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Re: A New Study Revives the Debate Over Property Tax Abatements
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Rent control is a problem now? All along you've been insisting that all renters don't pay property tax of any kind and therefore should be excluded when it comes to any kind of city-wide decision making or zoning.

Posted on: 2021/7/28 19:11

Re: Marijuana Business Rules Coming Soon
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This will come to fruition and JC will be the only city in the state other than AC to allow consumption lounges. They originally were not, but I and many other people wrote to the city planner, urging them to reverse course, and they did.

Another humiliating defeat for Yvonne, all the NAs, and the conservative NIMBYs :)

Posted on: 2021/6/25 14:49

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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JC_Man wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Part of the reason why people are leaving, red states are open. This is a hatred for Gov. DeSantis of Florida by blue states. His state is open and the economy is flourishing. South Dakota never closed, never required a face mask. The governor said she trust business owners and the general public to protect themselves. Even though South Dakota is a cold place compared to Florida, their economy also boomed.

Welcome to Seattle of the East - where crime is tolerated and in fact almost encouraged!

Part of AOC's New World Order

Yet you and your NIMBY goddess you're so desperately trying to woo by backing up her claims are still here. You also can't get over the election results and are having a meltdown that you have to see things like bike lanes and outdoor dining.

Posted on: 2021/2/24 3:20

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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JC_Man wrote:
All of the Tinkerbelles, Snowflakes and Cupcakes have their panties in a huff. Oh boy!!

The Cancel Culture lives on, they are so intolerant!

Hahaha, says a pathetic NIMBY and worshipper of Yvonne. Things obviously aren't bad enough that you're still here, maybe you should join all your buddies and move to a red state already?

Posted on: 2021/2/23 4:07

Re: Hudnut to Take on Solomon in Ward E
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I hope Solomon loses. He's way too NIMBY and has no understanding of how economics work. The NAs and Yvonne will certainly line up behind him though.

I suspect James will squeak out a win due to incumbency advantage but there must be some real weakness if a credible challenger has come forward. Maybe the pro-development silent majority has had it with him bad mouthing developers and having nothing to show for it. Or maybe businesses are tired of his onerous restrictions.

Posted on: 2021/2/20 16:03

Re: Group Files Suit to Stop Bergen-Lafayette Development
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JerseyCityTimes wrote:
A community group filed suit on Friday to stop the construction of a 17-story 420-unit luxury high-rise in Bergen-Lafayette. The project, known as Morris Canal Park Manor, would replace a dilapidated factory on Communipaw Avenue known as ?Steel Tech.? ... en-lafayette-development/

Just when you think they're dead and gone for good, Yvonne's NIMBY army comes back for another pointless fight. Oh no, let's keep the land a dilapidated factory!

Posted on: 2021/2/2 4:04

Re: Daddy make me the Mayor!!!
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JCGuys wrote:
DOJ should have retired his case after the mistrial.

Fulop has nothing to worry about here. I can?t see the Yvonne types throwing their support behind Jr.

Indeed, the NIMBYs and Yvonne will not at all have a horse in this race. Boggiano's betrayal must really sting.

Fulop will easily win with at least 80% of the vote this time around.

Posted on: 2021/1/18 15:40

Re: Councilman Rich Boggiano joins Team Fulop
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JCGuys wrote:
?I?ve never met another public official who is as tenacious a defender of his neighborhood and what makes it special than Rich Boggiano, and I?m excited to have him officially join our team and strengthen our ticket heading into next year?s election,? Fulop said. ?By working together instead of opposing each other, Rich and I can do much more to move Ward C forward, like making major improvements to Pershing Field, partnering with the County of Hudson to build a new Journal Square park, and working with neighborhood advocates to build a world-class performing arts space at the landmark Loews Theater. I?m glad that we were both able to put the past behind us and move forward together.?

Awesome!!! This is what the people want to see. You other pols take note.

My guess is the November election result spooked the hell out of him. Between a Fulop appointee winning outright in Ward D and the demographic changes that occurred in Ward C (thousands of new, younger voters coming from the Journal Squared towers and other recent developments).

I suppose he calculated he was going to have a very steep climb as an opposition candidate. Being that Fulop will handily win again with 80+% of the vote with his well-received response to Covid and the fact the best the opposition can do is to dig up Matsikoudis, it's actually a wise political move and probably the best chance to save his own skin.

This is terrible news for the NIMBYs and NAs. Most likely this is the end of all R1 zoning and the Bayonne Box throughout the city and we will see greater upzoning in the future.

Posted on: 2020/12/22 4:00

Councilman Rich Boggiano joins Team Fulop
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Bwa ha ha ha, a humiliating loss for Yvonne and the NIMBYs.

