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Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2012/9/29 15:12
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"God forbid new residents who don't have a lengthy post history here should have an opinion too."

Rather it would seem that new residents might want to have an opinion based on the history that came with the issue. Then those residents opinions might carry some or more weight.

To have an opinion based not on fact, what is that then? Just some preconceived notion backed by lack of knowledge.

"Opinions can be persuasive, but only when the assertions they are based on can be said to be true."

Posted on: 2016/5/21 17:40

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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ceo3west wrote:

tbo wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

tbo wrote:

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

The developer went to court to enforce his legally granted rights. Clearly the community had issue with the process, but that is not the developer's problem. The fact that he was willing to make concessions at all was commendable; it certainly wasn't required. The argument that this development was out of character for the neighborhood really was a stretch when you consider directly across Varick is a building with a slightly larger number of apartments.

Also the fact the city decided to appeal a case that's sure to lose at the behest of the VVPA. And there were many arguments the VVPA made up to oppose this, but parking was the one that got the most publicity. VVPA also floated a classist and borderline discriminatory argument that the type of development would bring in young 20-somethings and they the neighborhood didn't need "those people". So thanks to the collective wisdom of the VVPA, tax money is being wasted on pointless lawsuits and the area is still a blighted damn parking lot - one that could have been paying taxes and at least.

Like I said before (although you edited my quote)

Wrong on all are misinformed...

So stop lying. No point in arguing with a Troll.

That guy has done nothing but troll since he signed up. Developers probably handing out $100 bills on the street to people to troll this board and come to meetings speaking out for the slumlords.

Yes, let's call anybody who might have something critical to say about how the unelected Yvonne's that comprise the neighborhood associations conduct themselves a developer troll. It's funny that every NA apologist here can't respond to the many issues myself and others have posted about here. God forbid new residents who don't have a lengthy post history here should have an opinion too.

Posted on: 2016/5/21 17:01

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2009/12/15 3:40
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tbo wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

tbo wrote:

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

The developer went to court to enforce his legally granted rights. Clearly the community had issue with the process, but that is not the developer's problem. The fact that he was willing to make concessions at all was commendable; it certainly wasn't required. The argument that this development was out of character for the neighborhood really was a stretch when you consider directly across Varick is a building with a slightly larger number of apartments.

Also the fact the city decided to appeal a case that's sure to lose at the behest of the VVPA. And there were many arguments the VVPA made up to oppose this, but parking was the one that got the most publicity. VVPA also floated a classist and borderline discriminatory argument that the type of development would bring in young 20-somethings and they the neighborhood didn't need "those people". So thanks to the collective wisdom of the VVPA, tax money is being wasted on pointless lawsuits and the area is still a blighted damn parking lot - one that could have been paying taxes and at least.

Like I said before (although you edited my quote)

Wrong on all are misinformed...

So stop lying. No point in arguing with a Troll.

That guy has done nothing but troll since he signed up. Developers probably handing out $100 bills on the street to people to troll this board and come to meetings speaking out for the slumlords.

Posted on: 2016/5/21 16:27

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2010/8/19 23:23
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

tbo wrote:

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

The developer went to court to enforce his legally granted rights. Clearly the community had issue with the process, but that is not the developer's problem. The fact that he was willing to make concessions at all was commendable; it certainly wasn't required. The argument that this development was out of character for the neighborhood really was a stretch when you consider directly across Varick is a building with a slightly larger number of apartments.

Also the fact the city decided to appeal a case that's sure to lose at the behest of the VVPA. And there were many arguments the VVPA made up to oppose this, but parking was the one that got the most publicity. VVPA also floated a classist and borderline discriminatory argument that the type of development would bring in young 20-somethings and they the neighborhood didn't need "those people". So thanks to the collective wisdom of the VVPA, tax money is being wasted on pointless lawsuits and the area is still a blighted damn parking lot - one that could have been paying taxes and at least.

Like I said before (although you edited my quote)

Wrong on all are misinformed...

So stop lying. No point in arguing with a Troll.

Posted on: 2016/5/21 10:59

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2015/11/21 22:12
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T-Bird wrote:

tbo wrote:

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

The developer went to court to enforce his legally granted rights. Clearly the community had issue with the process, but that is not the developer's problem. The fact that he was willing to make concessions at all was commendable; it certainly wasn't required. The argument that this development was out of character for the neighborhood really was a stretch when you consider directly across Varick is a building with a slightly larger number of apartments.

Also the fact the city decided to appeal a case that's sure to lose at the behest of the VVPA. And there were many arguments the VVPA made up to oppose this, but parking was the one that got the most publicity. VVPA also floated a classist and borderline discriminatory argument that the type of development would bring in young 20-somethings and they the neighborhood didn't need "those people". So thanks to the collective wisdom of the VVPA, tax money is being wasted on pointless lawsuits and the area is still a blighted damn parking lot - one that could have been paying taxes and at least.

