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Re: Grove Street development
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JCishome wrote:
Agreed, and DTJC has moved beyond needing status symbols. We've skipped past gentrification and we're on our way to full-bore pretentious d-baggery.

Take it easy, tiger

Posted on: 2015/2/4 17:17

Re: Grove Street development
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JCishome wrote:
Agreed, and DTJC has moved beyond needing status symbols. We've skipped past gentrification and we're on our way to full-bore pretentious d-baggery.
i think a fika coffee bar would be nice addition to that space

Posted on: 2015/2/4 13:12

Re: Grove Street development
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Agreed, and DTJC has moved beyond needing status symbols. We've skipped past gentrification and we're on our way to full-bore pretentious d-baggery.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 20:38

Re: Grove Street development
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Well there is a Starbucks a couple of blocks away, same neighborhood...

Also, I don't think Starbucks means anything in terms of demographics anymore. I see them in crappy areas as well as nice areas. Ten years ago you only saw them in nice areas.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 19:51

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I'd be very happy if a Starbucks gets a spot here - not that I want/need a starbucks, but that would at least be a status symbols for this part of the hood...

Posted on: 2015/2/2 19:45

Re: Grove Street development
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JCishome wrote:
I'm with the non-naysayers on this. It won't win any awards, but the building itself is pretty inoffensive. I'm more concerned with what occupies the street level - and somehow I won't be surprised if it includes a bank, a real estate office or a Starbucks.

The sarcastic ass in me would say that the smart money is on a real estate office (given recent Grove St history) but I would hope that something else comes in. That area could use another small market. The options around there are pretty slim. Gull's cove has that small market/deli across from the MetroVets office, and there is a small hispanic market across the street (La Nueva Isla) and the halal shop in the corner (Salem?) but I can't think of a good, more rounded place where to do do some grocery shopping that doesn't involve a trek out to Pathmark (universally hated by most, though I disagree in that regard) or the Korean shop on Newark.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 19:07

Re: Grove Street development
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Sommerman wrote:

What I find disappointing is that The Charles is named after the carpet store that was on the site, but no recognition, as far as I know, is made to Manischevitz at their former site on Marin.

Not only is ?Manischewitz? the trademarked name of a large corporation, if the correct spelling can get by you, Sommerman, that probably doesn?t bode well for gentiles moving here from Nebraska.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 18:46

Re: Grove Street development
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I'm with the non-naysayers on this. It won't win any awards, but the building itself is pretty inoffensive. I'm more concerned with what occupies the street level - and somehow I won't be surprised if it includes a bank, a real estate office or a Starbucks.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 16:59

Re: Grove Street development
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bodhipooh wrote:
I am glad/relieved to see I am not the only one a bit puzzled by all the "chicken littles" proclaiming the end of the world because of the aesthetics of this building. The last time I looked at it, I thought it was OK. Not particularly breathtaking, nor horrifying. It is, perhaps, a bit plain/flat looking. My only qualm with the building is what was reported in the news article. That is, that the builder chose to deviate from the pre-approved plans without having to go through the Planning Board and/or Historic Commission, only getting approval from City planners. Given the sordid history of nepotism, cronyism and corruption in JC, you would think that the administration would be wise enough to avoid being seen as that.

+1. I think the building itself looks ok -- it also doesn't have all of its finishing touches yet. I kinda like that it doesn't compete with City Hall. But the revision process isn't cool.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 16:05

Re: Grove Street development
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Finally, a new building without the ugly in wall AC units that have the grill showing on the outside. I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those buildings with that setup.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 14:38

Re: Grove Street development
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Fomite wrote:
This new building is kind of an insult if you think about it.

All the old buildings were the sweat and ambition of new Americans. They brought their wood working skills, Italian, polish, and German aesthetic to create lasting brownstones that are so coveted today. Some of these were built over 100 years ago, and the craftmanship shows. Even Van Vosrt park was a masterpiece.
And the Silverman building? They just ordered pre made fake brick facade from China. Couldn't even bother laying real brick. Imagine what it will look like in 20 years.

Buildings insult me when they don't reflect the times they were built and when they are not good aesthetic neighbors. Good neighbors don't have to look alike, they just have to look well together. While I am no fan of City Hall, perhaps it would have been exciting to have a "glassier" building across from it so you saw its reflection.

As far as the row houses downtown, my understanding is that almost all east of Coles/Varick were built by 1870. At least 3 date to the 1820s.

What I find disappointing is that The Charles is named after the carpet store that was on the site, but no recognition, as far as I know, is made to Manischevitz at their former site on Marin.

