Re: Best two words in Fulop's world are 'super PAC' | Political Insider
Home away from home
Very disturbing, the city is clearly for sale to the highest political donor!
Dark money fuels pro-Fulop super PAC
Posted on: 2016/2/2 0:38
Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
Home away from home
So, zoning has nothing to do with development decisions!! What an educated and informed statement. If you google Jersey City you see plenty of Buzz over the Healy years, the Wall Street Journal, USA today, the Times, ect. Get real, the turn around of Jersey City has been a 30 effort by many people, not the least of which has been the planning professionals of the city. Development of Journal Square and all those great buildings downtown started long before Steven to the oath of office. As a matter of fact, long before he every thought of moving into JC. Now, if you never left, you would know that.
Posted on: 2015/7/15 0:38
Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
Home away from home
So Healy don't get credit for the Journal Square Plan that started in 2007 and was adopted by the CC in 2010, but he takes the hit to the Robin Hood settlement. Also, the EDA grant of $35 million came under Healy, the planning board approval came under Healy, not Steve. Without that grant and planning board, there is no tower in Journal Square. Let give Steven credit for giving KRE the most lucritive tax abatement in the City's history!! You can cherry pick all you want, most of what you see today downtown and in Journal Square and around the city was started under Healy. Even the two project recently give massive EDA grants where stated under Healy and given lucritive long term tax abatements under Steven. Steven is doing it just the way Healy did it, vote against tax abatements as a councilman and push them as mayor. Wonderful how things have changed.
Posted on: 2015/7/14 22:40
Re: redevelopment plan for city hall
Home away from home
It looks like the city is trying to up zone their own land, the parking lot across the street from city hall and cash in on the sale of the property with the new zoning. Its looks like this administration has learned from the developers on how to score big in the land use game.
Posted on: 2015/7/14 21:43
Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
Home away from home
When you say nothing happened under Healy, its not correct. The Journal Square plan happened under Healy. KRE received their approvals for there project under Healy and also their $35,000,000 of state grants under healy. Steve gave KRE the tax abatement. These projects don't happen over night. The Journal Square plan was key to getting these projects off the ground. Even Steve Fulop gives credit to the previous administration for putting the plan in place.
Posted on: 2015/7/14 21:16
Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
Home away from home
What a great project for both Journal Square and the city. The fact that the developer thought enough of the community to put together a website to layout the basics of the project is a first in the city. When was the last time any of these developers went out of their way to do this? It doesn?t happen. Another first is the fact that the developer actually followed the Journal Square plan 100% and doesn?t require an amendment or a plan change is a first and amazing. I have no idea what the Councilman Borgiano is talking about, did he even look at the website. Its an ?as of right? project Rich!! They even define ?as of right? for you Rich. Read it. They spell it out for you; they followed the Journal Square plan. This is what you want the developers do, follow the zoning and the law. And when that do, we should work with them and support the project, not hem and haw!!
Posted on: 2015/6/19 20:10
Pasta works project in Journal Square
Home away from home
What a great project for both Journal Square and the city. The fact that the developer thought enough of the community to put together a website to layout the basics of the project is a first in the city. When was the last time any of these developers went out of their way to do this? It doesn?t happen. Another first is the fact that the developer actually followed the Journal Square plan 100% and doesn?t require an amendment or a plan change is a first and amazing. I have no idea what the Councilman Borgiano is talking about, did he even look at the website. Its an ?as of right? project Rich!! They even define ?as of right? for you Rich. Read it. They spell it out for you; they followed the Journal Square plan. This is what you want the developers do, follow the zoning and the law. And when that do, we should work with them and support the project, not hem and haw!!
Posted on: 2015/6/19 20:08
Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
Home away from home
Does anyone here "Fulop for Senate"! When Bob M goes down, and he will go down. Steven is cut the deal with Sweeney and the guys in the south to run for Senate.
Posted on: 2015/4/3 18:34
Re: Jersey City councilwoman lands county job
Home away from home
Fulop had to get her a job at the county, she has been gripping to everyone that she was broke and need more income! The fear with the admin that she would get in trouble fund raising, with McKnight advising her and the fact that she sits on the redevelopment agency board. The county didn't just hire her, the Mayor got her the job with the county to try to keep her from doing something stupid! The hypocrisy is stunning!!
Posted on: 2015/3/17 14:05
Re: TECCS 2nd Annual Gala - Honoring BOB HURLEY - Fri, Feb 6, 2015
Home away from home
Thanks Dan, good post.
Posted on: 2015/2/4 0:30
Re: Mayor tosses PPG off city property!
Home away from home
The Mayor now understands how PPG plays the games. Delay, delay, delay. I didn't see the previous deputy mayor, the Honorable Kablili "sleepy" at the press event. He must have been catching a few winks at the new DPW building.
Posted on: 2015/2/4 0:28
Mayor tosses PPG off city property!
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/2/4 0:23
Home away from home
We get it, they don't sell fish!! They are not a fish market! Get over it, already! If they sold fish, this tread would complain about the smell of fish when they are getting their cappuccinos. The place is a great addition to DT. They did a great job. I happy to have them in the neighborhood.
Posted on: 2015/2/4 0:21
Re: Saving the Powerhouse Arts District remaining buildings
Home away from home
I know they are on the list, lets hope they stay on the list.
Posted on: 2015/2/1 3:17
Re: Political Insider: Does the Jersey City Recreation Department discriminate in its hiring?
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Ryan owes his job to Akil, not a big secret there, Ryan worked for the developer brandywine and Ryan made the HUB campaign central for Fulop. Lets be frank, Akil didn't deliver a hate speech, he delivered lots of hate speeches and actually created a business around delivering these speeches. Ryan owes everything to Akil and so AKIL now runs recreation in a defacto way.
