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Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant

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2014/9/14 1:05
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jcman420 wrote:


You describe some unsubstantiated (and frankly innocuous sounding) conduct to explain why someone else is a "lowlife."

Yet here you are, with a newly registered anonymous account on a community message board, using your first post to smear and insult someone by name.

I have no idea who this city hall official is and I have no idea who you are, but I have a pretty good idea which of the two of you is a "lowlife."

1) While "lowlife" is a strong choice of terms, the term "smear" is equally powerful and judgmental, as it connotes inaccuracy. Per rock-solid authority - and, we're talking virtually straight from the horse's mouth, here - the prior post is not inaccurate.

2) Exactly how is lying to gain entry to a non-profit and the trust of its leaders innocuous? Especially when that non-profit's confidential property later ends up in the hands of a political campaign (and promoted as if it were the campaign's organic work)?

3) I suppose I didn't need to name the "City Hall Employee," nor "smear" her any further -- she's already been named here, and her actions as denoted in this thread speak volumes about her character.

Of course, I'm new to the board, so I guess I'm not allowed to be outraged that a member of the Mayor's Administration -- and really, his inner office -- behaved so inexcusably and offensively. I will do my best to post a couple thousand pro-Fulop replies, so that I may gain enough insight into the world to credibly assert even the slightest negativity about his Administration. Though I'm a just a first-time caller, I am a long-time listener -- and tonight, I finally got fed up with the rope that certain folks get here.

Posted on: 2014/9/14 2:59

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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LittleJimSheehy wrote:
I guarantee you -- if Brooke gets fired (and she should), it will be because of consistent issues with integrity. She is, after all, the same lowlife who (allegedly), during the mayoral campaign, posed as a college intern to gain access to a local nonprofit - to basically pilfer ideas and documents for Team Fulop.

And, to anyone who is foolish enough to think you can separate the person from her position in government, ask yourself: If the Mayor went out just as "Steve Fulop" and did the same thing, do you think it would not reflect negatively on his job as Mayor? Come on.

You describe some unsubstantiated (and frankly innocuous sounding) conduct to explain why someone else is a "lowlife."

Yet here you are, with a newly registered anonymous account on a community message board, using your first post to smear and insult someone by name.

I have no idea who this city hall official is and I have no idea who you are, but I have a pretty good idea which of the two of you is a "lowlife."

Posted on: 2014/9/14 2:23

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant

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2014/9/14 1:05
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2016/11/26 18:55
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I guarantee you -- if Brooke gets fired (and she should), it will be because of consistent issues with integrity. She is, after all, the same lowlife who (allegedly), during the mayoral campaign, posed as a college intern to gain access to a local nonprofit - to basically pilfer ideas and documents for Team Fulop.

And, to anyone who is foolish enough to think you can separate the person from her position in government, ask yourself: If the Mayor went out just as "Steve Fulop" and did the same thing, do you think it would not reflect negatively on his job as Mayor? Come on.

Posted on: 2014/9/14 1:12

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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neverleft wrote:
Good for her it is her hood.

JC needs more people like this in City Hall and its neighborhoods.

yes indeed, her job and her neighborhood are two different things, she was fed up and she let them know. She is my hero!

Posted on: 2014/9/13 21:44

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Good for her it is her hood.

JC needs more people like this in City Hall and its neighborhoods.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 21:32

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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T-Bird wrote: Nancy?


Posted on: 2014/9/13 21:27

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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donnajc65 wrote:
Bingo!! I think you are on to something. The corner is a couple of blocks from the national model and highly successful prisoner reentry program! I wonder is Nancy and company walked down to that corner today!!


Posted on: 2014/9/13 20:34

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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buddyboy wrote:
Another white liberal who learned all about the "struggle" from
liberal professors who never lived in the inner city. Now that
she thrust herself into a world that she can not comprehend
she became enraged an expressed herself accordingly. The
people on Bostwick do not want her there. She is lucky she
survived her tirade. She failed to realize that the element that
she felt so obligated to protect because they have been
victimized by the evil police actually respect the cops more
then her. Typical.