Posted on: 2016/5/20 17:49

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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tbo wrote:

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

The developer went to court to enforce his legally granted rights. Clearly the community had issue with the process, but that is not the developer's problem. The fact that he was willing to make concessions at all was commendable; it certainly wasn't required. The argument that this development was out of character for the neighborhood really was a stretch when you consider directly across Varick is a building with a slightly larger number of apartments.

Posted on: 2016/5/20 15:24

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2008/9/10 17:55
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tbo, thank you for correcting the record.

Posted on: 2016/5/20 14:46

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2010/8/19 23:23
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

Another example is the idiotic move by the VVPA to take the developer at Bright & Varick to court, even after it was very obvious they would lose. They decided to get the city involved and waste taxpayer and association money on an ill-fated lawsuit all because of "Wah, my free parking!".

The developer offered very reasonable concessions to the neighborhood and was well within his right to tell the VVPA to piss up a rope, which he will once the judgement comes in favor. He had originally offered Zipcar spaces and free membership for the nearby residents. Now we'll get nothing because people decided to make the central issue parking, despite there being not 1, but 2 half empty parking lots in a block radius. Thanks, VVPA!

Wrong on all counts.

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

and parking is not the issue, you are clearly misinformed.

Posted on: 2016/5/19 0:15

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2010/10/8 15:41
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All - I am the person who takes accountability for slowing down the process here. I have had so many people reach out to me purporting to represent the views of the residents. My office will be doing a mailing to those impacted by the proposed changes explaining the various options and asking for feedback. We also will host a community meeting at city hall. These changes will not be considered by planning board (and ultimately city council) until early fall as I want to ensure proper public notice of proposed changes and input into those changes.

Posted on: 2016/5/18 14:55

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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if you have an opinion or concern, stand up (and say who you are.) those who get involved, and invest time and effort in their community do.


GrovePath wrote:
Careful, some might mistake you for one of the so-called "DEVELOPER TROLLS"


dtjcview wrote:

Might want to simply form your own group. None of the NAs will get millions from developers and businesses. The right city-wide advocacy and community service group would.

Posted on: 2016/5/17 15:54

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

This thread should really be merged.

Careful, some might mistake you for one of the so-called "DEVELOPER TROLLS"

Posted on: 2016/5/17 12:53

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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dtjcview wrote:
When local NA's stop being a whiney group of do-nothings, they'll earn respect. Over 2 decades in JC, they simply haven't earned mine.

Why don't I engage? Why engage with kids with ADD?

This thread should really be merged.

Posted on: 2016/5/17 2:03

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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When local NA's stop being a whiney group of do-nothings, they'll earn respect. Over 2 decades in JC, they simply haven't earned mine.

Why don't I engage? Why engage with kids with ADD?

Posted on: 2016/5/17 1:42

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2015/11/21 22:12
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brewster wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:
It's ridiculous how much power neighborhood associations are given in Jersey City compared to NYC. In NYC, they're more or less figurehead advisory votes and the city routinely ignores them, rightfully recognizing that most of them are made up of old crackpots and NIMBYs who in no way represent their current demographics.

Here, their asses are kissed and kowtowed to every which way. No doubt they've done some good things over the years for their areas, but they really hold back progress on a lot of different fronts like bike lanes, density, commercial development, etc.

This is SO TRUE. If you want another example of a neighborhood association that is almost singularly concerned with parking and how to stop or slow down development, check out PADNA. Personally, and one on one, they are all great people, but I wholeheartedly disagree with most of their positions, and the group could really use some fresh perspectives.

I'll bet a lot of you would be shocked to learn HPNA opposed a dog run in the park for many years. Sometimes these organizations just have belief systems.

Another example is the idiotic move by the VVPA to take the developer at Bright & Varick to court, even after it was very obvious they would lose. They decided to get the city involved and waste taxpayer and association money on an ill-fated lawsuit all because of "Wah, my free parking!".

The developer offered very reasonable concessions to the neighborhood and was well within his right to tell the VVPA to piss up a rope, which he will once the judgement comes in favor. He had originally offered Zipcar spaces and free membership for the nearby residents. Now we'll get nothing because people decided to make the central issue parking, despite there being not 1, but 2 half empty parking lots in a block radius. Thanks, VVPA!

Posted on: 2016/5/16 17:29

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2004/11/6 21:13
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bodhipooh wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:
It's ridiculous how much power neighborhood associations are given in Jersey City compared to NYC. In NYC, they're more or less figurehead advisory votes and the city routinely ignores them, rightfully recognizing that most of them are made up of old crackpots and NIMBYs who in no way represent their current demographics.

