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Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2012/7/11 19:25
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The difference is that in most NJ suburbs kids throwing water balloons onto passerbys would be stopped in minutes.

JC doesn't have those resources- and that's why people- especially over there do it. The police have to tend to violent crime in non-DTJC.

Posted on: 2013/6/3 18:36

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
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There's a big difference between being harassed by a group of young men who want to kick somebodies ass and some kids throwing water balloons as they cower behind windows. NO COMPARISON. When we were kids we did stuff like throw water balloons, yell out windows to mess with people. Standing on a corner and purposely trying to incite a fight is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. It's kids vs. thugs people.

Posted on: 2013/6/3 18:06

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2005/8/6 23:41
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When my friends and I used to pull these types of hijinks back when we were young boys I remeber that the most effective way to get us to stop was for a victim or group of victims to come chasing after us. Usually they didn't. So when they did it really scared the crap out of us.

Posted on: 2013/6/3 16:45

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2007/1/28 22:55
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There would be more of this sort of thing, on all of the blocks, if the large majority of white families didn't leave when their kids reach school age. Downtown JC is a bit of a kid-free bubble.


radryan03 wrote:
Bringing this topic back up... we were harassed at the same spot around 3PM on Sunday...

The clowns were launching water balloons from the center section of that housing project at us - across the street on Manila. We did a WTF when one splattered on a light pole above our heads... took a second to realize what was taking place and then three more followed within proximity of us...

Fortunately, a cop was on Manila... hailed him down and he pulled over... they AHs ran off.

To anyone who pulls the - this is minor, kids having fun, what?s the big deal, at least they're not robbing or dealing drugs - do me a favor - take a water balloon (unexpectedly) to the head from 100 ft away...

Posted on: 2013/6/3 15:48

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2007/10/29 12:17
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Bringing this topic back up... we were harassed at the same spot around 3PM on Sunday...

The clowns were launching water balloons from the center section of that housing project at us - across the street on Manila. We did a WTF when one splattered on a light pole above our heads... took a second to realize what was taking place and then three more followed within proximity of us...

Fortunately, a cop was on Manila... hailed him down and he pulled over... they AHs ran off.

To anyone who pulls the - this is minor, kids having fun, what?s the big deal, at least they're not robbing or dealing drugs - do me a favor - take a water balloon (unexpectedly) to the head from 100 ft away...

Posted on: 2013/6/3 14:17

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2013/3/29 21:43
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vindication15 wrote:
This discussion is very interesting. First off, no one should be harassed and no, it doesn't come with living in the city. City living does not equate to being harassed. "City" is generally an urban settlement with a large population and with that comes more pollution, more cars, more restaurants, more people, etc as compared to the suburbs or rural areas. Harassment is not associated with "city". That is like saying terrorism is associated with Muslim which is also blatantly biased and completely subjective.

As far as project housing, I think it is safe to say that although the idea might be noble, the implementation and "checks and balances" has been a colossal failure.

But to get right to the point, our schools in JC are failing our children (any viable measure of this proves my point - test scores, graduation rates, reading level, math level, etc.) so when these children grow up to be delinquent teens and delinquent young adults, are you really surprised?

Forget about your tax dollars funding public housing, how about your tax dollars funding these failing public schools - Dickinson, Snyder, Lincoln, Ferris? By any reasonable measure, they should all be closed down ASAP.

And yes, I'm aware that there are bright kids at these schools and hard working teachers but when overall, you have a failing institution, one or two kids or teachers does not justify failing the majority of kids. It's like a company with 1 or 2 hard workers and 99% failures. Would that company ever last more than a day? Can you imagine having your tax dollars pay for that company to stay open and produce a piss poor product? Unfortunately, the piss poor product that our JC public schools produce are the delinquents you see in the streets.

So far, no one running - Healy or Fulop - has really addressed what they will do to make our children more competitive.

I?m sorry, but I?ve heard this rhetoric before and it really goes unexplained. What, exactly, will closing the school down do? Is the problem the building?

If you close the building down will the kids that once went to school there suddenly going to become smarter? How? Will they suddenly decide to respect their teachers and cease messing about with drugs, stabbings, etc.? How?

