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Re: Sean Connors
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2010/2/21 18:59
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If saun Conners wins he will make his uncle Jerry
"the felon"McCann" his chief of staff. nuf said.
VOTE RAVI BHALLA for assembly.

Posted on: 2011/6/7 3:20

Re: Sean Connors

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2011/5/30 1:38
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Vote for Rhavi and only Rhavi for General Assembly! This way it ups his odds for winning. He thinks individually and has a backbone!
And while there also Vote for the 2 people in Column D for Committee Members.

Posted on: 2011/6/7 3:00

Re: Sean Connors
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+1 Dale! Vote 10D and 11D for Democratic Committee. Anyone with reservations about voting for the "Democrats For Jersey City" slate of committee candidates need only read the words of Joe Conte, chairman of the HCDO committee campaign (from today's Jersey Journal :

Fulop says his goal is to empower "regular people" by giving them a say on the committee, but opponents say he's "hurting the party" instead.

"You have committee people who've been committee people for a lot of years with us," said JCDC Chair Joe Conte. "So to go in there and pit their neighbors against them ... it causes division."

Go figure - Democracy causes Division. What contempt! Time for change!

Posted on: 2011/6/6 14:04

Re: Sean Connors
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DanL wrote:
Hoboken Councilman At-Large Rhavi Bhalla is running as an independent Democrat (off the HCDO line) in the 33rd District against Detective Connors.

Rhavi has a \"reformer\" record, worked on campaign finance reform and strong on policy and issues. He is committed to marriage equality as the leading civil rights issue right now and will continue to push it forward in NJ.

please learn more about his campaign here -

also running in the primary election on June 7th are more than a hundred independent democratic party committee seat candidates also running off the HCDO line - many for the first time who need the support of their neighbors.

while primary elections in Hudson County usually appear to be a quid pro quo, this year you have a viable choice(s) in effort to make the local Democratic party work for local democrats.

Vote 6am to 8pm tomorrow.. Column D for committee persons supporting Councilman Fulop as Committee persons=\"Democrats for Jersey City\". We are running to be more active in our districts[I am running with Taryn Boland in Ward E, District 14 at Grace Church to help with your concerns, problems & suggestions. reach me at]and to replace JCDO & HCDO members.

Posted on: 2011/6/6 13:53
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Re: Sean Connors
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2005/5/11 19:17
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BTW the voting hours are 6AM to 8PM on Tuesday June 7th - as listed on your sample ballot that should have arrived in the mail.

Posted on: 2011/6/2 18:50

Re: Sean Connors
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2005/5/11 3:17
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Family Loyalty counts ?
That ain't no convicted multiple felon, that's my uncle.


wbcotter wrote:
I still don't get how a police officer "proudly" recommending a convicted multiple felon for a school board doesn't get you kicked off the police force . . . let alone a career in political leadership.

Sean Conner's in his own words

Posted on: 2011/6/2 15:14

Re: Sean Connors

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2011/4/8 0:05
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2011/6/2 14:56
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I still don't get how a police officer "proudly" recommending a convicted multiple felon for a school board doesn't get you kicked off the police force . . . let alone a career in political leadership.

Sean Conner's in his own words

Posted on: 2011/6/2 15:00

Re: Sean Connors
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DanL wrote:
Hoboken Councilman At-Large Rhavi Bhalla is running as an independent Democrat (off the HCDO line) in the 33rd District against Detective Connors.

You mean RB is running as a Democrat independent of the HCDO.

Posted on: 2011/5/31 1:35

Re: Sean Connors
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2004/11/6 21:13
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DanL wrote:
Hoboken Councilman At-Large Rhavi Bhalla is running as an independent Democrat (off the HCDO line) in the 33rd District against Detective Connors.

Rhavi has a "reformer" record, worked on campaign finance reform and strong on policy and issues. He is committed to marriage equality as the leading civil rights issue right now and will continue to push it forward in NJ.

Rhavi is a close ally and supporter of our friend and Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer, who is fighting the good fight to bring responsible government to our neighbor city. They're barely making it against the old guard machine despite Hoboken having many more wealthy and educated citizens than JC. I think anyone who supports change and thinks Fulop should be mayor needs to support Rhavi. Lets not let the Healy gang coronate another mediocre party loyalist.

Posted on: 2011/5/31 1:04

Re: Sean Connors
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There was another article on describing the candidate platforms. Reading the article was strange - everyone gave a platform describing what they plan to do. Connors platform was basically "Christie stinks and teamwork" Is that it? I'm not a dem so I won't be voting but all I can say is wow...maybe we should pay competitive salaries for leadership positions so we can attract better talent. JC government talent is pathetic.

