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Re: The solar eclipse: Where you can safely watch it and get free viewing glasses
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Not too shy to talk

Have any bars posted eclipse events? it seems most bars along the waterfront don't normally open until after the eclipse has ended.

Posted on: 2017/8/20 0:54

Re: Home Depot - Holland Tunnel vs Route 440 location
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Not too shy to talk

I believe they offer both services, but I'm not sure. (I did my own install and I seem to remember the junk guys that drive around Jersey City taking the stuff off of the curb).Quote:

SRhia wrote:
That's a good idea - perhaps we'll drop by PC Richards last and see if they can offer the best deal!!!

Do you know if they do haul away too? Do they deliver to the curb only, or do install as well?


Ludo wrote:
When I remodeled my kitchen, I found that while the PC Richards people can be a bit much, they are also willing to do just about anything it takes to get the sale.

In my case, after I chose the items I wanted from the PC Richards inventory, I went home and found items that were similar, but cheaper on competitors websites (I think it was a combination of Sears, Best Buy, and Home Depot).

When I went back in armed with the printouts they matched every price, gave me free delivery, and then gave me another discount on top of that since I was still wasn't satisfied.

Posted on: 2013/5/24 15:53

Re: Home Depot - Holland Tunnel vs Route 440 location
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Not too shy to talk

When I remodeled my kitchen, I found that while the PC Richards people can be a bit much, they are also willing to do just about anything it takes to get the sale.

In my case, after I chose the items I wanted from the PC Richards inventory, I went home and found items that were similar, but cheaper on competitors websites (I think it was a combination of Sears, Best Buy, and Home Depot).

When I went back in armed with the printouts they matched every price, gave me free delivery, and then gave me another discount on top of that since I was still wasn't satisfied.

Posted on: 2013/5/24 15:24

Re: Toricos
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Not too shy to talk

If it is true that the city is giving them a hard time, it might be a good idea for the owners (or someone who has the authority to speak on their behalf) to post the story here and ask for the community's help/support. Tons of angry phone calls to the right people or children protesting outside of city hall might help clear the way for Torico's to be open in time for summer.

Posted on: 2012/3/23 14:57

Re: BEWARE: booted for $120 in outstanding tickets
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Not too shy to talk

Why is parking in resident only zones a bootable offense while parking in other zones without a permit is only a ticketable offense?

Also, didn't the council pass an ordinance last year that the vehicle had to have unpaid parking tickets in order to be booted?

Posted on: 2011/8/9 16:26

Re: City To Conduct First Property Revaluation Since 1988
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Not too shy to talk

If you have purchased a downtown property in the last 3-5 years, will taxes most likely remain the same after the reval? Or is there still a chance they will go up/down significantly?

Posted on: 2011/4/18 14:58

Firewood for a Chiminea
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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone know of a place that sells firewood for a chiminea in the area?
I have a rather small one so regular firewood doesn't work and you aren't supposed to use duraflame type logs in them. From what I have read it needs to be 9"-14" (probably closer to 9" in my case). The articles I have read also say I need something called "fat wood" to season it and also start future fires. Any insight into this would be much appreciated.

Posted on: 2010/10/7 3:34

Re: Problems with Neighbors
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Not too shy to talk

It may be worth asking the neighbor for the names of the people on the lease and then trying to talk to them directly about your concerns.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 23:45

Re: Can Anyone Recommend an Affordable/Decent Real Estate Attorney???
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Not too shy to talk

I second Irwin Rosen (especially if this is your first purchase). He spent a lot of time with me making sure I understand all aspects of the home buying process.

Posted on: 2010/2/3 22:45

Re: Downtown -- Best Bar for Singles?
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Not too shy to talk

From my experience there does not seem to be any one bar that could be designated as a good place for singles to hangout and meet people. It all seems to depend on the night and what happens to be going on at the bar on a particular night. Maybe the right answer is for all of the JC List singles to pick a bar and night to get together.

Posted on: 2010/1/22 15:14

Re: Shoprite/Marin Blvd: Calling cops spanish word for "pigs" leads to trouble for six males
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Not too shy to talk

There is something to be said for issuing lots of small time tickets in a city like this. Other towns have found that if you gain a reputation for issuing tickets for minor offenses, criminals try and avoid the area, and therefore the number of more serious crimes drops.

Posted on: 2009/10/2 17:06

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Not too shy to talk

Assuming this was a photo-op, I would love to see the JC List thread created by the administration photoshopping a picture of Air Force 1 into the NYC skyline.

Posted on: 2009/4/28 23:41

Re: New rules to address noise complaints for restaurants and nightclubs
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Not too shy to talk

I heard from one source that Steve Fullop was backing this ordinance and that as it is currently written most if not all of the bars in downtown Jersey City would lose their entertainment licenses and therefore not be able to have live bands/ DJs.

Does anyone have more information on this or know if the above is true?

Posted on: 2009/4/19 17:14

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

Philasurfer- Lets say you get your wish and dog owners have to be licensed and pay big bucks to do so. How do you plan on enforcing this law, when the city doesn't enforce the law currently on the books about licensing dogs until there is an incident or another law is broken?