If the argument is that the teachers don't care, then you are quite off base and have never had an actual conversation nor stepped foot in the classroom environment that you are talking about.


ripple wrote:
We need to instill more respect for the commons, especially across ethnic/racial groups. People only treat the city like it's trash because they lack respect for their neighbors, and ultimately, themselves.

This is 100% true.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 20:41

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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Christ. Dickinson already has several cops stationed permanently out there during lunch hour. That is just ridiculous.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 18:00

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2012/7/11 19:25
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Dolomiti wrote:

RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
Article from February announcing demolition of some Hoboken projects

You might want to re-read the article.

They are increasing the number of public housing units from about 800 to 1000. They aren't doing it to chase "bad people" out of the neighborhood, they're doing it to replace aging buildings.

And add market income housing. They are increasing density to not waste the land.

The projects on Manila are low-rise when you have high rises all around.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 16:02

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2004/12/14 21:47
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Any news about the youths in this story? Might be good to re-post the photo.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 11:18
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Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2012/8/6 22:56
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RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
Article from February announcing demolition of some Hoboken projects

You might want to re-read the article.

They are increasing the number of public housing units from about 800 to 1000. They aren't doing it to chase "bad people" out of the neighborhood, they're doing it to replace aging buildings.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 19:35

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2012/7/11 19:25
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Newport, Hamilton Park, and Harsimus are now probably the wealthiest neighborhoods in the city aside from Paulus Hook and maybe Port Liberte.

NYC is adding market rate condos to projects in Harlem. So if they can do that, we can change projects into mixed use housing that are a block away from 1BR 500k+ condos in the Powerhouse Lofts.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 18:56

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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Posted on: 2013/5/1 17:09

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2005/8/6 23:41
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Harassment like this should be covered under anti-bullying laws. Bullying isn't limited to schools.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 16:51

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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JasonLLEE wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

AlexC wrote:
You can model any HS in Jersey City to McNair, but if you do not get the top ranked, motivated, dedicated high achievers, PLUS, parents who are committed to the program and are willing to get involved in their child's education and the institution, it's not going to work. It's a partnership between the teachers, the administration, the student and their parents.

I think in this particular incident, those kids parents are to blame. They should be the ones held accountable. How? I don't know.

but I still think some kind of non-lethal, physical beating should be an option

JasonLLEE wrote:
In response I would like to point out

Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School on
123 COLES ST. is ranked #50 for the best High School in the United States.

So to answer your question, why don't the mayor use this H.S as a model to set the standards for the rest of Jersey City H.S?

as a newly transplant for San Francisco, the board and SF mayor's used a similar standard model of having underachieving H.S. follow Lowell (nationally ranked H.S.)as an example. Currently, San Francisco now has over 3 H.S ranked in the top 500 US schools.

McNair is not a normal high school as an entrance exam is required to attend. They also accept students from outside the city.

Yes, the other High Schools should be more like McNair, I agree with you 100%.

Why should all JC high schools not try and get "the top ranked, motivated, dedicated high achievers, PLUS, parents who are committed to the program and are willing to get involved in their child's education and the institution"

JC would be infinitely better if those children and those parents lived here.

It seems the more and more of "Those" parents are moving into Hamilton Park, Newport, Van Vrost etc... but i disagree with you.. if you may recall.. H.S. has a big impact on teenagers.. if the High School culture embraces education, high achievement, and integration to a higher standard of living (imagination, dedication, drive, goals, careers) then why not?

If you disagree then you underestimate the influence of H.S. culture it can make you better or it can make you worse. Back to the issue at hand growing up.. i saw a dramatic change in certain school systems in California where the "being white" for getting A's was accepted, education and athletics can be combined, H.S developing imagination working with firms around the area "Genentech" teaching new ideas and learning environment not familiar to the usual Math, Reading, History etc.. but actual hand on training and learning which accepted majority "minority" students.. they learned and embraced the culture of creativity, education and success.

The three Rs are the foundation, anything above that is nice but without a solid foundation, it doesn't matter how creative you are if you can't even multiple or divide. You have nothing to fall back on. And if you're goal is to be the next Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson, then good luck but statistically speaking, you will fail. I'm not saying everyone should be able to do calculus (although in other countries THAT IS the expectation), I'm saying basic...