Actually, Brook has lived in that neighborhood for quite a few years (at least five, probably more.) She was involved in prisoner re-entry programs long before the ex-Gov. came to town and made such things sexy. I think she comprehends plenty and "survived" her tirade because she is quite comfortable in her neighborhood.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 20:31

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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Whether it's a poor urban teen or a spoiled wealthy suburban teen the end result is you have created an undisciplined, entitled malcontent. For the wealthy punk though Mommy and Daddy are often going to step in and bail them out of a jam. The urban punk isn't going to be so lucky when the cops show up. This ranting woman has a good point. In any case, take a look at the basketball courts in Hamilton Park after a summer weekend. They are trashed and there are garbage cans all over that area. It's nice that volunteers and the city clean it up but every time residents just let it happen you have created a new generation of entitled lazy fools. And for all you people who say things like "she's lucky she didn't get her as kicked" etc. well then you are no better than the fools she was ranting at on Bostwick Ave.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 20:07

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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Whatever. 9 out of 10 people who see this video will empathize with this woman's rage against dirtbags who litter and make noise until 3am. It'll probably help Fulop's approval numbers.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 16:04

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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JJ comments Most are praising her.

She had that "oh crap, i'm being recorded moment" at the end. What a drunken fool. She should be removed from her position immediately for this immature act. Spoiled stupid yuppies, she's lucky she didn't get hurt. She should be throwing fits about the murder rate in Jersey City. At least she had the sense not to use any racial slurs, because she's obviously a flaming racist.

@MagnaCarta you got racist from this... I been waiting for an idiot to come along and use the racist card... where you been? you're late. She could have been hurt you say because that's what blacks do when they are being criticized. hurt people right? I think you're being the racist.

pupmaster 2 minutes ago
what? only blacks, spanish litter...or whoever live in that neighborhood. You went right for the racist theory - it explains everything. You are an idiot! - pigs come in every color race and nationality....except maybe muslim's they are exempt from everything...oops racism.

She should be given a raise for living a pig sty supporting her city.

pupmaster 9 minutes ago
fed up with pigs. Pigs love their sty. what more can ya say. She did nor said anything wrong.

Sometimes we need to vent.

Yahara 12 minutes ago
That rant has about as much chance of stopping littering in that neighborhood as did King Canute's command to stop the tide from rising.

Marc Shakter
Marc Shakter 20 minutes ago
Where are the police enforcing no loitering etc in the middle of the night? I'd say that's probably the real problem.. No reason for people to be congregating in the streets at 3am.. Bars close, people should be heading for home or their after hours spot, and there's no reason you couldn't use the garbage can in the bar... Even if they all weren't coming from a bar, neighborhoods with 2 story buildings like those... There's probably a trash can near the front of each one. Most homeowners don't mind if you throw an empty cigarette pack etc in their pail instead of their sidewalk.. The only reason to dirty your own neighborhoods is ignorance and laziness.

fedupwithJCbull 15 minutes ago
@Marc Shakter the streets are a poor mans lounge/bar/nighclub.

VenusFlyTrapLuver2 14 minutes ago
@Marc Shakter Just like you can't be in every single place in a whole city all at once, neither can the police.

Rosie K
Rosie K 50 minutes ago
Brooke your message was awesome! That took guts..

TrafficCircle 43 minutes ago
@Rosie K

No, it took liquid courage.

Rocknwk1587 1 hour ago
Question is what was the city's anti litter coordinator doing on bostwick at 3 in the morning

bingo55 55 minutes ago

The real question is when are you going to grow a set and have the balls to do what she did? Did you expect her to leave a kind note on the floor the next morning at 8AM. Go hide behind your monitor like your mom taught you.

fedupwithJCbull 36 minutes ago
@Rocknwk1587 If you read the article she lives in the area.

Damaged Wear
Damaged Wear 14 minutes ago
@Rocknwk1587 think she lives there

VenusFlyTrapLuver2 12 minutes ago
@Rocknwk1587 The same thing that every other adult is entitled to do at 3am. Just because she works for the mayor doesn't mean she has to follow a different set of rules and stipulations on her FREE TIME. You don't get to regulate her goings on from your armchair.

pupmaster 7 minutes ago
living life !


