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Re: Ready to give up living in this city...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I use to own and loved my neighborhood in the Heights - but I saw the taxes coming up and wasn't willing to live/adjust/accept my investment (money/personal well-being) was part of a very corrupt system. NYC, Hoboken, LA, Miami, DC, name it - there is corruption but at least stuff moves forward, faster than this place.

Also, one day I realized 'Why am i being so stubborn - no one gives me extra brownie points for living this way? Why am I making life so freaking hard to enjoy?'.

Sold my place, now I rent and next year I'm moving to NYC after 6 years in JC. I'm single, don't have any kids, don't need a car, don't work a 9 to 5, my investments are in two businesses, don't originate from Jersey at all, my office is in the city and so are the majority of my friends. My personal circumstances - which aren't going to change in the next 10 years - are different to others though. I think many people should live in Jersey City and they actually might get more out of it than I can.

creativeconquests - It's ok to realize you are a square peg trying to shove yourself in a round hole if that be the case.

Posted on: 2010/2/4 18:15

Re: Cuban letter writer is upset: Che Guevara used in Hard Grove Cafe ad
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


ambar35 wrote:

And today hundreds of Cuban doctors are working in Haiti with the same spirit and with no demands for insurance cards or co-payments.

semi-wrong. its an exchange program Cuba has between Haiti so Cuban doctors can do their residency and training (they do this with African countries too) and in exchange Cuba gets labor from Haiti for their government fields (usually sugar). Haitians are allowed to send their wages (after deductions ofcourse) back to their families. Cuban doctors are ofcourse paid by the state (Cuban government). It's been going on for years and a solution based system.

It has nothing to do with "Che".

Posted on: 2010/1/20 16:38

Re: Cuban letter writer is upset: Che Guevara used in Hard Grove Cafe ad
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Using a photo of Che for their restaurant ad is peanuts in comparison to what food they serve there and call "Cuban". That alone is insulting enough. I'm Cuban and whoever decided to do that ad is a moron.... but then look at how the Hard Grove is run. I'm not surprised.

(Che is a extremely sensitive subject for many Cubans - I once had to carry my mother screaming out of a bakery in Soho because one of the counter people happen to mention how they thought Fidel Castro was a great historical figure. ugg.)

Posted on: 2010/1/19 17:11

Re: 15lb lobster at shoprite
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

yup, its too old and the meat isn't gonna be any good. hopefully they keep it around for show.

Posted on: 2010/1/5 19:37

Re: Pet shipping services in JC?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

i had a neighbor who shipped their pug using petairways from NY to LA and they said it went fine. seems like a neat way to transporting your pet if you only need to do it once because you are moving.

i've flown with my dog under the seat a bunch of times and its no picnic unless you have a pet that's pretty laid back / quiet. also airlines are charging 100+ plus now each way additional for traveling with a pet (each pet)(use to be $75) in the cabin.

Posted on: 2009/12/30 3:00

Re: Heat...
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

68 degrees during the day, 65 at night (like DowntownSteve said)...

now, this chill has prob caught a few building super / management companies / landlords off guard.... so if you live in an older building someone might need to turn the boiler on in the building (this is not something you do - a super/building guy does it). some buildings keep it manually and totally off during the summer -- then turn it on around in the fall so the thermostat will control the heat in your building.

if its a really older building, the thermostat might be in one of the units in your building... might be helpful to ask if that person who has access to it has it set to 72 (they might keep it cranked low).

also, if you live in an older building with old radiators/steam heating... remember to bleed your radiators.

older building you gotta be a little proactive about certain things. call and bitch (having an elderly person in the building also helps.. they are usually the first to freek out and raise hell about the cold).

Posted on: 2009/10/14 1:47

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

"Northgrave said that Lopez never canceled her Florida voter registration because she believed that when she registered to vote in New Jersey it would void her Florida registration." She is really playing the dumb card and sadly it seem she is gonna get away with it.

If I got caught not filing for NJ taxes based on owning / claiming residency in FL and never being there (something I could easy do with family still down there) the IRS/courts would rip me a new one...

Someone should check her insurance policies. ha.

