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Re: South House
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Thanks for the info! All of their PR materials had me thinking this would be sort of a Texas roadhouse style place. Rock music, sawdust on the floor, BBQ, etc. Nothing wrong with that at all and I'd have been perfectly happy with it. But now seeing this facade it really looks like they're raising the bar. The sort of Mission Revival/Spanish style really stands out on Newark. If they nail the menu and the vibe (hopefully somewhat casual) this place will be a great addition.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 20:34

Re: South House
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Anyone know what the status is of this place? I walked by yesterday and have to admit I'm very pleasantly surprised by the facade. Nice to see something different from most of the storefronts in the area. Now hopefully they don't muck it up with some gaudy sign.

Is it actually open at this point or are they still working on the inside? Anyone have any idea what the menu looks like yet?

Posted on: 2015/6/24 20:09

Re: Rent is spiraling out of control
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Ahhh, I love watching Yvonne backpedal on her xenophobic comments. Just admit it Yvonne, you want Mayberry on the Hudson. This thread is comical, really. Illegal immigrants driving up rental prices? It was a fun right wing circle jerk for the first dozen or so posts until the reality check. User111, though I often disagree with him, nailed it here: It's white yuppies, hipsters, and recent NYC transplants (of which I fit into at least one of those categories) driving up rental prices. End of story.

Posted on: 2015/6/4 17:41

Re: Raval tapas place
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If this place really does ban sneakers then I guess that's their perogative but it sounds douchey as hell to expect people to wear "slacks and dress shoes" out in JC. This is a tapas place, after all. It's roots are in casual bar food. Sneakers do not always imply mucked up old gym shoes anyways. Certain types of sneakers are fine with "smart casual" and somehow every tapas place I've ever been to has gotten by just fine without requiring Ferragamos. This isn't 11 Madison Park for chrissakes. But whatever, if they want to turn this into a Hoboken style bro-down lounge its up to them.

Posted on: 2015/6/1 17:03

Edited by maybeMoving on 2015/6/1 17:23:25

Re: Jersey City Mayor Seeks to Limit Chain Stores Downtown
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JCMan8 wrote:
Funny how Fulop is all about keeping chains out, while "trendy" Queens neighborhoods like Forest Hills are fighting to keep a Barnes & Noble open. ... e_last_store_standing.php

Forest Hills is a lot of things but "trendy" ain't one of them. Perfectly lovely neighborhood in many ways but I hardly think it represents the progressive beacon that Fulop is looking towards on this measure.

Posted on: 2015/5/29 18:47

Re: Jersey City marketing campaign: ‘Make It Yours’
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Sommerman wrote:

Anyone notice the ad that features a mother and child in a big round chair? Showing soles and very Christian iconography, right down to the halo.

The only thing that stands out to me in this ad is those dirty-ass soles and how any good designer/ad agency would've Photoshopped them. Indicative of the laziness of the campaign.

Anti-Arab propaganda? Pleeease. Have you seen these ads? The designers are NOT that creative.

Posted on: 2015/5/29 15:51

Re: Jersey City marketing campaign: ‘Make It Yours’
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The fact that the 'Make It Yours' campaign has garnered any sort of award leaves me absolutely dumbfounded. I can't think of a way the city could have possibly been any less imaginative in their use of $1.2MM for marketing JC.

Is there an equivalent of a stock photo database but for marketing catch phrases? Because 'Make It Yours' seems like it could have just been repurposed it from a failed mayonnaise campaign.

Posted on: 2015/5/27 19:30

Re: Gargantuan Tower Proposed for Barrow and Christopher Columbus
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I agree with Tommyc here. This parking BS in new developments has got to stop. The key to making these developments part of a vibrant neighborhood is to not disengage from the streetscape by putting in a hideous parking garage in the first floor (or several floors) of every building. It's going to make downtown JC look like Tulsa and has absolutely no place in a historic neighborhood with excellent public transport 10 mins from NYC.

I disagree with a variance for the height because it is out of context for the neighborhood but my biggest problem is far and away the inevitable ugly-as-sin ground floor parking. It absolutely destroys streetscapes and I can't believe more people don't have a fit about it.