Posted on: 2020/12/21 17:33

Re: NY Young Republican sneak into JC restaurant incl. Matt Putz
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Yvonne wrote:
Sneak in? There was busload of rioters who went around to various cities quite organized, burning buildings and no one said they "snuck in" at all. So if you are a conservative, you are doing illegal things but if you are a liberal, you can do no wrong because you are fighting for justice as you loot and burn the city down.

Yvonne is just lashing out and being a snowflake because she is angry her man Trump lost an election he wasn't supposed to lose. She's also furious she was unable to use her NIMBY powers to stop the arts tax increase and that Yun's seat is now being held by a Fulop ally.

Posted on: 2020/12/5 22:47

Re: Street and sidewalk condition
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Yvonne wrote:
That is a sign that tenants and not homeowners live in the area. Homeowners do clean up the sidewalk.

So lazy homeowners don?t exist? Another lie by Yvonne to once again disparage renters. Maybe there would be more homeowners if people like her didn?t oppose every single proposed condo development.

She is simply angry because she assumes renters increased her taxes by voting for the Art Trust Fund. She is also angry she?ll soon have marijuana dispensaries on her block and over the loss of parking for additional restaurant space.

Posted on: 2020/11/23 1:54

Re: my 4th quarter property tax went up 20% anyone know why?
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JC_Man wrote:
Q: My 4th quarter property tax went up 20% anyone know why?

A: Because Biden was elected President.

Enjoy your new Arts Trust Fund tax as well, which I gleefully voted for (and I say that as a homeowner).

It's too bad Yvonne once again failed to mobilize her NIMBY army to stop it. What a lovely bitch slap to all the conservative morons on this forum, hahaha. Enjoy the next 4 years, snowflakes.

Posted on: 2020/11/8 5:46

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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TheBigGuy wrote:

papadage wrote:
That?s an anarchy flag, dipshit.

Let me connect the dots.... the jerk in the video was arrested and identified as the white supremist ringleader of the 13 Michigan whackos by the hysterical MSM. As you correctly pointed out... the flag in the background is antifa, Also look closely and notice this ginger lunatic has 3 inch black plugs through his ear lobes... hardly something a white supremacist boogeyman would do.

Watch this phony terror story fade away as the real story emerges about these crazy bastards. You can let go of your pearls now... he is one of yours.

Hahaha...thebigguy and his mistress Yvonne love to keep reguritating disproven lies. Show us this antifa flag pic you keep raving about.

Posted on: 2020/10/11 22:18

Re: JC voters to decide whether to create new arts and culture trust fund
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The president you and Yvonne fervently support uses that term quite frequently.


RichMauro wrote:
If my memory serves me well, there was a particularly despicable person in history (think WW2) who headed a group of other vile people who described a particular people of a religious persuasion as "vermin".
Would the moderator please take a look at this last posting? It goes outside the realm of decent discussion.

Posted on: 2020/9/26 15:21

Re: JC voters to decide whether to create new arts and culture trust fund
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It is a lie that renters don't pay taxes - it will get factored into their rent. Low IQ Yvonne repeats this dumb trope over and over again as do the rest of the NIMBY vermin to dismiss any concerns that don't have to do with building parking garages or stopping any and all development.


Yvonne wrote:
It is not the idea of voters voting yes or no on this question. It is the idea that many will vote and never see the impact of the taxes. It was not impact rent-control properties which goes up according to the rent leveling board and not taxes, it will not impact any tax abated property and if Solomon has his way, he will put 2 to 4 families non owner occupied buildings under rent control. He said this at a council meeting online. The present temporary ordinance expires in November and he wants to make it permanent. So everyone votes but not everyone gets the bill.

Posted on: 2020/9/26 1:01

Re: JC voters to decide whether to create new arts and culture trust fund
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neverleft wrote:
Jersey City voters to decide whether to create new arts and culture trust fund

Updated 12:57 PM; Today 12:56 PM
By Patrick Villanova | The Jersey Journal

When Jersey City voters cast their ballots in the November election, they?ll be picking more than just the president. ... s-culture-trust-fund.html

I was on the fence about this, but I realized this passing would most likely drive Yvonne and the generals in her NIMBY army like ThaWheelman and thebigguy insane, so I voted yes. I have tons of money to burn, a couple hundred extra a year for spite is totally worth it.

Posted on: 2020/9/24 17:09

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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Yvonne wrote:

papadage wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

papadage wrote:
Right. Like you saw Muslims dancing when the WTC got destroyed.

You're a serial liar. ... dents_say_some_musli.html

It was a lie then and a lie now you lying hag.

As for the 'fake ballots' bullshit, they all have a serial number matched to the voter. It can't be faked that way.

You act as if election commissions are full of Republican criminals.

