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Re: Jersey City council pay would nearly double under new plan
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Not too shy to talk

Newark Council members receive around $100,000 per year.

Jersey City Council members receive around $35,000 per year.

Both serve populations of ~270K / 280K residents.

Jersey City residents deserve a strong full time Council that can focus on the business of the City and that get paid accordingly.

Posted on: 2019/5/2 15:22

Re: Photo nerds: Dark room in Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk

Sent you a PM


ErieStreet4Life wrote:
Yes, that would be awesome. Thank you.


tbo wrote:
I have an old enlarger and accessories that I used to set up in my bathroom to develop prints at home if you are interested.

Posted on: 2018/2/15 15:54

Re: Photo nerds: Dark room in Jersey City?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I have an old enlarger and accessories that I used to set up in my bathroom to develop prints at home if you are interested.

Posted on: 2018/2/14 19:47

Re: Judge OKs site plan for controversial 'micro-unit' project in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

?Intelligence?? Here are some facts.

Under the previous administration, a planner (who is no longer employed by the City) poorly wrote a Redevelopment Plan which had no explanation of allowable density either by units / acre or form based. That planner purposefully misled the planning board and the city council as to the true intentions of the RDP and described it as "similar to the neighborhood with parking". You can read the transcripts and watch the council caucus meeting here ... ices-and-transcripts.html (Coincidentally, our current Mayor and the current Director of the JCRA served on council at the time.)

Over the following 2 years, the school is evicted from the property, the city transfers the land to the JCRA, a redeveloper agreement is negotiated, and a new Mayor is elected. The public becomes aware of the proposed project as it was listed in his transition report. The project is totally unlike anything in the city (or the country for that matter) with microunits which are 10x the density of the surrounding neighborhood. The developer wanted the project to be the first of its kind on the east coast. Definitely not "similar to the neighborhood".

The VVPA asked the City for an official opinion as what the omission of a density requirement in the RDP means and the City refers it to the Zoning board for an interpretation. But the developer refused and instead of presenting the merits of the project to the board, he sued the City for an automatic approval. He caused his own delays and forced the City to defend its directives and zoning laws. If it was really the intent of the City to have a microunit project at this location, the developer should have presented the project and would have been approved.

The VVPA intervened on the case and appealed the automatic approval with the support and in conjunction with the City. Automatic approvals should not be allowed when there is a legitimate question if the project conforms to the zoning regulations to begin with. This decision just provides another way for developers to take advantage of the City and avoid public comment.

Posted on: 2017/12/26 21:09

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
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Not too shy to talk


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

tbo wrote:

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

The developer went to court to enforce his legally granted rights. Clearly the community had issue with the process, but that is not the developer's problem. The fact that he was willing to make concessions at all was commendable; it certainly wasn't required. The argument that this development was out of character for the neighborhood really was a stretch when you consider directly across Varick is a building with a slightly larger number of apartments.

Also the fact the city decided to appeal a case that's sure to lose at the behest of the VVPA. And there were many arguments the VVPA made up to oppose this, but parking was the one that got the most publicity. VVPA also floated a classist and borderline discriminatory argument that the type of development would bring in young 20-somethings and they the neighborhood didn't need "those people". So thanks to the collective wisdom of the VVPA, tax money is being wasted on pointless lawsuits and the area is still a blighted damn parking lot - one that could have been paying taxes and at least.

Like I said before (although you edited my quote)

Wrong on all are misinformed...

So stop lying. No point in arguing with a Troll.

Posted on: 2016/5/21 10:59

Re: DEVELOPER TROLL goes crazy in our Village Neighborhood
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

Another example is the idiotic move by the VVPA to take the developer at Bright & Varick to court, even after it was very obvious they would lose. They decided to get the city involved and waste taxpayer and association money on an ill-fated lawsuit all because of "Wah, my free parking!".