Posted on: 2015/5/20 21:04

Re: $4M Grove Street PATH station elevator
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JCMan8 wrote:
I'd like to know how much it costs to build a 20 foot NYC subway elevator. Then we will have a real point of comparison.

Here's a PDF that shows the cost for the MTA to either replace or install elevators over the last 5+ years. You can Ctrl+F for 'elevator' and they've conveniently put the cost in parenthesis right next to it in many cases.

Looks like costs range from around 2MM to 6MM per elevator. Surprisingly I guess the PA is not out of line here. BUT since I fully expect this to go over schedule and over budget by at least double I'd take the MTA numbers with a grain of salt. The PA, after all, makes the MTA look like a well oiled machine.

Posted on: 2015/4/24 15:36

Re: Racist and Homophobic Contractor Alert
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Yvonne wrote:
The point, maybemoving, and I hope you do, there is not enough parking spaces especially in downtown. I have been talking about this since the 1970s when land was available but it was given to developers. Because the contractor insulted someone doesn't change the facts.

Thank god you didn't get your way or this city would nothing but a paved over dump. But go ahead and keep banging your gong, it's good comic relief.

By the way, "maybeMoving" was started as a reference to me "maybe moving" to JC. I did move, I bought property (without parking!), and now I'm one of the interlopers that is apparently ruining your way of life.

Posted on: 2014/9/22 16:55

Re: Racist and Homophobic Contractor Alert
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LFee wrote:
I know the volume of cars and the parking situation downtown elicits strong opinions, but I didn't mean for that to be the point of the thread and am hoping the original intent isn't lost.

You've gotta be careful when using the "P word" around these parts. Yvonne will swoop in and start her psycho-hag grandstanding while completely ignoring your point.

Posted on: 2014/9/22 16:42

Re: Best JC Sports Bar?
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I'm bringing this thread back from the dead.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a bar showing out of market NFL games on Sunday? In particular I'm hoping to find some other Buffalo Bills fans, preferably in JC, but willing to go to HOB if there's a specific Bills spot.

Even if it's not specific to the Bills, what's your favorite spot with Sunday Ticket in JC that's willing to put on whatever games are requested?

Posted on: 2014/9/19 16:02

Re: East Village Apartments Sit Empty Because Rent Is Too High, Report Says
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user1111 wrote:
There is place down there that is almost 7k with bars on the window. LOL Sorry but smart folks wont think its worth it.

I generally agree with you that rents are nearing the point where DTJC will stop seeming like a great alternative to the high rents in the Manhattan and Brooklyn but 7k for a full five bedroom rowhouse which looks to have been very nicely renovated doesn't seem totally outlandish. I mean 2 bedrooms routinely go for half that or more.

Our fates in JC depend on the NYC market. If apartments in Manhattan and Brooklyn start dropping, we'll see ours drop. As long as those markets stay strong, and 2% vacancy isn't alarming yet, then we'll continue to be a cheaper alternative.

Posted on: 2014/9/12 18:20

Re: Isn't enough space' on street, so park in garages
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MidwestTransplant wrote:
Another young driver chiming in - I need a car, as I work further out in NJ, and a 20 minute commute via car becomes a 1.5 hour commute on public transportation.

Since I don't live in a luxury building with a dedicated garage, my options are pay for a dedicated park in a surface lot or try my hand at the crap-shoot that is street parking. Life's too short to drive around the block a half-dozen time a night, so I rent a spot in a surface lot.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't really understand this argument. If you have to have a car in JC (which is, in fact, a city), then you either need to pay for dedicated parking or park on the street. While it would be nice for every new apartment /condo unit to have 1.5 dedicated parking spots, that is unreasonable (given that developable land is at a premium).

Some new residents aren't going to drive, and some are. Those that do drive are going to make parking tighter for everyone else. No one has the right to an available parking spot on their block. Increased density is going to make the fact that free street parking isn't a right all that more obvious.

