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Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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Meanwhile, 7 years later, Trump found out the real ACA for the first time:

President-elect Donald Trump is already signaling that he might backpedal on his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, telling the Wall Street Journal Friday that he?d consider hanging onto popular Obamacare provisions such as ?the prohibition against insurers denying coverage because of patients? existing conditions, and a provision that allows parents to provide years of additional coverage for children on their insurance policies.?

?I like those very much,? he said. Three days into his transition, and it looks like the real estate tycoon is becoming a politician. ... dy-waffling-on-obamacare/


TheBigGuy wrote:
We need to hope that the democrats stick their heads deeper in their butts tomorrow by returning Nancy Pelosi back to her well deserved Minority Leader post.

At 77, she brightens the democrats future with her lean forward thinking style. Her legislative savvy, passing meaningful legislation is inspiring.

I always get choked remembering that moment when the democrat house majority unanimously passed ACA. Her first words in victory were " You have to pass the bill to find out what is in it!"

Posted on: 2016/11/30 4:31

Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/5/12 22:51
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We need to hope that the democrats stick their heads deeper in their butts tomorrow by returning Nancy Pelosi back to her well deserved Minority Leader post.

At 77, she brightens the democrats future with her lean forward thinking style. Her legislative savvy, passing meaningful legislation is inspiring.

I always get choked remembering that moment when the democrat house majority unanimously passed ACA. Her first words in victory were " You have to pass the bill to find out what is in it!"

Posted on: 2016/11/30 3:33

Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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Awesome This is good news.

Will he also move the manufacturing of Trump merchandise from overseas back to the USA?

Trump The Hypocrite: Investing Overseas Fine For Him ... ine-for-him/#36b95121936b



JCMan8 wrote:
Trump reached a deal with Carrier to save 1,000 U.S. jobs. Obama and Hillary wouldn't have lifted a finger.

Not even in office yet and he's already Making America Great Again!

Posted on: 2016/11/30 3:15

Re: Trump Our New President
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2012/11/10 20:38
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Trump reached a deal with Carrier to save 1,000 U.S. jobs. Obama and Hillary wouldn't have lifted a finger.

Not even in office yet and he's already Making America Great Again!

Posted on: 2016/11/30 2:44

Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20
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Monroe wrote:
One notable bill that Senator Hillary Clinton co-sponsored was the Flag Protection Act, which made burning our flag punishable by a year in jail and a $100,000 fine.


oops indeed, but still unconstitutional no matter how many laws are passed.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 18:43

Re: Trump Our New President
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One notable bill that Senator Hillary Clinton co-sponsored was the Flag Protection Act, which made burning our flag punishable by a year in jail and a $100,000 fine.


Posted on: 2016/11/29 18:26

Re: Trump Our New President
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stillinjc wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

hero69 wrote:
so, now the Scumbag-elect is saying that there should be consequences for burning the american flag. is he not familiar with the fact that people have the right to burn the flag; the supreme court decided this.

The general message I see from Trump supporters is, if you don't like then get the f**k out here and move to Canada or Cuba. It's like they forgot one of the core founding principles of this country.

Bullshit. It is the lefties who keep yammering about moving out. Me, I'd like you to stay. I am certainly enjoying your long faces and your despair. Eight years of entertainment!

Eight years? Presumptuous...

Posted on: 2016/11/29 17:43

Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20
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stillinjc wrote:
Bullshit. It is the lefties who keep yammering about moving out. Me, I'd like you to stay. I am certainly enjoying your long faces and your despair. Eight years of entertainment!

I guess we're are both entitled to our opinions then.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 17:25

Re: Trump Our New President
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2011/11/28 22:22
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:

hero69 wrote:
so, now the Scumbag-elect is saying that there should be consequences for burning the american flag. is he not familiar with the fact that people have the right to burn the flag; the supreme court decided this.

The general message I see from Trump supporters is, if you don't like then get the f**k out here and move to Canada or Cuba. It's like they forgot one of the core founding principles of this country.

Bullshit. It is the lefties who keep yammering about moving out. Me, I'd like you to stay. I am certainly enjoying your long faces and your despair. Eight years of entertainment!

Posted on: 2016/11/29 16:33

Re: Trump Our New President
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2007/9/24 22:26
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Monroe wrote:

JCman24 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Meanwhile, maybe you shouldn't put a radical anti-Semite, Muslim Brotherhood promoting fella as the head of the DNC!