The developer offered very reasonable concessions to the neighborhood and was well within his right to tell the VVPA to piss up a rope, which he will once the judgement comes in favor. He had originally offered Zipcar spaces and free membership for the nearby residents. Now we'll get nothing because people decided to make the central issue parking, despite there being not 1, but 2 half empty parking lots in a block radius. Thanks, VVPA!

Wrong on all counts.

It was the developer that sued the City and took the project to court. He is the one who decided to waste taxpayer money instead of going to the zoning or planning board as every developer in the City has to do. Any "concessions" that he made with the City were never realistic or came with other unreasonable demands.

and parking is not the issue, you are clearly misinformed.

Posted on: 2016/5/19 0:15

Re: Bowling and Brewery Franchise Agreement
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Not too shy to talk

Sorry - the link to the .pdf from the City Website doesn't seem to work...

It can be found here:

Jan 13th meeting, 2nd reading

Posted on: 2016/2/1 16:24

Re: Bowling and Brewery Franchise Agreement
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Not too shy to talk


JCman24 wrote:
The area in question has been an active industrial district since before the creation of Liberty State Park. The property is owned by 1 EDWARD HART ROAD LLC, not the city. The project in question is in the Liberty Harbor Redevelopment Area, which means it falls under the authority of the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency, an autonomous entity. There is no "city ordinance 15.179". If I'm mistaken, please provide the text of the ordinance.

Here you go.
Ordinance 15.179 starts on page 8 ... Reading/Agenda%20Document(1).pdf

Posted on: 2016/2/1 15:48

Re: Allowable Rent Increases in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk


iGreg wrote:

In a non rent controlled building, is there an actual cap on the % amount the rent can increased ?

How many units are in the building? I believe Jersey City does have an ordinance that does restrict increases for buildings with 5 or more units not in a redevelopment zone.

Posted on: 2015/11/9 19:37

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
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Not too shy to talk

CAFE ? RESTAURANT, CATEGORY TWO - a small-scale restaurant, with limited seating, engaged in the selling of light meals and drinks. A caf? is designed to operate for substantial carry-out service; delivery service; self-service; counter service, and which may, but is not required to, include on-premise consumption. No commercial kitchen appliances or ventilation systems are permitted.

345-60. ? Supplementary Zoning Regulations
A-W. Unchanged
X. Cafe - Category Two, Restaurant
1. Conditional Use permitted in all zoning districts.
a. Shall only be located where there is an existing legal storefront.
b. In no instance shall alcohol be served or consumed on premises.
c. In no instance shall a hooded ventilation system, exhausting outside the building, be permitted.
d. Seating shall be limited to no more than 20 seats total both inside and outside.
e. In no instance shall rear yard seating be permitted.
f. In no instance shall food preparation create grease-laden vapors.
g. Garbage receptacles shall be kept within the building for storage, so that it is not stored on any street, sidewalk, areaway, front yard or within any public Right of Way. The owner shall provide for the daily collection, haulage and disposal of their own refuse with a private contractor, pursuant to Chapter 287-6, 9.
h. Caf? shall not stay open any later than 10 pm, and not open to the public before 5 am.

Posted on: 2015/8/3 14:20

Re: New Cafe Ordinance - Call to Action
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Not too shy to talk


Bamb00zle wrote:
For anyone interested:

The following item is listed on the Agenda for the Planning Board meeting today, July 21st, at City Hall, starting 5:30 pm.

?10. Review and discussion of proposed amendment to Land Development Ordinance Definitions for the addition of Cafes. Formal action may be taken.?

Here's a little background on finding these things for those who may not be familiar
Here's the link to the City's meeting Calendar:

Not all public meetings are included. For example the Construction Board of Appeals, an open public meeting, does not appear. If you click on the name of the meeting you'll see the agendas and minutes and can open as interested.

And here's a little about Open Public Meetings:

I think the Cafe Ordinance discussion is to be moved to the Aug 4th Planning Board meeting instead of today.