1 hour ago
A poor, inner-city neighborhood doesn't meet a carpetbagging yuppie's expectations? Shocker!

GovTrafficCone 1 hour ago
Yeah. I was born in JC before it was a crap-hole. I'm not happy about how the city hit the skids, but I'm so amused by Ohio born yuppies who move to JC because they discover they can't afford the rent in Manhattan. She's lucky that the guys she's yelling at were all pretty mellow.

FlyingSnake 14 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone Before Jersey City was a crap hole? You must be as old as my mom who grew up in Jersey City because I remember it being a crap hole and that was 30 years ago

GovTrafficCone 8 minutes ago
@FlyingSnake Yeah, I'm pretty old. When I was born in JC it was still nice. By the time I was in grade school things got so bad we moved to Bergen County.

FlyingSnake 3 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone I hear you. Her whole family grew up there and loved it. Hutton Street, Cambridge Street, Bartholdi Avenue, Mallory Avenue, Academy Street, Snyder High School, the old Mueller's Spaghetti Factory on Baldwin Avenue.....she used to take me on a whole tour and showed me where everyone grew up. So incredibly sad to see how it changed. Everyone has either since passed away or moved to Ocean County

bingo55 53 minutes ago

Uh.. No. It's normal people like her that have to point out what the real normal is. Just accept that the "Yuppie" is right, and you have succumbed to living in crap for the majority of your life, and never had the courage to do anything about it.

GovTrafficCone 44 minutes ago
@bingo55 The 'crap' was caused by the capitalism you love. City-wide corruption that served very narrow business interests, and a national policy of de-industrialization is what sunk Jersey City, as it did most of the old cities in the 'Rust Belt' You want to blame the poor minorities for what happened in places like JC, but they they are just a symptom of the disease called 'Wall St'.

TrafficCircle 39 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @bingo55

De-industrialization was mostly caused by unions driving up wages to noncompetitive levels on an international scale. Wall Street has some blame as well, but let's not make this a one sided analysis.

GovTrafficCone 30 minutes ago
@TrafficCircle @GovTrafficCone @bingo55 So it was all the fault of the unions? Is that why foreign car makers are looking to close their non-union American car factories....almost all of them located in the South.....and switch production to Mexico?

TrafficCircle 25 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @TrafficCircle @bingo55

Did I say "all"??? That is the problem with ideologues. They think that one side is 100% correct. Sad.

TrafficCircle 24 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @TrafficCircle @bingo55

Because not even the non-union shops can compete with international wage rates any more.

GovTrafficCone 10 minutes ago
@TrafficCircle @GovTrafficCone @bingo55 You'll be happy working for Mexican wages just as long as there is no union? Is that what you are saying?

TrafficCircle 9 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @TrafficCircle @bingo55

No. Why do you assume?

TrafficCircle 6 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @TrafficCircle @bingo55

...and some unions have/had their place. But they are not a blanket fix-all for the problems that labor faces, in fact sometimes they are the problem. You need to pull your head out of your idealistic hole and join us here in the real world.

GovTrafficCone 4 minutes ago
@TrafficCircle @GovTrafficCone @bingo55 You need to pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's butt.

fawn_liebowitz 36 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @bingo55 Gov, "Rust Belt"? Haven't heard that one in years. Sounds like you like living in crap and resent "yuppies" for their success... Good luck to you.

GovTrafficCone 32 minutes ago
@fawn_liebowitz @GovTrafficCone @bingo55 Go back to Ohio.

fawn_liebowitz 27 minutes ago
@GovTrafficCone @fawn_liebowitz @bingo55 LOL-- not even close, Gov. Like I said good luck to you and let go of a little of that resentment and anger... It's good for the soul.

