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Re: JC historic commission to vote Monday on demolition of St. Peter’s school buildings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2019/2/11 21:21

Re: Property Taxes - Delinquency Notice - How to get help from City Hall?
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Just can't stay away

Just send her an email with the backup images of your payment. She usually responds quickly.

Posted on: 2018/10/31 17:57

Re: The best bagel shop in North Jersey is... WONDER BAGLES
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Just can't stay away


brewster wrote:

Rosember, did you seriously shitpost me about the validity of Hudson Bread's hechsher and then give a shout out to pork kielbasa and tref pierogi? BTW you never even said what your problem with Quality Kosher & Rabbi Isaiah Hertzberg was.

I did not, you did that all by yourself. There are people in the world that take the matter of Kashrus very seriously. I do not get insulted or defensive, when asked about the source of any certification. You took a natural question and demeaned the intent. You made the statement that it was Kosher. I gave no shoutout to any treif products, or even stated that they were treif.

The statement about pork kielbasa and treif pierogi came from a post you made, and speaks to your credibility, and seriousness about the issue of Kashrus, I made no inference or determination.

I never stated that there was a problem with Quality Kosher or Rabbi Hertzberg. Had you identified them up front, instead of responding with an arrogant attitude, your fragile feathers would never have been disturbed.

Posted on: 2018/9/20 12:31

Re: The best bagel shop in North Jersey is... WONDER BAGLES
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Just can't stay away

Why would you even ask? It goes great with the kielbasa, pierogi and stuffed cabbage purchased from the Polish store on Hutton Street.

Posted on: 2018/9/18 14:04

Re: The best bagel shop in North Jersey is... WONDER BAGLES
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Just can't stay away


brewster wrote:

rosember wrote:

brewster wrote:
Apparently Hudson Bread has recently started making bagels, we ordered some for the Synagogue Break-fast on Wed, and we'll see. Their rolls are great, and their stuff is kosher.

Can you provide a link to the organization or Rabbi that certifies them as kosher?

Why don't you actually contact them and ask about their hechsher if that's a concern of yours???

I did, and one should be more careful about spouting out terms they minimally know about. You do understand there are standards, and different people may observe these standards differently, but to spout a general statement, making yourself a self proclaimed expert is irresponsible.

And a happy new year to you!

Posted on: 2018/9/17 17:33

Re: The best bagel shop in North Jersey is... WONDER BAGLES
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Just can't stay away


brewster wrote:
Apparently Hudson Bread has recently started making bagels, we ordered some for the Synagogue Break-fast on Wed, and we'll see. Their rolls are great, and their stuff is kosher.

Can you provide a link to the organization or Rabbi that certifies them as kosher?

Posted on: 2018/9/17 11:58

Re: Looking for wooden pallets
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Just can't stay away

There were also 3 leaning against the building by the back door to Downtown Hardware (on Bay Street). Directly across from the side of Talde.

Posted on: 2018/8/30 17:51

Re: Found iPhone
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Just can't stay away

Yes I answered a few calls that came in and told them, to contact the owner by other means, the first person that comes in with the ability to unlock the phone (retna id) gets it, the guy showed up on Tuesday, and unlocked the phone. It seems he was involved in a street fight outside of Talde, and lost the phone in the fight. He didn't look like he won the fight.

Posted on: 2018/8/16 13:53

Found iPhone
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Just can't stay away

If anyone lost an iPhone on Erie Street between First and Bay, please PM me with a description, or call your iPhone to claim it.

Posted on: 2018/8/6 13:55

Re: Newark Ave. Fire at Moloney's Meat Market near County Court House !
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Just can't stay away

Bet they are running a sale on "smoked" meats.

Posted on: 2018/6/15 12:27

Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza Expansion
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Just can't stay away

They should close that section of Barrow off and put the passeo the SID was promoting a few years ago.

Posted on: 2018/4/30 13:40

Re: NYTimes: Uneasy Welcome as Ultra-Orthodox Jews Extend Beyond New York
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Just can't stay away


iGreg wrote:
Would u like me to dig thru family archives and post images of long gone family members learning neat descriptive works like 'schmuck'?

That pretty much says it all. By all means do that, they were only predicting what type of people their offspring would become.

Posted on: 2017/8/2 21:35

Re: ATM's with $100 bills
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Just can't stay away

Every Chase branch I have gone to (including Washington, and the one at 50 Columbus) have 1 ATM that dispenses 20s and 50s. But I don't think they would dispense all 50s. Never saw one that dispenses 100s

Posted on: 2016/3/9 18:26

Re: Running a natural gas line from my condo building to my private backyard/deck
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Just can't stay away

Call Mike Razzoli. He knows quite a bit about installing gas lines for a BBQ on a patio. ... rector_stepping_down.html

Posted on: 2016/3/2 21:48

Re: 1960s JSQ - trying to ID a building
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Just can't stay away


JCSHEP wrote:
Hello, does anyone remember what building in the 60s in JSQ had Kinney's shoes, Orange Julius, and Vic Tanny's in it?