This is the most sensible post here. I don't own a car and don't need a car but I'm not saying nobody should be able to own a car here. By owning a car in a dense city, though, they should understand some inconveniences will come with it.

Just like any other city street parking is hard to find. So you have the option: Either deal with having to drive around until you find a spot which is potentially several blocks away but is free, or decide to pay for the convenience of a reserved spot.

The only people who give a rat's ass about this parking (non)issue are the Yvonnes of the world who want time to stand still just so they can have their free parking spot forever and ever. Cities always have and always will be evolving. Get over it.

Posted on: 2014/9/12 14:23

Re: Isn't enough space' on street, so park in garages
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Thank god this message board isn't in charge of urban planning. You all are fighting against the progression of the end of the autocentric era. It's happening whether you like it or not. We're in the enviable position of having a truly dense and walkable downtown with good public transit, something that most progressive cities strive for, and you all want to turn us into Charlotte.

Taking up the first five floors of every new building with parking lots and leaving the street wall with an ugly as hell vented concrete wall is some very backwards thinking these days. I know lots of old timers here want to pretend that JC isn't increasingly becoming a de facto borough but that's the reality. The people that are moving into new luxury buildings are by and large commuting into Manhattan. Hate to break it to you, but that's the draw for Jersey City and what is driving the amenities and development here.

If you (Yvonne) think we need to worry about someone getting a boot while going to a funeral, well that's a laughable outlier of an occassion and you can go ahead and pay the $10 to park in a lot. Move to the suburbs already.

Posted on: 2014/9/11 15:29

Re: Judge OKs site plan for controversial 'micro-unit' project in Jersey City
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Glad to see progressive, high density development winning out over the parking NIMBYs. I seriously can't believe this is still going on and VVPA and Candice were doing a disservice by dragging this through the courts when it didn't have a chance of being stopped.

You can all say this isn't about parking all you want but somehow that keeps coming up as point number one on any news article or press release relating to this project. This is the kind of development that belongs in a dense city and the type that most other forward thinking cities in the US would be actively courting.

We should be glad that an empty lot surrounding by rusted old fencing on a not particularly scenic road will now be providing (relatively) affordable housing. Hopefully this, the pedestrian plaza, and other initiatives will send a message to the Yvonnes of the world that cities can't be preserved in amber forever.

Posted on: 2014/9/10 16:20

Re: Jersey City: Newark Avenue - Pedestrian Plaza
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I'm sure I'm being lumped in with the complainers but I want to be clear that I fully support this. I think it's great that the city is taking the initiative to do this and realize that they have to make incremental steps so people like Yvonne can slowly come to accept the new reality of not giving preference to cars above all else.

My only point is that I hope this becomes something more fully fleshed out and not an annual 3 month stretch of putting a couple picnic benches on Newark so we can sit in the middle of asphalt. I worry that we'll be stuck with this half measure as "good enough" since that's usually how things go.

This could be a "chicken or egg" case. Will more people show up if a beautiful pedestrian plaza is built or will a pedestrian plaza not be built because there wasn't enough use of it while it was just a closed strip of pavement.

Hopefully JC commits to making this a REAL pedestrian plaza in the near future.

Posted on: 2014/9/5 18:41

Re: Jersey City: Newark Avenue - Pedestrian Plaza
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I've gotta agree with user111 here. This is a total half measure. I'd like to think this is just a trial period and once they confirm the success of the pilot program they will commit to it and make it look like something other than a closed street.

Earlier on I mentioned Lincoln Road in Miami. Not necessarily envisioning Newark Ave to become the high end tourist destination that Lincoln Road is but rather a pedestrian plaza that seems intentional and fully integrated in the streetscape.

I'd like to see the road bricked over with a nice tree lined median, a fountain, benches, and letting the restaurants spread out a little. It's wishful thinking but I believe if the city made the leap of faith to commit to the idea it would truly become the destination "Restaurant Row" that's always bandied about.

Posted on: 2014/9/3 19:29

Re: JC in NY Times article on "Life After Brooklyn"
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I agree with Lima. It's not that we're "scared" to go to a gallery on Danforth. It's just that there's already similar caliber galleries in DTJC. And if one is going to travel to a gallery, it's just as easy to get to Chelsea, Williamsburg, or Bushwick.

