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Re: Jersey City police chief: Fulop devised 'illegal' operation to snarl traffic at Holland Tunnel
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Or he could have simply refused to do it, which is what he did. That is why he was fired.

Posted on: 2014/7/12 15:43

Re: Jersey City police chief: Fulop devised 'illegal' operation to snarl traffic at Holland Tunnel
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Just can't stay away

To this day we dont know what these best practices are. Stand by while they fabricate some.

Posted on: 2014/7/12 15:17

Re: Jersey City police chief: Fulop devised 'illegal' operation to snarl traffic at Holland Tunnel
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Just can't stay away

FULOPGATE moves into high gear. Cant wait to see this play out and blow up in pajama boy fulops face!

Posted on: 2014/7/12 3:39

Re: Jersey City Business Administrator - Jack Kelly
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Just can't stay away

Must be and think of all the money Asbury Park must have saved since us saps in Jersey City are paying for his lifetime health benefits and 94g pension for his 3 years of service he gave us. ... e_benefits_from_city.html

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:54

Re: Cop causing havoc on the Blvd
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Just can't stay away

Spooked some drivers? Shouldn't have been driving so fast and they wouldn't have been spooked. Consciousness of guilt?
heights wrote:
A few years back I've seen a cop on Rt. 440 near the Bayonne border half kneeling down on one knee aiming a radar gun as if he was going to shoot someone. It spooked some drivers making them practicaly loose control of their senses. As a matter of fact this was written in the opinion section of the JJ. Haven't seen this practice since then. [/quote]

Posted on: 2013/8/13 13:50

Re: Cop causing havoc on the Blvd
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Just can't stay away

Simple math: Cop doing 25 mph and stopping for red lights cant catch speeder doing 50 mph who is disregarding red lights. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that while he is going after the traffic violator he observes due caution and circumspection. While you assume that he is on a power trip.

sepecat wrote:
A cop on blvd doing traffic stops is on a power trip... I don't care about the traffic stops, but I care about how he does it. He guns his engine, runs red light (no lights and sirens) to catch whoever he caught. Then there's the peeling out u-turn..

Whoever this cop is should be respectable of the laws he's trying to enforce.


Posted on: 2013/8/12 19:32

Re: Jack Kelly works for JC 3 years, retires with a $94k JC pension and benefits for life
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Just can't stay away

If this is what it takes to get rid of him so be it. Don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!


JCMan8 wrote:
Why are Jersey City taxpayers stuck paying this enormous bill? ... e_benefits_from_city.html

Posted on: 2013/8/6 14:20

Re: Jersey City Shootings
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Just can't stay away

You could start a neighborhood watch like they have in Sanford Fla. Wait a minute maybe that is not such a good idea you will end up getting prosecuted by the state or feds for looking out for your neighbors if anything goes amiss.

Posted on: 2013/7/17 3:12

Re: Possible Gang War?
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Just can't stay away

LimpiarElSucio wrote:
Its really sad how many shooting we have in JC. I bet Healy was touting crime stats at the fundraiser too[/quote

Yeah right before he was rudely interrupted he was talking about his successful gun buy back program. he successfully collected lots of guns from law abiding citizens who were willing to turn in the civil war relics in the backs of their closets. The criminals don't turn in their guns!

Posted on: 2013/5/14 0:52

Re: Star Ledger endorses Fulop in JC contest
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Just can't stay away


WeBelongHere wrote:
Keep dreaming FULOP FOOLS! You are as Full-of-It as Stevie-boy.

Team Healy is deploying AN ARMY from now through Tuesday to show you who REALLY owns the city. Then maybe you'll go back to wherever it is you came from and let us take care of business.

We salute you, MAYOR HEALY!

Yes I was out driving today and I saw both of them!

Posted on: 2013/5/14 0:23

Re: Ex-mayor McCann's letter: Fact-checking Healy's boasts
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Just can't stay away

Well said Gerry!

Posted on: 2013/5/14 0:20

Re: Woman shot outside Gerry Meyers fundraiser (Ward B candidate) yesterday
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Just can't stay away

$75K bail in shooting outside campaign event for Jersey City mayor's candidate

Rahmed Jones appears in court via video link from Hudson County jail. (Anthony J. Machcinski/The Jersey Journal)
Print By Anthony J. Machcinski/The Jersey Journal
Follow on Twitter
on May 13, 2013 at 5:19 PM, updated May 13, 2013 at 5:22 PM


Bail was set at $75,000 cash or bond for a Jersey City man charged with shooting a woman outside of a bar that was hosting a campaign event for one of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy's council candidates.