I don't think they were all in the same building. Vic Tanny's was on the second floor of the building where Cohen's Fashion Optical is today. Orange Julius was in 2 locations but across the street near Three guys Pizza, then further in on the right. Don't remember where Kinney shoes was, but I think Liss or Woolworth's was where the Right Aid is.

Posted on: 2015/10/26 12:25

Re: redevelopment plan for city hall
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Just can't stay away

Without knowing specifics of your examples, the ones I know of were because the condos didn't sell and they made them rental units, and as rental units the taxes were indeed less. Either way the other property owners get screwed, because even if the the PILOT goes away, but the penalty that the other property owners have been paying gets lost in the mix and never given back.

Posted on: 2015/7/13 14:27

Re: redevelopment plan for city hall
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Just can't stay away

Of course they are getting a price slash, without this benefit, they never would agree. Where does it say that PILOTs are equal to taxes. The City's component is greater, and the county gets nothing. The rest of the property owners get to make up the shortfall. Spin it how you wish, the injured parties in the abatement process are ALWAYS the rest of property owners in the city who get no benefit from the abatement, but always foot the bill in the form of tax increases. The City only passes the blame to the County, when the root cause is almost always the City.

Posted on: 2015/7/13 13:49

Re: Jersey City will overtake Newark population by 2016, Mayor Fulop claims
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Just can't stay away

We get to read your endless rants, on how you predicted this all along, and nobody takes you seriously. I wonder why.

Posted on: 2014/3/6 19:45

Re: Why do all the jitney busses have cardboard covering their grills?
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Just can't stay away

The only way to be sure is to go to the next Captains meeting. It should be entertaining, because I don't think he was kidding.

Posted on: 2014/3/4 15:22

Re: Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop's State of the City speech 2014
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Just can't stay away

Be careful what you wish for.................

Posted on: 2014/3/3 15:44

Re: Car towed for snow removal. WTF Jersey City.
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Just can't stay away

As a general rule, the process of towing cars is handled in a humane way by the Parking Authority and the Police Department. Standard protocol is to first try to contact the owner, and warn them of the pending tow. The contact is based on the vehicle registration. If you are local, they come to your house and warn you personally, if not home, or not local you will get towed.

Posted on: 2014/2/25 21:43

Re: Bad Vibes at Park and Sixth
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Just can't stay away

I guess there is no such thing as bad press. Webmaster, how many of these "new" posters, including Brian, have the same IP address?

Posted on: 2014/1/31 17:06

Re: Jersey City Need Not Apply
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Just can't stay away


Yvonne wrote:
The person who created this video, Michael Shurin, is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, believes in the second amendment, thinks some drugs should be legal and is a lapsed Jew. ....

What is a "lapsed Jew"?

Posted on: 2014/1/24 13:03

Re: Bakery that used to be on Summit Ave. in JC
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Just can't stay away

It became Pathway after Five Corners closed it, and were left with the one location on Newark Ave. They closed soon after that. They ran both locations for about 8 years, I believe.

Posted on: 2014/1/15 22:16

Re: Bakery that used to be on Summit Ave. in JC
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Just can't stay away

I think you are referring to Five Corners Bakery. It was actually on Newark, right next to the Municipal parking lot, accross from the library. They also had a second one in Journal Square, next to Silver Rod Drugs.

Posted on: 2014/1/15 13:11

Re: Who can recommend an accountant for a freelancer?
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Just can't stay away


Trivia wrote:
There is a guy on Newark, Surach. Never used him, but I walk by that office every day.

Surach Peter G CPA
282 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ ?
(201) 432-5400

He is looking for recommendations, Just seeing a shingle in the street? Why not just tell him to look it up in the yellow pages. It would actually be more useful!

Posted on: 2014/1/10 18:39

Re: Steve Fulop says he shouldnt have to 'kiss a ring' to get good legislation passed
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Just can't stay away

Mr. Mayor:
If you are monitoring this forum, just keep in mind that in Hungarian, Sarlo translates to $hit of a Horse. Perhaps the name says it all!!

Posted on: 2014/1/8 22:53

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Just can't stay away

I'm not Tris McCall, I just happened to read the article this morning. Go find another pot to stir, Troll

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:50

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Just can't stay away

Get a life

Tris McCall is as objective as they come, and a resident of Jersey City. Knit pick what you will, I found the article factual and well written. He doesn't have an agenda, and tells it the way it is.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:41

Re: Anyone knows how the Jersey City cab meter fee calculate
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Just can't stay away

All Jersey City cabs are equipped with a high tech scanning device. You are scanned as you enter, the type of currency and denominations are determined, and the driver simply adds a percentage of that figure to your fare. The older the cab, the more sophisticated the scanner. Best to go into a cab with no money and pay with plastic.

Posted on: 2014/1/7 15:04

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