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Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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| ... do-shooter-105927115.html
WH still bound and determined to make Orlando a Gay on Gay killing to distract people from seeing BHO's leadership failures dealing with this global Islamic Jihad. "Poor Muslim Ambiguously Gay Guy" tried so hard to be accepted in the homo-phobic Islamic world and seeking love in all the wrong places in the US. I wonder if he was a Batchi Batchi boy back in Afghanistan. BTW. In this article, there are great tips on identifying Gay Guys.... stuff like "You might be Gay if you spend to much time in front of a mirror. Enjoy!
Posted on: 2016/6/15 16:08
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Sounds like everyone is exercising their free speech... Not such a terrible thing...
Posted on: 2016/6/15 16:03
Dos A Cero
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Dear MDM:
Home schooling and the catacombs might be one solution. Talking honestly and reasonably and in a civil matter to preserve the public square so that private values can be cultivated is my tactic now. But its probably a losing battle. Two vignettes: a junior boy, academically talented and heading to an Ivy who is also an athlete, posts on his Facebook, a down with gay marriage message. As a result, the all the girls in the junior class band together to denounce the "hater" and to shun him. So much for dialogue! Vignette number two: a Muslim hajiib wearing girl who is a senior is accepted into a Ivy League school with a full scholarship for next year. One of her teachers says to her: "Don't you love this country?" The girl stares at the teacher and says: "No, I despise this country." Mao
Posted on: 2016/6/15 15:55
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Sounds like you are making a case for home schooling.
Posted on: 2016/6/15 15:40
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Mao wrote: Orlando has nothing to do with homophobia but is merely yet another in an endless string of Islamic inspired terror and mayhem that flows from the very heart of the religion (which is really an ideology not a religion at all). Quote: Mao also wrote: Tolerance is a one way street in this town of closing churches. i?ro?ny (??r?-n?, ???r-) n. pl. i?ro?nies a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning: "the embodiment of the waspish don, from his Oxbridge tweeds to the bone-dry ironies of his speech and prose" (Ron Rosenbaum).
Posted on: 2016/6/15 15:06
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Dear Brewster:
You are half correct. Christianity, from Judaism, strongly condemns homosexual acts and strictly reserves sexual intimacy for the marital act (heterosexual intercourse) open to procreation. The edicts of Moses and the Torah and the prophets were explicated in natural law terms by Christian theologians. And it is true that this understanding was enshrined in civil law so that there were penalties for homosexuality. This was the law in the United States, a formerly Christian nation, with had been resoundingly endorsed by our Supreme Court as recently as the 1980s in Bowers v. Hardwick. Indeed, it was inconceivable for our grandparents that homosexuality would be tolerated, let alone celebrated. As Winston Churchill, an English aristocrat, a class not unfamiliar with homosexuality said: ?You might as well legalize sodomy as recognize the Bolsheviks.? Homosexuality was illegal in Christendom from the conversion of Constantine until recently. My impression was that it was most often considered a matter for Confession and repentance rather than punishment by the civil authorities. Islam, see my previous post, is in some ways more tolerant of male homosexuality in practice than Christianity or Judaism, having a strongly misogynistic cast and no concept of natural law. Orlando has nothing to do with homophobia but is merely yet another in an endless string of Islamic inspired terror and mayhem that flows from the very heart of the religion (which is really an ideology not a religion at all). I hate Trump but the way Orlando is being covered has, for the first time, given me some insight as to why Trump resonates with a certain group of disaffected people. It is wonderful to raise children in a City where people of all differing beliefs get along. However, I have three children who have been in private, public and charter schools. All of these environments are rabidly anti Christian and in an ignorant manner. Any divergence from the party line which is anti-Christian, anti Western, pro gay, pro promiscuity, pro abortion, pro euthanasia, is met with disdain and social opprobrium. Love of country is mocked as is its history and anyone willing to praise it and sacrifice for it. Tolerance is a one way street in this town of closing churches. Yours, Mao.
Posted on: 2016/6/15 14:59
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Oh please.... the Daily News is now reporting Facebook posts as news? So file a police report of harassment. A "white man" pushing a baby stroller won't be hard to find on video surveillance. This story fits right in with last month's Daily News report about the Muslim woman who slashed her own face and then reported to police that a "white man" did it at the corner of Wall Street and Broadway at 2:00 in the afternoon. Police quickly debunked yet suckers like you fell right into line blaming Trump. Deport the both of them for inciting a race riot.
Posted on: 2016/6/15 11:49
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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I doubt that guy is part of Trump's inner circle, lol.
Posted on: 2016/6/15 11:39
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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A group of F train riders said ?eff that? to a man harassing two women wearing hijabs the morning after the Orlando shooting.
