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Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/31 23:07
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I thought drink driving and smashing into parked cars is a Police issue and a councillor's view or comment is not necessary - other then maybe addressing the general culture of elected officials and city hall staff that are increasingly making JC look like it's run by a bunch of cowboy/girl drunks.

Just a note, would city officials and senior staff who deal with the public or quoted in newspapers be viewed as role models for our young and if anyone should comment, it should be Healy about how disappointed he is and what he will do to address this behavior ?

I hope this staffer doesn't need a car for her job - if so, she should be fired when found guilty and suspended without pay until this is resolved.

In case you haven't noticed Jersey City is run by a bunch of drunks. Can Healy be disappointed in the same behavior he exhibits? To answer your question as to what he'll do about it; he'll have another beer.

Posted on: 2009/3/18 20:50

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/30 14:45
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2009/5/12 9:14
From Jersey City,nj
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Councilman Fulop and other Ward E council candidates,

Do you think there is a "familiar local government theme"?-please refer to post #16.

Can you comment on the general culture cited in post #21?

Also see post #19 and # 20.It looks like there is concern on this issue.

The incumbent is not the only candidate in Ward E, it would be nice to hear differing thoughts from the other candidates also.

Thank you for any input you may have and for your participation in the electoral process.

Posted on: 2009/3/13 2:52

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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I thought drink driving and smashing into parked cars is a Police issue and a councillor's view or comment is not necessary - other then maybe addressing the general culture of elected officials and city hall staff that are increasingly making JC look like it's run by a bunch of cowboy/girl drunks.

Just a note, would city officials and senior staff who deal with the public or quoted in newspapers be viewed as role models for our young and if anyone should comment, it should be Healy about how disappointed he is and what he will do to address this behavior ?

I hope this staffer doesn't need a car for her job - if so, she should be fired when found guilty and suspended without pay until this is resolved.

Posted on: 2009/3/12 23:12
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/31 23:07
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The silence is deafening isn't it? (Figuratively speaking)

Posted on: 2009/3/12 22:32

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?

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2009/3/2 14:23
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2011/11/9 13:52
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jcecker wrote:
Does Councilman Fulop have any comment on the recent arrest of the director of Jersey City pensions,a Healy administration member?

I read a local newspaper account about how this Healy administration official was arrested for drunk driving involving an accident soon after a Healy fund raiser was ending.

The article mentioned "a familiar local government theme".This appeared in the Jersey Journal on
March 7,2009 by Agustin C. Torres.If I am not mistaken the theme the article speaks of IMO is the use of alcohol by some local Jersey City officials and problems that arise afterwards.

Thank goodness no one was hurt when the director of Jersey City pensions was involved in this accident.

As appearing in the article the accident was on Sixth street,it involved a Jersey City director and a arrest for drunk driving soon after a Healy fundraiser.To me this would seem to be a public issue.

This is Ward E right?

Councilman Fulop, I know in the past you have been inclined to comment publicly on different events including those involving Healy administration members.

How do you feel about this incident and in your opinion what do you think is meant by " a familiar local government theme"?

Are things like this if proven to be true a tarnish on Jersey City's image or is the tarnish only limited to the person involved?

I have respected your opinion in the past, thank you for any input you may have.

Does anyone else who is also a candidate for councilperson in Ward E have any comment?

I agree! Councilman let's hear your thoughts on this absurd behavior!

Posted on: 2009/3/12 0:27

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/2/13 15:58
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Vigilante wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
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You can stick your fingers down your throat or just drink a bunch of alcohol (Like in City Hall) if you wanna make yourself puke.
it's uhh, supposed to be a guy yawning...

Posted on: 2009/3/11 22:03

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/31 23:07
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I wonder how many drunks left this party and got home without incident. Newspaper reports indicated there were hundreds of people there. Most DWIs actually get home in one piece. I can't imagine what a threat to public safety an event like this causes. Statewide stats show that one in ten drivers on weekends are legally intoxicated.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 3:43

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/30 14:45
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2009/5/12 9:14
From Jersey City,nj
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Does Councilman Fulop have any comment on the recent arrest of the director of Jersey City pensions,a Healy administration member?

