Re: Jersey City mayor-elect orders end to citywide reval
Home away from home
Still so pissed that Fulop stopped this. Complete BS! If People can't afford to pay the fair value tax on their homes then they need to figure out a different solution for their housing. I don't see how it's fair that people who moved to JC in the last 10 years or so that don't have abatements should have to pay full value while the rest piss and moan they can't afford it. Suck it up it's f#$%ing America and you pull your share no freebies at the expense of others!
Posted on: 2015/3/27 2:09
Re: $37.2 million tax break lures retailer to Jersey City waterfront
Home away from home
Maybe the locals aren't as educated or qualified. If they were they would probably be sought after. It's capitalism and darwin. You want it? Earn it, there is not entitlement.
I doubt they didn't hire Americans as a rule, that would actually hinder their ability to be competitive. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/2/23 2:21
Re: Jersey City Baby Has Suspected Case of Measles: Health Officials
Home away from home
Any idea where this baby lives and if he went to Daycare?
Posted on: 2015/2/6 15:46
Re: The Coffee Shop near Grove PATH
Home away from home
The Pediatric dentist and the dog sitting place are well done. Also the work/share place indiegrove has a nicely designed aesthetic. It's too bad about that mirror letters of the salon that opened there. The gaudiness hurts my eyes, would be more appropriate in other parts of the city. Nice to see that terrible looking barber shop close, "Cintron's Place" Hopefully the new store Cintron's plans to open will not look like a condemned hell hole. It will be a happy day when we finally lose those generic discount shops and the dollar store.
Posted on: 2014/11/30 2:50
Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
Home away from home
I agree that you cannot be protected from everything but the wasted guy in the canoe is a bad example. He created the dangerous situation himself. Had the canoe rental company not properly maintained the canoe and that led to him being injured or killed than they should be liable.
I'm not sure why everyone is so shocked by this. By your thinking why do we even have seatbelts or airbags? Hell we should get rid of all law! It can be Ferguson, wouldn't that be fun? Quote:
Posted on: 2014/11/25 5:01
Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
Home away from home
She rightfully deserves it. The property owner displayed gross negligence in not properly securing a dangerous hazard, in a public park no less. I would venture to guess that the hazard was there for quite a while too. Making it that much worse. We need to hold those accountable who fail to properly maintain public areas.
Let me tell you too, it can be a lot less than that and an insurance company with settle in order to not be taken to court. Old lady had a bag of chips fall on her head in a grocery store, claims migraines and other aliments, worth at least a couple grand just so the insurance company isn't dragged into legal costs. It is what it is. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/11/25 3:37
Re: Child Falls Through Hole in Liberty State Park Walkway into River!
Home away from home
I was recently in Liberty State Park, along the main east side walkway and was very surprised to see that many of the railings are Horizonal rather than vertical, in addition the gaps are huge. Any little kid that gets just out of the reach of a parent (5 feet, vigilante you dick!), would have no problem jumping right into the river. I'm pretty sure that this would be out of compliance with building codes if it were on a balcony or deck railing, not sure why it's ok of the waterfront.
There are a lot of hazards due to the lack of maintenance on the waterfront walkways all around DTJC in Paulus Hook and Newport. I always wonder when i see a huge hole who is responsible for the upkeep, city or private property owner? My guess is the city because private owners would be insane to open themselves to that type of liability, insurers would take issue as well.
Posted on: 2014/11/24 3:11
Re: Any Real insight on PS 16?
Home away from home
DO you know what schools most of the the kids are bussed to? Do they try to keep them downtown?
Posted on: 2014/11/20 4:57
Re: Any Real insight on PS 16?
Home away from home
Good Luck with getting in Pre-k, it's a lottery system and I think they have 30 something seats for the whole neighborhood. They will bus they extra kids to the shit parts of town.
Posted on: 2014/11/18 4:23
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
I stopped listening when I heard "Reverend" Call me irreverent!
Posted on: 2014/11/18 4:17
Re: Paulus Hook Brick Oven Pizza is Closing
Home away from home
I think we are really splitting hairs between the old Rustique, the new Rustique and PHBOP. I think we can all agree they are great pizza's. It's brushing the height of pizza snobbery.
One thing all pizza snobs should be able to agree on is that John's tastes like absolute garbage. I refuse to order out of dine in there ever again. Pizza taste (which is horrible, think ketchup on naan with polly-o string cheese) aside, the delivery and dine in service was horrendous.
Posted on: 2014/11/18 4:11
Re: Paulus Hook Brick Oven Pizza is Closing
Home away from home
Rustique Pizza is just as good if not better they are slightly less expensive and they don't charge a delivery fee as Paulus Hook did. Best part of Rustique is that they deliver to Paulus Hook.