Posted on: 2011/5/31 0:05

Re: Sean Connors
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2004/2/6 23:13
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Hoboken Councilman At-Large Rhavi Bhalla is running as an independent Democrat (off the HCDO line) in the 33rd District against Detective Connors.

Rhavi has a "reformer" record, worked on campaign finance reform and strong on policy and issues. He is committed to marriage equality as the leading civil rights issue right now and will continue to push it forward in NJ.

please learn more about his campaign here -

also running in the primary election on June 7th are more than a hundred independent democratic party committee seat candidates also running off the HCDO line - many for the first time who need the support of their neighbors.

while primary elections in Hudson County usually appear to be a quid pro quo, this year you have a viable choice(s) in effort to make the local Democratic party work for local democrats.

Posted on: 2011/5/30 15:53

Re: Sean Connors
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2006/2/15 18:03
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Doesn't his being former Mayor Gerry McCann's nephew count for anything?


holdonaminute11 wrote:
Would someone please tell me why Sean Connors is still on the school board? Why hasn't he been asked to resign NOW. He has literally done nothing in the two years he was elected except prepare for his next election ( for Assembly? Council? Mayor? class clown?, etc)

Also, please tell me how the hell is he now qualified to run for the Assembly? What the f--- has he done?

What a disgrace. Only in JC!!!

Posted on: 2011/5/30 13:41

Re: Sean Connors
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Posted on: 2011/5/30 12:22

Re: Sean Connors
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Posted on: 2011/5/30 3:56

Sean Connors
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2011/4/1 16:24
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Would someone please tell me why Sean Connors is still on the school board? Why hasn't he been asked to resign NOW. He has literally done nothing in the two years he was elected except prepare for his next election ( for Assembly? Council? Mayor? class clown?, etc)

Also, please tell me how the hell is he now qualified to run for the Assembly? What the f--- has he done?

What a disgrace. Only in JC!!!

Posted on: 2011/5/30 3:55

Re: Sean Connors?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Doesn't sound like he learnt too much with the JC cops!
Does anyone know why he left his Police job?

Posted on: 2007/6/2 0:46
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Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/12/1 19:39
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Hey there.

I contacted that mutual friend and she said she would let Sean know that people are equating him with the the types living at those houses (as they logically would). I'm betting he'll remove it.

He has a website:

I haven't scoured it, but I noticed that it had contact info.

CapnJon -- The next time I see a pasty tattooed guy in boxers and slippers on our block, I'll be sure to wave hello!!

Posted on: 2007/6/2 0:25

Re: Sean Connors?

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2007/5/31 18:40
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I can try to find out for you. My husband knew him from his old neighborhood and he is a good person.

I would want to know if low class people were representing me too, so keep trying. I am sure Sean would want to know.

Posted on: 2007/5/31 21:28

Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/9/21 13:53
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that's cool, i mean, he might be the greatest guy in the world (especially since we share the same name), it's just impossible for me to find anything out about him - or any contact info... i found two articles in the JJ and that's it....

all DO i know is that the drug dealers / gang kids on my block support him.....

Posted on: 2007/5/31 21:13

Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/5/11 19:17
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Sean Connors attended the March 2007 HPNA meeting and handed out little bags of St. Patrick's day goodies, wrapped in green ribbon. The packet contained a sugar cookie, candy, Sean's business card, etc. We were all touched and couldn't remember the last time that someone attended one of our meetings and handed out treats to the attendees.

Posted on: 2007/5/31 20:23

Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/9/21 13:53
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thanks Christine! I've scoured the internet looking for any contact info for Sean Connors - and have found nothing for him, or his party. I really do want to call him and let him know the mistake he's making with these people.

heck, maybe i'll call the precinct on his next night shift and complain directly to him next time the noisy trouble-makers on our block get rowdy... he he.

my other method to deal with the locals is when they're in front of my house, i'll walk out there in my boxes and slippers (i'm a pasty white tattooed guy) and i'll just scowl at them and "find" things to do in front of our house... i've heard them mumble things about me "crazy, nuts, etc..."

let 'em think it!

but if you ever see me, don't be afraid. we're on the same team!

Posted on: 2007/5/31 20:06

Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/7/19 15:35
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not to highjack the thread, but i do know that there have been calls into the dept in charge of overcrowding on one of these houses (pm me for the address). If you want to join that bandwagon, please call Mr. Coleman at 201-547-4824 for overcrowding issues.