Commuter Amaira Hasan says she was riding from Jamaica, Queens, to her job in Manhattan around 8 a.m. Monday when an aggressive straphanger came onto a packed car at Jackson Heights and started berating two Muslim women riding together. The 25-year-old told the Daily News that she could hear through her headphones the unidentified white man ? wheeling a baby in a stroller ? telling the women that they were terrorists. ?The man insisted that the two women go back home and take their bombs with them,? Hasan wrote in a Facebook post that has gone viral and been shared more than 23,000 times. However, a diverse group of passengers on the train were not pleased with the outburst of racism during their morning commute and immediately confronted the harasser, she said. Despite being told to stop, the man continued a rant about how ?Donald Trump is right? and railed against the welfare system and undocumented immigrants. Trumps America
Posted on: 2016/6/15 11:04
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Trump doesn't have a problem with Mexicans, only those who enter our country illegally and commit crimes. Trump does share, with President Carter (who denied entry to many Muslims and deported others) that we need to get a grip on exactly who's entering our country.
If we had a problem with illegal Canadians, and Trump built a wall, would he be bigoted against Caucasians? Nope.
Posted on: 2016/6/15 10:14
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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2011/11/28 22:22 Last Login : 2024/9/8 19:51 From Jersey City yo!
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Condemning homosexual acts and executing homosexuals as a matter of policy is a little different, dont'ya think? Islam does that.
Posted on: 2016/6/15 4:15
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Rev. Alexander Santora/For the Jersey Journal
What amazes me about the New Jersey Republican Primary earlier this month was that 356,697 people voted for Donald Trump. Granted, John Kasich and Ted Cruz were out of the race yet still on the ballot. But do people even hear what Trump says? His words of exclusion towards Muslims and Mexicans, for example, have consequences. And local Muslims and interfaith leaders and clergy are responding not with similar words of hate, but solidarity and hope. "He is unbelievable," said Miriam Abassi a leader in the North Hudson Islamic Center since 1999. She described his words as "very ridiculous and insulting to the Muslim community." And she said that since most Muslim women wear the hijab or headdress, they are easy targets. More
Posted on: 2016/6/15 3:30
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Research would be nice, but congress will not fund it. ... ing-lifted-two-years-ago/ Quote:
Posted on: 2016/6/15 0:28
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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I agree whole heartedly about the mental healthcare. That is really the root problem to these teenage murders. More research needs to be done to understand what would make a person walk into Mall and randomly shoot innocents. This is far different then some monster inspired by some twisted ideology. A good start was the bullying campaigns put into the schools.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 22:58
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Maybe because it is an EVIL ISALMIST PLOT, called Jihad and it is happening all over the world. It is a war against Non-Islamic Cultures and they intend to dominate the world. They say plainly and clearly to the world and stupid people do not believe them even as they continue to knock airplanes out of the skies.
quote] hero69 wrote: Quote:
Posted on: 2016/6/14 22:52
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Just to throw something out here, why doesn't the debate also include the subject of mental health care? How many of these rampages had severe and intractable mental illness at their very foundations? How many of these individuals were unable to receive adequate treatment or were on meds (or suddenly off meds) that increased their violent and suicidal ideologies? We just have to look around on our own streets to see the suffering of those with mental conditions. Families are unable to commit these individuals to secure facilities because of relaxed mental health legislation. And doctors are easy to throw drugs at the problem - but it often takes a long and very complex period of time to get someone's symptoms under control with the right cocktail of pharmaceuticals (which often carry a burden of debilitating side effects). Reporter Kate Masters notes; "Suicide accounts for more than two-thirds of the 32,000 firearms deaths the United States averages every year. Or, to come at the issue a different way: Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for Americans aged 15 to 34, and more than 50 percent of cases involve guns. (source) The Orlando shooter was unstable, abusive, apparently on steroids in the past, and quite possibly from a questionable home. He exhibited many symptoms early on of a personality disorder. But yet, he was untreated, as far as anyone knows. Approximately 21,333 people die each year due to suicides using a firearm (41,149 total suicides per the CDC). And many think "radical Islam" is still our biggest problem. The problem is right in front of our eyes, on our shores, right here.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 22:46
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Posted on: 2016/6/14 22:14
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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WSJ Story
In his Oval Office remarks, Mr. Obama also urged people considering how to respond to the attacks to avoid an ?either/or? debate about terrorism or gun control and instead to consider addressing both. The WH political machine has kicked into full gear to protect the Noble Peace Prize winner. Of course he wants the people to address both issues at the same time. That leads to chaotic heated discussions (see JC LIST) which result in little or nothing getting done on gun control or terrorism. The national chaos also offers cover for his leadership deficiencies. If we were to look at his record on gun control and terrorism separately people would see how ineffective he has been as a leader of the people. An excellent apologist though? As for Jarrett, Plough and the rest of the WH Crew? it is all about political expediency to protect what is left of his presidential legacy. The mass murder of his key constituents due to his neglect is not the best way to leave office. So today the media lapdogs are promoting the Orlando story as a Gay on Gay killing to whitewash the obvious connections to Islamic terror. And gun control will slide to the back page until the next killings where the WH will be praying it is someone with a driving a pickup truck with Trump bumper sticker.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 22:04
