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Re: Kids Collecting On Erie and 440
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Terri wrote:
Really, and this bothers you???!!!! Kids trying to make an honest buck? I happen to know that the majority of these kids are just trying to do what any other human has been genetically programmed to do - survive. Shame on you if this is an issue that you find bothersome, with all the trouble in this world, you get disturbed by children selling candy. Furthermore, thank god it's not crummy girl scout cookies sold by spoiled daughters of cheating adulterer CEO's. Long live street chocolate, and the working class! Now excuse me while I go eat a peanut butter cup. Enjoy the weather kids!

Wow Terri, I have news for you...I was a girl scout and my parents were neither cheating adulterers or CEO's...why so angry...these future panhandlers (oh, I mean children) should be lucky to be girl scouts schlepping door to door like I did when I was a kid. And p.s... they aint selling anything, but themselves on the corner of the boyle plaza...shame, shame on you and them and their parents.

Posted on: 2008/10/12 2:20

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
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My roommate got the license plate of thecar with guy that assaulted her...the police arrived and took a statement. They called her later that evening (or the next day..cant remember) and told her that the license plate matched a car from Randolph, did not match the description of the assailant and that basically there was nothing they could do...probably was some ass on his way to buy his drugs using his friends car and in a HUGE rush. Figures..right?!!

Posted on: 2008/7/24 5:19

Re: Salon X
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Not too shy to talk

I think the prices are completely reasonable. If you want a $20 haircut go to a barber on Newark Ave. This place is clean, comfortable, the stylist are experienced and knowledgeable and my overall experience was very pleasant. I wouldnt exactly judge a place by a "bang trim", but i would judge a place by the environment, cleanliness, prices, experience, etc. I just got an invitation in the mail for their "open house" which is on July 31st in the evening, i think the invite said something about champagne and food. For the record, I love the guy in Hoboken that cuts my hair and i will remain loyal to him, however he doesnt do color so I am thrilled that this place is here and that they do a good job.

Posted on: 2008/7/24 5:15

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
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bdlaw wrote:

jclxz wrote:
And people are not only regularly hit at this intersection, but also beaten by drivers who do not appreciate them using the crosswalk.



They stop the car and get out and attack people on foot? What is this, Grand Theft Auto?

Actually, my roommate got assaulted at this very crosswalk by a guy who didnt feel like stopping at the stop sign...when she "got in his way" he got out of his car and assaulted her...
For a short time, we got police presence.
In addition, when there is "police presence" at this is typically at off times when there is not much thoroughfare, so basically it is useless. Rush hour would be a good time.

Posted on: 2008/7/24 4:59

Re: Salon X
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Not too shy to talk

Needed my hair colored desperately and a friend of mine was getting a haircut so we went together two saturdays ago...the place is great, the people are very nice (i believe it is called Salon X because an ex husband and wife team own it). The color was excellent (corrective color on long hair..$65) which i think is reasonable. I think my friend payed $60 for a cut (she has long hair), which is about what i pay in Hoboken for my cut....Overall very good experience and a welcomed addition to the hood!!

Posted on: 2008/7/23 14:03

Re: Wine Bars in JC - near Paulus Hook?
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I agree Chief...have always had a decent experience at Majestic...and they have outside seating if the weather ever gets nice!!

Posted on: 2008/5/22 17:06

Re: Wine Bars in JC - near Paulus Hook?
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Not too shy to talk

I have been to City Vino a few times and I really like it! They have wine tastings every Tuesday. I recently went to a champagne tasting there and it was excellent. If you go on their website and get on their email list they will send you the upcoming events. Definately worth trying.

Posted on: 2008/5/22 16:16

Re: Maniac drivers who speed through crosswalks (and stop signs)
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Not too shy to talk

I love when i'm trying to cross the street at 9th and Manila and NOBODY yields to the pedestrian...its almost like you have to step out into the street to get the cars to stop. And half the time nobody even stops at this two way stop intersection. I had a guy try to get around me(when i was the driver) for stopping (at the stop sign) and i guess he got so mad he couldnt he actually got out of his car and started coming towards mine and smacked my window...i dont know why i attempted to get out of my car (adrenaline making me make a stupid decision), but the guy actuallty shoved me back in my car, slammed my car door on me and took off. The police of course were no help (and thats after I gave his lic. plate #) Seriously people, you take your life in your hands around here being both a driver and a pedestrian!!

Posted on: 2008/5/22 14:26

Re: John's Pizza
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Not too shy to talk

Tried John's last night and i have to say it was excellent. We sat at the bar, the service was quick and friendly and the pizza was perfectly thin and crispy. I tried the ceasar salad and really didnt think it was worth the $ was small and there was really nothing special about it for the price, but this is my new place for pizza with out a doubt!!