Posted on: 2009/9/25 16:49

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

....the letter informing Lopez of her mistake ?recognizes that taxpayers are often not aware of the legal requirements for the exemption,? Northgrave wrote....

Even me, a joe-ette schmoe regular working person who's from Florida (who moved to NJ about 5 years ago) knows that you can't use FL to get out of paying your NJ state income taxes and milk those lovely FL resident perks (there are quite a few). I knew it from day one. She committed tax fraud - why isn't she in prison?

Posted on: 2009/9/22 13:30

Re: post office complaints?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

First, file a complaint on

and then - here is the number for one of the managers : Raju Tailor 201-915-7041

I lived on New York (btw south & bowers) awhile ago so we had the same mail carrier - he's a great guy but when the weekend or temp people take over his route everything goes to hell. They suck. Ask him about the stolen stuff, he's actually nice and might be able to help. Or he will atleast give you the number/contact info on how to resolve this shit for you. If its happening repeatedly it needs to be dealt with.

Posted on: 2009/9/21 22:24

Re: The Krave Truck?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

the krave truck has a twitter feed. they post their hours, closings, daily to dos on there. they have been running out of food every night. damn!

Posted on: 2009/9/5 2:01

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

When I was at Savas today - the owner in passing mentioned that Tanya (from Tanya's restaurant) was in town for the festival this weekend. I asked her if she knew how to make Tanya's cold borscht. She said she did and happily takes requests from customers who come in for specific off menu things.

** also she will be at the polish festival on Sunday with tons of food she's been making all this week nonstop. She mentioned something about 500 stuffed cabbages.. wow.

Posted on: 2009/8/30 2:38

Re: BJs - What are some of the good things to buy there?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

the Costco near my parents house has some amazing meat and a big butcher dept where you can ask for specific things.
oh how i envy the access.

Posted on: 2009/8/25 23:08

Re: Figure Drawing in Jersey City on Thursday night
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is great news - I've never been able to find a serious figure drawing open session in the city (besides some gimmicky burlesque meetup). Love that its here in JC.

Thanks for posting this.

** Studying art in high school "nude modeling" was not allowed where I grew up, but serious students were encouraged by their teachers to attend the open sessions held at the nearby community college & universities. We'd carpool once a week to the sessions and it helped tremendously (artistically & portfolio wise for art college).

Posted on: 2009/8/12 23:50

Re: Won't keep $17G tied to Dwek, Healy says
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

+1 Shadow

this is the most bizarrest thing i've read in a long time.

Posted on: 2009/8/12 13:21

Re: Why Stay in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I lived in the Heights for 3 years until my work made it painful to get home (late nights n odd hours) so I moved about two years ago downtown to be near a Path station. It's very different and there's more to eat/shop/do within walking distance.

I considered moving to brooklyn/downtown nyc but the sticker shock on income taxes and increase in my health insurance (which I pay for myself) was way too much. Because I'm self employed.. the check I gotta cut to the IRS in April is much MUCH less living NJ. NYC city tax ain't fun. Another reason to consider if you are in a similar situation.

Posted on: 2009/7/27 3:27

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

To all the full body pole hoggers on the Path train during rush hour... try not to piss yourself when my hand lunges towards your neck. I'm not going for your jugular - just trying to get the little piece of prized pole space that you left available for public use.

1.75 don't buy you a pole to straddle and rub your entire grossly lazy body all over you tacky inconsiderate boob.

Posted on: 2009/7/26 16:28

Re: Jersey City Animal Hospital neglected my dog for 8 hours
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've taken my dog in for cleaning yearly at my vet and it's never been more than 400 dollars (actually in March last time we went it was 350). We've been going to Gramercy Park Hospital in the city for this for 5 years. Not local, but she's small and plops easily in a bag.

My dog is also a small breed - 17 pounds, elderly like yours (12) ... I know they take a bit more care (monitoring her oxygen levels throughout of for her own murmur) because she's a brachycephalic dog (aka boston terriers, pugs, english bulldogs, frenchies, etc).

Not letting you know that they weren't able to do it and waiting till 4pm isn't ok. I know at my vet there's one person who solely does the teeth cleaning and she comes in tues & thurs. That way the other doctors and technicians can attend to everything else and any emergencies.