I read a local newspaper account about how this Healy administration official was arrested for drunk driving involving an accident soon after a Healy fund raiser was ending.

The article mentioned "a familiar local government theme".This appeared in the Jersey Journal on
March 7,2009 by Agustin C. Torres.If I am not mistaken the theme the article speaks of IMO is the use of alcohol by some local Jersey City officials and problems that arise afterwards.

Thank goodness no one was hurt when the director of Jersey City pensions was involved in this accident.

As appearing in the article the accident was on Sixth street,it involved a Jersey City director and a arrest for drunk driving soon after a Healy fundraiser.To me this would seem to be a public issue.

This is Ward E right?

Councilman Fulop, I know in the past you have been inclined to comment publicly on different events including those involving Healy administration members.

How do you feel about this incident and in your opinion what do you think is meant by " a familiar local government theme"?

Are things like this if proven to be true a tarnish on Jersey City's image or is the tarnish only limited to the person involved?

I have respected your opinion in the past, thank you for any input you may have.

Does anyone else who is also a candidate for councilperson in Ward E have any comment?

Posted on: 2009/3/10 3:35

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/31 23:07
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JRL wrote:
Looks like Healy and City Hall are on a Booze Cruise and no one is steering the ship.

Far better off with no one steering the ship than with one of this administrations drunks.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 3:34

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/30 15:07
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2009/7/25 13:49
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Purcell gets drunk at a Healy function - who gave her the liquor, was she getting paid by the city to attend - is there a rule about being drunk during paid working events, how many charges will she have and finally will the cops notify her insurance company that she was drunk when she hit the other cars?

Should we be all forgiving ? What if she had killed some-one, like Healy's nephew or cousin (forgot which one) who was a JC cop ?

"Soon after Healy's fund-raiser was ending, Alice T. Purcell, director of Jersey City pensions, was arrested, finger-printed and photographed and then issued a summons for driving while intoxicated, according to police.

At about 11:10 that evening, police were sent Downtown to the 300 block of Sixth Street in response to a motor vehicle accident. They found that a Chevy Impala driven by Purcell had struck two parked cars."

The most important thing is that no one was hurt during this particular incident. Unfortunately, there have been other alcohol related events within the Mayor's administration that has put Jersey City on the front page numerous times (Mayor Healy's arrest in Bradley Beach involving an altercation with Police outside of a relatives tavern, Healy's front porch photo, fat-ass-bike's avitar says it all). Coucilman Lipski's arrest in DC for urinating on people off of a balcony as well as a previous driving while intoxicated arrest in PA, the tragic driving while intoxicated car accident that resulted in the death of a child struck by Mayor Healy's cousin. He was hired by the Healy adminstration as a Jersey city police officer. I'm sure that there are more.........

What I would like to know is, what legal ramifications are there for political events serving alcohol? Also, when a city employee causes injury as a result of being served at such an event (even while not working), will the tax payers of the city bear the burden of any litigation/suit? I believe that a suit has already been filed against the city by the victims of the motor vehicle death involving the Mayor's cousin.

Posted on: 2009/3/10 2:31

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/31 23:07
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jcecker wrote:
What the heck is going on with local Jersey City government
and all these alcohol involved stories.Just like in private industry, it's the same in government, leadership starts at the top.If local officials see their leaders abuse alcohol then
they will be more apt to think it is acceptable.The problem then perpetuates itself.

Mayor Healy has been known to use alcohol and even to have been involved in an incident in southern New Jersey a couple of years ago where he was arrested and convicted during a altercation with the local police.During his trial I believe he talked about using alcohol before the incident.I don't know how much was used but even if 1 ounce impaired his judgement then that is too much.

The point is that even though public officials are people too and can succumb to the same problems as anyone else they need to be held to a higher standard because they represent all of us.Their actions have a ripple effect on the
people they govern and represent.Their constituents can lose faith in them and so feel they are not represented by a competent government.