Posted on: 2015/2/1 3:11
Re: Liberty Science Center announces $230 million expansion
Home away from home
First, the city didn't market the 16 acre site. By their own admission, they didn't send out a RFP and they didn't place adds in the JJ or Star Ledger. No one knew the land was in play so to speak. So, this story that the land was for sale for decades is just plan BS!! Second, the hospital is a critical part of the city. They have been for over 100 years. If they had to compete for city land, so should LSC. The fact that LSC received FREE Land and the hospital had to compete for land to expand their footprint, is difficult to comprehend. City accommodate their hospitals. They understand the importance of good affordable health care in their cities. and make no mistake about it, for every dollar the medical center gave to the city to plug a hole in the budget, it was a dollar less toward a new emergency room or other needs of the hospital. The mayor talks about about JC being a world class city, you can't have a world class city without world class medical care! And on that account the mayor struck out!!
Now I can hear the rebuttal about schools. Well, when Steven had the opportunity to support a successful preschool at the Golden Door charter school site, he chose to turn his back on them too. The the school argument doesn't cut it.
Posted on: 2015/1/28 21:04
Re: America's first openly gay governor finds a new calling
Home away from home
well, it worked! "I'm not a crook, I'm a victim"! you may see others using that strategy going forward.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 22:59
Re: Liberty Science Center announces $230 million expansion
Home away from home
So Josh, why sell land to the medical center for 24 million dollars and give LSC land for free. The hospital is one of the largest employers in the city and perhaps the largest employer of city residents. They are the one institution in the city that we can't do without! They are bursting at the seems and the city knows that. And yet, this administration has made it a point to put a gun to their heads about buying the city land for 24 million or else. That is what they have done. Free land-16 acres- for LSC and meg-a-dollars- from the hospital-24 million for 2.5 acres. I simply doesn't make sense. All I can think, is the developers on the LSC board cut a deal with the mayor. The hospital deserves better.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 22:51
Re: Mana Contemporary Art Center
Home away from home
The area in and around MANA is becoming, the Marion arts district. All without any governmental support. MANA has expanded all around the original building. Journal Square and the Marion neigborhood are still affordable and the neighborhoods are diverse and stable, with good schools (charter). Things are looking up forJournal Square and Marion. The Puccini development with be another boost to the neighborhood.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 22:36
Re: America's first openly gay governor finds a new calling
Home away from home
from Golan's website:
McGreevey has spun a tale about his struggle to come out of the closet as a gay man, and his realization that he could no longer run from himself. However, the reality is that this was never an issue of sexual orientation or a secret romance. The fact is that I was the victim of several sexual assaults and ongoing sexual harassment by Jim McGreevey. For now I will only describe the three main incidents of sexual assault, although in the near future I intend to post my entire story here ? from the time we met, through all of the assaults, threats and lies, up to my ultimate decision to stand up and confront the Governor. McGreevey's book is not a real confession at all, but rather a carefully planned pack of lies intended to rehabilitate his name and restore him to public life. I strongly hope that the American people and especially the gay community ? which I respect ? rejects this obvious, shameless ploy from a man who has engaged in acts of deception, sexual violence, and intimidation. McGreevey has a long history of lying in both his personal and political life, and I cannot imagine why, at this point, he is seen to have earned any credibility whatsoever.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 22:21
Re: Saving the Powerhouse Arts District remaining buildings
Home away from home
don't forget the developer of the powerhouse, Cordish, a wolf in sheep clothing. He sold the city that he could save the powerhouse and repurpose it, he now has joined the club and wants 40 stories attached to it!! The district has become a charade.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 22:09
Re: Saving the Powerhouse Arts District remaining buildings
Home away from home
The buildings are being sold to the firm doing Trump, Kushner/Kabre. The yellow building is all but empty. Price close to 15 million for the two buildings. The sale hasn't closed yet, but a couple of people in the building mentioned to me that they had heard the plan was to take one building down, maybe two. I would assume if the buyers are having conversations with the city about demo, the city would sharing that with the community. We will find out soon enough.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 22:05
Re: Talde and Carrini provisions open?
Home away from home
The Carino's did a great job on the building and the restaurants. What a great addition to downtown and the city.
Posted on: 2015/1/26 23:25
Re: America's first openly gay governor finds a new calling
Home away from home
Cody didn't run for the office because he had so many skeletons in his closet he knew he would never be elected to the office. Cody was clueless also.
Posted on: 2015/1/26 23:18
Re: America's first openly gay governor finds a new calling
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/1/26 3:18
Re: Liberty Science Center announces $230 million expansion
Home away from home
Thank You for your post and the time you put into research it. I really don't get it. The mayor made it a point to brag that he "bent the hospital" over to make them pay twice what Healy wanted to charge them, yet he gives this property away to a finacially unstable institution. Well it makes good headlines for him.
Posted on: 2015/1/23 20:42
Re: Liberty Science Center announces $230 million expansion
Home away from home
So true Dan, so true. Steven gave the hospital the shaft and comic book collector $20,000,000 in FREE LAND!!!
Posted on: 2015/1/23 18:12
Re: Talde and Carrini provisions open?
Home away from home
I just saw it open. Wow, what a great spot!! kudos to the developers for bringing both of these to the neighborhood!!
Posted on: 2015/1/23 15:28
Re: Liberty Science Center announces $230 million expansion
Home away from home
nice catch, yes, this is an old idea that hit the wall for a lot of issues, market and the treatment center being two big ones. Today's story is good spin for Steven, but far from a reality. The mayor should have shown more compassion for pricing city owned land to the hospital, instead of "plugging a hole in the budget" at the expense of the hospital and its mission!
Posted on: 2015/1/23 15:24