I agree with you on HS culture. My question is - does Snyder, Lincoln, Ferris, Dickinson embrace the principles of

education, high achievement, and integration to a higher standard of living (imagination, dedication, drive, goals, careers)

To be honest, I actually don't care if they are following those principles because I would rather homeschool my kids than send them to any of those schools but if they don't and are failing kids, I don't want my taxpayer money involved in that.

You people talk about getting rid of more abatements so more funding goes to schools. I don't think more money is why those high schools completely fail JC kids. And if so, more money should be given under the condition that if they don't improve kid's performance on the 3 Rs and college admission rates then schools shuts down. very simple.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 16:35

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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I, for example, speak of first hand experience and not a "i know so and so did x" on this subject. I lost food stamp assistance a while ago when I came off of unemployment and my new income made me ineligible. I actually reported it, like a law-abiding citizen. I was also never eligible for cash assistance (welfare) because I still had a source of income.

What is more than likely the case, is that they were illegally not reporting income.

Much respect to you for doing the legal and morally correct thing when you reported an income change. Personally I like to help good folks like you with my tax dollars because someday I or someone I care about might be in the same position.

It is unfair to both you and I when others cheat the system and do not report additional income or wage earning live in boyfriends. I've served my country and bust my a$$ driving a 1000 dollar car in a search for parking around that neighborhood everyday. So when a benzo (lots of other nice cars in there) drives by me on its way to a private parking lot, It kind of pisses me off also.

Also I understand that teens of any socio-economic demographic can be unruly but that doesn't make it right.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 15:32
I'm not perfect.....but I'm not all bad either.

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th

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2013/4/4 23:53
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vindication15 wrote:

AlexC wrote:
You can model any HS in Jersey City to McNair, but if you do not get the top ranked, motivated, dedicated high achievers, PLUS, parents who are committed to the program and are willing to get involved in their child's education and the institution, it's not going to work. It's a partnership between the teachers, the administration, the student and their parents.

I think in this particular incident, those kids parents are to blame. They should be the ones held accountable. How? I don't know.

but I still think some kind of non-lethal, physical beating should be an option

JasonLLEE wrote:
In response I would like to point out

Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School on
123 COLES ST. is ranked #50 for the best High School in the United States.

So to answer your question, why don't the mayor use this H.S as a model to set the standards for the rest of Jersey City H.S?

as a newly transplant for San Francisco, the board and SF mayor's used a similar standard model of having underachieving H.S. follow Lowell (nationally ranked H.S.)as an example. Currently, San Francisco now has over 3 H.S ranked in the top 500 US schools.

McNair is not a normal high school as an entrance exam is required to attend. They also accept students from outside the city.

Yes, the other High Schools should be more like McNair, I agree with you 100%.

Why should all JC high schools not try and get "the top ranked, motivated, dedicated high achievers, PLUS, parents who are committed to the program and are willing to get involved in their child's education and the institution"

JC would be infinitely better if those children and those parents lived here.

It seems the more and more of "Those" parents are moving into Hamilton Park, Newport, Van Vrost etc... but i disagree with you.. if you may recall.. H.S. has a big impact on teenagers.. if the High School culture embraces education, high achievement, and integration to a higher standard of living (imagination, dedication, drive, goals, careers) then why not?

If you disagree then you underestimate the influence of H.S. culture it can make you better or it can make you worse. Back to the issue at hand growing up.. i saw a dramatic change in certain school systems in California where the "being white" for getting A's was accepted, education and athletics can be combined, H.S developing imagination working with firms around the area "Genentech" teaching new ideas and learning environment not familiar to the usual Math, Reading, History etc.. but actual hand on training and learning which accepted majority "minority" students.. they learned and embraced the culture of creativity, education and success.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 15:20

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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Just curious why no mention has been made of parents and extended family in teaching kids courtesy, manners, etc. Putting the burden on schools seems misplaced to me - they have enough of a job teaching how to solve binomial equations and how a bill becomes a law.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 14:26

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2008/7/3 5:49
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I don't think it is unreasonable to take people off of public assistance when their earned assets puts them over a certain income level.

This is actually what happens in pretty much every case of public assistance. I, for example, speak of first hand experience and not a "i know so and so did x" on this subject. I lost food stamp assistance a while ago when I came off of unemployment and my new income made me ineligible. I actually reported it, like a law-abiding citizen. I was also never eligible for cash assistance (welfare) because I still had a source of income.