Imagine a teacher conducting a social studies class and following current events in the local newspaper.Imagine these students so frequently coming across irresponsible actions by government officials.I can only hope that the teacher would point out that these actions are an anomaly and not to be expected.

It looks like we need a change.

Yes,change we can believe in.

Problem is that here in Jersey City they are expected and not the anomaly. The trouble starts at the top and is permeating a good deal of the administration. It is only a problem when the average resident makes the same "mistdake". Please do not infer fom this post that I am suggesting that drunk driving is acceptable behavior for either group, only that some groups think that they are immune from the consequences of their actions.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 22:09

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2008/12/18 20:51
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We have to remember that the boozefog politicians and their hangers-on with a predilection toward self destruction are the very same who have us, the people, on a crash course to civic doom. We must call them out at every turn in order for civic responsibilty be returned to us. Go to the One Block parade on the 17th and watch their behavior.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 19:11

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/19 19:23
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Looks like Healy and City Hall are on a Booze Cruise and no one is steering the ship.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 17:29

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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GrovePath wrote:
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You can stick your fingers down your throat or just drink a bunch of alcohol (Like in City Hall) if you wanna make yourself puke.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 15:18

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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Posted on: 2009/3/9 15:10

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Chop off the head and the body will die. (Hint: Healy is the head). Shake it up. Levin 09'.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 15:06

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2005/5/11 19:17
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Charon wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
Purcell gets drunk at a Healy function - who gave her the liquor, was she getting paid by the city to attend - is there a rule about being drunk during paid working events, how many charges will she have and finally will the cops notify her insurance company that she was drunk when she hit the other cars?

A city employee getting paid to attend a political event ? Are you nuts ?!

Purcell was not using a City vehicle or on City work time. Augie Torres is a low-life. I'll be glad when the JJ closes so I won't have to read his crap any more.

Ms. Purcell was driving drunk and you call Augie Torres a low life? I hope that they throw the book at her and that she gets help with her alcohol problem. Why do these folks that apparently have close ties to City Hall want the JJ to go away? When the cats away the mice will play!
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Posted on: 2009/3/9 14:26

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2007/1/2 21:05
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Purcell gets drunk at a Healy function - who gave her the liquor, was she getting paid by the city to attend - is there a rule about being drunk during paid working events, how many charges will she have and finally will the cops notify her insurance company that she was drunk when she hit the other cars?

A city employee getting paid to attend a political event ? Are you nuts ?!

Purcell was not using a City vehicle or on City work time. Augie Torres is a low-life. I'll be glad when the JJ closes so I won't have to read his crap any more.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 13:44

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2008/4/21 1:07
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jcecker, jcecker, jcecker following your train of thought if a teacher went out and had the same type of incident the superintendant of school would be responsible for the teachers conduct outside the scope of the teachers employment. Or, lets say a businessman cracks up a car while dui or gets arrested with drugs it would be the corporation CEO who is responsible. People are responsible for their own conduct.

I call BS.

While the superintendent or CEO may not be legally responsible for the teacher or businessman, they do represent a larger organization who is their employer and as such, have an obligation to reflect positively on that org.

As the 'employer' of Healy and Co., I find this repetitive behavior not befitting the positions I've collectively employed them in, and as such will be 'firing' them come election day.

I hope my fellow 'board member' (taxpayers) do the same.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 13:18

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?

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2009/2/21 0:04
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2009/4/4 10:44
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jcecker wrote:
What the heck is going on with local Jersey City government
and all these alcohol involved stories.Just like in private industry, it's the same in government, leadership starts at the top.If local officials see their leaders abuse alcohol then
they will be more apt to think it is acceptable.The problem then perpetuates itself.

Mayor Healy has been known to use alcohol and even to have been involved in an incident in southern New Jersey a couple of years ago where he was arrested and convicted during a altercation with the local police.During his trial I believe he talked about using alcohol before the incident.I don't know how much was used but even if 1 ounce impaired his judgement then that is too much.