You are calling the paper a liar, I just post it, I did not write the story. Besides, shame on your language. Your parents obviously did a poor job of raising you. But here is something else. A town received the wrong ballots. ... DXtlIY1TpqgpxZFjMnOxp6vic

Let us not forget the time Yvonne committed electoral fraud when she dropped off petitions full of fraudulent signatures: ... olish-statue-falls-short/

Yvonne loves to complain about fraud but has no problem doing it herself when it suits her purposes. She will gladly get in bed with any HCDO stooge if they promise her parking lots and whatever other nonsense she wants.

Posted on: 2020/9/24 17:07

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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papadage wrote:
Dipshit conspiracies as always.

Why not keep talking about Arabs celebrating the WTCV going down, your other dopey pastime?

Why doesn't she also talk about the many times she dropped off petitions full of fraudulent signatures?

Posted on: 2020/9/21 1:58

Re: Who is running to replace Yun in Ward D?
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Yvonne will certainly nominate one of her NIMBY buffoons - maybe her top lieutenant, ThaWheelMan, will be the lucky guy!

Posted on: 2020/9/16 1:08

Re: Jersey City Drops Lawsuit Against the Friends of the Loews Jersey City Landmark Theatre
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robotdisko wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Yes, I am comparing the Museum to the Loews because it is obvious, you never went. It had gallery openings and some live performances. On rare occasions during the summer, City Hall had some of their council meetings, there. It was more than just a museum. It just lacked parking.

LOL why is it so difficult for you to have proper adult reasoning skills?

The old hag is most likely still reeling from the Supreme Court decisions and Trump's poll numbers dropping. Her NIMBY powers have become so feeble she cannot possibly fight a seven-front war against expanded bike lanes, more outdoor seating and new pedestrian plazas, construction and parking lots being torn up unabated, the Bayfront project moving forward, the Embankment being turned into a park and finally Lowes gaining a competent manager.

Poor Yvonne, the pandemic was supposed to be her moment of supreme victory and it turned into anything but.

Posted on: 2020/6/19 19:32

Re: The Pandemic
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Sutherland wrote:
What you do not seem to realize is that some of us have lived through this sort of thing before. Social unrest made cities undesirable and drove them into financial ruins. New York City was actually bankrupt, crime ridden, filthy with garbage piled upon the streets for days. There was rioting in many cities through out the country. Many of the brownstones downtown, Jersey City were boarded up and there was high crime downtown. Hamilton Park was often referred to as needle park. The restaurant on the corner of 9th and Erie once was boarded up and had a sliding plexiglass window from which drugs were sold.

So it's not the media influencing me, but my own life experience. It's good for a sales person to be optimistic and hopeful. But it's also important for homeowners and investors to be realistic and not disregard history. If you think the aforementioned is not at all a possibility, well then good for you. I am not saying this is necessarily all going to happen, but the market is doing to take a hit greater than what you're anticipating for sure.

You don?t seem to realize that the Jersey City of the 70s is not the Jersey City of 2020. The waterfront is not a husk of abandoned factories. There aren?t entire industries packing up and leaving. Yes, commercial real estate will be in a bad spot for a while, but truthfully a correction was long overdue. If those spaces stay vacant for long, they?ll convert to residential as we saw in Lower Manhattan after 9/11. Lower street storefront rents may mean a return to more quirky and innovative local businesses, not a Duane Reade or BoA on every corner.

Thanks to environmental regulations, cities are not polluted shitholes caked with coal dust, they?re fairly clean and livable. At least in Downtown, all those glistening high rises - you think nobody will want to live in those? You seek to forget that the virus is temporary. We will have a vaccine and once we do, people will flock back for opportunities. It?s not like the problems that existed in the suburbs (opioids, decaying main streets, generally nothing to do) are going away after the virus. Yes there will be a dip but comparing the current situation to the 70s misses a lot of things. The macroeconomics are totally different this time around. There will be a dip and things may be rough for a while but this doom and gloom you?re spouting is nonsense.

You need to keep repeating - the virus is temporary and people have short memories.

Posted on: 2020/6/12 15:17

Re: Non-Essential Businesses Opening in Jersey City and Hoboken
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Yvonne wrote:
Yvonne is my real name, I do not worry about falsehoods. I don't hide behind what is phony. I don't throw nasty shots at people under a different name. Anyone who does, well, that is their problem, not mine.

Yvonne is simply having a meltdown. Expanded outdoor dining and pedestrian plazas must be driving her insane. Most likely, she was hoping for riots that would have burned down buildings that she could have then pushed to be turned into parking lots. Poor Yvonne, it must be so difficult to watch the crumbling of her NIMBY empire and to be constantly handed enormous policy defeats every single week.