Grats on focusing on one aspect of what I said, taking it out of context and changing the meaning though. I said nothing that stated "i think a person who can afford to buy a high-end car should be on public assistance". In fact, I do not.

What is more than likely the case, is that they were illegally not reporting income.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 14:08

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corybraiterman wrote:

JerseyCityNJ said that the woman receiving SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PAID BY MY TAX DOLLARS can simply afford a benz WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES.

A) exception to the rule
B) anecdotal evidence that might not even be true
C) scamming said assistance doesn't mean assistance is bad
D) all of the above


Forget about their income. Imagine a truly needy, genuinely poor person. Let's also stipulate that it is our obligation to provide that person with shelter.

Can someone explain to me why is it our obligation to provide said shelter in the most expensive neighborhood?

For starters, Manila ave wasn't always the most expensive neighborhood. In fact, it still isn't. Perhaps some time in the future it will be, but perhaps the projects will cause all of you crybabies to leave and it will degenerate into a barren neighborhood. Who knows. In fact, much of the area around Hamilton Park, Newport and Harsimus Cove were among the very poorest flophouses in the city, where low-wage warehouse workers lived close to their jobs.

Thusly, there's no reason to suddenly move where people live at merely because they are being given assistance to. There's no line of demarcation on the poverty scale that says "oh, your neighbors now make X. Time for you to leave." The buildings are built, the families live there and none of you whiners will ever get to do anything about it.

Ummm, I never said all assistance is bad. I said assistance to this particular woman is bad. What is TRULY FRIGHTENING is that you people cannot even admit that a person (whether hypothetical or not) who can afford a benz on HER OWN INCOME SHOULD NOT RECEIVE TAX PAYER MONEY.

If you cannot even admit that then we can't even have a discussion. It's like I say the sky is blue and you say there is no sky...

I don't think it is unreasonable to take people off of public assistance when their earned assets puts them over a certain income level. I would include possessions bought with said earned income in that a freaking mercedes benz...

But hey, she's getting hers right. She's probably jealous of the artists who got to live for free all those years in dtjc. You know, she ONLY had to pay reduced rent while those artists paid nothing. More people should be able to live where ever they choose for free. The world would be a better place. Right?

Posted on: 2013/5/1 7:25

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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JerseyCityNJ said that the woman receiving SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PAID BY MY TAX DOLLARS can simply afford a benz WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES.

A) exception to the rule
B) anecdotal evidence that might not even be true
C) scamming said assistance doesn't mean assistance is bad
D) all of the above


Forget about their income. Imagine a truly needy, genuinely poor person. Let's also stipulate that it is our obligation to provide that person with shelter.

Can someone explain to me why is it our obligation to provide said shelter in the most expensive neighborhood?

For starters, Manila ave wasn't always the most expensive neighborhood. In fact, it still isn't. Perhaps some time in the future it will be, but perhaps the projects will cause all of you crybabies to leave and it will degenerate into a barren neighborhood. Who knows. In fact, much of the area around Hamilton Park, Newport and Harsimus Cove were among the very poorest flophouses in the city, where low-wage warehouse workers lived close to their jobs.

Thusly, there's no reason to suddenly move where people live at merely because they are being given assistance to. There's no line of demarcation on the poverty scale that says "oh, your neighbors now make X. Time for you to leave." The buildings are built, the families live there and none of you whiners will ever get to do anything about it.

Posted on: 2013/5/1 4:59

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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vindication15 wrote:

JerseyCityNj wrote:
she might simply be able to afford it and isn't breaking any rules.

I want to point this out because some people might not have noticed it but out of all the comments I have EVER read on this forum, this one infuriates me the most.

JerseyCityNJ said that the woman receiving SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PAID BY MY TAX DOLLARS can simply afford a benz WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES. Notice how he rules out inheritance, gifts, etc.

I think any sane rational person would argue that the mere fact that she can AFFORD to buy a benz means she should not be getting ANY TAXPAYER HELP.

Why am I subsidizing her when I don't even have a benz?!?! I hope jerseycityNJ doesn't mean this because it would literally be the single most absurd thing ever said on this forum.

Forget about their income. Imagine a truly needy, genuinely poor person. Let's also stipulate that it is our obligation to provide that person with shelter.