GovTrafficCone 11 minutes ago
@fawn_liebowitz @GovTrafficCone @bingo55 Not Ohio? OK, some other Midwestern state. Another trust-fund kiddie who moved to NYC thinking they were going to find a really cute apartment in the Village, only to have reality bite them on the butt, and they ended up in JC.

Dooberstein 1 hour ago
I like when someone cares. When you care deeply about something, you can lose your temper now and again.

FlagShare3VenusFlyTrapLuver2Damaged WearjusticeLikeReply
lbibigboy 1 hour ago

Especially when your inhibition filters have been removed by too much of that demon alcohol.

FlagShare1Carolyn RogersLikeReply
bingo55 1 hour ago
Hey Augie, your headline is exactly why Jersey City looks the way it does. This women has something this article lacks, GUTS!!! She is dead accurate. The place is a dump and those people that make the place look like that on a daily basis are garbage. Stop with all the apologists. Deputize this women and give her a gun. If Jersey City is serious about cleaning up it's act, than they have to act on the information that this women is giving them. I lived in Jersey City for 40 years, and have had to curse many a fools for thinking the street and sidewalk was their garbage can.

Instead of giving this women credit, this article makes a futile attempt to disparage her. Hey Augie, why don't you get out of that office of yours and conduct a 3 AM interview with these knuckleheads about littering? We would love to see your video excerpts and amazing reporting of yours!

Good luck trying to wreck the career of someone that is actually making a difference!

Brooke Hanson, don't ever apologize for being right. Jobs come and go, but dignity and courage are irreplaceable. They are also values that you cannot buy, fake, or borrow. The Mayor should fully support you here, because we do, and we also vote.

FlagShare2Damaged WearjusticeLikeReply
wolfxx 1 hour ago
i generally hate profanity. but she's right.

FlagShare4Damaged WearWalterrrbingo55jersea52LikeReply
lbibigboy 1 hour ago

In vino veritas.

realitybaby 1 hour ago
U GO girl! IM proud of you - people are freaking PIGS today - I grew up in a neighborhood of immigrants and man o Man U coulda eaten off the street - get with it folks garbage is disrespectful

FlagShare3Damaged Wearbingo55jersea52LikeReply
jamesrsmithjr 1 hour ago
She complains about noise, then proceeds to shout at 3am.. Maybe she should look inward.

jersea52 1 hour ago
@jamesrsmithjr uh, are you ignorant? or blind? cant you plainly see, her voice was actually not even half as loud as these terrors, in the street

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bingo55 1 hour ago

No Mr. James. Maybe you should borrow some courage and scream with her. She was actually screaming about making something better, while you were asleep making excuses as to why things should be getting worse. It's for you to look inward and wonder why you think the way you do. I guess your not the speak up and say something type.

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disgruntledneighbor 1 hour ago
Jason Robards had infinitely more savoir-faire than this dame

This is Your Neighbor Speaking...This is Your Neighbor Speaking...
FlagShare3Damaged WearNGH144jersea52LikeReply
balls 1 hour ago
Lol....this is good stuff!

Good for her though for wanting a clean neighborhood.

FlagShare5Damaged WearVenusFlyTrapLuver2bingo55jersea52LikeReply
NJCrazyDad 1 hour ago
Well, at least she's passionate about it and takes her responsibility personally. Don't have much fault with that, although her vocabulary could use improvement. I am concerned about her off-topic blurb on the police. When the administration puts out random messages that imply you shouldn't trust the police, they are the enemy, you should not co-operate, etc. you only serve to undermine and feed into a destructive force. (Please don't respond with incidents when police acted poorly, we all know plenty of them.)

lbibigboy 1 hour ago
I am sooooo grateful that episodes of my youthful over-imbibing took place before the information era. I can imagine this young woman's horror at waking up to find this recording of her less than best moment the subject of so much attention.

artclam 1 hour ago
But when an Assemblyman uses vile language on a video ignores it. ... ecca-council-defames.html

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TrafficCircle 1 hour ago
The kind of woman you want to bring home to meet Mom & Dad.

BeautifulCountryVillage 1 hour ago
Watch your mouth TrafficCircle Brooke May give you a taste of Jersey City, and no it's not a restaurant.

