Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
Home away from home
Thanks. Package arrived today but only after the Sender contacted USPS and insisted the package didn't arrive. It showed up after being sent to the wrong address.
Posted on: 2015/1/31 17:14
Home away from home
I misunderstood this thread and went to meet a friend at Talde last night and it's not open yet. Their restaurant in the back of the market is open with a Cantina in the basement but not Talde's.
Posted on: 2015/1/31 13:58
Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
Home away from home
I thought that too but it's been several days.
Posted on: 2015/1/30 19:49
Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
Home away from home
USPS up to their old tricks again. Items says delivered. It wasn't. Now I have to work through their dysfunctional system of hell.
Posted on: 2015/1/30 18:43
Re: Goldman Sachs Scaffolding
Home away from home
I'm the crazy guy who rides my bike past their building en route to the park and holds my middle finger up at them while saying "Goldman Sucks!"
Posted on: 2015/1/25 12:09
Re: Chinese Company in Talks to Buy Jersey City Site:
Home away from home
First time I have confirmation Yvonne is actually a troll.
Posted on: 2015/1/22 19:47
Re: Amendment to an ordinance
Home away from home
This is unbelievably stupid. Beyond a cash grab. Does the city have ZERO CLUE the unwritten rules of Jersey City? How many builders pay off the cronies and two bit inspectors at the Permit Offices to get a C of O before selling? And each inspector has different rules to the game to make things complicated for a builder, contractor, then the home owner, taking too long to inspect, changing the rules every time just to maintain their power of it being overly complex so that you have no options but to play the game of passing envelopes? And these will be the same people coming to advise if it will pass before being sold? The same offices who turned a blind eye for cash now will be back to make sure the building is to code only to turn a blind eye again for a second load of cash?
If those unwritten policies have cleaned up, bravo. Doubtful, but bravo. But then won't these same inspectors be nervous when someone sees their signature on the original 'pass' only to come back to some of these homes before closing to tell the homeowners/sellers/buyers/realtors it's not really to code? IF this is to happen, someone in city hall has to take ownership on the fact there's a lot more going on than what is on the books here.
Posted on: 2015/1/20 13:51
Re: Amendment to an ordinance
Home away from home
All I see is another corrupt money grab. "Inspectors" taking too long to get to your property, raising the stakes when you're trying to sell in a timely manner and then the white envelopes get passed around whether it be the realtors having to do this or the homeowners.... Let's not kid ourselves, this is a time tested way our city employees in these positions have paid for their new decks and BBQ's at their vacations homes....
And if we want to assume it would be legitimate thanks to those offices being cleaned up - just imagine the nightmare's of depending on a city run office to help facilitate closing a real estate deal in a timely manner.
Posted on: 2015/1/19 13:54
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
Home away from home
You don't have to tip UBERX. I e-mailed the company with this link and asked them specifically about UBERX and here is what they said:
Thanks for writing in. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Happy to help. Riding UberX means there's no need to tip! When you get to your destination, you can simply hop out of the Uber and be on your way. Your card will be automatically charged the full fare for the trip and you'll have an email receipt sent to your inbox.
Posted on: 2015/1/16 20:02
Re: Christie & Cuomo Support Eliminating Weekend Overnight PATH Service
Home away from home
Can we stop the baiter and trolls and get back to the core of the issues? Oh, I'm sorry, it's JClist. My bad!
Posted on: 2015/1/1 20:29
Re: Power outage
Home away from home
I'll tell you the BS. Cops sitting in their cars on Columbus near the intersection of Columbus and Marin where the lights didn't work. He sat IN his car and on a loud speaker from the car said, "slow down", "slow down". People IN their cars? Windows closed? Couldn't hear him AND it was the pedestrians who were having trouble navigating the streets without any order to the vehicles. The police officer could have exited his car (sorry it was cold out officer....) and navigated traffic and/or pedestrians. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
Posted on: 2014/12/13 15:24
Re: Power outage
Home away from home
More importantly, did the raccoon survive? :)
Posted on: 2014/12/13 3:26
Re: Forbes relocating to JC
Home away from home
Thanks! Wow. Considering the once prominent Forbes (who recently auctioned off loads of art, photography at Sotheby's for millions of millions of dollars) it's interesting how they are now moving to Newport, nondescript building of all places. I would have expected them to be in something with more of a story...