It's possible to be not anti-Semitic (even Jewish) and be critical of Israel. Since when do you care about Jews?

I grew up in a mostly Jewish neighborhood, and many of my closest friends are Jews.

But when I read that Breitbart is alt-right and pro-Nazi, it cracks me up-Breitbart conceived Breitbart News while on a trip to Israel, he and his co-founder were Jewish, and one of Breitbart's platform is to support Israel. Sure sounds like a bunch of neo-Nazis to me!

And yes, you can be somewhat critical of Israel with being anti-Semitic-as you can be critical of Obama without being racist, but tell that to any Democrat and they'll dispute it.

So much sudden concern for anti-semitism from folks whose cars are plastered with "Free Palestine" stickers all over town. Being anti zionist contradicts your concerns for the Jewish people. Republicans have traditionally been kinder to Israel then the left. As a jew, I find Breitbart to be less threatening then MotherJones and The Salon (dare I say it, even NPR as of late)...because at least the readers of the former know to take this info with a grain of salt.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 14:36

Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20
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hero69 wrote:
so, now the Scumbag-elect is saying that there should be consequences for burning the american flag. is he not familiar with the fact that people have the right to burn the flag; the supreme court decided this.

The general message I see from Trump supporters is, if you don't like then get the f**k out here and move to Canada or Cuba. It's like they forgot one of the core founding principles of this country.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 14:11

Re: Trump Our New President
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2004/11/14 2:38
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so, now the Scumbag-elect is saying that there should be consequences for burning the american flag. is he not familiar with the fact that people have the right to burn the flag; the supreme court decided this.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 13:07

Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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Thanks! I am already enjoying it - the longer the better. Just like W, it was a good ride - Trump will be awesome .

Yuuugggggeee! Can't wait for the next installment of SNL

Posted on: 2016/11/29 4:27

Re: Trump Our New President
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2011/11/28 22:22
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AlexC wrote:
Breitbart! hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

The finest news source, only second to The Onion


stillinjc wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:

AlexC wrote:

This is the man you guys adore and want to be president.


Trump is an ass and so was Hillary - Nothing was rigged - The system is what it is and Trump won - This ass will be your president but I'm going abroad ... The US has progressively gone down hill since Dwight D. Eisenhower left office after WW2 and the ugly side of politics and capitalism took over.

Go. Cuba will take you.

by MILO28 Nov 2016632

I?ve just had a brilliant idea for Hollywood celebrities and other leftist nincompoops dreading the coming presidency of Trump. Virtue-signalling celebs, it?s time to pack your bags for sunny Cuba!
A wide variety of entertainers (I use the term loosely) and other left-leaning Americans announced during the run-up to the election that they would leave the country if Donald Trump won the presidency.

It has become something of a standard campaign ploy for the Democrats; they actually think they can shock voters into choosing their candidate by posing the question: ?How can America survive without Alec Baldwin??

Of course this election the stakes were even higher. More famous people than ever banded together in their opposition of Donald Trump, promising to flee the Trump reign of terror. They screeched about it desperately to anyone who would listen.

This is where things get complicated. You see, none of the lefties thought Trump had a chance in hell of winning. They bought into the bogus polls and the biased news programs and the useless Nate Silvers: the real ?fake news.?

Expatriation plans are a liberal?s favorite political gesture, full of symbolism but devoid of real intent, with only the slightest chance of causing harm to the speaker?s pampered existence and jaded worldview.

A social justice warrior crying wolf? Say it ain?t so!

To the typical actor, threatening to leave the United States over the election was just another set of lines to read. Like Sith Lords, hobbits, and people who find Lena Dunham sexually attractive, the prospect of Donald Trump winning the election was supposed to remain horrifying but entirely fictional.

Here?s where things get amusing ? or awkward, depending on your point of view.

The celebrities in question almost uniformly threatened to move to white countries. Very white countries. Even Snoop said he?d go to South Africa ? the whitest of all African nations.

Imagine the ego it takes to call working-class Americans racist while you plan to move to Canada if your candidate loses.

If it wasn?t Canada, it was New Zealand, Australia and other lily-white, English-speaking countries. It turns out that the Hollywood Left is more racist than those high-level Nazis who settled in South American compounds after fleeing Germany. At least Hitler?s generals were fine living next to brown people.