Rahmed Jones, 24, of Jersey City, made his first court appearance via video link from Hudson County jail. Jones is charged with aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose.

Around 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Jones, who had a handgun behind his back, began shooting toward the intersection of Mallory and Clarke avenues, outside the PNK tavern where Ward B candidate Gerald Meyers was holding a meet-and-greet.

Healy was in attendance, as were other members of his slate, including Councilwoman at large Viola Richardson at the event.

The 47-year-old victim -- who was attending the campaign event -- was struck by a stray bullet. She was taken to Jersey City Medical Center and treated for a wound to her chest. She was released from the hospital early Sunday morning, JCMC spokesman Mark Rabson said.

Jones was arrested in Hillside and brought back to Jersey City at 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

"This is an unfortunate example of the senseless violence that occurs when the intentional mass production of handguns and the reckless distribution of such weapons winds up in the hands of persons whose only intent is to commit crime," Healy said in a statement.

Posted on: 2013/5/14 0:02

Jersey City Can't afford more of Healy!
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Just can't stay away

Jersey City can't afford more of Healy, says letter author
Print By Letters to the Editor/The Jersey Journal
on May 02, 2013 at 6:01 AM, updated May 02, 2013 at 6:09 AM

Since Mayor Jerramiah Healy took office in 2005, our municipal property taxes have gone up 92 percent, which averages 13.12 percent per year! Yikes!
Then on top of that, the city's gross debt is up $107.2 million, from 2005 through December 2012, according to the latest available public data. That's a 14 percent annual increase. Another yikes!
The city is in debt to the tune of $896.4 million, and for what? This guy is going to bankrupt us. He's spending to the tune of an additional 27 percent per year and it's coming out of your pocket!
Maybe that's why he requested a reval, to camouflage next year's massive tax increase, if he gets elected.
The only people I can even fathom voting for Healy are resident city employees in no show or do little jobs. We can't afford more of Jerramiah Healy. As a 30-year resident,

I say NO to Healy and vote YES for Fulop.

Posted on: 2013/5/8 2:36

Re: Removal of Fulop Signs is ridiculous
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Just can't stay away

Corrupt? I dont see Fulops face anywhere on the FBI tapes!


PBW wrote:

vanvorst wrote:
I just pulled a big "CORRUPT" sticker off of a Fulop sign near Hamilton Park.

I also pulled a big "Corrupt" sticker off the center of my neighbor's sign. Saw a couple on 8th street that were closer to the door (I would have to go up the stoop) that I didn't get. If you have a Fulop sign you might want to double check it. The stickers are the same colors, blue and white.

Ironic given the campaign that is most likely doing it.

Posted on: 2013/5/7 22:53

Re: Healy cries "foul!" - sues for defamation
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Just can't stay away

I suppose Healy will be submitting this tape as evidence that he had no idea what was going on.


neverleft wrote:
Below is the FBI video that Fulop took his commercial from. This is the one where Dwek asked to be on top of the pile and also the one where Dwek tells Healy how much money he is giving before . Also hopes to see him after the election.

In this video towards the end Beldini gives a lesson on how to break up the money so it could be funneled back to the Mayor when needed. Funny in this one Cheatham is telling Dewk to watch how he talks money with.

** *
I know Healy never touched any cash but how did he not get indicted along with the rest of his crooked team ? It is clear he knows that Dwek is asking for favors. Dwek is asking to be put on the top of the pile. Healy even corrects Dwek when he says bottom, Healy says you mean top.

Posted on: 2013/5/7 22:50

Re: Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight
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Just can't stay away

Police recover Mayor Healys stolen towel after 3 brazen harlots use it in dance party.


Yahoo wrote:
3 female culprits found

Posted on: 2013/5/6 4:02

Re: Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2013/5/6 3:02

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Just can't stay away

Well then JCCheerleader we are essentially on the same page.

