Re: Body pulled from water
Not too shy to talk
I was there yesterday as well. Emergencies services units were at the end of hudson and essex streets in paulus hook (at the kayak ramp near colgate clock). It was all caution taped off. Cop told me "someone died" but couldn't say anything else because it was an "open police investigation." Odd I haven't seen a peep about it anywhere online or in the news. Anyone stumble across a link?
Posted on: 2017/10/3 0:27
Re: Developers reveal plans for 35-story tower at Jersey City Pep Boys site
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can someone clarify?will these be rentals or owned units?
Posted on: 2015/6/22 16:33
Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza -- Reopening?
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No, all that traffic congestion was caused by the off-leash dogs in morris canal park
Posted on: 2015/6/22 16:23
Re: Grove Street development
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Cool Vines will be taking up a chunk of the retail on the NW corner of montgomery and grove
Posted on: 2015/2/1 19:15
Re: Libetry harbor North
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Anyone have any idea when this project will resume? It looks like the boys and girls club has moved on over to 18park?any word on the demo timeframe of the old boys and girls club building?
Posted on: 2014/11/11 2:57
Fish Market's in Jersey City
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I was wondering if anyone knows of any places that sell wild caught (non farm raised) fish in JC?stop and shop in bayonne doesn't seem to have much, not sure about shop rite. Was looking for any recommendations from anyone. Particularly looking for something in the downtown area. Thanks in advance!
Posted on: 2014/3/30 18:52
Re: New Marriott coming to JC
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do you have any other info/renderings of those 2 buildings?
Posted on: 2014/2/1 20:27
Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
Not too shy to talk
Yes I agree. Perhaps if enough people call the number Heights posted, something will be done. And contrary to the thoughts of "blanquiita" (who doesn't know me from Adam), I do care...but not to the point where I would want to put up with what happened Friday. It's amazing how you can judge me based on one post. Little do u know that I am a middle school science teacher who teaches under-privileged children in Perth Amboy...and I am actively involved with parents and the community. May I point out, not once have I seen canning for money in Perth Amboy - which has more problems than most places in Jersey City. I thank my neighbors who took the time to articulately answer my post and give meaningful feedback (VA2015, dtjcview, heights and mscottc), as opposed to the ones who have nothing else to offer besides sarcasm and wasting everyone elses time (blanquiita and langdonalger). and VA2015, very nice of you...maybe I will do the same with regards to how I donate to charity
Posted on: 2013/10/20 21:45
Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
Not too shy to talk
I agree...why not us? Thanks for responding and taking the time to research and post your input. It really does boil down to what can our leaders do to help these low income people get back off their feet so they don't have to do this.
Posted on: 2013/10/20 17:44
Re: Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
Not too shy to talk
So what you are saying is that it is okay for drivers to be harassed at their car by people looking for money? Interesting. I would like to see how you would react when one of these people start walking down the exit pounding on the hood of your car, like what happened friday morning. People were ready to get out of their car and tackle this guy, it was a pretty big problem that created quite a backup of traffic. Not only that, but it became extremely unsafe for the man that was canning, as well as the drivers that exited their car to restrain him. But this is okay because there is a low income housing complex nearby isn't it? If this post offends you so much why don't you move? Better yet, move into the low incoming housing complex and become neighbors with these people. "Heights" thank you for the info, you are correct that this should not be occuring on a public highway. At least somebody around here has the guts to admit it without feeling insensitive. Sorry if my standards are too high for you all...but I pay to live here, and I want to feel safe. I moved here b/c it was nice and up-and-coming, not because it was Camden.
Posted on: 2013/10/20 17:38
Canning for money off 78 exit ramp
Not too shy to talk
I'm curious as to what most people think about this. I feel like lately there have been a lot more men doing this, as traffic comes off the Columbus Drive exit ramp (and even the other side of that barricade waiting at the light to cross Montgomery). Is this legal? I never see any police presence enforcing this if it's not. It has gotten a little out of control lately, Friday the guy walking up and down between the cars was cursing obscenities at people in their cars who would not give him change. There are at least 3 or 4 different males who are constantly canning/begging for money throughout the day. At the risk of sounding insensitive, it is the first impression you get when driving into jersey city. I just had my whole family visit me this past weekend and it really doesn't make jersey city look that good when you have homeless people begging for money the moment you enter our city. Can't anything be done about this? I know there's other concerns that are most likely more important (insert off-leash dog joke here), however it is an issue that I would like to hear other's thoughts on in this forum. Again, I can't imagine how hard things are on the low income/homeless - but it really doesn't give our home a good image. Maybe there is something the Fulop administration could do to get rid of this and benefit these struggling citizens at the same time. I've tried searching online about this topic but came up empty. Hence, here I am...thoughts?... Thanks in advance
Posted on: 2013/10/20 0:09
Re: What's going there?