Of course leftists like Lena Dunham don?t know their history; they are too busy calling everyone involved with the Trump campaign Nazis to have learned anything about the actual National Socialists. They use ?Nazi? as a stand-in for ?vaguely conservative.?

Why couldn?t some of these egomaniacs at least have promised to move to the United Kingdom or France, which are quickly becoming unrecognizable thanks to Muslim immigration?

As you?d expect, none of the famous people who threatened to leave the country are in a rush to do so. Some have stayed mum. Others have already explained away their threats ? and called anyone who mocked them ?disgusting.?

Amy Schumer claims her plans to leave were a joke. If that is true, it might be her first original zinger in years.

Because I care so deeply about all people, even those so misguided as to disagree with me, I?ve put all of my brainpower into helping Hollywood solve this problem. I think I have the perfect plan. Would you expect anything less?

American celebrities should move to Havana. Think of all the advantages Cuba has! Easy access to the United States for work, or when being surrounded by the human misery bred by communism gets a bit much. Cher could even charter a luxury cruise ship and claim to be a Cuban boat person.

If Hollywood types are already treated like royalty, imagine the way they will be treated by the unimaginably poor residents of Cuba that have suffered under decades of Castro rule? They?d become gods among men, which is how the Hollywood elite prefer to think about themselves already anyway.

Cuba, like any communist country, already has some level of comfort for those wealthy and politically-connected enough to afford it. Celebrities would be set up with a secure compound so the only Hispanics they had to interact with on a regular basis would be their housekeepers, cooks and chauffeurs ? just like Canada, but with better weather!

There could be career advantages to being in Cuba, too. Dunham is no stranger to using relatives to her own advantage, and Cuba could help her do it again. Imagine Lena past her prime (i.e., the moment she was conceived) letting a relative escape to Florida, only to be brought back to Cuba in dramatic fashion like Elian Gonzalez.

Yes, there are some rough edges. Havana would need a massive number of Starbucks franchises and better 4G connectivity for all the ?look at me with poor brown people? selfies.

They?d also need to open several raw vegan restaurants, where the entr?es cost more than the average Cuban makes in a year. Most celebrities would frown on driving a Volkswagen Beetle from the sixties, but this is likely to be a temporary sacrifice until the Tesla dealership opens.

These are just minor details, of course. Let the commies solve them so long as iPhones still work.

Cuban politics follows a twisted sort of logic that is perfect for liberals. These famous left-wing Americans are the people who defend Islam because it suits their political purposes. So they will surely have no problem moving to a leftist country whose former leader (I?m glad he?s dead) shipped gays off for re-education.

Most importantly, there is a huge vacuum of VIPs in Cuba following the death of Fidel. Have you ever known a Hollywood celebrity to resist a chance to become even more famous and beloved?

I suspect following this article?s publication, the Cuban government?s immigration system will crash just like Canada?s did, and Hollywood leftists will call their acting coaches to practice saying ??Viva la Revoluci?n!?

The rest of us will get by with a simple ?Adios.?

Follow Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Hear him every Friday on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show. Write to Milo at

Better get used to it. It will be front and center for the next 8 years. Enjoy! :)

Posted on: 2016/11/29 4:06

Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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Breitbart! hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

The finest news source, only second to The Onion


stillinjc wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:

AlexC wrote:

This is the man you guys adore and want to be president.


Trump is an ass and so was Hillary - Nothing was rigged - The system is what it is and Trump won - This ass will be your president but I'm going abroad ... The US has progressively gone down hill since Dwight D. Eisenhower left office after WW2 and the ugly side of politics and capitalism took over.

Go. Cuba will take you.

by MILO28 Nov 2016632

I?ve just had a brilliant idea for Hollywood celebrities and other leftist nincompoops dreading the coming presidency of Trump. Virtue-signalling celebs, it?s time to pack your bags for sunny Cuba!
A wide variety of entertainers (I use the term loosely) and other left-leaning Americans announced during the run-up to the election that they would leave the country if Donald Trump won the presidency.

It has become something of a standard campaign ploy for the Democrats; they actually think they can shock voters into choosing their candidate by posing the question: ?How can America survive without Alec Baldwin??