Definitely not, especially if the thief offers to pay after getting caught. I'm just saying that if Dwak made the offer to Healy and Healy didn't turn him in, then he's definitely guilty of wrongdoing. He didn't seem surprised or worried when his people were getting arrested. That's because he already had a plan. Did you notice he seemed to defend his Deputy Mayor even after she was arrested, saying something along the lines of, 'She's been a family friend and we don't believe she could do something like this'. I think he is a master manipulator because he had people believing that all of this (the sting) probably wasn't true when all the while he had first hand knowledge of it having happened.[/quote]

Posted on: 2013/5/6 1:15

Re: Fulop signs being placed on houses without owner consent
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Just can't stay away

The opposition takes down and destroys or relocates the signs to either 1). Diminish public perception of how well your candidate is doing (because perception is reality); or 2). relocate the sign to somewhere that would cause the public perception of your candidates judgement as to the appropriate place for signage is called into question (i.e. fences belonging to churches, cemeteries, religious statues or other venerated objects). These tactics have been used by the Hudson County Democratic Organization for decades long before Steve Fulop and the rest of his interlopers arrived on the scene.


Susan_N wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:
Take photos of these and post here with the location (street name will suffice).

I love OneSkirt's posts. And I totally agree with this one, but there's no photo to be taken if the sign is gone. Ours was stolen Saturday night. We've requested a new one, but I think they're running low. We had noticed many Fulop signs in our Lafayette neighborhood over the last few weeks, but a stroll around the neighborhood today indicated that most of them are gone -- I'm guessing stolen like ours because who would take down a political sign that you asked for before the election. Sad.

Posted on: 2013/5/6 1:06

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Just can't stay away

If Healy was the informant then Healy and not Dwek would have been wearing the wire and making the film. The FBI wouldn't normally ask the targets of their investigation to wear the wire. Assuming for the moment that he later had a change of heart and renounced his part in the conspiracy after he was caught and co-operated with the FBI as another poster queries, does this make him any more suitable to be our Mayor? By way of analogy is a thief who steals merchandise from a store any less of a thief because he offers to pay for the merchandise after he is caught?


JCCheerleader wrote:

Yahoo wrote:
You can draw your own conclusions as you see fit. I suspect (and this is just speculation you must admit the tape is pretty damning) that maybe they were missing some element of the crime that would have made the case provable beyond a reasonable doubt. However; when making judgements outside of a court of law we are not restrained by the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. When deciding who will lead the city for the next four years a common sense standard will do.


JCCheerleader wrote:
So Yahoo, doesn't this mean, as any of us who knows right from wrong would know, that when Healy continued the conversation in the diner after Dwak offered a bribe, didn't report it, and didn't direct his administration how to handle it, in effect let it happen, then he himself committed a crime on several counts? Kind of makes you wonder about how he got away with it. As much as I hate to say it out loud as I'm not a fan of our drunken, exhibitionistic Mayor, it looks to me like he was the one who turned them in.

I think the tape doesn't show enough. Since we're speculating here, if Healy was the informant, would he have been at the diner? Or could he have witnessed what he witnessed at the diner and then reported it, which would have gotten him off the hook? And if Healy wasn't the informant, then who was? I've always wondered how he didn't get arrested along with the rest of them considering what he was witness to. His being the informant is kind of the only explanation. Maybe I'm wrong because he never took claim to being the informant. I imagine that he will if he was, as a way to save himself from losing this race.

Posted on: 2013/5/6 0:28

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

You can draw your own conclusions as you see fit. I suspect (and this is just speculation you must admit the tape is pretty damning) that maybe they were missing some element of the crime that would have made the case provable beyond a reasonable doubt. However; when making judgements outside of a court of law we are not restrained by the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. When deciding who will lead the city for the next four years a common sense standard will do.


JCCheerleader wrote:
So Yahoo, doesn't this mean, as any of us who knows right from wrong would know, that when Healy continued the conversation in the diner after Dwak offered a bribe, didn't report it, and didn't direct his administration how to handle it, in effect let it happen, then he himself committed a crime on several counts? Kind of makes you wonder about how he got away with it. As much as I hate to say it out loud as I'm not a fan of our drunken, exhibitionistic Mayor, it looks to me like he was the one who turned them in.