Posted on: 2015/2/2 12:47

Re: Grove Street development
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Cool Vines will be taking up a chunk of the retail on the NW corner of montgomery and grove

Posted on: 2015/2/1 19:15

Re: Grove Street development
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I am glad/relieved to see I am not the only one a bit puzzled by all the "chicken littles" proclaiming the end of the world because of the aesthetics of this building. The last time I looked at it, I thought it was OK. Not particularly breathtaking, nor horrifying. It is, perhaps, a bit plain/flat looking. My only qualm with the building is what was reported in the news article. That is, that the builder chose to deviate from the pre-approved plans without having to go through the Planning Board and/or Historic Commission, only getting approval from City planners. Given the sordid history of nepotism, cronyism and corruption in JC, you would think that the administration would be wise enough to avoid being seen as that.

Posted on: 2015/1/29 18:58

Re: Grove Street development
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JJ comment:
If you DTer?s have a problem with it we up in Journal Square will gladly take it off of your hands. Gray color and all. It looks like it would fit perfectly in the 10 year empty Hotel on the Square lot across from the Loews.

Nice 7 story height too. I like that some towers are being built up JSquare but I hope they are not all 50, 60, 70 stories tall. It makes an area look to empty and cold. Just drive around the Newport area and you will see what I mean.


Posted on: 2015/1/29 16:51

Re: Grove Street development
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I pass this site twice daily on my way to and from work.

I think the building is ok. Not great, but not awful either. It pays homage to its neighbors through the choice of brick color, the use of arched window and concrete pillar cladding at the street level.

It's not complete yet, but once done, I think it will be pleasing to look at.

I agree. Not sure why so many people are flipping out. Beats the hell out of the parking lot that was there.

Also I'm not sure why we are holding up the other buildings on that street as some kind of shining example of great architecture. They seem pretty run down to me.

Posted on: 2015/1/29 16:40

Re: Grove Street development
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hero69 wrote:

I pass this site twice daily on my way to and from work.

I think the building is ok. Not great, but not awful either. It pays homage to its neighbors through the choice of brick color, the use of arched window and concrete pillar cladding at the street level.

It's not complete yet, but once done, I think it will be pleasing to look at.
are you being sarcastic? many of us would disagree. the developer needs to go back to historic preservation 101

Nope. Being serious. Reasonable minds can differ.

Posted on: 2015/1/29 16:33

Re: Grove Street development
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I pass this site twice daily on my way to and from work.

I think the building is ok. Not great, but not awful either. It pays homage to its neighbors through the choice of brick color, the use of arched window and concrete pillar cladding at the street level.

It's not complete yet, but once done, I think it will be pleasing to look at.
are you being sarcastic? many of us would disagree. the developer needs to go back to historic preservation 101

Posted on: 2015/1/29 16:24

Re: Grove Street development
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I pass this site twice daily on my way to and from work.

I think the building is ok. Not great, but not awful either. It pays homage to its neighbors through the choice of brick color, the use of arched window and concrete pillar cladding at the street level.

It's not complete yet, but once done, I think it will be pleasing to look at.

Posted on: 2015/1/29 16:17

Re: Grove Street development
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shouldn't historic preservation and/or city planning moved to make sure that this building had historic detail? that building is a disgrace. not only is it oversized, it is bland and has no historic details which detracts from surrounding buildings. walmart written all over it

Posted on: 2015/1/29 15:53

Re: Grove Street development
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2008/1/3 19:12
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Well, it is actually real brick. It's just not a great choice of brick, and there is no architectural detail. What you end up having is a bland looking building on a street with generally very interesting architecture, which makes it really stand out.

What a shame. And it will keep happening again and again with a lot of these newer buildings.

Posted on: 2015/1/29 15:42

Re: Grove Street development
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2012/4/20 21:48
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This new building is kind of an insult if you think about it.

All the old buildings were the sweat and ambition of new Americans. They brought their wood working skills, Italian, polish, and German aesthetic to create lasting brownstones that are so coveted today. Some of these were built over 100 years ago, and the craftmanship shows. Even Van Vosrt park was a masterpiece.
And the Silverman building? They just ordered pre made fake brick facade from China. Couldn't even bother laying real brick. Imagine what it will look like in 20 years.

Posted on: 2015/1/29 15:27

Re: Grove Street development
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tommyc_37 wrote:
So true, ESPECIALLY next to City Hall, which has so much architectural detail. It almost looks like the new building is made of cardboard, from a distance - there is no texture, no trim, nothing. So disappointing, but even more so that it is on such a prime, visible corner, and literally anchors that entire end of Grove Street.