FlagShare4Damaged WearNGH144wolfxxjusticeLikeReply
Rich 2 hours ago
Truth hurts. even if the messenger is drunk.

lbibigboy 2 hours ago
Maybe I'll have a few drinks and go on a rant about producing children for whom you assume no responsibility. IMHO it's a rant that deserves its 15 minutes of fame.

FlagShare3WalterrrNJ becoming DetroitjamesrsmithjrLikeReply
VenusFlyTrapLuver2 1 hour ago
@lbibigboy I agree that it deserves 15 minutes of fame, but I think on YouTube or Tumblr and not which purports to deliver the news.


Posted on: 2014/9/13 15:22

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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put it this way, if Healy was mayor and she worked in Healy's office, Steven would be all over this, this morning. Crying that she needs to go and its a continuing sign of the incompetence and ineptitude of the Healy administration and the need for change. Well Steven, add Brooke to Razzolli, the Chief, and a slew of others over the last year. Here is a reminder for you, YOU ARE THE CHANGE YOU HAVE BEEN SCREAMING ABOUT FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 14:41

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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To me, garbage is what comes out of one's mouth, not what is on the ground. Really, the property owner is responsible for removing garbage. If the city fined the owner, I am sure, the owner would have cans there for garbage. If that does not work, then call the police. I totally agree, we do not expect teachers or police officers to use that language so why should any public employee be exempt? I have cleaned up my property many times. I remember, I cleaned my property, then a city worker used a leaf blower and blew leaves in Van Vorst Park, some of those leaves wound up on my property. I received a warning from the city even though I had no trees on my property. Another time, I received a notice from the city that I did not clean my sidewalk after a snowstorm. The city provided a picture of property along with the fine. Luckily, the picture proved it was another property on the next block. So, if I can be warned about leaves or receive letters about snow, even if it was a mistake, why doesn't the city take the same proactive approach in other neighborhoods?

Posted on: 2014/9/13 14:38

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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My understanding is that government employees represent the government 24/7

Wrong! this is where she lives. she can tell these idiots to clean up after themselves and turn off the music!!! She is not an elected official, and not on the clock at 3:00 A.M.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 13:59

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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My understanding is that government employees represent the government 24/7. Imagine if a cop started ranting at a group of homeless people or a teacher starting screaming at a mother or father about their parenting. I think she needs to go.

On a happier litter note the SW corner of 2nd and Jersey has changed owners and is now being kept swept and even hosed.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 13:54

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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Jersey City City Hall employee Brooke Hanson really, really hates (expletive deleted) litter ? and garbage.

Hanson, an active member of Mayor Steve Fulop?s administration and close to the City Hall inner circle, was caught in an expletive-laced rant on a video, posted on Facebook and shared by many, about the amount of noise and garbage being dumped on the street, on her block.

?Have some self-respect,? she shouts to anyone who would listen. ?Do not live in garbage, don?t live in noise, do not live in police brutality.?

She is seen stomping and cursing up a storm on a Bostwick Avenue sidewalk with some ?neighbors ? egging her on and obviously recording her at what she herself says is 3 a.m.

?What the (expletive deleted) is this,? Hanson continues in one of her tamer sentences. ?You want people to not treat you like garbage, stop throwing (expletive deleted) garbage,? she yells.


Posted on: 2014/9/13 12:49

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Apparently she's in charge of the 'Stop the Drop' program, and takes it quite seriously!

Posted on: 2014/9/13 12:14

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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Hahaha good for her, I see her sometimes in the area walking about with her clipboard admiring the big houses while shh. I think she has said what everyone else was too afraid to say down at city hall or who lives on that block.

Bostiwick is about 8 blocks away from me. This corner is known for dudes, lowlifes who hang out and throw shit everywhere.

I love her spunk, its something I would do. I am always telling people when they are in Bayside Park which is a great looking park, "Don't throw your shit on ground or the grass, please pick it up, do you throw shit on your kitchen floor?"