Posted on: 2013/5/5 19:12

Re: Healy orders Fulop campaign to stop running ads featuring Dwek
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Just can't stay away

Revised 9/11/06
(N.J.S.A. 2C:30-2)
The State alleges that defendant has committed official misconduct by the following
A public servant is guilty of official misconduct when, with
purpose to obtain a benefit for himself or another or to injure or to
deprive another of a benefit:
a. He commits an act relating to his office but
constituting an unauthorized exercise of his official
functions, knowing that such act is unauthorized or
he is committing such act in an unauthorized
manner; or
b. He knowingly refrains from performing a duty
which is imposed upon him by law or is clearly
inherent in the nature of his office.
So, for (defendant) to be guilty of official misconduct, the State must prove each of the
following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:
(1) That the defendant was a public servant at the relevant time(s);
(2) That he/she committed an act relating to his/her office knowing that it was
unauthorized [OR committed the act in an unauthorized manner
knowing that the manner was unauthorized] [OR knowingly
refrained from performing a duty which is imposed upon him/her by
law or which is clearly inherent in the nature of his/her office]; and
(3) That his/her purpose in so acting [OR refraining] was to benefit
himself/herself or another or to injure or deprive another of a benefit.
First, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that (defendant) was a public
servant when the offense allegedly occurred. A public servant is any officer or employee of
(N.J.S.A. 2C:30-2)
government, including any branch, subdivision, or agency of this State or any locality within it.1
Second, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that (defendant) committed an
act relating to his/her office [OR committed the act in an unauthorized manner] [OR
refrained from performing an act required to be performed as part of his/her office]. The
"act" in question must relate to the public servant's office. The commission of the act [OR the
refraining from performing the act] must constitute an unauthorized exercise of his/her official
The public servant must know that the act [OR refraining from performing the
act] was unauthorized or that the act [OR refraining] was done in an unauthorized manner. For
an act to be related to a public servant?s office it must be connected to his/her official duties. An
act is not connected to a public servant?s official duties merely because a public servant performs
the act.
An act is ?unauthorized? if it is committed in breach of some prescribed duty of the
public servant?s office. This duty must be official and non-discretionary, imposed upon the
public servant by law (such as statute, municipal charter or ordinance) or clearly inherent in the
nature of his/her office. The duty to act must be so clear that the public servant is on notice as to
the standards that he/she must meet. In other words, the failure to act must be more than a
failure to exhibit good judgment. In addition, the State must prove that (defendant) knew of the
existence of his/her non-discretionary duty to act prior to the incident in question.3
Not every
unauthorized act committed by a public servant rises to the level of official misconduct; an
unauthorized act amounts to official misconduct only if the public servant knew at the time that
his/her conduct was unauthorized and unlawful.
As to (defendant?s) alleged conduct, the State must prove that there was a clear duty
See N.J.S.A. 2C:27-1. Definitions. In Chapters 27 through 30, unless a different meaning plainly is
required: b."Government" includes any branch, subdivision or agency of the government of the State or any locality
within it; g. "Public servant" means any officer or employee of government, including legislators and judges, and
any person participating as juror, advisor, consultant or otherwise, in performing a governmental function, but the
term does not include witnesses.
An "act" may be unauthorized because it is declared to be such by statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or
The New Jersey Penal Code - Volume II: Commentary (2C:30-2). Subsection b, the "omission to act"
element refers to a public servant who consciously refrains from performing an official non-discretionary duty,
which duty is imposed upon him by law or which is clearly inherent in the nature of his office. In addition, the
public servant must know of the existence of such non-discretionary duty to act. Thus, such duty must be either one
that is imposed by law, or one that is unmistakably inherent in the nature of the public servant's office, i.e., the duty
to act is so clear that the public servant is on notice as to the standards that he must meet. In other words, the failure
