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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
I?m fully aware that when you read through my posts I must come off sounding like a boring complainer. But on the other hand, this is the internet and where else am I going to climb onto a soap box? Anyway, on to the complaining: How is it even possible that fires can occur in the PATH? Someone wrote in earlier pointing out how well paid the PATH employees are, isn?t ONE of them a Safety Officer of some sort? Wouldn?t it be this person?s full time job to make sure that there were no flammable things in the system? And if there were some flammable things that were necessary, wouldn?t that thing be under high levels of scrutiny?
I have not heard the findings about this incident but I will take a wild guess that it was trash on the tracks ignited by sparks from the train. If that?s the case I would wonder why trash is allowed to accumulate on the tracks in the first place, given the live sparks visible to even the most casual observer cascading down onto the track bed any time a train moves past.
Posted on: 2012/10/16 17:22
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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Quote: ... ce_restored_after_mi.html PATH service restored after minor track fire causes shutdown
Posted on: 2012/10/16 12:34
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
I was pulling into the station as the place was filling up with smoke. It's not a comfortable feeling being on a train and smelling all that smoke.
Anyone have an idea of what happened?
Posted on: 2012/10/16 11:55
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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got an alert that service was suspended at around 6:20, due to smoke, but is now back and running with a 15-minute delay.
Posted on: 2012/10/15 22:53
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Good job nynjnet. One thing I would like to see when i route from WTC to Exchange Pl is whether the train is a HOB train or NWK train. So I know what platform to get down to at WTC station.
Posted on: 2012/10/5 17:09
Flaw in Smartlink cards for PATH system could enable free rides
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2006/11/8 20:49 Last Login : 2022/4/26 19:42 From Chilltown, NJ
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Flaw in Smartlink cards for PATH system could enable free rides
(09/20/12) EDISON - Some researchers say they were able to use a phone application to get on the PATH system without paying. The Port Authority says its new state of the art control center for PATH will usher in more frequent trains, more riders and greater safety. Researchers discovered that riders can use the new center for free if they have an android phone and Smartlink MetroCard, the kind you scan instead of slide. A tech firm called the Intrepidus Group posted video of a researcher running off all the rides on a card at a PATH station. The researcher then used a phone application called Ultrareset to scan the card and fill it back up. A PATH spokesperson told News 12 New Jersey that the rail system has not experienced such fraudulent activity on its Smartlink cards to date, but it is discussing the issue with its card vendor. The spokesperson also said that the application actually takes advantage of a flaw in the Smartlink cards. The Intrepidus Group says it pointed out the flaw so that it can be fixed. ... position=1&news_type=news Article has a video also.
Posted on: 2012/10/5 15:29
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
I was taking the PATH back in the early 90's when they renovated Newport (it was a REAL horror show before the renovation).
Newport has a problem with water infiltration. You can here the 100+ year old pumps running, pumping the water out. Right after they installed the sprayed concrete on the ceiling, a lot of it turned black from moisture getting inside it. One day, after a period of really wet weather, a huge chunk of the ceiling came down (with lots of water) at one end of the platform. They repair it and it gets screwed up again due to the hydrostatic pressure placed on it. Not sure how you fix it. Newport is basically filled in swamp / salt marsh. Posted this before.. this is what the above area of the Newport PATH used to look like: ... /in/set-72157622579761251 Quote:
Posted on: 2012/10/4 22:06
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
The farthest end of the platform at the Newport station looks like a horror movie set. It is a huge contrast to the rest of the stations in the system.
How did they let it get that way? Who has decided that it is acceptable to spend money on other things and let the dank nastiness remain in place? When are they going to fix it?
Posted on: 2012/10/4 21:25
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Quite a regular
Don't worry about the fare hikes and incompetence of train routing--I got my nifty, burgundy card holder today at the makeshift kiosk! Makes it all worthwhile........ Thanks, PATH!
Posted on: 2012/10/4 12:45
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Sorry if this has been covered here before but does anyone know why the WTC train is sometimes missing the final car so it's the same length as the 33rd st trains? I typically wait at the end of the platform and everyone then has to race and pack into the final car of the shortened train. It's really only a minor inconvenience in the scheme of things but this seems to be happening a lot in the last few weeks.
Posted on: 2012/10/3 13:55
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
The signal system, delayed multiple times, should be functional by 2017 if it stays on track. This time frame is delayed anywhere from 4 to 2 years. Still, the system will likely only be a marginal improvement in volume.
The plan for ADA accessibility at Grove Street is that when the platforms are lengthened, the station will be made compliant. The Port Authority has maintained that the new entrance was really an old entrance they simply reopened, although the short sightedness of not including an elevator in that entrance shows some profound stupidity. Either way, the Harrison station is currently under construction, leaving Grove Street as the last remaining station on the WTC-NWK line that needs to be upgraded for the longer trains.
Posted on: 2012/10/3 13:40
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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The ADA is currently seeking the PA to install elevators at the Grove St. PATH due to the renovation project that created the opening at Marin Blvd. end.
Posted on: 2012/10/3 12:45
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
I believe they are working on an improved signal system to allow for greater frequency of train service....only time will tell.
Posted on: 2012/10/3 11:18
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
who else thinks christie was short-sighted for vetoing the ARC project?