Posted on: 2015/7/21 17:38

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Dolomiti wrote:

tbo wrote:
The ordinance changes the definition of cafes for all of Jersey City and makes the use allowable in ANY retail location.

I understand that -- though the new regulation doesn't seem to be all that much different than the existing ones.

But why would a building that has a zoning for a food shop magically get reclassified as a cafe by this ordinance? Surely they don't intend to allow every deli in JC to operate on a sidewalk.

And I can see how it takes away leverage from a neighbor, but I don't see how zoning laws overrule a legal settlement between a landlord and a neighbor (assuming such an agreement actually exists).

The language of the Ordinance classifies a cafe as a retail use. (not as a restaurant) so I think yes a food shop, shoe store, wine shop can theoretically also serve some food with seating "as-of-right"

The version of the ordinance that was approved by the planning board last May had a cafe classified as small restaurant. (Cat2 restaurant that allows seating) and included restrictions for alcohol and number of seats.

There was a last minute change (last friday and it was added to the council agenda monday morning) to how it reads now. Do they intend to have every store be a cafe? I don't know, but this ordinance would allow it.

And I think a legal agreement may trump the zoning.

Posted on: 2015/7/15 12:24

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Dolomiti wrote:

K-Lo wrote:
New Cafe zoning on the agenda for 10 am tomorrow. Looks like Prato may get its "variance" without doing the work.

OK, I'm missing something here.

How is adding a zoning for cafes supposed to help Prato? Won't the building also need to be rezoned as a cafe? Surely it can't be zoned as a cafe before the zoning exists.

In addition, if reports are correct, Prato can't operate in its backyard not because of zoning, but because of an agreement with a neighbor. Seems to me that a failure by the building owner to abide by that agreement could trigger a lawsuit.

The ordinance changes the definition of cafes for all of Jersey City and makes the use allowable in ANY retail location. It also allows for front and rear yard seating. Agreements with neighbors won't matter as much if you are legally operating under zoning. It makes it so the public no longer has an opportunity to voice an opinion in a zoning hearing as to what happens when the bodega next door turns into a cafe (small restaurant) with a rear yard and a entertainment license. And who knows how liquor licenses and byob's come into play.

Taking away opportunities for the public to speak? Never a good idea.

Way to go Steve. "Making it His"

Posted on: 2015/7/15 11:42

Re: redevelopment plan for city hall
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Not too shy to talk


Bogart wrote:

bjay wrote:
I'm not surprised to see the linkage of City Hall with the parking lot across the street. This could be a very smart way to get the developer to pay for City Hall renovations in order to get the right to build on the parking lot. But isn't it a bit odd that the City Hall Study Area includes one single row house on York Street?

Quite odd. I bet there's an interesting story there.

Yes - it would be interesting to know which parking lot they are planning to build on....?

The owners of York St. want to be included in the RDP. Let the building deteriorate, Claim that it is too expensive to renovate properly. Partner with the developer to get included in the RDP. Build a high rise.

Happening at 72 Wayne street too.

So much for the Historic District.

Posted on: 2015/7/15 11:08

Re: redevelopment plan for city hall
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Not too shy to talk

From what I understand, there is no redevelopment plan yet. Tomorrow's agenda is for a Resolution to accept City Hall as a "non-condemnation" study area (fancy word for blight - essentially does the same thing)

The RDP is "in the works"

Posted on: 2015/7/14 20:48

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
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Not too shy to talk


hamhock wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

today, it's a quiet bakery, with bakery hours. in five years, it could be a restaurant, and suddenly the neighbors are dealing with "indoor" noise and crowds until midnight.

Which is why the neighbors should be attempting to support Prato get a single-instance variance to help them succeed, rather than watch them fail without seating, only to be replaced by something far worse that might bribe their way to getting a permanent zoning change.

Don't know if bribes were involved, but that is exactly what Prato is doing - Creating something far worse with a permanent zoning change for "cafes" that will benefit them, but can lead to much worse situations in other parts of the City (not just historic) Zoning exists for a reason. Did they even attempt to apply for a variance?