Of course this election the stakes were even higher. More famous people than ever banded together in their opposition of Donald Trump, promising to flee the Trump reign of terror. They screeched about it desperately to anyone who would listen.

This is where things get complicated. You see, none of the lefties thought Trump had a chance in hell of winning. They bought into the bogus polls and the biased news programs and the useless Nate Silvers: the real ?fake news.?

Expatriation plans are a liberal?s favorite political gesture, full of symbolism but devoid of real intent, with only the slightest chance of causing harm to the speaker?s pampered existence and jaded worldview.

A social justice warrior crying wolf? Say it ain?t so!

To the typical actor, threatening to leave the United States over the election was just another set of lines to read. Like Sith Lords, hobbits, and people who find Lena Dunham sexually attractive, the prospect of Donald Trump winning the election was supposed to remain horrifying but entirely fictional.

Here?s where things get amusing ? or awkward, depending on your point of view.

The celebrities in question almost uniformly threatened to move to white countries. Very white countries. Even Snoop said he?d go to South Africa ? the whitest of all African nations.

Imagine the ego it takes to call working-class Americans racist while you plan to move to Canada if your candidate loses.

If it wasn?t Canada, it was New Zealand, Australia and other lily-white, English-speaking countries. It turns out that the Hollywood Left is more racist than those high-level Nazis who settled in South American compounds after fleeing Germany. At least Hitler?s generals were fine living next to brown people.

Of course leftists like Lena Dunham don?t know their history; they are too busy calling everyone involved with the Trump campaign Nazis to have learned anything about the actual National Socialists. They use ?Nazi? as a stand-in for ?vaguely conservative.?

Why couldn?t some of these egomaniacs at least have promised to move to the United Kingdom or France, which are quickly becoming unrecognizable thanks to Muslim immigration?

As you?d expect, none of the famous people who threatened to leave the country are in a rush to do so. Some have stayed mum. Others have already explained away their threats ? and called anyone who mocked them ?disgusting.?

Amy Schumer claims her plans to leave were a joke. If that is true, it might be her first original zinger in years.

Because I care so deeply about all people, even those so misguided as to disagree with me, I?ve put all of my brainpower into helping Hollywood solve this problem. I think I have the perfect plan. Would you expect anything less?

American celebrities should move to Havana. Think of all the advantages Cuba has! Easy access to the United States for work, or when being surrounded by the human misery bred by communism gets a bit much. Cher could even charter a luxury cruise ship and claim to be a Cuban boat person.

If Hollywood types are already treated like royalty, imagine the way they will be treated by the unimaginably poor residents of Cuba that have suffered under decades of Castro rule? They?d become gods among men, which is how the Hollywood elite prefer to think about themselves already anyway.

Cuba, like any communist country, already has some level of comfort for those wealthy and politically-connected enough to afford it. Celebrities would be set up with a secure compound so the only Hispanics they had to interact with on a regular basis would be their housekeepers, cooks and chauffeurs ? just like Canada, but with better weather!

There could be career advantages to being in Cuba, too. Dunham is no stranger to using relatives to her own advantage, and Cuba could help her do it again. Imagine Lena past her prime (i.e., the moment she was conceived) letting a relative escape to Florida, only to be brought back to Cuba in dramatic fashion like Elian Gonzalez.

Yes, there are some rough edges. Havana would need a massive number of Starbucks franchises and better 4G connectivity for all the ?look at me with poor brown people? selfies.

They?d also need to open several raw vegan restaurants, where the entr?es cost more than the average Cuban makes in a year. Most celebrities would frown on driving a Volkswagen Beetle from the sixties, but this is likely to be a temporary sacrifice until the Tesla dealership opens.

These are just minor details, of course. Let the commies solve them so long as iPhones still work.

Cuban politics follows a twisted sort of logic that is perfect for liberals. These famous left-wing Americans are the people who defend Islam because it suits their political purposes. So they will surely have no problem moving to a leftist country whose former leader (I?m glad he?s dead) shipped gays off for re-education.

Most importantly, there is a huge vacuum of VIPs in Cuba following the death of Fidel. Have you ever known a Hollywood celebrity to resist a chance to become even more famous and beloved?

I suspect following this article?s publication, the Cuban government?s immigration system will crash just like Canada?s did, and Hollywood leftists will call their acting coaches to practice saying ??Viva la Revoluci?n!?