Can someone explain to me why is it our obligation to provide said shelter in the most expensive neighborhood?

Posted on: 2013/5/1 3:55

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vindication15 wrote:

Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Sure it can, but while high marks, motivation, and dedication can help a person earn a living, become elected, or get laid, those traits alone have absolutely nothing to do with treating others well.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 20:38

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vindication15 wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Really??! Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Did YOU go to one of the schools that I mentioned? That would explain a lot.

I went to a top-ranked high school. didn't stop my classmates from trashing my house at a party senior year.

We can argue over anecdotal evidence or use actual stats. I don't think you would argue that Snyder, Lincoln, Ferris, or Dickinson, on average, produces students who are more prepared for society - in terms of academic achievement. Just look at college admission rates, test scores, reading levels, etc.

So I'm not sure what point you are making by bringing up that one specific situation...

I thought we were just examining the courtesy angle.

Are you saying that kids from the schools I mentioned, on average, are more courteous than from McNair?

I'm saying teenagers, as a species, are mostly unbearable.

now excuse me while I chase a few off of my lawn.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 20:17

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JCbiscuit wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Really??! Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Did YOU go to one of the schools that I mentioned? That would explain a lot.

I went to a top-ranked high school. didn't stop my classmates from trashing my house at a party senior year.

We can argue over anecdotal evidence or use actual stats. I don't think you would argue that Snyder, Lincoln, Ferris, or Dickinson, on average, produces students who are more prepared for society - in terms of academic achievement. Just look at college admission rates, test scores, reading levels, etc.

So I'm not sure what point you are making by bringing up that one specific situation...

I thought we were just examining the courtesy angle.

Are you saying that kids from the schools I mentioned, on average, are more courteous than from McNair?

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:59

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vindication15 wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Really??! Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Did YOU go to one of the schools that I mentioned? That would explain a lot.

I went to a top-ranked high school. didn't stop my classmates from trashing my house at a party senior year.

We can argue over anecdotal evidence or use actual stats. I don't think you would argue that Snyder, Lincoln, Ferris, or Dickinson, on average, produces students who are more prepared for society - in terms of academic achievement. Just look at college admission rates, test scores, reading levels, etc.

So I'm not sure what point you are making by bringing up that one specific situation...

I thought we were just examining the courtesy angle.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:57

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JCbiscuit wrote:

vindication15 wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Really??! Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Did YOU go to one of the schools that I mentioned? That would explain a lot.

I went to a top-ranked high school. didn't stop my classmates from trashing my house at a party senior year.

We can argue over anecdotal evidence or use actual stats. I don't think you would argue that Snyder, Lincoln, Ferris, or Dickinson, on average, produces students who are more prepared for society - in terms of academic achievement. Just look at college admission rates, test scores, reading levels, etc.

So I'm not sure what point you are making by bringing up that one specific situation...

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:50

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2007/2/3 21:36
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vindication15 wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Really??! Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Did YOU go to one of the schools that I mentioned? That would explain a lot.

I went to a top-ranked high school. didn't stop my classmates from trashing my house at a party senior year.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:43

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2012/1/19 4:04
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
she might simply be able to afford it and isn't breaking any rules.

I want to point this out because some people might not have noticed it but out of all the comments I have EVER read on this forum, this one infuriates me the most.

JerseyCityNJ said that the woman receiving SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PAID BY MY TAX DOLLARS can simply afford a benz WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES. Notice how he rules out inheritance, gifts, etc.

I think any sane rational person would argue that the mere fact that she can AFFORD to buy a benz means she should not be getting ANY TAXPAYER HELP.

Why am I subsidizing her when I don't even have a benz?!?! I hope jerseycityNJ doesn't mean this because it would literally be the single most absurd thing ever said on this forum.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:40

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2012/1/19 4:04
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2017/4/20 19:08
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Frank_M wrote:
Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Really??! Schooling has nothing to do with what mannerisms you pick up, what behaviors you model, what role models you have, how you dress, how you act!?

Did YOU go to one of the schools that I mentioned? That would explain a lot.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:34

Re: Harassed by teens on Manila and 4th
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2008/4/2 11:56
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2018/10/5 14:16
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Top ranked, motivated, and dedicated?? Most adults would struggle to fit that description, and none of it still has anything to do with being courteous to strangers.

Posted on: 2013/4/30 19:29

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