The argument that people don't go to the Heights or JSQ or BL because we're xenophobic yuppies is absurd. I know that's what a few posters who have some vendetta against downtown residents want everyone to believe but it's just not the case. If I'm leaving my immediate neighborhood to go hang out it'll be Manhattan or Brooklyn because they offer a lot more to do than going 15 minutes deeper into JC.

Posted on: 2014/8/27 14:00

Re: JC in NY Times article on "Life After Brooklyn"
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RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
I have little reason to venture outside of DT. Most my friends live in DTJC, Hoboken, NYC, or the Jersey burbs. I knew someone that lived in Society Hill and used to visit from time to time but I'm sure that is considered fake JC.

I don't really like Indian food much so I don't see a reason to go to JSQ.

I used to get my car serviced on 440 and really liked Jollibee. I also have been to the Marshall's, Old Navy and Applebees on 440.

I have walked around the Heights a little. I didn't really find anything too appealing to me.

I wouldn't really venture into BL or Greenville outside of my car. Ocean Ave or MLK are not safe places. They just aren't.

It is way easier than getting on the PATH to walk to the myriad of things in DTJC and Hoboken that I find useful.

This board is littered with posts of people who think anything that appeals to people under 35 with money is terrible and should be stopped at all costs. There is a fear of "Hobokenization" or "Brooklynization" which is a total crock as both have areas filled with old timers paying rents too low to be logical, eating at old timey places, etc.

Are people in live in Manhattan snobs or elitists or judgmental if they don't hang out on Staten Island or in the Bronx? Or are they just realistic about what is close and convenient?

I agree with 07310. I root for the rest of the city. It will help my property value and taxes.

Shhh! Don't interrupt the circle jerk over how uncultured people in DTJC are! Don't you know the REAL people are located in the Heights and BL and we're all just yuppie phonies? White people wanting nice things within walking distance of them and wanting to be near people who share their interests is just so not cool these days! It's much better to go gentrify the other areas because they offer authentic experiences or something.

Posted on: 2014/8/25 19:23

Re: NYT: "Brunswick Towers was a possibility -but Jersey City didn’t seem nearly as exciting as Hoboken"
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From Roosevelt Island to Bayonne but Jersey City wasn't "exciting enough". These people clearly have their finger on the pulse of what's cool.

Posted on: 2014/8/25 14:33

JC in NY Times article on "Life After Brooklyn"
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Pizza City is talked about in this week's NY Times Real Estate section. Namely by a couple who left Williamsburg for JC Heights:

"And so the Hustons bid farewell to Brooklyn. In October, they spent $550,000 on a 2,000-square-foot loft in a converted suitcase factory in Jersey City Heights, a section of Jersey City that overlooks Hoboken. ?We weren?t sure there was anyone like us in the neighborhood,? he said. Then a Brooklyn-style coffee shop arrived. ?The line down the street was all people like us. We could have been in Williamsburg. It was all, like, expats.?"

I love to see this kind of stuff but I know that wanting my property value to rise and getting Brooklyn type amenities in JC is anathema on this board so go ahead and get out your pitchforks.

Link: ... v=real-estate-left-region

Edit for shorter link:

Posted on: 2014/8/22 17:08

Re: Alex's Brick Oven Pizza
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So to recap, within a few blocks of the Grove Path we have:

Bistro Pizza (or whatever it's actually called)
Two Boots
Buon Appetito
Roman Nose

Include a few blocks further afield but still a 5 minute walk:

14 pizza places within minutes walking distance from Grove. Why the hell would anyone think it's wise to open another one? I hate to crap on any small business owner but this is just absurd. I'd take any kind of restaurant, literally ANY kind, over yet another pizza place. I just don't get it.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 16:42

Re: Koro Koro rice ball cafe
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On_The_3rd wrote:
Any of you pro's have any tips? I feel like I'm asking for advice on how to boil water...