The rest of us will get by with a simple ?Adios.?

Follow Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Hear him every Friday on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show. Write to Milo at

Posted on: 2016/11/29 4:00

Re: Trump Our New President
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2011/11/28 22:22
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

AlexC wrote:

This is the man you guys adore and want to be president.


Trump is an ass and so was Hillary - Nothing was rigged - The system is what it is and Trump won - This ass will be your president but I'm going abroad ... The US has progressively gone down hill since Dwight D. Eisenhower left office after WW2 and the ugly side of politics and capitalism took over.

Go. Cuba will take you.

by MILO28 Nov 2016632

I?ve just had a brilliant idea for Hollywood celebrities and other leftist nincompoops dreading the coming presidency of Trump. Virtue-signalling celebs, it?s time to pack your bags for sunny Cuba!
A wide variety of entertainers (I use the term loosely) and other left-leaning Americans announced during the run-up to the election that they would leave the country if Donald Trump won the presidency.

It has become something of a standard campaign ploy for the Democrats; they actually think they can shock voters into choosing their candidate by posing the question: ?How can America survive without Alec Baldwin??

Of course this election the stakes were even higher. More famous people than ever banded together in their opposition of Donald Trump, promising to flee the Trump reign of terror. They screeched about it desperately to anyone who would listen.

This is where things get complicated. You see, none of the lefties thought Trump had a chance in hell of winning. They bought into the bogus polls and the biased news programs and the useless Nate Silvers: the real ?fake news.?

Expatriation plans are a liberal?s favorite political gesture, full of symbolism but devoid of real intent, with only the slightest chance of causing harm to the speaker?s pampered existence and jaded worldview.

A social justice warrior crying wolf? Say it ain?t so!

To the typical actor, threatening to leave the United States over the election was just another set of lines to read. Like Sith Lords, hobbits, and people who find Lena Dunham sexually attractive, the prospect of Donald Trump winning the election was supposed to remain horrifying but entirely fictional.

Here?s where things get amusing ? or awkward, depending on your point of view.

The celebrities in question almost uniformly threatened to move to white countries. Very white countries. Even Snoop said he?d go to South Africa ? the whitest of all African nations.

Imagine the ego it takes to call working-class Americans racist while you plan to move to Canada if your candidate loses.

If it wasn?t Canada, it was New Zealand, Australia and other lily-white, English-speaking countries. It turns out that the Hollywood Left is more racist than those high-level Nazis who settled in South American compounds after fleeing Germany. At least Hitler?s generals were fine living next to brown people.

Of course leftists like Lena Dunham don?t know their history; they are too busy calling everyone involved with the Trump campaign Nazis to have learned anything about the actual National Socialists. They use ?Nazi? as a stand-in for ?vaguely conservative.?

Why couldn?t some of these egomaniacs at least have promised to move to the United Kingdom or France, which are quickly becoming unrecognizable thanks to Muslim immigration?

As you?d expect, none of the famous people who threatened to leave the country are in a rush to do so. Some have stayed mum. Others have already explained away their threats ? and called anyone who mocked them ?disgusting.?

Amy Schumer claims her plans to leave were a joke. If that is true, it might be her first original zinger in years.

Because I care so deeply about all people, even those so misguided as to disagree with me, I?ve put all of my brainpower into helping Hollywood solve this problem. I think I have the perfect plan. Would you expect anything less?

American celebrities should move to Havana. Think of all the advantages Cuba has! Easy access to the United States for work, or when being surrounded by the human misery bred by communism gets a bit much. Cher could even charter a luxury cruise ship and claim to be a Cuban boat person.

If Hollywood types are already treated like royalty, imagine the way they will be treated by the unimaginably poor residents of Cuba that have suffered under decades of Castro rule? They?d become gods among men, which is how the Hollywood elite prefer to think about themselves already anyway.

Cuba, like any communist country, already has some level of comfort for those wealthy and politically-connected enough to afford it. Celebrities would be set up with a secure compound so the only Hispanics they had to interact with on a regular basis would be their housekeepers, cooks and chauffeurs ? just like Canada, but with better weather!

There could be career advantages to being in Cuba, too. Dunham is no stranger to using relatives to her own advantage, and Cuba could help her do it again. Imagine Lena past her prime (i.e., the moment she was conceived) letting a relative escape to Florida, only to be brought back to Cuba in dramatic fashion like Elian Gonzalez.