Posted on: 2014/12/12 16:29
Re: Forbes relocating to JC
Home away from home
Does anyone know what building?
Posted on: 2014/12/12 13:29
Re: Package thief on Varick St
Home away from home
I used many tactics (including tipping, getting to know my carriers etc.). Nothing worked. Still stolen. One theft was by the UPS driver. Gave up and had everything delivered to my office. And tipping the postal workers got me NOWHERE. Different people over the holiday season while my regular left and those people couldn't have given two sh*ts. Door was often not relocked, mail boxes accidentally forgotten to relock...just a cluster of complete ineptitude.
Posted on: 2014/12/9 19:09
Re: Man dies in freak accident at Jersey City construction site
Home away from home
I walked past a construction site for that new tall building behind Shoprite and there was brick falling OFF the building. You could see bits of brick scattered on the road and sidewalk etc. I witnessed a chunk the size of a softball fall in front of me. I talked to a woman with a baby stroller to warn them, I (and I think she) called and complained to the city etc. They put better signage up to make sure pedestrians cross the street but the problem is the brick was over on the side where the sidewalk is. The site has since moved on from doing the brickwork but this post on the other lax scenario has me re-think my walk to work.
Posted on: 2014/11/4 0:58
Re: NYT Review of Battello
Home away from home
Choreography of food coming out and customer preference is a delicate balance the finest restaurants have mastered. And the exchange between patron and server is part of the overall experience. And exceptions can be made when the server notes the customer doesn't mind ill timing to accommodate the clients at the table's preferences, once that's established then it should be okay for both parties. Battello's is great. I love it. I'll continue to go and enjoy all they have to offer (view spectacular!) and if I have clients who I know will put me through the oyster to appie to entree scenario I'll choose the bar area so I won't have to worry about this policy. Last post. Otherwise this could go on forever in a JC List kind of way.
Posted on: 2014/10/18 19:13
Re: NYT Review of Battello
Home away from home
I've really enjoyed patronizing the place. I just wish they'd stop refusing to let us order our appetizers before ordering our main course. This has happened four times. Even when it wasn't busy. Once it was Oysters we wanted to order, even before we were ordering our appetizers and entrees...wanted our drink order and oyster order at the same time. Server came back and apologized but said the chef is working on a large party and needs us to put in our oyster order with our entrees. So we had to figure sh*t out pretty quickly if we wanted our oysters with our cocktails.
Then I came upon this article and thought - okay, it's a trend. Link here: New York Observer
Posted on: 2014/10/18 13:31
Re: Construction on 3rd Street bet Coles & Jersey
Home away from home
Close windows. Use white noise.
Posted on: 2014/10/11 16:50
Re: Isn't enough space' on street, so park in garages
Home away from home
I meant deeded. Ours is deeded. If you lease from this owner building (no rental companies you must lease from an owner) you can park in the parking lot for free. It's including in the rent.
Posted on: 2014/9/11 20:49
Re: Isn't enough space' on street, so park in garages
Home away from home
I believe it is free to the owners of apartments. But not to renters. There's the catch.
Posted on: 2014/9/11 10:31
Re: Jersey City: Newark Avenue - Pedestrian Plaza
Home away from home
Posted on: 2014/9/8 12:03
Home away from home
Bet that was him. I was on 2nd Street (on the south side sidewalk). He was dressed as a business man with a messenger bag. Sidewalk was narrow. He came out of nowhere and tried to maneuver between a couple with a stroller, a telephone pole only to confront an oncoming pedestrian. Me. I was almost hit by him and he skidded to a stop. I was shocked and didn't know to go left or right & then went towards my office door. My brief hesitation had him accuse me of intentionally getting in his way to make a point. I wasn't making any point other than, "huh? biker almost hit me". Ironically the other side of the street had a wide, empty sidewalk and parking lot as it was BJ's and Shoprite's backlot. If I was riding my bike, I'd have chosen that. There are a lot of amazing bikers in this 'hood. I love to bike. I love the new bike lanes. A few years back I'd ride on the sidewalks with my wife to get to Liberty State Park when it was 7 am and I was on narrow roads nervous about drivers but hopped off the sidewalk if I saw pedestrians coming. Not great bike behavior, but was nervous about the speeding drivers in the neighborhood. No so anymore, but due to my past behavior I tend to be soft on bikers....but this douche was outright offensive and yelled at me like I was a jerk off. It was nerve racking actually. Hate wasting any more time writing about d*cks like that. They don't represent the majority of riders but he deserves to be called out. I pity the guy. He must be a sad little man who needs a refill on his meds.