to act must be more than mere breach of good judgment. Absent a duty to act, there can be no conviction.
(N.J.S.A. 2C:30-2)
imposed on (defendant) to act [OR to refrain] as alleged. That is to say, there must have been a
body of knowledge, such as applicable law, by which (defendant) could regulate and determine
the legality of his/her conduct. One cannot be convicted of official misconduct if the official
duties imposed are themselves unclear. So, if you conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that
(defendant) was required to act [OR to refrain] by statute, rule, or regulation, and he/she failed
to do so, this element will be satisfied.
The act(s) [OR refraining] in question need not be criminal in nature. Proof of a
criminal act is not required to find (defendant) guilty of this offense.4
As you know, (defendant) is charged with other criminal offenses. The State alleges that
these other offenses constitute the basis for the charge of official misconduct. You must consider
each charge separately, based on the evidence produced in support of that charge. The defendant
may be found guilty of official misconduct, even where he/she is acquitted of the underlying
criminal charge, if the State has proven his/her guilt of official misconduct beyond a reasonable
A person acts knowingly as to the nature of his/her conduct or the attendant
circumstances if he/she is aware that his conduct is of that nature, or that such circumstances
exist, or he/she is aware of a high probability of their existence. One acts knowingly as to a
result of his/her conduct if he/she is aware that it is practically certain that his/her conduct will
cause such a result. One acts knowingly if one acts with knowledge, if one acts consciously, if
one comprehends his/her acts.
A state of mind is rarely susceptible of direct proof, but must ordinarily be inferred from
the facts. Therefore, it is not necessary that the State produce witnesses to testify that an accused
said that he/she had a certain state of mind when he/she engaged in a particular act. It is within
your power to find that such proof has been furnished beyond a reasonable doubt by inference
which may arise from the nature of his/her acts and his/her conduct, and from all he/she said and
did at the particular time and place, and from all the surrounding circumstances.
Third, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the act [OR refraining] in
question was done purposely to benefit either (defendant) or another, or to harm, injure or
State v. Parker, 124 N.J. 628 (1991), cert. denied, 509 U.S. 939 (1992).
(N.J.S.A. 2C:30-2)
Page 4 of 4
deprive another of a benefit. Benefit means a gain or advantage, or anything regarded by the
beneficiary as a gain or advantage, including a pecuniary benefit or a benefit to any other person
or entity in whose welfare he/she is interested. Harm means loss, disadvantage, or injury, or
anything so regarded by the person affected, including loss, disadvantage, or injury to any other
person or entity in whose welfare he/she is interested. Here, the State alleges that the benefit is
A person acts purposely with respect to the nature of his/her conduct or a result thereof if
it is the person?s conscious object to engage in conduct of that nature or to cause such a result. A
person acts purposely with respect to attendant circumstances if he/she is aware of the existence
of such circumstances or the individual believes or hopes that they exist. One acts purposely if
one acts with design, with a purpose, with a particular object, if he/she really means to do what
he/she does.
A state of mind is rarely susceptible of direct proof, but must ordinarily be inferred from
the facts. Therefore, it is not necessary that the State produce witnesses to testify that an accused
said that he/she had a certain state of mind when he/she engaged in a particular act. It is within
your power to find that such proof has been furnished beyond a reasonable doubt by inference
which may arise from the nature of his/her acts and his/her conduct, and from all he/she said and
did at the particular time and place, and from all the surrounding circumstances.
In conclusion, if the State has proven each element beyond a reasonable doubt, you must
find (defendant) guilty of official misconduct. On the other hand, if the State has failed to prove
any element beyond a reasonable doubt, you must find him/her not guilty.
If the State has proved each element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt, you must
determine the fair market value of the benefit involved. The State must prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that the value of the benefit involved [IF APPROPRIATE, ADD: for each
specific instance concerning which you have reached a verdict of guilty] exceeds $200.