The point is that even though public officials are people too and can succumb to the same problems as anyone else they need to be held to a higher standard because they represent all of us.Their actions have a ripple effect on the
people they govern and represent.Their constituents can lose faith in them and so feel they are not represented by a competent government.

Imagine a teacher conducting a social studies class and following current events in the local newspaper.Imagine these students so frequently coming across irresponsible actions by government officials.I can only hope that the teacher would point out that these actions are an anomaly and not to be expected.

It looks like we need a change.

Yes,change we can believe in.

jcecker, jcecker, jcecker following your train of thought if a teacher went out and had the same type of incident the superintendant of school would be responsible for the teachers conduct outside the scope of the teachers employment. Or, lets say a businessman cracks up a car while dui or gets arrested with drugs it would be the corporation CEO who is responsible. People are responsible for their own conduct.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 12:42

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2009/1/30 14:45
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2009/5/12 9:14
From Jersey City,nj
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What the heck is going on with local Jersey City government
and all these alcohol involved stories.Just like in private industry, it's the same in government, leadership starts at the top.If local officials see their leaders abuse alcohol then
they will be more apt to think it is acceptable.The problem then perpetuates itself.

Mayor Healy has been known to use alcohol and even to have been involved in an incident in southern New Jersey a couple of years ago where he was arrested and convicted during a altercation with the local police.During his trial I believe he talked about using alcohol before the incident.I don't know how much was used but even if 1 ounce impaired his judgement then that is too much.

The point is that even though public officials are people too and can succumb to the same problems as anyone else they need to be held to a higher standard because they represent all of us.Their actions have a ripple effect on the
people they govern and represent.Their constituents can lose faith in them and so feel they are not represented by a competent government.

Imagine a teacher conducting a social studies class and following current events in the local newspaper.Imagine these students so frequently coming across irresponsible actions by government officials.I can only hope that the teacher would point out that these actions are an anomaly and not to be expected.

It looks like we need a change.

Yes,change we can believe in.

Posted on: 2009/3/8 15:25

Re: Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Purcell gets drunk at a Healy function - who gave her the liquor, was she getting paid by the city to attend - is there a rule about being drunk during paid working events, how many charges will she have and finally will the cops notify her insurance company that she was drunk when she hit the other cars?

Should we be all forgiving ? What if she had killed some-one, like Healy's nephew or cousin (forgot which one) who was a JC cop ?

Posted on: 2009/3/8 12:05
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
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2005/5/11 19:17
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Political Insider: Healy fundraiser was filled with drama, but was there enough cash?
by The Jersey Journal
Saturday, March 07, 2009

A t first glance, Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy's Feb. 24 fundraising event at Casino in the Park did not seem like much to write about, but was I wrong.

In the last column I hinted at some classic Hudson activity at the fund-raiser. I apologize for the cryptic nature of the item. Let's explain a bit more about what I meant when "one woman hit the floor" when the name of Hudson County Republican Chairman Jose Arango's name was mentioned.

Arango's estranged wife showed up at the function and got into a very loud altercation with three women, city employees. It seems the missus was openly accusing either the trio or one-third of the group of having concupiscent meetings with Jose. The loud histrionics drew the attention of most everyone in the catering hall. One of the three surprised women hit the floor after allegedly (proper word usage in case there is a lawsuit) being shoved during this Jerry Springer moment.

To avoid being called a Lothario, Arango said he stayed away from the Healy affair. "I thought she might show up there," he said of the Casino incident. In fact, the GOP chairman has been absent from ribbon cuttings and other public events for the past four months, about when the couple separated.

Yeah, I know. It is strange for a Republican showing up in support of a Democratic mayor - but it is a nonpartisan election. Still, the mayor's campaign literature labels him "Healy the Democrat." Everyone running for mayor is a Democrat. Last time he ran, it was important for Healy to constantly associate himself with Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. The intent is obvious.


Soon after Healy's fund-raiser was ending, Alice T. Purcell, director of Jersey City pensions, was arrested, finger-printed and photographed and then issued a summons for driving while intoxicated, according to police.

