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Re: Snow
Home away from home
Get real Pebbles. The City isn't going to spend extra millions/year just because some dogs don't like wearing booties.
Posted on: 2014/1/6 15:09
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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They do sell pet friendly ice melt. Quote:
So the laws on the books are contradictory. Rock salt is clearly are harmful to animals. Most dogs utterly hate things over their paws so it isn?t an option for some. I?m not advocating that everyone do away with the rock salt, but I?ve seen animals that simply stop walking holding a paw up in the air because it hurts so much to put down.
Posted on: 2014/1/6 15:02
Dos A Cero
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2005/3/21 20:01 Last Login : 2020/9/5 14:18 From Exchange Place
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The roads were pre-treated with brine. I saw the trucks.
Can a homeowner use brine? Or is it too expensive or too much work?
Posted on: 2014/1/6 14:55
Re: Snow
Home away from home
+1 When you're a home owner and put all your muscle in it, which I absolutely, unequivocally do, I'm not interested in a lawsuit of someone slipping. I salt. I have a dog. I also have a kid. I take care of both because they are mine and my responsibility. So is making sure no one slips in front of my property and sues me for the total of what it takes to send my kid to college in the future.
Posted on: 2014/1/6 3:13
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Broadway will be a mess in the morning...more than usual. Broadway going from rt 1&9 up to Tonnelle Ave is supposed to be 2 lanes. Because of the parked cars having snow walls next to them the roadway is reduced to one lane.
That is an emergency route and people were not supposed to park on it but did. So I guess the plows couldn?t get to the parking lanes. In the past the city would tow the cars and do the cleaning at night. Maybe they we get to it. But as of Sunday night it was still kind of one lane up. FYI- if you go that way.
Posted on: 2014/1/6 1:54
Re: Snow
Home away from home
According to what you copy/pasted, it IS lawful to use rock salt. Rock salt WILL cause discomfort to dogs. It can cause inflammation and even dermatitis. If you are worried about your pooch, you can buy different products to protect his paws. I use special plastic footies that look like balloons. They are easy to put on and you can reuse them.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 23:59
Re: Snow - Alternate side parking?
Call 201-432-4645, ext 675 for status. Current msg says "suspended for Mon, Jan 6th."
If there's snow in the streets, alt parking is always suspended.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 23:24
Re: Snow - Alternate side parking?
Home away from home
Has anyone seen a suspension notice? I checked the City's main page and Fulop's FB. No news.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 21:14
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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This is the first major snowstorm since Fulop became mayor on July 1. During his campaign, he heavily criticized former Mayor Jerramiah Healy, his predecessor, for the city?s response to Hurricane Sandy.
Fulop said his ride-along with the JCIA gave him some good ideas on how the city can improve its snow removal operation, such as creating additional salt depots. Read More: Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
Posted on: 2014/1/5 19:08
Re: Snow
Home away from home
Sidewalks are better - stoops are still really bad.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 18:55
Re: Snow
Home away from home
My deductible is probably too high.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 17:34
Re: Snow
Very true. So bizarre to see that it'll be nearly 40 degrees by this afternoon, yet it's one big sheet of ice out there.
Def be careful. All Ive heard all morning are sirens (I live near City Hall).
Posted on: 2014/1/5 17:23
Re: Snow
Home away from home
And this morning, the sidewalks are one big sheet of ice. Be careful out there.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 15:04
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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Quote: ... gblog/2009/feb/06/weather ... nvironment-technology.htm ... s/environmentanimpact.cfm ... 02/salting_the_earth.html ... on-initiative/impacts.htm the list of reports goes on and on. (curiously, googling "dog urine's impact on the environment" yielded a much shorter list.)
Posted on: 2014/1/5 3:42
Re: Snow
Home away from home
No, that's exactly what I meant. How is road salt worse than the gallons of dog piss going into the river? I think salt is important and dogs are important, for different reasons. But don't act like salt is somehow inherently evil when you can just put shoes on your dog and circumvent the whole issue.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 1:49
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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shovel more thoroughly, and use salt more sparingly. it works!
Posted on: 2014/1/5 1:19
Re: Snow
Home away from home
The way the city uses it is ridiculous. Spread it out instead of leaving it in clumps. There are plenty of pet-safe alternatives for homeowners who aren't cheapskates.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 1:17
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
Registered Users
how so? (by "shit," I was referring to the metric asston of salt. not actual poop. sorry if that confused you.)