Posted on: 2015/7/14 19:30

Re: Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey Enters Presidential Race
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Not too shy to talk

He can run if he wants..(I won't vote for him) but why should we have to pay for it? Isn't that why they have fundraisers? Is that normal? ... rity_on.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2015/7/3 14:31

Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
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Not too shy to talk

K-Lo there were a lot of questions, but not a lot of answers. The TA presented only what they are responsible for - road from Audrey Zapp to the light rail. The rest is the City's responsibility (as is the maintenance of the bridge and road when it is done) There were no traffic studies done. There are bike lanes on the road but no walkways. The pedestrian bridge is to remain but pedestrians will have to cross the new road in order to get to the marina walk. Road bed is elevated 6ft or so above the pedestrian bridge, so with new structure and guardrails, pedestrian will see a concrete wall until the pedestrian crossing. There is no traffic light at the pedestrian crossing, but the City is working on a traffic light at the Zapp/Phillip St intersection. Doug Carlucci, Mayor's aide was the only City representative there.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 14:14

Re: Developer wants to buy our building
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Not too shy to talk


gtmarin wrote:

heights wrote:
Would all owners have to agree to the sale, or can the one holdout who refuses to sell be forced to sell even if they don't want to ?

That was my question; If the developer owns a voting majority of the condo association, can he basically OUTVOTE the remaining holdout to cooperate? Anyone?

um..I think NO...Condo owners own their unit and can't be 'forced' to sell - condo associations can only vote on the common theoretically I guess they may be able to sell off the lobby and the hallways...but there must be a legal argument or something in the bylaws against that as well.

Posted on: 2015/6/19 2:56

Re: Illegal hotels?
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Not too shy to talk

I do not think they are legal. NYC is starting to sue and issue violations to landlords. and I don't think the law distinguishes between these type of rentals and AirBnB. (illegal to rent a room for less than 30 days unless the resident is present)

Here's an article... on it. ... citys-worst-illegal-hotel

and I agree - it is wrong and will make apartments less available. (pretty sure most don't pay hotel tax - and prob. less in property tax if in an abated property...)

Posted on: 2015/3/3 14:32

Re: Legal advice needed
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Not too shy to talk

There was an interesting discussion on this on the radio on the topic of short term rentals (airbnb) and their legality and the effect on affordable housing. Senator Liz Krueger in NY is tackling the issue in NYC, but it is definitely an issue here too.

I am not sure what the law is in NJ, but this may be a good place to start getting info. ... d-about-illegal-hotel-law

Posted on: 2014/8/20 13:35

Re: A casino in Jersey City? Venture capitalist wants to make it happen
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Not too shy to talk


fat-ass-bike wrote:

Personal opinion, myths and beliefs aside - These are the facts.

Top 5 Most popular sports in the US.

1. American Football

2. Baseball

3. Basketball

4. Ice Hockey

5. Football (Soccer)

More facts - same site...

Top 5 Most popular (watched) sports in the WORLD

1. Soccer

2. Cricket

3. Basketball

4. Field Hockey

5. Tennis

(baseball and football come in 8th and 9th)

Posted on: 2014/7/16 16:50

Re: 3rd Quarter Property Tax Bills - question
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Not too shy to talk

our 3rd quarter tax tripled for some reason.
muni tax - $620; non-muni - $520; total tax - $1140...
amount owed....$4000!

you gotta be kidding! we've done no improvements outside of standard maintenance and repairs. and we never received any prior notice / certified letter stating why or how much the increase was. they just sent the bill.
I realize that a reval is necessary and I don't mind paying my fair share - but for the reassessment only to happen to some property owners and not others is just unfair (and illegal?) and I assume this raise has nothing to do with the larger reval that is going to happen later.

thanks for the info on how to appeal...will definitely be doing that...(if I don't move out of this town first)

Posted on: 2010/8/19 23:50




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