At about 11:10 that evening, police were sent Downtown to the 300 block of Sixth Street in response to a motor vehicle accident. They found that a Chevy Impala driven by Purcell had struck two parked cars.

When the officers asked for her license, registration and insurance, they noticed that her speech was slurred, eyes were glassy and breath smelled of alcohol. It is not known if they ever saw her documents because her age is listed as "approximately 47."

In an attempt to administer a sobriety field test, police described the city director as unable to stand without leaning on the vehicle and failed to walk a straight line without assistance. While Purcell refused a blood test, a blood sample was taken at the Jersey City Medical Center to evaluate her condition. The results are not known. After she received treatment, police tried and failed three times to get a breath test reading.

City Hall officials said the car she was driving did not belong to the municipality. Would there be any discipline?

"After the legal issues are resolved with the arrest, the city will review this matter," said Jennifer Morrill, a city spokeswoman.

There seems to be a familiar local governmental theme to all this. The headlines seem to be full of public servants afflicted by "a simple voluntary madness."


Another observation about the Healy fund-raiser is simply this: There were not enough funds collected to make anyone on the mayor's re-election camp happy.

The big difference between the incumbent and his closest rival, former Assemblyman Louis Manzo, is that the mayor is spending like an open water faucet.

Those constant Cable TV ads about how Healy's administration is providing big change and lowering crime must be costing about $70,000 a week. At that rate, you could estimate that somewhere between $600,00 and $700,000 of a $1 million-plus war chest has already been spent.

This is why the Casino in the Park event was very important. Healy sources say they hoped for a $500,000 evening. The need was so great that administration honchos and honchettes put the big squeeze on city workers to buy tickets and the effort was resented by people who are worried about the economic crisis and their finances.

In the end, expectations fell short. Sources say the kitty was somewhere between $135,00 and $150,000. It is a nice piece of change, but not enough for what is becoming an expensive campaign.

Yet, while Healy is spending like Obama, Manzo has yet to break out of the Jack Benny mold. OK, about $45,000 was initially spent to open six clubs, one in each ward.

Some say that the challenger is cash challenged and ready to fold. Others say that even his campaign advisor, New York-based Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf, has abandoned him because Manzo has not paid his bills.

Manzo's camp said the ex-assemblyman is still a Sheinkopf client. As for expenditures, they say polls are still being done. They add that Healy's spending patterns show panic. "Who does mailers this early in a campaign?" said one spokesman for Manzo, referring to a recent "Change you can see" bulk (about $35,000) mailing by the mayor.

Still, no doubt Manzo and company would prefer the money situation was reversed.


- I asked column readers if they knew who turned 50 last month and was the youngest person elected to the Jersey City City Council? C'mon, you knew it was Hudson County Freeholder Bill O'Dea.

O'Dea won his seat in 1985 and was sworn in at age 26 and 4 months. Former Mayor Gerry McCann became a councilman at age 27 and 3 months. Downtown Councilman Steven Fulop comes in third youngest, but I'd have to guess his age was 27 and 10 months. How'd I do, Steven?

- Councilman Bill Gaughan was at his fundraising event Thursday evening, a few days after getting banged up after a fall at home. Certainly he was buoyed by the presence of school board candidate Sean Connors, who bought a pair of tickets. Which reminds me - how come Healy is not using the McCann-is-with-Manzo defense this year?

- A most curious development in this race is not so much that Manzo selected the Rev. Ron-Calvin Clark to run on his ticket as the Ward F candidate who will challenge Councilwoman Viola Richardson. And, it is not that Clark had once run for the same post on a Healy ticket, only to lose to Richardson. It is that sources say Clark's campaign manager is Robert Mays, chief of staff to state Sen. Sandra Cunningham, who is expected to endorse Richardson. Close to election day, there is strong indications that the senator will give Healy some kudos. ... 23641078471200.xml&coll=3

?2009 Jersey Journal

Posted on: 2009/3/8 4:19

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