Most roll their eyes and pick it up and some just laugh or denied they threw anything down. She is saying what most residents here don't have the balls to say.

GV has some beautiful blocks Bostwick is not one of them it is a hot spot for drugs and garbage. Thanks for posting.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 11:05

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Whatever happened to Healy's CCTV portable cameras - Weren't they supposed to catch litterers ?

Posted on: 2014/9/13 9:06
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Until we get some real community policing, the good work done by the likes of the "stop the drop" campaign will go largely ignored. Brooke Hansson was expressing sentiments that most of us agree on. But it shouldn't take her to get stressed out and tackle the issue single-handed. We should have police or volunteers, working in the community, reminding people have some local pride and keep JC tidy. ... _public_safety_discussion

Posted on: 2014/9/13 7:44

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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Living on the edge of Bayside park on the way to the light rail station, I constantly pick up garbage and every day ask why some people are so disrespectful to their neighbors and to themselves. One of my neighbors who have lived on the street for many decades cleans it up almost every day which I really appreciate. I hope the Mayors Stop the Drop campaign takes hold, though when i see people throw down trash within 10 feet of a trash can, I wonder why they hate their community so much.

For Brooke, Id suggest a nice relaxing vacation in Portland or Seattle, or maybe even a drive out to Milburn where the streets are spotless.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 6:00

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Another white liberal who learned all about the "struggle" from
liberal professors who never lived in the inner city. Now that
she thrust herself into a world that she can not comprehend
she became enraged an expressed herself accordingly. The
people on Bostwick do not want her there. She is lucky she
survived her tirade. She failed to realize that the element that
she felt so obligated to protect because they have been
victimized by the evil police actually respect the cops more
then her. Typical.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 5:43

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Adonis wrote:
In vino veritas.

Appears to me to be the ugly moment when a liberal political activist comes face to face with the real life results of the policies she espouses. It's sad and ugly but necessary for her to learn.

Agreed. But sadly her broader base will never understand this.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 4:32

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I find downtown to be quite clean, especially on the waterfront. The exception is when they have an ethnic based festival at exchange place, then that area becomes a disaster. I guess they like to bring the filth and violence from other neighborhoods. Animals!


AlexC wrote:
and it's true - so what's your *(&%&^ point?

I live on a very busy corner where commuters just dump their garbage to/from the PATH and really sick of these people. I have Snapple botles, Newport cigarette boxes, McDonalds drinks, soda cans, chip bags, at last year 2 tube television sets and a few years before that an automotive tire and used car battery, among other disgusting things.

people in Jersey city are pigs who litter all over the freaking place

this woman has the right to say this

Posted on: 2014/9/13 4:21

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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2007/10/11 3:28
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There sure are a lot of new members on here making much ado about an angry and possibly drunk 20 something. Find a hobby.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 4:01

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant

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2014/9/13 3:23
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2014/9/18 0:07
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This behavior from a City employee is repugnant. Even worse that this is an official in the MAYOR'S OFFICE! Will his honor get camera shy on this one? This requires a statement condemming her conduct.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 3:32

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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donnajc65 wrote:
The Woman represent the mayor!! She works in his office and has been his community rep since he took office. It looks like she was drunk or high or both. Its not a normal reaction. And what is she doing on the drive at 3 in the morning in the first place!! Very strange or she will collecting comp time for working over time.


Posted on: 2014/9/13 3:29

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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2014/1/10 22:45
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2016/6/1 22:03
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Bingo!! I think you are on to something. The corner is a couple of blocks from the national model and highly successful prisoner reentry program! I wonder is Nancy and company walked down to that corner today!!

Posted on: 2014/9/13 2:41

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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2005/8/6 23:41
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In vino veritas.

Appears to me to be the ugly moment when a liberal political activist comes face to face with the real life results of the policies she espouses. It's sad and ugly but necessary for her to learn.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 2:30

Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
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2014/1/10 22:45
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2016/6/1 22:03
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The trash aside, was she saying that the trash made police brutality acceptable? You can see that she is drunk and unhinged, but what does police brutality have to do with it.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 2:29

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