Posted on: 2013/5/5 15:00

Re: Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I'd like to know exactly how old these "three Hispanic girls, young kids" were that Mayor Healy wrapped a towel around himself and went to investigate. ?So I go out on the porch and they (3 young kids) pulled the towel off me. Now I start laughing, and then they started doing other stuff. I said, ?I?m old enough to be your grandfather.??? What other stuff? ?It was filthy,? he says. ?I chased them away, and I just sat down.? Now most other people would have put their pants on before going outside to investigate suspicious circumstances on their property. Most other men of his age would have objected long before three young Hispanic girls young enough to be his grand children did "filthy" things to him before he chased them away. Instead, Mayor Healy laughs while this is going on. So I ask myself three questions. Question 1: Was this contact consensual? or Question 2: If not, did Mayor Healy forget to report this crime? Question 3: Is this story true, a willful lie, the product of too much alcohol, or the ravings of a complete lunatic? In any of these cases the man is obviously not fit to be the mayor of the great City of Jersey City.


The pressure may be getting to Healy, because he seems to be losing a step.

Take the naked photo incident. At the time, Healy acknowledged he had been drinking and said he could not remember what happened. Last week he offered a new version of the story with a bizarre sexual twist.

Now he says three young women woke him by banging trash cans outside his house, so he rose from bed, wrapped a towel around himself, and went to investigate.

Take the naked photo incident. At the time, Healy acknowledged he had been drinking and said he could not remember what happened.
?Three Hispanic girls, young kids,? he says. ?So I?So I go out on the porch and they pulled the towel off me. Now I start laughing, and then they started doing other stuff. I said, ?I?m old enough to be your grandfather.??? go out on the porch and they pulled the towel off me. Now I start laughing, and then they started doing other stuff. I said, ?I?m old enough to be your grandfather.???

What other stuff?

?It was filthy,? he says. ?I chased them away, and I just sat down.?

And that, he says, is when a political enemy snapped the photograph. Why he would be changing this story now, in the final stretch of the campaign, is anyone?s guess.

Posted on: 2013/5/5 14:06

Re: Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I seem to remember the naked story explanation at the time was that he had a diabetic reaction from drinking alcoholic beverages. I certainly hope for Jerrys' sake that this new explanation is true and that he just forgot what happened that night and it just came back to him while he sat on a bar-stool "rapidly nearing that psychic land from which few travelers return, the land in which facts are the products of wishes, in which friends betray and in which an asylum chair may be the throne of God." (Sigmund Freud on President Woodrow Wilson)

Posted on: 2013/5/5 13:16

Re: Fulop signs being placed on houses without owner consent
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Just can't stay away

Old Hudson County Democratic Organization trick. Kidnap a few Fulop signs and put them in places that lack good taste, give the appearance of disrespect for other peoples property or other irreverent location. Don't be fooled by these Healy campaign tactics. They will stoop to any low to maintain their grip on power!


dmark526 wrote:
Has anyone else run into problems with the Fulop campaign team attaching signs to properties without the owner's consent? This has happened on a couple of houses that I know of in the Heights. One elderly lady was actually hurt trying to remove the sign.

I witnessed one sign being put up at around 10pm and the owners removed it the next day.

Gotta love good old fashioned Jersey City politics!

Posted on: 2013/5/5 12:58

Re: BOE emails - no there there?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I was referring to the Fulop introduction e-mails only. We are in complete agreement on the Healy/Dwek introductions.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 12:46

Re: BOE emails - no there there?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Only in Jersey City politics could someone making introductions and suggesting alternatives be construed as detrimental to the decision making process. These school board members were elected to make these decisions and Mayor Healy suggests that there is something wrong with pointing out alternatives. Heaven forbid they should weigh alternatives and make changes to the way they used to be done under Healy!

Posted on: 2013/4/28 22:10

Re: Old Guard Sees Threat in Youthful NJ Urban Influx
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Just can't stay away

I wonder which one the author was referring to when she referred to political corruption, crime, fiscal mismanagement, and industrial pollution. Couldn't be Fulop because as Healy says he is a relative newcomer an interloper. Oh, by the way he is also talking about most of us on this forum. Many of us are relative newcomers and interlopers too. We should keep our noses out of it so that the status quo remains unchanged and the same people can remain in power.


MightyOz wrote:
National media story: Old Guard Sees Threat in Youthful NJ Urban Influx

By KATIE ZEZIMA Associated Press Apr 14, 2013, 12:08 PM
To many longtime Jersey City residents, there's no better mascot than their mayor, a colorful veteran of the region's rough-and-tumble politics who released an album of Christmas classics while in office.

But there's a relative newcomer giving the mayor a run for his money in a race that embodies the changes happening as young urbanites flock to northern New Jersey, looking for some relief from New York City's oppressive rents while still living in an urban area in its orbit.

The campaign between 62-year-old Jerramiah Healy and 36-year-old Steven Fulop personifies the gentrification playing out in cities across the country, from California's Bay Area to New York City, as young, mostly white professionals priced out of certain areas build new lives ? and in some places a new political culture ? amid swaths of the old guard.

Perhaps no place displays the tension as acutely as this slice of northern New Jersey, where political shenanigans have long been a fact of life ? one that newcomers see a chance to change.

"This is indicative of a larger trend. I really think because of housing prices, cheap urban areas are kind of ripe for gentrification," said Brigid Harrison, a professor of political science at Montclair State University. "And as gentrification occurs, there becomes that subsequent change in political leadership."