And you keep talking about cars being a necessary evil that is highly regulated, but there are plenty of people driving around without insurance or in some cases even a license. How would your law be any different? The good dog owners would shell out the bucks to make sure they didn't have any problems, but the bad dog owners would just ignore the law and we would have the same problems we have now.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 1:56

Re: on JC artists community and "JC Fridays" for example.
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Not too shy to talk

I whole heartedly agree with both the OP and FernPalm.

When I first moved to Jersey City, not knowing anything about it or anyone, I used JC Friday as a way to get to know my new home. Since many of the events ended early, I actually left work early, studied the map, and planned a route that would cover a large portion of downtown. Imagine my surprise, when I walked into "venues" whose primary purpose wasn't showing art. I ended up walking into restaurants when I wasn't hungry, shops when I wasn't interested in purchasing, and the occasional gallery.

So my wish list for JC Fridays:
1. List the type of venue on the schedule, whether it is American Bistro, vintage clothing store, or art gallery.

2. Have more venues open from 9pm to midnight. Too often, I'm trying to cram in as many events as possible between 8 and 9 pm and then after 9pm there are only 2 or 3 things going on.

3. Have the numbers on the map coincide with an area. For example. 1-5 are in Paulus Hook, 6-10 Hamilton park, etc.

I think the above would help people make a better use of their night and plan their route in a more organized fashion.

Posted on: 2008/12/6 21:06

Re: Place to get mirror cut for a car
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Not too shy to talk

If only the glass is busted, the easiest/cheapest option is to go to an auto parts store and buy a replacement mirror. The one I purchased a few years back had an adhesive strip on the back so attaching it was a snap.

Only problem is that it won't fit perfectly (mine was slightly smaller than the original), so if you care about aesthetics then this might not be a good option.

Posted on: 2008/8/3 23:34

Re: Local Veterinarian
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Not too shy to talk

Can anyone tell me what the various vets charge around here for a dog's annual and/or vaccines? My dog doesn't have any health problems, so I am slightly more interested in cost than quality of care / having questions answered (I have a vet that I would use for serious issues, but they are not in Jersey City).

Posted on: 2008/5/7 3:16

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Personally I have been harassed twice in the last year by non-dog owners for supposedly not cleaning up my dog's messes.

Encounter #1: crazy lady screaming from her window that I had better clean up after my dogs or she was going to deficate in front of my door.

Encounter #2: walk down a side street to avoid 2 approaching dogs (mine isn't very friendly) and get yelled at by an old woman who wants to know why I feel it is OK to use the tree in front of her home as a toilet (my dogs have never even pissed on the tree, let alone deficate on it).

Both times I have tried to calmly explain that I always clean up after my dog and even tried to show them the bag dispenser attached to the leash. But the people just wouldn't listen to reason. The first woman even told me that it was my responsibility to clean up after other people's dogs.


wakelawyer wrote:
Last night around 6:00 p.m. a slightly overweight older man verbally assaulted a girl in her 20s who was walking her dog in the Dixon Mills' parking lot. Apparently the man was frustrated with a dog that had defacated in or near his parking spot. I know the girl that was walking by and have never known her to not pick up after her dog. In fact, it is sometimes quite humorous as her two bulldogs pull in different directions while she is trying to clean up.

Without asking her if her dog had created the mess (which it had not) and without observing any such social faux pas, he unleashed a stream of strong, abusive, derogatory and otherwise socially unacceptable comments at her. It seemed to go on forever although it was probably only a few minutes. The gist was that he paid $90 for his parking spot and that she should go somewhere else with her dogs (presumably a few blocks away where there has been a recent rash of muggings, some at gunpoint, and assaults). After questioning whether she lived there and had a parking spot (only to have her answer affirmatively to both) he continued to berate her even commenting that her dog should defacate in her parking spot. From the comments it appeared that he did not live there but, rather, only rented a parking spot (in violation of DM's rules and regulations).

I'm all for holding irresponsible dog owners accountable for their dog's actions but getting yelled at for something that isn't your fault really sucks.

Posted on: 2008/2/8 0:16

Re: NJCU graduate business classes debut on the waterfront
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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone who is not affiliated with this school know anything about it?
Personally, I have never heard of the school, but I am new to the area.

Posted on: 2007/12/3 18:54

Re: Dollar Buses
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Not too shy to talk

This week I had to put my car in the shop and rely on the dollar buses and NJT buses for the first time. My only complaint is that the dollar buses do not have route maps, but I took the advice of others in this column and simply asked drivers where the bus went. The drivers were always very nice and the few buses I road on seemed relatively clean and in good condition. The NJT bus drivers were also very nice and helpful, but when I told them what bus stops I wanted (after using the Itinerary Planner on they told me they didn't exist. Thankfully, the drivers knew their routes an were able to get me where I needed to go.

Posted on: 2007/11/10 20:28

Re: Who here really, really hates Comcast?
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Not too shy to talk

I used to have satellite TV, but every time I really wanted to watch television (i.e. it was so nasty outside that I didn't want to leave my house) the satellite couldn't get a signal. So now I deal with the evil that is Comcast.

Also, this article is about the internet. To my knowledge you cannot surf the net with satellite TV.

RE: Ansky's post - "You have a choice. Satellite TV. I switched to Directv over 2 years ago and never looked back. Cheaper service, more channels, more reliable equipment, and more HD than Comcast. I would never go back."

Posted on: 2007/10/22 2:45




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