rare luxury of having a newly renovated park right in front of your own home. Perhaps in time as you see your neighbors mingling around, raising their children, deepening their neighborly relations and sharing in this lovely park your perspective and disposition will change. In one of your early posts you commented on your need to "fight". Perhaps that's an approach you want to reflect on and reconsider. Otherwise, you will be missing out on much of the happiness and good fortune that sits right in front of you. Your fighting with your neighbors about this has grown old and has even lost it's entertainment value.

In the mean time I would appreciate it if you would refrain from minimizing my appreciation for the park and from suggesting my excitement is saccharin. There are a lot of neighbors regularly passing by the park while commenting on how nice it looks Picking at it and picking fights with your neighbors over it, is only going to cast you in a less than favorable light, and certainly won't persuade too many people that the park doesn't look nice. While you personally don't have to like it, it doesn't do any good to continuously express your misery over it.

Again, I genuinely wish you continued progress in your health.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 15:36

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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aaaa haaa,

Well, more importantly there is absolutely no reason to suggest that there's going to be red mulch anywhere in HP including surrounding the new lush gardens which have been planted around the charming seating surrounding the new fountain. Nor is there any evidence that there's going to be any red mulch around the gazebo garden, where it seems some very nice plants are going in today or tomorrow including nice shrubs, ornamental grasses etc.

I hope you continue to make progress and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 14:27

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Didn't your garden have ugly red mulch??


Minnie wrote:
I know dark fudge when I see it and I can?t help myself but laugh when I read some of the ?positive? statements?. like the anti-flower folks that tried to squash & ridicule our gardening efforts and made certain that all the former plants were ripped out? now commenting on how lovely the new plants are. Positively bullshit.

- to be something more than a commercial style garden with ugly red mulch and annual plants that are used around big box retail chains and restaurants.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 14:02

Re: Computers confiscated from Jersey City's Zoning office
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In my experience I found Tony Lambiase to be a great guy. Very down to earth, practical and knowledgeable.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 13:44

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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LOL, thanks FRinJC. I do sincerely find the transformation exciting, especially when so many people share in the excitement as we get closer and closer to the project finally being complete.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 0:11

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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This morning I noticed even more shrubs, plants and ornamental grasses were delivered to the park. Over the weekend I noticed a bunch of new trees were planted, I guess last week. There's plenty of green space, new plants, nice benches, new lighting, cool retention basin, sprinkler system, etc. etc. I have chatted with many people who are either new to the neighborhood or I just never met, who have expressed their excitement about the renovated park and the impending opening. TOTAL AWESOMENESS.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 22:44

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Maybe the H is for Hudson.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 1:03

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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I don't know why, but I was exceptionally excited to see the sprinklers working last week.

Posted on: 2009/11/21 19:54

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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I was also excited by the delivery and installation of some of the lights.

Posted on: 2009/11/21 14:12

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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There were tons of plants delivered to the park this week for planting. Also the plans call for plantings at the entrances.

Posted on: 2009/11/21 13:42

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Over all the park is going to look great. Everyone could scrutinize it and find something they don't like about it. But if you magnify those little issues you're just not going to enjoy it nor be happy.

Last week I saw them testing the sprinkler system which I thought looked cool and gave me a greater sense of confidence in the maintenance the green components.

It will be nice to again be able to cut through the park on my way to Basic, bring my dog to the dog run, sit in front of the fountain, be amazed by the people who play tennis even in February. Hopefully, some organization will conduct some theatrical performances in the Gazebo, perhaps we could again have the Arts In the Park Festival the weekend of the Studio Tour, the Park Festival which bring some musical performances, sale of cool second hand furniture in addition to other activities that people enjoy about the park.

Posted on: 2009/11/20 15:30

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Why should your other neighbors trust that what you or other volunteers plant will improve the gardens the city plants or worse . . . ? Quote:

linky wrote:

I think the only option is to have private citizens volunteer to plant some extra stuff to help spruce up the obligatory plants that the city puts in there. And although I am angry about how the city is handling this, I am not just venting. I will personally volunteer to go out there and plant and maintain.

And why does anyone think that the city will maintain what they plant this time if the old gardent was not maintained? If anyone is interested in starting a group to volunteer to help spruce up and maintain what the city plants, please pm me.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 21:47

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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This morning a whole bunch of new plants and shrubs have arrived in HP and it seems they're being planted today.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 12:45

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Other than when the HPNA headed up a park clean up a year and half ago, (a pre mother's day event where we gave free plants to volunteers who helped) I don't ever remember seeing or hearing about some neighbors voluntarily, cleaning up or trimming back the gardens around the gazebo. So to suggest the renovation process somehow arrested some committed volunteers in their regular caring for those gardens is a little disingenuous.

You're not entirely wrong as I'm not terribly broken up about this. Plants are vulnerable, especially when not properly cared for. So this is not a surprise. I don't find the city's explanation to be bullshit. Those barberry shrubs have been overgrown since I made an offer on my house back in 2002. Interestingly, just this spring one of my neighbors strongly advised me to cut back the barberry shrubs in my front gardens out of concern for the damage they could cause to the tree behind them.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 4:59

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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So the update is, while the city and the park plans called for maintaining the gardens around the gazebo, apparently the wildly overgrown barberry fundamentally suffocated the shrubs and plants behind it, leaving almost no surviving plants. So the city ripped out the dead shrubs, the barberry and the few other barely surviving shrubs.

The city plans to replant other shrubs in the place, but not encourage volunteer community gardens at this time.

This is one of the several reasons why I along with many other neighbors and the city do not favor community gardens in public parks. People get excited about them when they first start the project, but interest dissipates, people move, etc. and they are not maintained.

Parkman's success and dedication are very unique.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 1:52

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