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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We might have a better shot at these animals if Obama was half as angry and outraged at Islamic terrorists as he sounded today talking about Americans who don't agree with his policies.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 22:00
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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You are so incredibly and deeply ignorant of western history. It wasn't very long ago gays were arrested just for being gay in the US & Britain. Alan Turing, father of modern computing, was sentenced in the 50's to be poisoned, "chemically castrated", just for being gay. This was not that long ago, not the Spanish Inquisition. About the same time Jews were not welcomed in "polite society", See the film "Gentleman's Agreement". Never mind, God forbid, dark skinned people from anywhere on earth having civil rights here. These are the "good old days" Trump supporters yearn for when "America was GREAT". And de facto, those rights are still very thin in much of this country. My children have grown up in our great city with Muslim friends, and know, deep down, that you and yours are full of shit. That ISIS nor more represents Islam than the KKK or Westboro Baptists or those terrorizing women's clinics represents Christians. We DO NOT have a very high horse to climb on when it comes to tolerance. We must fight for and defend these rights, but let's not pretend we're soooo much better just because "most" of us have gotten there a very little bit sooner.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 21:44
Edited by brewster on 2016/6/14 22:00:35
Edited by brewster on 2016/6/14 22:07:45 |
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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I hope that when this shakes out, it will not reveal that half of our population finds him appealing. I'm hoping for it to be a sliver and that the rest of the people realized who he is and moved on. I think it is a mix of desperation and willful ignorance as well as lack of education.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 21:00
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
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Yes, that's true. Short term goal is to defeat this maniac/racist. But long term goal is to figure out why almost a half of population finds him appealing. Suggestion: improve education?
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:52
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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The only thing that I find more depressing than Donald Trump is that there are enough people in the United States who actually take him seriously. Is it the lead in the water or what?? I can understand if one is unhappy with the current landscape of the political world, but this guy is so APPARENTLY of low intellect and character that he just can't be part of any answer to any of our issues.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:34
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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So why would you protect the world's #1 ideology currently contributing the most to the abuse, torture, and death of gays in the world? While other religions do condemn gay acts, there's only one religion that routinely turns this condemnation into horrible action. Only one religion that has this enshrined into Sharia Law, which is the law of the land in many countries. It is disingenuous and dishonest to pretend that all religions are equally bad in this regard. Yet rather than offer a single word of criticism towards this force, you protect and defend it, by embracing its benign elements.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:33
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Dude, did you read ANYTHING I just posted? The LGBTQ+ community is routinely abused, tortured and killed in every corner of this universe. And EVERY mainstream monotheistic religion known to man condemns homosexual/lesbian acts. To add to your knowledge base, do know that misogyny is also a universal sport - not just reserved for "those Muslims."
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:29
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Just like Uganda, a Christian country that murders homosexuals for being gay... They are only following their religion after all.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:24
Dos A Cero
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Looks like we are getting more answers to the questions about the wife's involvement. ... attacked-reports-say.html Salman told investigators that Mateen shared his plans with her to carry out an attack and Mateen may have even called her from the gay club Pulse during the slaughter, a source told Fox News. Salman also confirmed details of Mateen's gun purchases prior to the assault. A separate source told Fox News that Salman was cooperating with investigators and had shared information about her husband's violent aspirations. She had taken a polygraph, CBS reported. Salman is likely to be arrested, a source told Fox News.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:21
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Crickets from you regarding the fact that gays are executed solely because they are gay in many Muslim countries. They are only following their religion, after all.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:19
Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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JCMAN8 wrote - And don't take my word for it. Listen to what gay Democrat Barney Frank had to say about these events. People like Jersey Mom need to understand this: That's interesting that I need to understand this. How about understanding this and this and this with particular emphasis on this statement: "The vast majority of those crimes are not carried out by Muslim extremists, Potok said. ?It?s a mix of white supremacists and their ilk and people who would be considered relatively normal members of society,? Potok said. ?The majority of attacks on gay people do not come from people who are members of organized hate groups.? But certainly don't let facts get in the way of your continued attack on the Muslim community.
Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:10