Even though I'm right around the block from PHBOP I still order from Rustique. Save about $5 on a pie delivery.
Posted on: 2014/11/18 3:58
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
Thanks you for the clarification but if anyone seriously thought that Fulop was behind the website, I have a great inherence of million dollars that I just need you to sent me one time of $500 to get money unlocked then sent to you. Contck me as soon as possilbe.
Posted on: 2014/11/12 3:00
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
Not even taking into account that Fulop would have a much more informed and widespread polling/testing method and professional firm working on his analysis, this website is clearly shoestring budget and poorly done. It's kind of like when you get spam that has typos and misused words. You know it's not a serious attempt.
...and really who cares if Fulop does want to be Governor or Senator? I think he'd do a better than Christie or Booker. I don't blame him and I'd be proud to say that he was the Mayor of JC back in the day. I believe that he will be a political success and not go down in a blaze of drunken useless shame like the last Mayor. I think that if he runs for another term as Mayor we should consider ourselves lucky to have such an effective and efficient action taker in office. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/11/10 4:44
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
Yvonne, you do yourself an injustice by making these statements. I honestly think that you are smarter than that.
Posted on: 2014/11/10 3:40
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
I think you are missing the point. This post and the link to it have absolutely no link to Fulop or any ambitions he may or may not have in the future. It's simply a random petition that someone started that 16 people signed (likewise probably hoodwinked by the original, sarcastic poster) and is now being used by his opponents to create false criticism against him for potentially desiring higher office.
Political bullshit basically Quote:
Posted on: 2014/11/9 3:54
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
...and to think, all this time I thought "Neverleft" meant that you never left JC!
Posted on: 2014/11/9 3:44
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
The webmaster should really remove or edit the title of the thread, it's misleading and unhelpful.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 4:45
Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
Home away from home
I could make a petition that says "Yvonne for Governor, sign this petition to get Yvonne to run for Governor" It would have the equivalent value of the petition linked in your post. Useless and dumb.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 4:43
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Gave them just enough rope to hang themselves before the election in 2016!
Posted on: 2014/11/7 2:31
Re: Jersey City Board of Education Election- The Children First Team
Home away from home
What candidates are in support of more access to pre-k in your local school in underserved Downtown area? Whoever supports that gets my vote. I will not vote for anyone Fulop endorses due to his position of being an obstacle to increased pre-k downtown. Bussing 3 and 4 year olds is ridiculous.
Posted on: 2014/10/19 2:16
Re: Pumpkin Stealer
Home away from home
This is actually a true statement.
Posted on: 2014/10/18 3:50
Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Home away from home
We need a Wegmans not a whole foods.
Posted on: 2014/10/14 1:53
Re: The World of ABC / The Waldo School - Reviews/Opinions
Home away from home
I remember them being shockingly expensive, the most expensive in all of downtown. Please share what you find out.
Posted on: 2014/10/14 1:51
Re: Man threatening to jump from Jersey City highrise removed
Home away from home
Tell the asshole not to hit any kids on the sidewalk.
Posted on: 2014/10/13 3:35
Re: Hudson County's first public golf course getting closer to tee off time
Home away from home
Tee it high and let it fly!
Posted on: 2014/10/8 1:48
Re: Taqueria on Grove & Bay Street
Home away from home
This has happened to me on seamless and I complain directly to seamless, they refund the money, I refuse the delivery when they finally do come and that's it. They can eat the cost and give an accurate delivery estimation next time.
Posted on: 2014/10/2 2:22
Re: Embankment- Update Thread
Home away from home
He certainly doesn't shovel the snow off the sidewalks around "his" property. I have always wondered if he gets fined for that. The city did make a half hearted attempt to clear it once or twice last year after community complaints.
Posted on: 2014/9/25 4:09
Re: Speed bump between 8th and 9th on Erie.
Home away from home
What a dumbass this Morrill is! She's really trying to blame speeders for damaging their cars? If you go the speed limit in certain vehicles you will absolutely bottom out on that hump! I would love to see what regulations she says that the city is following with the 8" height! I'm not anti speed hump or traffic control, I'm anti-moron. Hey moron Morrill, maybe if the city would paint some warning lines on the hump right after they make it that would help, do you think? Is not painting the warning stripes on the hump also in compliance with the mystery regulations?
Not to mention the shaved down hump now likes like S*%T! Guess we just can't have anything nice or anyone with common sense in JC Government. "As for the height of the speed bumps, Morrill said "They are high within regulation in order to deter speeding and make sure pedestrians are safe. We are protecting people, not cars."
Posted on: 2014/9/24 1:57