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It's on top of the building diagonal and across from the biergarten...the building closest to the light rail station. It's actually on the 6th floor above the parking garage
Posted on: 2013/10/18 1:34
Re: What's going there?
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A row of brownstones connected to an 11 story rental building. No plans/renderings have been posted anywhere online yet. Hopefully it will have a pool, things are getting tight at the current pool
Posted on: 2013/10/17 10:02
Re: Residential Projects Underway
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Great site for future real estate developments. I posted a new thread asking what building will be put in place of the old boys and girls club...found my answers all on this site. Has things about 18 park, 235 grand (old boys and girls club site), morris canal park/colgate park, columbus towers and a few other future developments.
JC Life
Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:48
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Not too shy to talk
I see this thread has become award winning since last i thoughts (from one ranger fan to another):
Regarding leash laws: Hamilton Park - 100% 24/7 all dogs must be on leash. Way too much going on over there for them not to be. Van Vorst Park - 100% 24/7 all dogs must be on leash. I know all the hard work and effort that went into refurbishing that park, and the beautiful landscaping and flowers that encompass the inside. An amazing job was done by all there, and in no way should dogs be allowed to traipse through and ruin it all. Morris Canal Park - I think we need to have some leniency there with regard to off leashing dogs. As Colleen stated, if my dog is offleash all the way out by the point, is it REALLY bothering u that much out there? In fact, I actually was there this week with my dog (on leash) and saw a cop there w/ his canine (off leash) playing out by the point. I asked the cop about leash laws and he said as long as it's not bothering anyone out here, it shouldn't be a problem, just make sure u pick up after ur dog - we want to keep the park clean for everyone to use. What that cop said is probably the most reasonable statement I have heard or read regarding this matter. And also, I've read some people posting about getting an active dog in an urban environment. Well, I'm sorry that wasn't going through my mind when my future to-be-adopted dog was on the "kill list", when i rescued him. As far as I'm concerned we should only become anal retentive over-actors about dogs being off leash (in an area that affects barely anyone) if we see a refurbishment like this: As far as not picking up dog crap: That sh*t needs stop everywhere. People like that should not have dogs. In retrospect, I do agree with many points in this thread. However, I do feel it should not be all one-sided as some are trying to make it out to be. The point out in Morris Canal Park needs to be some sort of concession by nyrgravey and the other prosecutors about off leashing dogs EVERYWHERE. I do retract my stance if and when they decided to refurbish the park.
Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:36
Boys and Girls Club/Gulls Cove 2
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It finally looks like construction workers have begun disassembling parts of the roof and side of the boys and girls club on Grand Street. I've noticed workers taking apart huge metal beams behind the bball court and transporting them out today. 18 Park is coming along very quickly (the future home of the boys and girls club)...does anyone know the anticipated start date to the building of Gulls Cove 2 (if that's still even the name?)? Last I heard it was going to be 2 buildings - 1 about 10 stories and the other 45 stories (not sure about the height in feet but would love to know if anyone has an idea). Is this information still accurate? I have an old link that someone posted a long time ago with renderings, not sure if it's still the actual plan:
Link If anyone has any information, it would be greatly appreciated. I live right next to this. Thank in advance
Posted on: 2013/8/21 18:02
Re: 30 Regent St -- help!
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Someone put a hole in the concrete of the pool somehow back in early/mid June. I remember the day it happened - i was there til 5:30 and everything was fine. I came back around 8 (to use the gym next to the pool) to the maintenance guy scoping out a giant hole in the shallow end. No one has an idea as to how it happened but thank goodness it's fixed!
Posted on: 2013/7/17 0:00
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Not too shy to talk
Are we really complaining about people unleashing their dogs out by the water...all the way at the end of Morris Canal Park? I get being pissed off about the dog crap...that's very annoying and irresponsible, as stated - and needs to be fixed. It's amazing, either stupid people have to ruin it for everyone or people always have to complain about something. Sounds like both situations are occurring here. Is it really that big of a deal that I go out and throw a frisbee to my dog out at the point of Morris Canal Park? I'm really trying to understand why we are focusing so much on this aspect. I'd like to take my dog out to an open park and play a simple game of catch w/ a ball or frisbee, yet b/c of crappy dog owners, now we have a vendetta ongoing against it. And yes, it's a vendetta when we have complainers, winers and bitchy people hiding behind computer screens threatening to choke and kick dogs. How about people pick up after their dogs? Also, how about if your dog is well trained (which isn't a hard thing to do if you are competent person) you can unleash him/her out to the point to run around and play catch, or go for a swim (insert dirty river joke here)? I mean c'mon...aren't we being a little over the top here?
Posted on: 2013/7/12 23:07