Posted on: 2014/1/5 1:16
Re: Snow
Home away from home
I didn't see a single kid walking around with a shovel looking to pick up some extra cash by doing a sidewalk or driveway.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 0:58
Re: Snow
Home away from home
Just curious for the people that don't want salt dumped. What alternative is there to help melt all the snow/ice?
Posted on: 2014/1/5 0:47
Re: Snow
Just can't stay away
Try your insurance company. Perhaps it exceeds your deductible without a witness or proof you are sol filing a claim elsewhere.
Posted on: 2014/1/5 0:41
Re: Snow
Home away from home
Ugh.. So when i finally went to dig out my car, I found my side-view mirror clipped off. No other damage to the car. I am going to assume it was a plow. Does anyone know who to contact about this?
Posted on: 2014/1/5 0:33
Re: Snow
Home away from home
The city workers just dumped a sh*tload of salt on the corners/crosswalks around HP. Much of it was simply dumped in a giant pile. I just swept some of it to spread it around in a more useful fashion.
Posted on: 2014/1/4 22:05
Re: Snow
Home away from home
Having had to deal with a nuisance slip and fall lawsuit (wasn't due to ice) that went on for three years... I will continue to use salt. I don't need to risk another person having an 'accident'. Get your dogs some booties.
BTW: The alternative is calcium chloride, which can be toxic to pets of they clean their paws. Rock salt isn't. The only other alternative would be to make up some brine and spray it on the sidewalk. Then you would have no crystals to get stuck in a dog's paw.
Posted on: 2014/1/4 21:57
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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With nearly eight inches of snow on the ground in Jersey City from last night?s storm, motorists and pedestrians griped today that it was hard to get around this morning.
?It was hard for me to get to the gas station,? said Edith Walker, 46, of the city?s Greenville section. Walker was temporarily parked in Journal Square while dropping off her husband for work. She said she had to drive as slow as 10 mph to avoid hitting people who were walking in the streets to avoid snow-covered sidewalks in her neighborhood. She said the roads were "terrible" and that the city had done a "lousy job" at cleaning up the snow. "I almost got stuck trying to avoid all these piles of snow," Walker said. Poll: How did Jersey City Mayor Fulop do with his first big snowstorm? Krunal Shah, 24, of Beacon Avenue, works at the 7-Eleven in Journal Square. Shah?s walk to work usually takes 15 minutes, but it took almost twice as long today, he said. Shah said he was forced to walk on the road because sidewalks hadn't been cleared yet. "It was bad," he said. "But what they can do about it? I don't know either." Kendall Ransom, 27, of Bergen Avenue, was busy clearing the front of the PATH station for commuters. Ransom said he had been out with a PATH team for 16 hours cleaning up the snow in and around the transportation hub. "I've seen worse, but this was one of the worst ones because it was non-stop," Ransom said. In contrast to other Jersey City residents, Mikhail Iskangre, 50, who has lived near Journal Square for 17 years, said the snow this year was "no problem." "This is life in America," he said. "Last year, there was nothing. This year, it's okay."
Posted on: 2014/1/4 21:37
Re: Snow
Home away from home
followed by... Quote:
The cognitive dissonance here is staggering.
Posted on: 2014/1/4 21:35
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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Vig and I don't usually agree on dog issues, but I gotta side with him here. No way am I walking my hound through all that salt. (I am, however, keeping him on a leash.)
Posted on: 2014/1/4 21:15
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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YES. for real, people, ease up on the salt. my shoveling - plus the sun - was all that was needed to clear my corner, yet a well-meaning neighbor went and dumped a ton of salt in front of my house (and left an extra cupful on my stoop, in case I saw that they missed a spot. er, thanks?) now I can't even bring the dog right out front for a tinkle without lacing up four small booties. also, that sh*t ends up in the storm drains and then in the Hudson. our waterways don't need more crap in them. please, when it snows again, put some muscle into the shoveling, and give the salt a rest.
Posted on: 2014/1/4 21:12
Re: Snow
Home away from home
2005/11/12 17:04 Last Login : 2024/5/7 14:26 From Downtown JC, VVP Area
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Saw a lot of dogs being walked today and most of them were limping from salt crystals in their paws.
SO, what's the deal; is salt permitted under city code or isn't it? This last snowfall was in COLD temps and the moisture content in the snow was pretty low. Throwing 2,500 TONS of salt, only to have it rain starting tomorrow and then freeze HARD again (Monday night) strikes me as a complete waste of time and money. This was a plow and shovel affair, period. If a dog owner meticulously picks up, and some obviously don't, I really don't care where they walk their dog...
Posted on: 2014/1/4 19:39