Posted on: 2008/5/12 16:50

Re: Hamilton Park Ale House
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AlexC wrote:

umestazzuele wrote:
this place is just okay. not great, not horrible. the couple of times i've been there the service has been okay and the food average. i live across the street and i'd rather walk the two blocks to the white star if i want a beer or food or if want to watch a game. plus they have way hotter female bartenders.

yeah I agree, used to go 1-2x a week for beers and sometimes dinner, nothing much changed (although once the Guiness was a bit skanky, that was the last time I've been), but now, it's not even kid friendly, which was the reason I went.

The last thing people without children want is to come to a bar/restaurant and be surrounded by kids (especially when crying loudly) do not belong at AleHouse, WhiteStar,Simple,etc....go to Chile's if you have children and for goodness sake sit downstairs away from the bar area.

Posted on: 2008/3/13 22:25

Re: The Embankment Restaurant
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Not too shy to talk

Personally I am happy to have a lovely new restaurant within steps of my apartment....other than the $5 bud bottle i think the prices are what I would have expected and certainly not unreasonable. I think eventually they will figure out their crowd and maybe incorporate some kind of happy hour thing. Litm's drinks are pricey, but they have a kick ass happy hour. Where is it cheap to drink anymore around here anyway...even Lucky 7's upped there prices. If you can afford to live in this neighborhood you can afford a $6 beer.

Posted on: 2008/3/3 21:44

Re: The Lamp Post or The Latin Lounge: SUV driver critically injures one after fight at 2nd Street b
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Not too shy to talk


missa wrote:

thetruth72 wrote:
You see justification for an action that was clearly bias. Sorry no host was there and no game consoles either, and if that was the case then why when I asked him why I didnt get either answer? I obviously answered him yes I know Led Zep.

I have tried to Deny that the race and ethnicity card is being played or implied, but it really is. I dont care what race you are, or place you are drinkin at alcohol makes anyone that Indulges in it do some stupid things. And yes I no the Bar is responsible for a persons consumption but Some people can handle alcohol better then others and its not til late that you realize "They Had Enough"

Now I am goin to answer why he asked me if I know Led Zep..... I am Puerto Rican, young, and must not been dressed well enough to sing thier music. Hey I might be wrong but Both justifications that a couple of you used are not correct. Thank u for your input always welcome.

honestly i think you are being oversensitive for making the acquaintance of a singular person.

if you picked the Lamp Post to be an epicenter for race bias, i think you are CLEARLY barking up the wrong tree. sorry if your one visit made you think this, but i have seen young and old of all shades come in there and eat, drink what have you. hell, i have seen them make popcorn for the kids while they play trivia.

when they have bands, there can be an edgier element, but in general, its very much a local pub sorta feel with the whole range.

are you very young, like "maybe you shouldn't be in a bar" young? because that sounds like the closest reason as to why anyone would stare at you (unless they were just a weirdo).

I couldnt agree with u more Missa....i like the Lampost...but it is possibly an "epicenter" for diversity as far as bars go...the crowd there is seriously all over the place...i cant even describe the crowd there...and perhaps that is the draw....'nobody fits in exactly and yet everybody fits in" bout that???
Mr Truth...i am sorry for your experience there....if there are others out there that have had this experience at Lampost...please chime in...I'd actually be pretty suprised.

Posted on: 2008/3/2 5:56

Re: The Lamp Post or The Latin Lounge: SUV driver critically injures one after fight at 2nd Street b
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Not too shy to talk


missa wrote:

thetruth72 wrote:
Mr. DooHicky, it is unfortunate that you was made feel that way and on behalf of the Latin Lounge I will apologize. BUT!! I did walk into the lamp post one night ordered a beer and was Jamming to one of my favorite bands, OF ALL TIME, and someone came right up to me and said, " You know who Led Zepplin is?"and I answered him, "Yes I do", and asked him, "Why do you asked?" his responce was, " Oh Nothing", and then he couldnt stop staring at me until I left. Did I mention I was alone?? Now should I have felt uncomfortable or let it go cause it did happend @ the ""Lamp Post""?

he was probably waiting for an appropriate time to recruit you for trivia night.

maybe he was recruiting from Pop's for their "rock band"/guitar hero nite

Posted on: 2008/3/1 16:28

Re: The Embankment Restaurant
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Not too shy to talk

went tonite for drinks and a bite...i think the place is very warm and cozy....the bartenders did very well for their second nite open, and my appetizer and sandwich was very good! I am very psyched to have a new bar around the corner from my house....looking forward to its evolvement in the neighborhood!!