There's not much you can do but stop taking your dog there - they should take more care with such an older dog, especially one with a heart murmur.

Posted on: 2009/7/9 17:54

Re: Medical / Dental insurance
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I got health insurance awhile back through this website:

I have always been self-employed and finally got Oxford through them (its a division of United Healthcare). It's covered by a bunch of doctors here and in the city. It actually allows me to go to the Continuum Center for Health & Healing which makes me a happy camper.

I don't have any big health issues and wanted something for checkups, major accidents that land me in the hospital, and coverage if I got seriously ill ( bronchitis, pneumonia, etc). They didn't screen me about my health or force me to do a checkup...

I pay 220 (single female, no kids).. it went up drastically when I turned 30 but the annual increase afterwards has been small. I did not get the coverage that covers dental or vision.

Hope that helps! It's really not as scary as it seems...

Posted on: 2009/6/22 3:11

Re: please help= animal emergency
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Ironically enough - last night / early this morning I took my dog to the emergency room at AMCNY on the upper east side for heart failure. Called at first to get a quick phone consultation because I wasn't sure what to do and they said to bring her in immediately. My vet is associated with them and I happen to remember seeing a pamphlet once in the office which is the main reason I went there. They did a wonderful job in stabilizing her, explaining what was going on and treatment in a very kind manner. Upper East Side is a trek - but AMCNY is another option for emergency care. Just wanted to throw out that as another option if so inclined.

Animal Medical Center
510 East 62nd Street,
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-838-8100

btw - Erins & Caps and their neighbors are a huge reason their block New York Ave between Congress & South became safer. I lived on the block below and a few houses on their block were a constant crime nuisance (noise, drug dealing, machetes, etc). They are good people.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 2:25

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Director Louis Caldera needs to be informed about the wonders of Photoshop if the FAA needed a pretty picture for some brochures, power point presentations, and websites.

More cost effective and less traumatic.

Posted on: 2009/4/28 3:32

Re: Tremors or ground shaking
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Tremors happen around here - although rare.

I remember this one in 2001 ... 7.NY2.6/011027.NY2.6.html

It sounded more like a big bomb though (and it was right after 9/11 so it freeked me out at the time badly)

Posted on: 2009/4/27 23:51

Re: Thank you GrovePath
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Besides posting new clips - Grovepath has been known to chime in on other topics (not touching the realestate thing)... he actually knows a thing or two about boilers and other useful info on stuff that comes up.

see this post -
Re: heating / boiler

Posted on: 2009/4/6 18:57

Re: Top 10 Beer lists: In anticipation of Zeppelin Hall (beer garden)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

my picks

Belhaven - Scotland
Boddingtons - UK
Brooklyn Wheat - US
Yuengling Lager - US
Stella Artois - Belgian


Posted on: 2009/2/24 3:12

Re: Pedestrians beware....Renegade City Buses
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You don't even have to call NJTransit --

I've used this a few times after almost getting hit/run over by a few buses. I note the time, the circumstances, and the bus number (4 digits, back of bus usually).

They always do a follow up and will actually call you to apologize, get more details and write up the driver.

Posted on: 2009/2/19 3:01

Re: Extremely dangerous and irresponsible conduct of PATH train service Halloween night 2008
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Lately cause of work, I have the privilege of enjoying a PATH ride from around 2 to 4am sometimes from 9th street to JC. There is an annoying but tolerable pattern to using the path train at night (even on the weekends). The trains usually show up on time because they work on a schedule. The real pain in the tuckus is the drunks friday/sat night who most of the time all get off at Hoboken. When I'm not in the mood for them - I take a cab to the WTC (which is a pretty silly answer since I work around st.marks... but its a works).

Last night, I tried to get a cab to the WTC.... near damn impossible around where I was at. Traffic was pretty bad downtown. I took my chances with the 9th street and it sucked. Sucked bad.

I heard from the attendant at the 9th street station that instead of running 2 trains at night ... somehow - she didn't know - they were only running one. That's why many of us where told to take the uptown path train and were forced to make a loop up and then down into JC(through Hoboken..thanks).