Posted on: 2012/10/3 6:36
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Again, reducing train service from Hoboken to 33rd Street to favor JSQ train is not an option. The WTC to Hoboken line also shares track with the JSQ to 33rd Street route. Those rush hour trains are also crowded. Maybe if the ARC tunnel had been completed and more of the NJ Transit trains terminating in Hoboken were routed directly to Manhattan, there would be less demand. But as it stands now, Bergen, Passaic, Morris, and half of Essex commuter rail terminate in Hoboken with passengers passing directly to the PATH.
Posted on: 2012/10/3 5:01
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Just can't stay away
agree 100% about doing a study of ridership and sending a greater number and percentage of trains through JC than Hob.
also wish they'd use some of our extra funds to make more stations elevator accessible for the disabled and those with children, rather than on legal fees fighting the Fed mandate to do so.
Posted on: 2012/10/3 3:02
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Just can't stay away
As a "two fare" type (I take the 87 bus from JSQ or Hoboken home to the Heights) I'm reluctant to criticize PATH, it being the most reliable part of my commute. For my rant about taking the bus in JC, see my other post - it feels like I can touch the new WTC tower from my neighborhood, yet it invariably takes an hour to commute into lower Manhattan, mainly because the buses are late, stuck in traffic due to never-ending street repairs, etc. That said, we need to try to take things back, people. The MTA is so inept, so completely beholden to - who? Manhattan real-estate interests? Do we need an Occupy PATH or agitprop campaign? Thoughts?
Posted on: 2012/10/2 16:54
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Just can't stay away
2009/12/30 14:44 Last Login : 2023/9/18 21:02 From Jersey City
Registered Users
Go to the priority seats and ask the people to get up. The day before I delivered my first baby I had to stand from Grove to 33rd because no one offered a seat. With my second I became much more bold and stared people down or asked for a seat. Once I actually heard a guy tell the person next to him that he has no sympathy for pregnant or injured people on the train at night because they should be home in bed.
Posted on: 2012/10/1 20:57
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
The WTC is over budget by $300 million. I don't think any improvements were ever promised to us. Maybe something about security, I don't know. Basically they're just screwing NJ residents to pay for their piss-poor management of the WTC. That $300 million might not be exactly right btw, I don't have the budget available now, but I remember the numbers being the same.
Posted on: 2012/10/1 20:38
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Yea it does. Upload a pic anywhere and add it under standard code. Or just use the button thats above the box where you enter text in. It's directly above the underline button, left of where it says "manager" with a little orange icon.
Posted on: 2012/10/1 18:58
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
So I tore my achilles tendon (on the stairs of the Chamber St. subway) last week, and am now wearing a relatively obviously boot, and using a much more obvious cane, as I walk.
True to form and exactly as expected, when I got on the train this morning (JSQ to WTC), nobody got up to offer me a seat. The ride is relatively short so not the worst, but what makes it super unpleasant is the engineers' tendencies to ride the brake the whole way - forcing me to put weight on my bad leg, over and over. I don't post this looking for sympathy in the slightest, but rather, as an observation. It's just too bad that this forum doesn't allow us to post pics, or I'd take, and attach, one of the people that continue to sit, from now until I get this fixed, every day I end up having to stand (which I fully expect to be every time).
Posted on: 2012/10/1 18:16
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Imagine 10,000 new residents added in the suburbs, then driving through the downtown and getting on the PATH.
Posted on: 2012/9/30 17:08
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
I would imagine that some of the traffic from those living along the waterfront, would shift to NY Waterway. Especially if PATH fares continue to rise. Anyone know exactly how much of the PATH system cost is covered by the fare? Years back (when the fare was still $1), the figure used was is cost $3 per passenger.
Posted on: 2012/9/30 10:08
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Most definitely. 7-8 PM seems to be the worst time to take PATH out of 33rd Street. More of a sardine situation than during "peak." And unfortunately that's the hour I'm usually leaving work myself. Some nights I take the Hoboken train and walk home just to avoid the discomfort/frustration of a crowded JSQ train. After a long day at work, I'd just rather not deal with the pushing/shoving/balancing/smells/negative energy.
Posted on: 2012/9/30 5:38
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Think of how wonderful it's going to be when they add 7,000 or 8,000 or maybe 10,000 new residents to the Paulus Hook neighborhood.
Posted on: 2012/9/29 18:25
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Perhaps with the rate increase (which has not been justified to my knowledge) will increase what constitutes a "peak hour". I'd also like to see improved custodial services as it is always messy and no one seems to care.
Posted on: 2012/9/29 18:16
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
I don't think you are taking into account that the every signal block on the system is full at rush hour. You can't just add a train to to the 33rd Street line because there is also a NWK-WTC train that shares the route and a WTC-Hoboken train that shares that route, and those trains are definitely full. The Port Authority really does need to address what constitutes "rush hour" given the volume of passengers after they have decided rush hour should be over.
Posted on: 2012/9/29 17:47
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
How is the rate increase justified? I don't see any mention of what will be the improvement in services (if any). Happy to pay more to see tangible benefits but it is ridiculous to raise prices without any explanation.
Posted on: 2012/9/29 16:28
Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
Back then, NYC / Manhattan was a major manufacturing center making everything from clothing, meat packing, to machine tools. Manufacturers typically ran three shifts, so you had a steady flow of people back and forth all day and all night. Today, pretty everyone goes to work at the same time. The H&M train (pre-PATH) started into decline once the Holland tunnel was opened (in 1927).
Posted on: 2012/9/28 23:02