Posted on: 2020/6/9 2:09

Re: Non-Essential Businesses Opening in Jersey City and Hoboken
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Yvonne wrote:
With a name like psyop , it tells me you still need your medication to calm you down. I don't work there, but I just suggest you go one day when there is a problem in JC, and see if the courts are open.

Maybe if we convince Yvonne riots and looting are actually happening, she'll finally move to some to Alabama or Mississippi where she belongs.

Posted on: 2020/6/8 20:23

Re: Non-Essential Businesses Opening in Jersey City and Hoboken
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Yvonne wrote:
I know someone who works there, presently there is a skeleton crew, most are working from home. Facts, nicky, has nothing to do with feelings. You can always call up the courthouse and asked if they closed early due to the protest. It is not just the staff, they are also responsible for any citizen who is filing a petition with the courts or want a public document. By the way, it is the judges and sometimes the state that calls these shots, not me.

Your statement implied there is active protesting going on by the courthouse right now - there is not. You should say 'they closed early as a precaution'.

Poor Yvonne, she suffered so many humiliating defeats. Expanded outdoor dining and seating, parking lots continue to be dug up and new developments continue to break ground, expanded bike lanes, the list goes on. Her NIMBY empire is crumbling before her eyes and she can't do a damn thing to stop it.

Posted on: 2020/6/6 1:46

Re: Non-Essential Businesses Opening in Jersey City and Hoboken
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jerseymom wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
I miss Maloney, too. They get a great deal of their customers from the courthouse and the courthouse is still closed due to the pandemic and now the rioting.

There's rioting by the courthouse?

There is not - Yvonne is just trying to delegitimize any protests.

Posted on: 2020/6/5 18:11

Re: Jersey City to Expand Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza
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People are begging for this to come to The Heights. Unfortunately, Yvonne ordered Boggianno to not play ball, though thank god she is powerless to stop it Downtown.

Guess there'll be much, much more room for street parking when every business in that area permanently closes.

Posted on: 2020/5/30 0:56

Re: Jersey City begins implementing re-opening plans to help local businesses bounce back
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This will hopefully involve more pedestrian plazas and more street parking commandeered for restaurant space. How will Yvonne manage to derail this desperately needed economic initiative?

Posted on: 2020/5/25 2:34

Re: JCBOE hikes school taxes by 39 percent. Paging Yvonne.
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Indeed, where were Yvonne and the NAs through all this? How did they allow such a large increase to happen?

Most likely they got too distracted planning how to stop the city from using parking spaces for outdoor dining and excitedly counting the number of failed businesses. No more pesky sidewalk cafes and pedestrian plaza noise when literally every business in the area has collapsed!

Posted on: 2020/5/13 13:13

Re: The Pandemic
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brewster wrote:

Sutherland wrote:
I don't discount possibilities. But for now I just suspect a bad period. It's not like it's never happened.

It took decades and very broad demographic trends for the 70's to happen. Not saying its impossible, but there's very little data pointing in that direction. The great coastal cities are so absurdly overpriced they have a VERY long way to fall!

That said, I would not be surprised at a long term >25% correction here. The "natural" price of property should be at an equilibrium such that both renting and buying homes makes sense exclusive of the appreciation of said home. The cap rates of commercial and residential property have diverged dramatically for decades now. Time was it was normal to buy a small rental property for 4-6 times it's rent roll. That hasn't been seen in a long time outside of distressed assets.

I'm thinking NYC (and by extension its surrounding regions) will be ok in the long run. Most likely there will be a correction, but this sudden remote work arrangement has not been going on long enough for its problems to manifest. Creating new teams, hiring/onboarding, knowlege transfer, all of that is much more difficult remote. It's also very difficult to sustain morale and have common purpose completely disconnected.

We'll see more flexible policies, but remote work will not replace face to face interactions. IBM and Yahoo tried pioneering this and they ended up pulling back for reasons I listed above and calling everyone into the office. I'm sure there are many companies set up in smaller cities that have their eye on the Manhattan real estate market. Why have an office in Columbus OH when you can have presence in Manhattan?

Posted on: 2020/5/12 20:59

Re: The Pandemic's effect on the Jersey City and overall Urban Real Estate Market
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Sutherland wrote:
The notion that crime has increased came came from two different liberal democrat friends of mine who live in Manhattan. They've reported anecdotally an increase number of muggings on the streets and on the subways. It's an apparent result of De Blasio releasing low level criminals from prison. One is a CFO of a small biotech start up and the other the CIO of a large law firm. The CIO has been living in Manhattan since 1978.

Ah, the Yvonne method of trying to prove things - "I heard something from someone once 20 years ago". Try having her fax you a new set of talking points next time.

Posted on: 2020/5/7 22:39

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