Here, their asses are kissed and kowtowed to every which way. No doubt they've done some good things over the years for their areas, but they really hold back progress on a lot of different fronts like bike lanes, density, commercial development, etc.

This is SO TRUE. If you want another example of a neighborhood association that is almost singularly concerned with parking and how to stop or slow down development, check out PADNA. Personally, and one on one, they are all great people, but I wholeheartedly disagree with most of their positions, and the group could really use some fresh perspectives.

I'll bet a lot of you would be shocked to learn HPNA opposed a dog run in the park for many years. Sometimes these organizations just have belief systems.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 16:43

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:
It's ridiculous how much power neighborhood associations are given in Jersey City compared to NYC. In NYC, they're more or less figurehead advisory votes and the city routinely ignores them, rightfully recognizing that most of them are made up of old crackpots and NIMBYs who in no way represent their current demographics.

Here, their asses are kissed and kowtowed to every which way. No doubt they've done some good things over the years for their areas, but they really hold back progress on a lot of different fronts like bike lanes, density, commercial development, etc.

This is SO TRUE. If you want another example of a neighborhood association that is almost singularly concerned with parking and how to stop or slow down development, check out PADNA. Personally, and one on one, they are all great people, but I wholeheartedly disagree with most of their positions, and the group could really use some fresh perspectives.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 16:06

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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SOS wrote:
If you want to help the disadvantaged, encouraging in place renovations and new construction is important. Much of the housing stock in the village is crap. Tear it down as needed, and replace with R-5. Four stories?shocking! The only wonder is why the push for R-5 has taken so long.

We actually agree on something! This is why I'm not opposed to tax abatements granted outside downtown. It should be as lucrative as possible to attract investment dollars to the areas of the city that need it most.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 15:41

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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SOS wrote:
I'd wager that many of those against R-5 are also in favor of the Reval, under the assumption that the revaluation will restore fairness to the property tax structure - helping some of the poorest areas in JC.

If you want to help the disadvantaged, encouraging in place renovations and new construction is important. Much of the housing stock in the village is crap. Tear it down as needed, and replace with R-5. Four stories?shocking! The only wonder is why the push for R-5 has taken so long.

It's ridiculous how much power neighborhood associations are given in Jersey City compared to NYC. In NYC, they're more or less figurehead advisory votes and the city routinely ignores them, rightfully recognizing that most of them are made up of old crackpots and NIMBYs who in no way represent their current demographics.

Here, their asses are kissed and kowtowed to every which way. No doubt they've done some good things over the years for their areas, but they really hold back progress on a lot of different fronts like bike lanes, density, commercial development, etc.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 15:09

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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I'd wager that many of those against R-5 are also in favor of the Reval, under the assumption that the revaluation will restore fairness to the property tax structure - helping some of the poorest areas in JC.

If you want to help the disadvantaged, encouraging in place renovations and new construction is important. Much of the housing stock in the village is crap. Tear it down as needed, and replace with R-5. Four stories?shocking! The only wonder is why the push for R-5 has taken so long.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 14:55

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2015/5/28 0:34
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NIMBYs in the Village

Posted on: 2016/5/16 14:14

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2015/5/28 0:34
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The R1 zoning downtown is outdated and has basically become unenforceable. Because there are so many existing structures and approved variances that don't conform to the R1, any denial of a variance would be considered "arbitrary and capricious" by the courts.

The R5 zoning, recognizing this reality, tries to get ahead of the situation. Instead the NVA is opposed. The funny thing is, the existing R1 zoning is more advantageous to a developer willing to use the courts system. Anyone remember the situation over the loss of sunlight from the balconies? Let's just keep playing the game of escalating variances. It's like Developers 7, NIMBYS 0 with the R1 zoning, but never mind the facts, keep on NIMBYing.

Poor residents of Greenville and Bergen-Lafayette have been subsidizing the crazies in the village for years. I can't wait for the reval and these NIMBY bastards get what's coming to them.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 14:13

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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corybraiterman wrote:
there's already a thread for this...

I think that thread was started by the other side -- you know -- the DEVELOPER TROLL side. This thread seems to be started by a member of the so called NVA (Neighborhood Village Association)

Posted on: 2016/5/16 13:56

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2008/7/3 5:49
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there's already a thread for this, but hey, grats on the shitposting anyway.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 13:16

DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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2016/2/17 19:49
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I think I sat next to this guy at a meeting. He wants to stuff $$$$ in his pockets while building huge structures on our tiny narrow streets, block everyone from light and air, then go back to his mcmansion in the burbs. And yes, I own in the Village.

Posted on: 2016/5/16 11:34

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