My only advice would be that when you're pulling apart the bottom corners of the plastic (steps 2 and 3 on their packaging) do it quickly and decisively, both corners at the same time. If you try to slowly wiggle the corners outward you'll inevitably pull the rice ball with it.

Posted on: 2014/8/19 16:37

Re: What's going there?
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I'm baffled as to what goes through any potential small business owner's head that makes them think opening either a pizza place or a salon in DTJC could possibly be a good idea at this point. I mean I get places like Razza/Porta/Two Boots and Virile Barbershop since they're doing something a bit different but a regular old salon or a "utility slice" pizzeria? Why?

Posted on: 2014/8/15 14:41

Re: Koro Koro rice ball cafe
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I stopped in last night for three rice balls: Miso Beef, Spicy Salmon, and Uneboshi. All were very good and I particularly liked the uneboshi. Make sure to ask for a side of their spicy sauce when you go...really excellent. They obviously aren't doing straight traditional onigiri but their twist on it is great. I didn't find the plastic wrap difficult at all as long as you read the instructions.

They're clearly getting a warm welcome from the neighborhood because half of their menu was sold out around 7pm when I went. I have no doubt that they'll work out the amount of food to keep on hand and they already had their credit card machine working again which someone complained about earlier in this thread. Those working the counter and making the rice balls (possibly the owners?) were super friendly and efficient.

I think it's fantastic that someone is taking a chance opening up something different in the neighborhood and judging by the reception they seem to be getting I'm not the only one. The design of the restaurant is perfect for what they're serving and they already seem to have a great system in place for making the rice balls to order. In my opinion, this is what we need more of in JC; places with some imagination, some thought put into their design/image, serving good food, and, go ahead and skewer me, a little "Brooklyn-y".

I'll definitely be back and wish them the best!

Posted on: 2014/8/15 13:58

Re: A casino in Jersey City? Venture capitalist wants to make it happen
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I say bring it on. It's funny watching the irrational fear that springs up any time there's talk of a casino somewhere other than Vegas or AC. Everyone thinking their backyard is going to be flooded with riff-raff, crime is going to go through the roof, the already poor are going to gamble away all of their money, etc.

I grew up in Buffalo and in the mid-90s there was outrage that a casino was being built across the border in Canada. It was going to ruin lives and everyone's husbands would be leaving their families for hookers and drugs just across the border. Guess what happened. Nothing.

About 6 or 7 years later Niagara Falls, NY (a dump of a town) decided they were also going to build one. Same scenario played out and once again nothing happened but some added tax revenue and much needed beautifcation of a run down area of town.

I hope this goes through. I don't gamble but it absolutely would provide local jobs, it would bring people in from NYC and around the region, and hopefully provide a few cool attractions aside from gambling. As for the whole "regressive tax" thing. Whatever. If people want to gamble they can already do so legally on the internet or by playing the lotto anywhere in NJ.

Posted on: 2014/7/10 14:24

Re: Police activity 7/06 in Dixon Mills?
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Do you mean 7/5? Assuming so, we all received a completely ambiguous email basically acknowledging that, "yes, the complex is currently swarmed with emergency personnel but it's not a concern and it's none of your business what it's about".

I was out of town and didn't see the amount of emergency units on site but I'd definitely be interested to know what happened.

Posted on: 2014/7/7 19:49

Re: JCPD Bomb Squad at Newport Path station
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Is this what was causing delays on the 33rd line? I knew those "car equipment problem" announcements were BS!

Posted on: 2014/7/3 13:56

Re: Jersey City considers turning Newark Avenue into pedestrian plaza
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JCishome wrote:

maybeMoving, I'm from Miami and love Lincoln Road, too, but it's a tourist draw in a tourism-based city. If Lincoln Road had to survive on the locals' business, it would be a ghost town.

I agree that nothing on the scale of Lincoln Road would work here but perhaps one nice block turned into a true pedestrian plaza would be well used. It won't draw tourists but would give the people of JC who use Newark as a commerical destination anyways a nice public space.

Of course the cynic in me just sees it turning into a place for Paco and Taco to yell at passersby.

Posted on: 2014/7/2 15:33

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