Beyond that retardness, really someone at the PATH should've thought ahead and ran more trains last night because it was a holiday. Halloween happens every year... its the same shiat. I declare that person who makes those decisions a total idiot based on last night. It was very dangerous and they really risked alot of peoples lives.

Posted on: 2008/11/1 19:53

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

...."And my husband and I saw Ice T in that pet store on newark ave about 2 months ago. He was with some blonde sexy vixen who was clearly a Goldigger!!!"...

That's Coco his wife! Don't mess with Coco!

Posted on: 2008/7/14 19:13

Re: how dangerous is the heights?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've owned my place on New York Ave between south and bowers for three years. I'm a petite woman and have never felt the area was dangerous. Of course you have to lock your doors (get proper locks please), not leave precious and expensive things in your car while its parked, and be aware of what's going on. I've never had a problem with theft. I have neighbors who sometimes leave their cars running and warming up on the street while they're inside their homes - I think they are nuts, but apparently they've never had any problems. I got an alarm with Brinks when I moved in out of paranoia and after 3 months it got unplugged because it was just silly. I love the heights, I know most of my neighbors on my block by name. I walk my dog at all hours of the day - even at night without hesitation. I feel you have to make an effort to know your neighbors and the shop owners in the area though. People in my building don't bother and they truly miss out. The light rail is nifty, but I use the bus service that runs along Palisade more. After 11pm I do take a cab from hoboken - costs 7 to 8 dollars.

Someone mentioned the bodega on Bowers and Webster - I don't frequent it much (usually go to the one on south and webster) but I've been meaning to pass by to see what was up with the owner if its true he's been locking up his doors out of fear. I know the restaurant next door Gabriella and the laundry place on Palisade keeps their doors open all day so maybe he's just spooked.

My only complaint about Webster between south and bowers is the bongos and crazy spanish music once the music gets warm. It's more of a comical complaint. Thankfully it doesn't go past 10pm at night.

Posted on: 2008/3/11 2:11

Re: Do you recommend particular Roofer?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I do not recommend Accomplished for any roofing job.

This is my experience with them. Hopefully this will help out other people: We used them this summer for my condo building. They ripped up everything and put down a new roof. 2 weeks later - a strong storm hit and the leaks were worse than the original old roof. It was absolutely shocking how much damage was done. They came out and fixed - or basically finished installing the flashing they never bothered to install. The new roof came with a 20year and 24hour service numbers which don't mean anything beside - we will come out and fix it for free. This doesn't mean they will fix any of the damage that happens from their bad work. They have different teams of roofers and the owner/mel/foremen look over (NOT WELL) at what they do. These different teams or technicians work under a seperate business name - so they seem to be subcontracted out by Accomplished.

BTW - The 24 hour number goes to a machine, or if someone answers it they then leave a message on someones voice mail to deal with in the morning. It is by no means 24hr service number.

There have been no leaks (that one can tell) until this recent storm. But yet again the drywall seams are busting open. I've called the wonderful Accomplished number and they will be back on Friday to fix, or find a fix, or deal with my extremely angry lovely self.

Please please please think more than twice about using them to fix or replace the roof of your homes.

Posted on: 2008/2/13 23:57

Re: Sean Connors?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I live a block below you and know all about those wonderful 2 or 3 houses that ruine it for everyone. I actually met Sean Conners personally (shook hands with the man) while walking my dog the other afternoon. Him and the two other people campaigning with him (column B!?!) were going house to house introducing themselves very aggressively. I'm not surprised if they met your wonderful neighbors and disbursed a bunch of campaign materials to them.

It's interesting though why they might actually support a cop when all they do is get the cops called on them. Maybe they think putting those signs up might help them in their plight to freely distribute drugs and make everyone's life miserable on that block. (I actually avoid yr block cause I'm sick of getting picked on).

Posted on: 2007/5/30 22:58

Re: Buying a condo in JC Heights - anything I should know?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

"the guys who sell hotdogs on congress are nice too."

ha! Those are my neighbors. They also live on New York Ave between South and Bowers. Very cool sweet family.

Posted on: 2007/1/16 4:18

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