Yes, there are some rough edges. Havana would need a massive number of Starbucks franchises and better 4G connectivity for all the ?look at me with poor brown people? selfies.

They?d also need to open several raw vegan restaurants, where the entr?es cost more than the average Cuban makes in a year. Most celebrities would frown on driving a Volkswagen Beetle from the sixties, but this is likely to be a temporary sacrifice until the Tesla dealership opens.

These are just minor details, of course. Let the commies solve them so long as iPhones still work.

Cuban politics follows a twisted sort of logic that is perfect for liberals. These famous left-wing Americans are the people who defend Islam because it suits their political purposes. So they will surely have no problem moving to a leftist country whose former leader (I?m glad he?s dead) shipped gays off for re-education.

Most importantly, there is a huge vacuum of VIPs in Cuba following the death of Fidel. Have you ever known a Hollywood celebrity to resist a chance to become even more famous and beloved?

I suspect following this article?s publication, the Cuban government?s immigration system will crash just like Canada?s did, and Hollywood leftists will call their acting coaches to practice saying ??Viva la Revoluci?n!?

The rest of us will get by with a simple ?Adios.?

Follow Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Hear him every Friday on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show. Write to Milo at

Posted on: 2016/11/29 3:48

Re: Trump Our New President
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AlexC wrote:

This is the man you guys adore and want to be president.


Trump is an ass and so was Hillary - Nothing was rigged - The system is what it is and Trump won - This ass will be your president but I'm going abroad ... The US has progressively gone down hill since Dwight D. Eisenhower left office after WW2 and the ugly side of politics and capitalism took over.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 3:45
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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2020/1/27 22:17
From Hamilton Park
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Here's a good one:

Trump claims the election is rigged, then maybe he was really not the winner?

Does Trump do Irony? ... nia-election-fraud-231880

No evidence in New Hampshire. Unfounded in Virginia. Unsubstantiated in California.

Elections officials representing the three states where Donald Trump alleged there was ?serious voter fraud? during the Nov. 8 election have all unequivocally rejected the president-elect?s allegations.

?We have heard claims like this in the past, relative to our elections, but we have been provided no evidence that suggests that there is voter fraud on a widespread scale in New Hampshire,? David Scanlan, New Hampshire?s deputy secretary of state, told POLITICO in a phone interview Monday.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:57

Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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Yes ! You won! I'm glad - then I can be on the funny side, as I remember during W's era!

Thank You!


Monroe wrote:

AlexC wrote:
Yuuugeee! ahahahahahahah:

He campaigned in NY - and New Yorkers treated him like a Leper

California? fuggedaboutit

You're dreaming, bro

Wow, you do know who won, right, bro?

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:53

Re: Trump Our New President
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2006/9/14 18:57
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I'm going to have so much fun ridiculing your president! This is going to be my sport - tormenting the likes of you!


I thought W was a gift, Trump is the mother of all Christmas presents!


JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

AlexC wrote:
Yuuugeee! ahahahahahahah:

He campaigned in NY - and New Yorkers treated him like a Leper

California? fuggedaboutit

You're dreaming, bro

Wow, you do know who won, right, bro?

I have a feeling AlexC will be engaging in a temper tantrum for the next 8 years.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:52

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:

AlexC wrote:
Yuuugeee! ahahahahahahah:

He campaigned in NY - and New Yorkers treated him like a Leper

California? fuggedaboutit

You're dreaming, bro

Wow, you do know who won, right, bro?

I have a feeling AlexC will be engaging in a temper tantrum for the next 8 years.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:42

Re: Trump Our New President
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AlexC wrote:
Yuuugeee! ahahahahahahah:

He campaigned in NY - and New Yorkers treated him like a Leper

California? fuggedaboutit

You're dreaming, bro

Wow, you do know who won, right, bro?

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:27

Re: Trump Our New President
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Yuuugeee! ahahahahahahah:

He campaigned in NY - and New Yorkers treated him like a Leper

California? fuggedaboutit

You're dreaming, bro

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:04

Re: Trump Our New President
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He won a huuuuuuge mandate. The popular vote is insignificant, because if that was the decider he would've campaigned differently. As it was, he beat Hillary even though she outspent him TWO TO ONE!