In Jersey City, a place long plagued by political corruption, crime, financial mismanagement and industrial pollution, the newcomers have settled in gleaming new buildings around the newly developed waterfront. It's where financial companies including Goldman Sachs have put down stakes, creating a Wall Street West.

Others have moved into brownstones around a New Jersey-New York subway station, where some old-timers occasionally yell out to the "yuppies," or using a term that Jersey City natives have adopted, "interlopers."
"I've been around a long time, and Steve is a relative newcomer," [Healy] said. When asked why people should vote for him, Healy said touted reduced crime and increased development and park space.

"If it isn't broke, don't fix it," Healy said.

In an interview at his campaign headquarters, its walls painted with Jersey City landmarks, Fulop, a former Marine who moved to Jersey City shortly after graduating college and was elected to the City Council in 2005, said he cares deeply about quality of life in Jersey City and it doesn't matter whether he was born and raised here.

"I think there's a culture in this administration that's an acceptance of mediocrity," Fulop said. "I think people in this city want results, and Jersey City is at a real crossroads not only for the next four or eight years, but how it's going to be defined for a generation."

Posted on: 2013/4/15 15:44

Re: Jersey City mayor, teachers union warn of layoffs if opposition wins
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I suppose if you ad Mr. Grecos public pension to his JCEA salary he probably doesn't shop at Pathmark or use too many coupons either!


Stringer wrote:
Jersey City mayor, teachers union warn of layoffs if opposition wins

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
April 12, 2013 at 4:00 PM

A proposal by the Jersey City school district to outsource substitute teachers is becoming an issue in the May 14 mayoral race, with Mayor Jerramiah Healy and the local teachers union warning workers that their jobs will be on the line if Healy loses.

At a meeting this week at the Jersey City Education Association office on Kennedy Boulevard, a meeting that was advertised as mandatory for some union members, JCEA President Ron Grecco and Healy painted an ugly portrait of what the school system would become under a Mayor Steven Fulop.

Fulop, the Downtown councilman, is challenging Healy for the mayoralty on May 14.

?This is life or death for us,? Grecco told the workers on Tuesday, according to a recording of the meeting obtained by The Jersey Journal. ?These people are here to do us harm.?

Healy, who is seeking his third full term, joined in, saying Fulop and state education officials plan to bring in people ?from who knows where? to take the place of current school workers.

?A lot of people in this room, in this city are going to be unemployed,? the mayor said.

Grecco said that teacher?s aides, custodians and other workers are all at risk.

Schools Superintendent Marcia V. Lyles, who took helm of the district last year with the support of Fulop and the opposition of Healy, said the district is seeking a company that could supply additional substitute teachers. But any suggestion that the district plans to outsource teacher?s aides, custodians or other workers is false, Lyles said.

?It is not true at all,? she said. ?That?s not true."

Fulop, who has been criticized by the Healy camp for his active involvement in school issues, decried Grecco?s and Healy?s comments at Tuesday?s union meeting.

"I do not support privatization, and the mayor continues to spread lies to create fear in order to protect himself,? Fulop said. ?To be clear, there is only one person that I am looking to relieve of their job and that is Mayor Healy for his poor performance, not anyone in the school district"

The JCEA has endorsed Healy and the mayor?s council slate. At the Tuesday meeting, Grecco, while saying he ?respects? Fulop, took a number of digs at the councilman?s supposed wealth.

?God bless the people that can take 18-month sabbaticals from their job to prepare to run for a mayoral election,? said Grecco, who makes about $100,000 annually according to payroll records. ?People that are in that earning category, they don?t understand what it?s like to go to Pathmark ? he doesn?t know what a coupon is.?

Fulop, a former Wall Street trader who indeed took about a year off to run for mayor, called Grecco?s statement ?lies.?

"My immigrant family owned a deli in Newark, I enlisted in the Marine Corps to serve, worked my way through college and it is shameful that Healy and Ron are resorting to lies to protect themselves,? he said. ... _heal_9.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2013/4/15 14:58

Re: Mariano Vega is out of jail and back in J.C.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Just in time for Mayor Healy to appoint him to the Jersey City Ethical Standards Board!

Posted on: 2013/4/12 15:03

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