The cops actually told my neighbors about the overcrowding complaint dept after they were called b/c my neighbor felt threatened that the teen who was talking crap to him had a baseball bat in his hand.

I did sign a petition at a neighborhood meeting months ago on 357 i believe it was. i THINK this is one of the ones for sale... so lets just keep on them. these little shits are rubbing me the wrong way and with summer approaching i'm going to need to start grounding up prozac in my coffee so i don't flip out on them and get shanked

Posted on: 2007/5/31 20:06

Re: Sean Connors?
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I am SO glad to hear that you call as well.

I actually addressed the issue of the cops driving by and not stopping. I asked the North Commander to please not send any cars who are unwilling to stop because by swinging by and not stopping, they are sending the message that the behavior over there is acceptable.

Although I don't know Sean that well, he and I have a close friend in common, and I will do my best to get that message to him.

As far as your parking space, I do sympathize with you. This block is pure insanity with regard to parking. When the "Jehovah's" are in session, it's a real problem. Sometimes my husband and I try to avoid parking until their sessions are over. It's crazy...we're Catholics living by a Jehovah Witness calendar due to parking!!

I hope the people in those houses just move, but if not, and things escalate (as they often do in the summer), maybe we can sign a formal complaint against the homeowner through a block association or something.

Thanks for responding...I feel better knowing that there are other people who are as outraged as I am and doing something about it.

Posted on: 2007/5/31 19:11

Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/9/21 13:53
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hi Christine,

Actually, yes, my wife and I call the police any time those idiots are getting rowdy, and the cops always swing by - whether or not they stop is another question.

if you have an open line to Sean Connors, please tell him about this discussion and that those houses are the only trouble on our otherwise lovely block. As long as his signs hang on their houses, he will lose votes from good citizens who care about the community.

i'm thinking of calling the lunatic gun store owner from downtown and asking him to come up and park in my parking space.... we get blocked in all the time... i'd love some action!

Posted on: 2007/5/31 13:08

Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/12/1 19:39
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I know Sean Connors (not super well, but I know him). He's a nice guy -- good cop -- has long been interested in Jersey City politics. I think that the reason his signs are on those houses is because those people are actually home 24/7 and available to give the okay to having signs put up.

I would guess that he doesn't know what the people living there are all about.

Here's my real purpose for responding to this thread:

I live on this block with those houses. I have done a fair amount to effect a change with regard to those houses (called police, followed up with phonecalls to the North District). The police now patrol this block more.

Has anyone else who lives over here ever called the police on them? Now that I see that people have NOTICED what they do...have NOTICED signs of politicians, it begs the question: Does anyone who lives around here actually care about the fact that they're ruining this block enough to pick up the phone and call 547-5477?!?!

If so, I could really use the help!!!

Posted on: 2007/5/31 4:19

Re: Sean Connors?
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Posted on: 2007/5/31 0:39
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Re: Sean Connors?
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2005/6/13 22:45
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I live a block below you and know all about those wonderful 2 or 3 houses that ruine it for everyone. I actually met Sean Conners personally (shook hands with the man) while walking my dog the other afternoon. Him and the two other people campaigning with him (column B!?!) were going house to house introducing themselves very aggressively. I'm not surprised if they met your wonderful neighbors and disbursed a bunch of campaign materials to them.

It's interesting though why they might actually support a cop when all they do is get the cops called on them. Maybe they think putting those signs up might help them in their plight to freely distribute drugs and make everyone's life miserable on that block. (I actually avoid yr block cause I'm sick of getting picked on).

Posted on: 2007/5/30 22:58

Sean Connors
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2005/9/21 13:53
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2015/8/5 3:20
From Jersey City Heights
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hi all,

recently, i've seen signs pop up for Sean Connors, who's running for senate (i believe) this time around.

all i know is that he's a police detective.

does anything know anything about this guy?

here's why i ask....

the ONLY houses that have signs for Connors on our block in the Heights are the ONLY houses on our block that constantly cause problems - noise, groups of 20+ teens in the street drinking and smoking dope, drug sales, fights, fireworks....

the three houses on our quiet block that have the signs for Connors are the three houses where the police are called REPEATEDLY....

my question is - does this mean he supports drug dealers? pregnant teens? fighting? underage drinking? litter?

because that's what it says to me....

Posted on: 2007/5/30 21:13

Edited by Webmaster on 2011/6/2 22:26:10

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