And, again, since 2009 his party has gained in the Senate, House, Governor seats, state legislatures, and soon the Supreme Court.

Stolen votes? Yeah, it's not like the Democrats haven't stolen elections before. Does Jersey City's Mayor Hague ring a bell?

Posted on: 2016/11/29 2:02

Re: Trump Our New President
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Your President says the "election is rigged" and he's going to lose. The he wins the Electoral votes and the presidency and declares we should honor the Democratic process and this is the "time to heal"

The Green Party asks for a recount and he flips out, tweeting it's a sham. Democrats support the recount and all of this money is privately raised.

He then (ahahahahaha) tweets that 3 million aliens voted illegally and if this was a popular vote contest he would win (ahahahah), saying the elections were corrupt.

Do you see the danger in this?

1 - He is implying the US voting system is corrupt, and 3 million non-citizens could vote. No evidence. No history. totally delusional.

2 - He is now implying the system that elected him was rigged. Is he assuming all of those 3 million "illegals" voted democratic? Racist.

3 - He lost the popular vote, therefore the mandate. He cannot stand this - it's his character, he can't lose, he's the best (like some of the posters here, I won't name names, you know who you are) and any kind of slight or dissent cannot be tolerated. Losing the popular vote by 2.2 million really rankles his ego.

This is the man you guys adore and want to be president.


Posted on: 2016/11/29 1:54

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Castro never said it but it's still funny.
Resized Image

Posted on: 2016/11/29 0:00

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How Cuba runs its affairs is Cuba's business. It is not a US colony

Posted on: 2016/11/28 0:31

Re: Trump Our New President
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CatDog wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Guess you've had your head in the sand for the past several decades.

Back on planet Earth, the extremely "progressive" Prime Minister of Canada reacted with "deep sorrow" to the death of "Cuba's longest serving President," who was a "remarkable leader."

A very bad year for the Democrats indeed. ... an-president-fidel-castro

I ask for examples of Fide Castro being the "favorite dictator" of Democrats and you give me Justin Trudeau. This might come as a shock to you, but the Prime Minister of Canada is not a part of the US Democratic party. Do you have anything to actually back up your claim?

Here you go... the first democrat to "normalize" relations.... ... bers-fidel-castro-fondly/

Which consequently lead to this...

Essentially Castro bitch slapping Carter (which happens a lot to democrat adminstrations) .... just as Castro Brothers did to Obama by sending his plane to some obscure part of the Havana airport and not showing up to greet the US President.

Off course letting up sanctions did nothing but push more Cubans into boats to escape that Castro regime... And here is how Clinton sold out the political refugees..,_dry_feet_policy

Can you connect the dots now???? But Pope Francis loves the murderous brothers.

Posted on: 2016/11/27 18:35

Re: Trump Our New President
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JCMan8 wrote:
Guess you've had your head in the sand for the past several decades.

Back on planet Earth, the extremely "progressive" Prime Minister of Canada reacted with "deep sorrow" to the death of "Cuba's longest serving President," who was a "remarkable leader."

A very bad year for the Democrats indeed. ... an-president-fidel-castro

I ask for examples of Fide Castro being the "favorite dictator" of Democrats and you give me Justin Trudeau. This might come as a shock to you, but the Prime Minister of Canada is not a part of the US Democratic party. Do you have anything to actually back up your claim?

Posted on: 2016/11/27 17:34

Re: Trump Our New President
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Guess you've had your head in the sand for the past several decades.

Back on planet Earth, the extremely "progressive" Prime Minister of Canada reacted with "deep sorrow" to the death of "Cuba's longest serving President," who was a "remarkable leader."

A very bad year for the Democrats indeed. ... an-president-fidel-castro

Like TRUMP, Fidel Castro had supporters - They will be mourning his death in Cuba for 9 days, while others are celebrating his death in Florida.

Not just Florida... it is my understanding that there was some celebrating in the Cuban communities just north of JC. A progressive friend of mine posted a mild RIP tribute... friends thought it was a joke at first.

I think it was the comments of mutual friend who wrote about the torture of her grandfather by the regime. It just disappeared...

The poster friend is in a profession that requires a specialized education, logic and reason... I guess it is true that progressives are guided by a feel good impulse, not reason, at least in this instance.

Posted on: 2016/11/27 13:59

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