Posted on: 2014/8/4 16:17
Home away from home
I bet those dudes at the water cooler this morning nodded with agreement when you shared the story about what a jerk-off I was to dare walk the side walk in to my office in front of your bike this morning. I mean, it is a SIDE WALK, it?s a place where self entitled douches such as yourself deserve to ride their bikes at high speed maneuvering around the likes of people like me and parents with baby strollers (those pesky families walking on a sidewalk only to get in your way!) who evidently set you off on a collision course towards me!
You know, it would have been awful and probably against your douche philosophy to go, ?Oh sh*t, my bad.? and I would say, ?Oh Sh*t I didn?t see you pop out of nowhere.? as my body almost met your front wheel and I?d think, ?well, sometimes a dude has got to ride on a sidewalk in this town to be safe?? and I?d left it at that. Maybe I'd be thinking as I sat down at my desk, "Hey, don't they have bike lanes in this city now?" But regardless, I wouldn?t have thought you were so much of a jerk if you didn?t yell that I was one because I didn?t get out of your way. We would have gone on with our day while I?d think, ?my this place it getting nicer and nicer to live!? and you?d think, ?Heck, I gotta be careful when I whip around people when I?m riding on the sidewalk as I could run in to other people being that it?s a sidewalk and all.? But instead you whipped around the parents with their stroller only to stop in front of me and chastise me for not getting out of your way, in fact you went as far to accuse me of intentionally getting in your way. Note to douche - did you SEE the door on your right I was crossing to get in to? I wasn?t trying to smash in to your front wheel, I was trying to walk in to my office building. I?d love to see how you spin this. But take note, perhaps those dudes by your water cooler nodding in agreement when you share your story of the jerk who intentionally got in your way? Maybe when they go home they?re saying to their significant other, ?You know that douche at work? You?re not going to believe what other asshole move he did today, when is Ted going to fire him??. Or maybe when you pillow talk with your significant other how frustrating it is to ride your bike around pedestrians these days because they intentionally walk in your way on sidewalks? I suspect they may just be humoring you while figuring out how to find sweet walking Ted on Grindr again. Stop making bikers look bad pal. There?s another way...
Posted on: 2014/8/4 15:28
Please tell me who to call if pieces of brick falling off construction site building
Home away from home
A woman warned me today as I walked the opposite side of the street from a 20 story (currently being built and it's likely higher than that) high-rise that pieces of brick were falling. She showed me the piece that fell (as large as a baseball) and while she was talking another piece fell. We looked around and there were bits of brick everywhere. This is across the street but the building is so high I guess while they are working on it, it's falling. It could hurt someone. Who do we report this to?
Posted on: 2014/6/24 21:19
Re: Battello Restaurant - Newport Marina
Home away from home
Their formula seems very successful so far. It's about time we had a place of this quality in that area (it's strides above what was there before). I've been many times and it's never disappointed. I haven't found the prices any different than any other restaurant of this calibre. The wine selections are excellent. And the view is worth every penny.
Posted on: 2014/6/9 16:39
Re: Helicopters over the Hudson
Home away from home
Saw a filming helicopter so it could be a movie shoot.
Posted on: 2014/5/11 23:11
Re: Drainage System in JC?/Dealing with corporate LLs
Home away from home
I invested in both a backflow preventer and sump pumps. $$$$ but it was worth sleeping at night every time it rained hard. Oh wait, I sold the place 'cause no matter what, living in DTJC + heavy rain = sleepless nights.
Posted on: 2014/5/1 21:58
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
Home away from home
My understand from UBER is that there is a negotiated rate which includes tip:
"Being Uber means there is no need to tip. When using TAXI (requesting a ride from a yellow cab via the Uber app), drivers will input the metered fare into the Uber driver application. 20% of the metered fare will be automatically added and paid to the driver as a gratuity. "
Posted on: 2014/3/27 11:28