Posted on: 2008/3/1 6:39

Re: The Lamp Post or The Latin Lounge: SUV driver critically injures one after fight at 2nd Street b
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Not too shy to talk

slightly off one of the "yuppies" in the hood ( and no, I'm not ashamed) I will say that I went to latin lounge for the first time about a month ago...I had a good time...i was with a big group and the owner was there and he was really a doll...personally, I think he's in the dark about his establishment...anyway....i went a second time...the owner was not there...and I couldnt have been made to feel more uncomfortable by the was clear and obvious that we were not wanted...but ya know be it...u have to take some places with a grain of salt....and its really no big suprise this place under scrutiny and in the news is it???? is this really that shocking??? As far as I'm concerned, every single place in this town has its good points and bad and could have pages of opinion on this website.and others...each and every single joint we all hang out at! Its unfortunate that a few people made spectacles of themselves and made this place look bad and I hope the victims involved will be okay.

Posted on: 2008/3/1 6:35

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
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Not too shy to talk

after already picking up dinner elsewhere I realized I was right across the street from Sava's so I decided to try their pierogies....the other food looked mouth watering and I could have kicked myself for not thinking sooner...anyway, the pierogies(my appetizers) were so yummy...and I will def try more things next time!

Posted on: 2008/2/21 0:45

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Not too shy to talk


SLyng wrote:
Honestly doohicky, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for posting that in a public forum. CNN has already debunked that Muslim madrassa crap. In fact you should reply to the person who sent that email to you and every other person on that list and respond with the truth.

It's really a shame that has to be repeated & posted on JCList which in most cases is a great source for information.

Slyng...i didnt say I bought into it....i posted it here to see if anyone knew anything about it....obviously you have seen this before. I dont spend much time watching TV let alone CNN and I also dont have a job that allows me to be on the computer much of the day. I simply rec'd that email as a forward from someone. This is a public forum, Slyng, that is why i posted it and JClist can be a great source of information...gimme a break....and no I'm not ashamed of myself.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 12:18

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Not too shy to talk

This is an interesting email i recently rec'd...anyone know anything abput any of this stuff? Is it totally bogus or is there any clout to it

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.,
a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a
white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas.

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama
was two years old, his parents divorced. His father
returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a
RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old,
the family relocated Indonesia.

Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent
two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to
conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point
out that, "He was" once a Muslim, but that he also attended
Catholic school." Obama's political handlers are attempting
to make it appear that his introduction to Islam came via
his father, and that this influence was temporary, at best.

But, in reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon
after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence
over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband
of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to
Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta.

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the
Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the
western world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when
seeking major public office in the United States, Barack
Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an
attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in
mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the
Holy Bible, but instead the Koran. Let us all remain alert
concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from
"the inside out". What better way to start than at the
highest level - through the President of the United States
being one of their own!!!!

Do you want this
man leading our country?......

Very interesting and something that should be considered in
your choice.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 2:56

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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I especially love when the BAGS of poop are also on the side walk and not in the trash let me get this can pick up the poop, place it in a baggie, but cant find a trash can to throw it out in so you leave it on the is very fascinating phenomena to me.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 2:47

Re: Live in the area of 9th St/Pavonia between Erie & Manila? New Development Plans Will Impact You!
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Not too shy to talk

I believe the EPA has already cleaned this site years ago in fact (as well as many others in Jersey City) but i always thought it was strange they had a school next to a former site. I also always found it strange they havent built anything on this lot for years and years.

Posted on: 2007/10/17 2:02

Re: Live in the area of 9th St/Pavonia between Erie & Manila? New Development Plans Will Impact You!
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This is very interesting considering I heard this site was an old chromium dump. I happen to live directly across the street. I always wondered why the school never took it over to put a playground/area for the kids to run around outside. I ran into a few locals in the area who have lived in the area forever who told me that the reason was that it was a previous chromium dump years ago. Not exactly sure if its true, but now I'm curious. I would most definitely be oppossed to this. Anyone have any further insight?

Posted on: 2007/10/16 23:52

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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I happen to live two blocks from the park. Unfortunately, I dont bother bringing my dog (who is never off a leash) there anymore. Quite frankly, I'm tired of off leash dogs running around and running up to my dog. The dynamic is different between them. The same way a dog who is spayed or neutered has a different dynamic between those dogs who are not. Its not rocket science. Also, its the law.
Looking forward to the mtg on Wed!

Posted on: 2007/10/1 18:03

Re: Skinner's Loft... delish!
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Not too shy to talk

I've been to Skinner's three or four times now and pass by it quite was packed every time I happened to be in there and looked pretty busy when I peeked in when walking by. I think Maggie's new place is probably working out just fine. Any new restaurant has to "tweak" things a little in the beginning. My meals were really good and my friends also enjoyed what they ordered. The service was just allright...neither good nor bad. Quite frankly, I cant really think of a restaurant here in downtown that offers exceptional service. Does anyone know of any?

Posted on: 2007/9/20 19:59




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