I wonder if in their heart of hearts, the Silvermans are satisfied when they look at this building.

I honestly think a fix would be to add trim (of a different color) to all windows. That would be a big game changer, but aside from adhering a veneer on, it's too late for structural sills/lintels.


Fomite wrote:
I am one of those "build baby build" people, but these buildings are such a disappointment! Pre fab cheap brick color. Nothing that even references the historic beauty of this city. A major disappointment.
City hall makes this new Silverman building look like an elementary school kid's di-o-rama project.
i agree.. if agree that they should add something. what type of tenant are they aiming for? college students or the just graduated, who don't have the money to really care about the aesthetics of the bukding in which they live

Posted on: 2015/1/29 2:14

Re: Grove Street development
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So true, ESPECIALLY next to City Hall, which has so much architectural detail. It almost looks like the new building is made of cardboard, from a distance - there is no texture, no trim, nothing. So disappointing, but even more so that it is on such a prime, visible corner, and literally anchors that entire end of Grove Street.

I wonder if in their heart of hearts, the Silvermans are satisfied when they look at this building.

I honestly think a fix would be to add trim (of a different color) to all windows. That would be a big game changer, but aside from adhering a veneer on, it's too late for structural sills/lintels.


Fomite wrote:
I am one of those "build baby build" people, but these buildings are such a disappointment! Pre fab cheap brick color. Nothing that even references the historic beauty of this city. A major disappointment.
City hall makes this new Silverman building look like an elementary school kid's di-o-rama project.

Posted on: 2015/1/28 20:54

Re: Grove Street development
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hero69 wrote:
i think these developers really did a disservice to theor image/brand name.

plus 1

When I first saw the renderings I thought they looked bland, essentially a pile of red bricks without any architectural details, but given that it was Silverman and that they have developed some nicer properties in JC, I thought they knew what they were doing on this one too. But it has not turned out great.

As pointed out below the brick itself looks cheap (though I don't know if it is). Simply too uniform and does not have the textured/faceted look that natural clay brick usually has.

Does anyone know when and how Hamilton Square South (the second phase of Hamilton Sq) will be up for review and community input. Lower half of page here:

This is another Silverman building that will have a massive impact on the aesthetics of a neighborhood.

Posted on: 2015/1/28 20:18

Re: Grove Street development
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tommyc_37 wrote:
This in today's news. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that Silverman missed the mark on the architecture of the facade. Without window details, cornices, etc, the building looks bland and looks very out of place.

These developers bear a huge responsibility, as they basically permanently reshape our streetscapes. I think there needs to be a LOT more commitment to integrating buildings responsibly, for generations to come. Link: ... s_off_b.html#incart_river

i think these developers really did a disservice to theor image/brand name. instead of being a target or kohls, i now view them as more a walmart/kmart.

Posted on: 2015/1/28 19:26

Re: Grove Street development
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2012/4/20 21:48
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I am one of those "build baby build" people, but these buildings are such a disappointment! Pre fab cheap brick color. Nothing that even references the historic beauty of this city. A major disappointment.
City hall makes this new Silverman building look like an elementary school kid's di-o-rama project.

Posted on: 2015/1/28 19:25

Re: Grove Street development
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This in today's news. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that Silverman missed the mark on the architecture of the facade. Without window details, cornices, etc, the building looks bland and looks very out of place.

These developers bear a huge responsibility, as they basically permanently reshape our streetscapes. I think there needs to be a LOT more commitment to integrating buildings responsibly, for generations to come. Link: ... s_off_b.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2015/1/28 17:08

Re: Grove Street development
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Sommerman wrote:

If this map is correct the area is within the VV historic district and the design was subject to some sort of guidelines.

That's just the thing, it would be more "historically accurate" with sills and lintels on the windows, or some sort of architectural accents around the windows. It looks kind of bare bones and therefore, modern. I don't know, it looks kind of cheap to me, which is a shame seeing that it is in a showcase location, and very visible. It's definitely better than an empty lot, but still I think it could be so much better architecturally.

Posted on: 2015/1/5 2:30

Re: Grove Street development
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You're right, it will be a rental, as per Silverman's website.

Posted on: 2015/1/1 18:34

Re: Grove Street development
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I know, for sure, it's a rental. I know it was humor, but I do wish something Whole Foods'ish would move in. I heard a rumor that there will be a take-out version of, imagine, Thirty Acres. I can only assume if this is true that the type of food offered would be dramatically different than what they serve at the restaurant. Take out sea urchin sandwiches anyone?

I would love to know what is on the top floor of the building, in the blue. Maybe a gym for building residents?

Posted on: 2015/1/1 15:13

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